《Ascension: Rise of the Crimson Wizard》Third Year Part 6


What happens when people see dozens of Dementors approaching? Chaos. Screams, people scrambling to leave the premises to save their lives, but it was futile. A human cannot outrun a dementor. Their speed is close to some of the brooms on the market, and they were not hampered by physical obstacles.

"Don't run!" Kaiser screamed at his friends before they mindlessly acted. Daphne was smart enough to stay close to him, and so did Susan, though she did so more likely because she was paralyzed.

"Stay close, don't join in the chaos. You'll be an easier target that way."

The professors got to work, but they were severely out numbered, and the area they had to cover was huge. The Dementors started attacking students, while the professors, at least those who were both present and could cast a Patronus. Unfortunately, Kaiser's group wasn't so fortunate. No professor was in proximity, as they occupied the farthest seats.

More than thirty Dementors were closing in to their position.

"We're all gonna die!" Kaiser heard someone scream, and he couldn't chuckling. Fortunately for him, it went unnoticed by his companions. Kaiser raised his wand and closed his eyes, focusing very hard on the spell he was about to cast. Intent and will were some times difficult to call under stress, and Kaiser was not trained under such circumstances.

"What are you doing? Normal spells don-" Michael Corner began before he was hit on the head by Daphne, who was glaring at him. "Shush."

After five seconds of clearing his mind, he needed to draw positive emotions in order to cast his Patronus. It was the same as casting the Killing Curse, they were two types of spells that relied heavily on emotions.

"Expecto Patronum!" a silver thread of ethereal mist spread from the tip of his wand, as he felt calmer than he was seconds before. It converged into a single point, before it started slowly taking shape. It began with a beak similar to the eagle's, then it formed into a bird's shape. It didn't appear to have feathers, but rather a silver glow for feathers.

'Rebirth, huh…' was Kaiser's thought the first time he conjured it.

The beast hovered above them, chasing away any Dementor that approached. Some dementors were pinning down students, sucking the life out of them, but Kaiser came to the rescue with his Patronus, 'heroically' saving his fellow students lives, at least that's what the newspaper would say afterwards.

Students began gathering around him in a circle, as Kaiser drove away any Dementor that approached. Until the Aurors arrived on Brooms, and started driving them off. They couldn't Apparate in the area, so they were forced to use brooms. It was what they were using to follow the Dementors, after all. Though they lost control of them when they reached the vicinity of the Quidditch field for apparently no reason. Little did they know that a nameless black dog was escaping, as they drove off the Dementors.

Around ten students were in a coma, requiring a week or so to heal from the exposure to Dementors, along with the lingering trauma they would cause for them. If not for Kaiser's, a lot more would have been injured, and some would have died.


This incident was far bigger than they expected. Magical Britain would become a joke in the international stage, if they couldn't control their assets properly, and nearly killed more than a hundred students at once. Not to mention, Kaiser's presence there made the situation even more hairy for them. For Kaiser, however, this was a huge opportunity, a secret weapon he would use later for his own benefit.


"I didn't know you could cast a Patronus Charm! That's amazing! The difficulty is beyond NEWT level spells!" Michael exclaimed in amazement.

"What can I say, I'm a genius." Kaiser said smugly. He was joking, of course, and the others knew he was not that conceited.

"What were the Dementors doing there in the first place?" Tracey asked, before turning toward Susan.

"Don't look at me. My aunt opposed the decision to use Dementors and withdrew from the case. This is outside her responsibility." Susan explained.

"Can I talk to you for a moment?" Daphne suddenly asked Kaiser, before dragging him to an empty classroom. After a few privacy spells cast by both, she said: "Is there something I should know?"

Kaiser looked deeply into her eyes, before answering calmly. "Not particularly."

"Do you know why the Dementors attacked us?" she pressed.

"There is only one reason why they would attack us with those numbers." Kaiser hinted, and it was more than enough for the smart Daphne.

"You mean their target was among the spectators?" she said with wide eyes. That was ridiculous. What kind of idiot would hide there among students, with a horde of dementors after him. She knew he was innocent of 'betraying the potters', so it didn't make much sense. Unless he was that kind of idiot that would endanger hundreds of helpless students just to see his 'godson' play Quidditch.

"Yes." He affirmed. "But this isn't all bad. In fact, this is a huge opportunity for us."

"What do you mean?" she asked skeptically.

" 'A horde of Dementors just attacked me, I noticed they were gathering in huge number around me, as if I was there target.' " He said theatrically. "As far as I'm concerned, this was a personal attack on myself. It is perfectly reasonable that we retaliate, isn't it?"

"It is, but what should we do? We can't start killing their people just because of this incident, can we? Demanding compensation should be more than enough." She reasoned.

"Of course. What kind of compensation would we ask for? Money? That wouldn't be very useful to us at the moment, we need something else."

