《Sanguimancer》Chapter 28
Marching was dull. For five days we marched from dawn until late afternoon. Full armor with our shields strapped to our backs in twin lines, we took over the road with our supply wagons at our back. The dry roads were a blessing and a curse. Blessings in that we didn’t have to move bogged down wagons out of the mud, but even the thickest of rags over our faces wasn’t enough to keep the dirt out all day.
As we neared the end of each march, we stayed in fortifications along the road. These were multi purpose permanent structures, and I was glad they were there. A small village would cluster around the wall, ready to fall back under the protection of whatever portion of the Legion was stationed there should bandits or something else decide to attack. A large signal tower would light a fire if reinforcements were needed, signaling help that was at most a day away.
The nearby forts were great in that we didn’t have to unpack our tents yet, and simply spent the night in the barracks. The fort would have food ready for us, as our orders went out ahead. Of course, Centurion Clavis had to make our lives just that much more difficult, so each new fort got their latrines cleaned by our group. It wasn’t that difficult, as we used a pair of wooden beams to support the pot while we moved it out to fertilize an unused field, but the smell still clung to us and our resentment grew just that much more. Still, we did our work without complaint, even through the jeers of the veteran soldiers that were linking up with us as we marched. At least their jeers were good natured, and several gave us sly words of encouragement when nobody was around.
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
It was early afternoon on the fifth day when we decided to do an unexpected rest break.
“What’s going on?” I asked Dorian, relishing the first bit of conversation we would be able to have. It was still loud, but not nearly as bad as it was when all those armored bodies were marching.
“No idea.” He shrugged. “We should be getting close to our destination.”
“Look there, greenies.” One of the vets said, pointing in the direction of our march. “See that white building there? That’s our final truly fortified position before we enter Sekigahara, Ogaki castle.” We looked in the direction he pointed, and I sucked in my breath when I caught sight of it. Though it was on a plain, the four story tall structure still held a commanding presence. Dark stone formed the base of the castle and its’ walls, switching to something white. The architecture though was like nothing I had imagined. It was as if someone had taken the poorer sections of the capital, and used them as inspiration for something grand. The roofs were all sweeping curves coming to a point, covered in clay tiles. I could barely make out the outer moat, it seemed to make a squareish shape.
“She’s a beauty ain’t she?” He chuckled, slapping my back. “Orders from higher up. We’ll all be taking a day here, the last bastion of civilization before we enter the actual war. Then you get the rotation.”
“Rotation?” Dorian asked.
“Yep. Every nine months or so, your squad will rotate back here for a week of relaxation. Keeps you fresh, gives you something to look forward to after the horrors of battle. And trust me, there will be horrors.” He explained, frowning for a second afterward. “Well, looks like that’s it for our break boys. Time to get moving.”
We had noticed the break was ending as well, and fell back into marching order with no complaints. Soon enough we were marching through the city that inevitably grew near an active castle, doing our best to ignore the calls of the brothels. At least, for now. I was sure that some of our fellows were going to be visiting sometime tonight.
We entered through the northeastern gate, and all of us admired the beauty of the structure as we crossed the moat. The walls weren’t the tallest, but they were but the outermost part of the castle’s defenses.
“Alright, line up.” Centurion Clavis shouted at us soon after we entered. “Welcome to Ogaki castle. For anyone set up with messenger duty, there are four moats and the central tower is for stories tall. All the command structure will be staying in the tower, so deliver messages there. The rest of you are to camp here near the outer wall. In the unlikely event we are attacked, you are to provide reinforcements for the north and east walls, as well as to repel any breeches from the gate.” He looked like he was going to speak more, but a commotion behind him interrupted.
“WHERE IS HE DAMNIT?” A female voice screeched, and all of us shuddered for whoever was going to be on the receiving end of that tone. As the soldiers made way for fury incarnate, I wondered what unfortunate sap managed to draw the ire from a woman in a place we hadn’t been before. My stomach cramped when I recognized the dark haired woman clad in Hunter’s leathers as she stormed her way up to Clavis. “Are you Centurion Clavis?”
“I am.” He responded calmly, looking her over with obvious distaste.
“I need one of your soldiers. Brandon Clayson.” She said, flashing a bronze plate lined with silver.
“Request denied.” He calmly said, turning to address us once more. His face flashed with rage when Katy grabbed his arm and forcefully turned him back.
“This isn’t a request, Centurion. This is official Hunter business, and that means at the moment I outrank you. Now, where is Legionnaire Clayson?”
“Apologies, Hunter.” He replied, though everyone could tell the hatred because he was forced to say those words. “I didn’t realize this was pressing business. May I finish addressing the troops with their orders before releasing Legionnaire Clayson to your command?”
