《Ascension: Rise of the Crimson Wizard》Third Year Part 4


"It is an honor to be gathered here on this fine evening, with our family and friends from all over the world. A lot of you present here share bonds of friendship through rough times, dangerous situations, growing together, or even business." Karl Greengrass began.

"The non magical world has been advancing at an alarmingly fast pace the recent two hundred years. The most glaring aspect of their technological advancement is their communication means. In today's age, muggles are capable of sending messages all over the world, regardless of the distance. And yet, we wizards still rely on owls, even though we have been blessed by magic. We, who can do feats the muggles would deem impossible, have stagnated so much in this area for the last thousand years." He said with passion, though the people there who were experienced enough in the world knew he was faking it. He was a businessman: he'd use any means to sell you anything.

As Karl let his words sink in, they waited patiently for him to get to the crux of the matter. Their expectations were rising after his monologue. They liked where this was going, the smell of potential money invading their nostrils.

"However! Today, as I stand upon you tonight, I am relieved to say we are witnessing the dawn of a new age." He said theatrically, earning himself a few laughs from the audience, who knew he was enjoying this more than he should. Kaiser was internally cringing at his proclamations.

Karl proceeded to present Kaiser's newest invention. Several prototypes were presented to the audience in different shapes. Some consisted of a screen where characters could be shown, along with a drawer keyboard, making the whole device very small. Other examples of devices that could send simple commands to show signals to the other device were also included. Karl clearly explained to them the direction where the project was headed, to entice them even more.

Karl explained them in details, including all there limits, which were not much. The distance supported, for example, could be used as long as the pairs were in the same continent. Furthermore, it was possible to increase their range to work on the whole planet, as long as the correct materials and technique was used.

The distance covered was actually proportional to the amount of Mana fed to the transmission array, though he himself did not really understand how it worked. He had absolutely no idea, if he was honest. He considered it a cheat. He already checked, and it did not use electromagnetic waves to send information to the other side. It was a cheat.

Kaiser began introducing the term Mana to refer to "magical energy", since it was a pain in the ass to say it every time. ( A/N : Kaiser didn't, the author did )

Karl went into lengths to explain to them the difference between the new invention and "muggle technology". For starter, it required no connections whatsoever, the materials to make it was cheap, but the process was 'very complex' and 'time consuming', as it was still in the beginner stages and was still being researched. He also hinted at some family secrets being used, which did not go unnoticed by the guests.


Basically, he was telling them that asking for the "blue prints" was out of the question, though he was clearly inviting them to share the benefits of this endeavor by investing in their new company: "Precision Technologies".

He explained to them, that most of the researchers were bound by contracts, and great lengths were taken to ensure their anonymity. He did put an emphasis on how 'severe' the contract was, which clearly indicated it was an Unbreakable Vow, and the people present here understood why it was needed, though he would never admit to it.

Unbreakable Vows were considered a taboo in the Wizarding World. One of the reasons is because it took a part of the concerned party's freedom, but also because it was overpowered, since in some cases, it 'could' override some terms in blood based contracts, which were the most used across the world, especially when some even more taboo rituals enter the fray.

One would think that Karl and Kaiser were generous people, to have given the others the opportunity to participate in such large scale project. The truth is: they didn't have a choice. It was the correct political move to do, if they wanted their project to succeed.

An invention that could influence the world as such, was sure to be highly coveted. Though the Wizarding world emphasized traditions, and as such, were less likely to try stealing 'Family Secrets', ultimately they were crafty creatures driven by greed.

The International Confederation of Wizards (ICW) was sure to acknowledge the scale of the impact it could have on the world as whole, and therefore, demand they hand over the runic scheme for it. And even if Kaiser could even if Kaiser could keep 80% of the profit generated through the patent, it would severely interfere with his plans for the future.

Kaiser, after being granted another chance at life, especially one where magic existed, became very ambitious, and yearned to realize a dream of his. You would think he was interested in money? To him, it was nothing more than a tool, and his ultimate goal was none other than what it was in his previous life: seeking the truth.

( A/N: the ambition I am talking about isn't exactly 'seeking the truth', but something along those lines. )

Most people present here had very high standing, in both their respective countries and the ICW, including Karl Greengrass himself. Therefore, having them benefit from their endeavors, especially something as alluring as this one, cannot go wrong.

Historically speaking, there were plenty of examples of people or governments demanding a certain family's secret, because the resulting device derived from them was exceedingly alluring. The most common one was the Pensieve itself. The family that made them were famous Rune Masters of their time, who contributed to the world with a vast array of artifacts.