"What do you think should be appropriate then? I don't think there is something of value they could give us."

"Hmm… How about the Black Family Library?" Kaiser said with a smile, but Daphne couldn't believe what she was hearing. That was a ridiculous idea, the Malfoys would never give that up.

"They won't have a choice. All we would have to do is free Sirius Black. He would give us what we want in exchange for his freedom. I hear he bears an unreasonable amount of hate for his family name. Disposing of his family's library would certainly please him, (like the idiot he is. He added internally) with a little persuasion."



Every magical government has a net of wards around their countries, in order to detect Apparition, Portkey use, and Accidental Magic. Some of those wards are so ancient that people have no idea how to replicate them nowadays. Magical England was such an example.

There were regions where the wards were more lax than others. In the northern region of England, in a position where the wards were the most lax, stood an innocent non magical facility.

Today, a few dozens of electronics specialists and programmers with different degrees and skills, gathered here all for the same purpose of passing an interview. And it was a life changing experience for them.

First, they discovered that the world wasn't as small as they thought it was, and found out about hidden magical communities, even had live magic performance. People that could teleport, levitate objects without touching them, conjuring water out of nothing. Their mind could hardly follow everything that happened.

Then, they were given the opportunity to be part of something bigger, something revolutionary, that's unheard of even in the history of magic. An alliance between non-magicals and magicals, all for the sake of seeking knowledge. 'Transcendence', is what the group was called. And now, they were part of it as well. The terms they proposed were impossible to refuse. They basically made them one of their, with all of the perks and no negatives whatsoever, as long as you take their hiding 'for now' out of the equation.

Transcendence was a faction that only concerns itself with seeking knowledge and discovering the limits of the world, by combining both science and magic, in numerous areas of study. For now, they were sticking to electronics to get more funds. Though they didn't understand why, but they were promised an explanation. After all, the 'magical binding' contract, as they called it, meant that they couldn't fool them. They were shown a set of rules they had to follow, but none of it was unreasonable. If anything, it was for their own protection.

Now, they were all gathered in a very large room, large enough to hold everyone present there. They spent some time conversing with each other about how crazy the world they discovered is, and the infinite possibilities teleportation and everything they heard of could open. They could make water? Doesn't that mean the world would never need water again? They could teleport? Wouldn't that mean they could go to other planets? Discover the universe?

A teenager boy entered the room, escorted by a few men clad in unseen before clothes. The teenager boy had dark crimson hair and eyes, and they could've sworn they've seen them glowing from time to time.

"Hello everyone. I am Kaiser Lunar." Kaiser said with a smile, and waited for their reaction. They were dumbfounded. Because they knew who he was, it was written on the contract. He was the founder of Transcendence, and also its leader. "Now, now, don't judge me by my appearance. You'd be surprised how old I actually am. Let's get to the important things first."

After they gathered their wits again, he continued: "Let me begin by telling you, that there is no such thing as magic, as most of you are already aware of, only unexplained science. Unfortunately, magic appeared in a period of time where people only believe what they liked, so they assumed they were special, blessed, but never sought to understand the origins of their gifts.

For convenience sake, we will stick to the word magic for now. Magic can be divided into different areas of studies, though they are all ultimately linked to the same science. Runes. When a spell is executed from a tip of a wizard's wand, it is more accurate to say that a set of runes are manifested in the space at the tip of the caster's mind, with a certain purpose.

Let's take conjuring water, as an example: the spell is, in fact a set of runes, responsible of making water, through means we still fail to understand to this day. Hopefully, we can understand how magic works better in the future. The runes collapse once the caster stops providing 'Mana' to it. Mana is the term I use for magical energy."

There are spells that do not manifest in a caster's wand, however. The levitation spell was such an example. For some reason, the spell manifests itself directly at the target. You might think, if this was possible, why can't wizards manifest a stunning spell at their target, or a killing curse, and instantly win duels? A question that has been asked for ages, but the exact answer is still unknown. There was only few spells that were exception to this rule.

"While you cannot cast magic, an issue we are working on. Hopefully, one day we find out what exactly makes us wizards, and perhaps be able to give you and your families the same abilities as us. On the other hand, you can freely use runes. You cannot directly etch them, you will need a rune master to etch them for you.

There is a way to make a Runes Printer, we have all the necessary components, except for one. That one component is what you will be working on, and also the reason you were the first people to join Transcendence."

The Ravenclaw family has been researching the origin of wizards for generations. While they didn't find an answer to this question, they made something of immeasurable value. An artificial spell casting device. One of Rowena's masterpieces, the Room Of Requirement, made use of this, along with Rowena's research on Mind Runes.

��We need a programmable processing device, something that would be the central unit of everything we'll make in the future. I have already prepared all the components you need for this project, and along with the various Runes master at your disposition, we are ready to make any additional component you need, as long as we are giving an accurate description of its job."

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