At one moment, greed got the better of some wizards in power, and started abducting them to steal their secrets. The result? Not a single wizard of this time can make another Pensieve.


The lesson has been learned.

Kaiser calmly observed their reactions as they inspected and tested the devices. A blind man could see how interested they were. This was not your typical sheep wizard. Those were the wolves reigning over the sheep. They were discussing the possibilities and probing each other, to see who would become their business partners.

As he was musing, he was woken from his reverie by a passive Legilimency probe, along with a silver-blond haired witch approaching.

"I must congratulate you, Mr. Lunar. This is certainly a major success on your part." She offered with a smile.

"Ho?" Kaiser raised an eyebrow at her declaration. "Who said I was the one behind this? You're giving me too much credit." He smiled back.

"Please, it is as clear as day."

His mere presence was proof enough, in reality. And it's not like they had taken measure to ensure he wasn't known as the inventor. The fame he'd receive would be very useful in the future.

Their conversation was cut off at the sight of the man approaching them, and Kaiser visibly tensed at his sight.

The Krovius family was blessed with a deep history, as they dated back from Hogwart's founders Era. They were a purely neutral family, one that rarely participated in any conflicts. The reason isn't because they never provoked anyone, but rather no one dared to stand on their way. They held enormous influence in the Wizarding world, and their businesses stretched across several continents.

In the previous Wizarding world war against Gellert Grindelwald, they occupied the front lines, eradicating many families that joined his banners. It was foolish thinking to believe Dumbledore was the reason the war against Grindelwald was won. Grindelwald was but one man, and so was Dumbledore.

The Krovius family, however, was an army of its own. It had many branches in several Wizarding communities, an extensive amount of knowledge accumulated over the years, along with enough funds to last several lifetimes. The word 'Dangerous' wasn't enough to describe them.

The man approaching Kaiser was Erling Krovius, the current head of the main family. You would be deceived by the ever present small smile on his face, thinking he was quite the harmless person. His hazel eyes were scanning every fiber of Kaiser's being, peering directly at his soul. He was in his fifties, but his chestnut hair, along with his pale white skin devoid of any wrinkles would lead you to believe otherwise.

Fleur said goodbye and dismissed herself from the scene. Whatever was going to be said, she was certainly not concerned.

"Good evening." Erling greeted, and Kaiser reciprocated. In Wizarding traditions, it wasn't customary to bow before anyone. In fact, only people to whom you hold an immense amount of respect should be worthy of your bow. Wizards were very proud folks. Kneeling was out of the question, regardless of your status.

"Our family has been trying to achieve this feat for generations with no success." Erling began, while eyeing his expression carefully. "Yet you, a fourteen years old muggle-born, who had not even finished his education was able to." Kaiser tensed even more at his words.

He had no idea what the man in front of him was thinking, but he could guess. The truth is: it wasn't only because Kaiser was a 'genius' that he achieve what he did. The Ravenclaw family's years of research, along with Rowena's notes were what led to it. There is no way he would have succeeded without knowledge to build upon, and anyone smart enough could deduce this. In fact, he had been warned by Karl Greengrass himself that this was bound to happen.

"I am very impressed." He said. "And also jealous Mr. Greengrass found such a gem before I did."

"I am unworthy of such praise." Kaiser said, thankful he didn't continue his first line of speech.

"Also very humble and clear headed, a rare sight in a young man these days." He spoke, sizing him up.

"I'm not interrupting anything I hope?" Karl interrupted.

"Not at all, I was merely getting to know the rising star you hogged for yourself." Erling said jokingly, but it was definitely no joke, and Karl understood.

"You jest." He reassured. "Mr. Lunar is his own person. I am merely his spokesperson." He smiled. The neighboring groups could feel the tension in the air, as Erling's gears were running at full capacity.

After a few seconds of silence, he finally said: "I see. Then it appears we would need to have another lengthy conversation."


Kaiser came back to Hogwarts with professor Flitwick, his escort for the evening. He seemed very tired from all the introductions and endless conversations. It wasn't the first time he had to go to such social events. In his previous life, he had to do the same to raise funds for his research center.

"We part here, Mr. Lunar. I will need to report to the headmaster." Flitwick stated, before excusing himself. Kaiser knew it was inevitable, he only hoped his reaction would be within acceptable parameters.

Kaiser went back to his private quarters, thinking about the happenings of that day. He was very worried how the world was going to react, as it was a very risky move. They needed all the allies they could afford, and preferably Erling's help, but it was clear that under the current situation, it was less likely to happen. He was sure to ask for something more than just shares, at least Karl warned him as much.

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