“That is fine, and you have my apologies as well Centurion.” She said with a sigh. “In my haste, I failed to realize that you would still have things to address.”
Seemingly placated at the unexpected apology, Clavis turned back to us. “Since there is a chance of battle, however slim, you won’t be assigned duties tonight. Split into three groups. Each group will have two hours of leave within the city. Clayson will be omitted from the groups as he has Hunter business to deal with. Dismissed.”
As the group split up, Katy’s eyes met mine and she moved straight toward me like an arrow. “Do you need a guard?” Dorain whispered.
“I’ll be fine.” I said. “I’ve had quite a bit more training than the last time I met with her.”
“Hah! Lucky bastard.” Dorian said, punching my arm. “If you aren’t back in four hours, we’ll wait another two before sending out search parties.”
“It won’t take that long, but I appreciate the loyalty.” Kate said, grabbing my arm and trying to drag me away. At the unexpected resistance, she turned and raised an eyebrow. “Do you really want to do this here?”
“Fine.” I said with a sigh, following her out of the castle and through several side streets. Surprisingly the buildings didn’t drop in quality, as I had honestly expected us to head to some run down inn. It was when she started heading toward a building with the crossed arrows of the Hunter’s that I stopped. To her credit, it only took a few steps for her to realize that I wasn’t moving with her.
“What is it now?” She stopped, turning to look at me.
“Do you really think I’m that stupid?” I asked, shaking my head in derision. “Last time you took me somewhere, you drugged me and branded me. Now you think I’m going to follow you into your association’s local headquarters?”
“Oh man up.” She started, only to be interrupted by me
“Go fuck yourself.” I snarled, half drawing my gladius before I even realized it. Sheathing it fully, I turned and started walking away. “You made sure that the gullible boy who grew up in the mountains died a painful death. One I wouldn’t even wish the pain of on you, who put me through it. Whatever issue you have, you can figure it out yourself.”
“Wait!” She said, grabbing my arm. If I hadn’t detected the sheer desperation in her voice, she likely would have received a gladius to the stomach and been left to die a slow and painful death. Instead, I turned and looked at her. Really looked at her.
The Katy I had met had nearly pristine hair, and her leathers were top quality. She had multiple blades, all of a matching make and size. This Katy was different. Her hair looked rough, splits all over the place adding in to the chaos. It was lacking its usual luster as well. Her armor was covered in small tears and scratches, though it was mended well you could still see frayed edges. Her matching daggers, perfectly weighted for throwing were replaced by a hodgepodge of different blades that would wreak havoc on anyone lacking the time to practice exactly where each dagger was located. The different weighs and shapes would make them fly differently. Her cheeks were also slightly sunken, and she lacked the vibrancy to her aura from before.
Concerned despite my misgivings, I stopped. “What happened to you?”
“Not here.” She said in defeat. “Please, there’s a room inside where we can guarantee privacy.” Shrugging, I followed her once again. We entered the headquarters, and I was again shocked by appearances. I had assumed it would be like the stories, half of it a converted bar with Hunters drinking while the other half had a quest board with a few information windows. Instead it was a pristine foyer area in front, with two hallways leading deeper into the building behind a round reception desk with several receptionists. One immediately looked up at us, face falling in disdain as he took in Katy, then confusion as she saw me.
“Pardon me, sir. But despite whatever this Hunter might have told you, you are under no obligation to follow her orders.” The receptionist said, her utter disregard for Katy being a part of the Hunter’s obvious.
“Fuck off Cathy, nobody asked you.” Katy said, striding past her. “We’re taking the first conference room.” I moved to follow, but Cathy reached out to grab my arm.
“I mean it sir. If she needs help with a mission, she has no right to force Legionnaires to do her bidding. If you need anything, or feel in danger-“
“Relax.” I said, patting her hand. “Katy and I go back. I assure you, she could never be a danger to me.” That seemed to pacify the receptionist, though I noticed with my aura that she nodded at someone studying a wall of notes to follow behind us a bit. I mentally shook my head at the difference between the last time I interacted with the Hunter’s and this time.
The conference room was a simple affair, a small round table with four chairs evenly spaced around it. Surprisingly, Katy took one that put her back toward the door, indicating I should sit across from her. Once I was sitting, I could see just how close she was to breaking down in tears.
“What did you do to me?” She asked, lip quivering.
“What do you mean?” I asked, playing dumb. I still remembered the elation when Alphonse had determined who I had cursed and with what.
“It had to be you! Nothing has gone right ever since that night!” She pleaded, frustrated.
“Since what night?” I asked, leaning forward and letting a bit of my anger show. “Do you mean the night you and Catherine mysteriously left the caravan with a new mission of utmost importance? Or was it the night when the two of you drugged me, took me to some strange Hunter location and branded me!” I kept my voice low, but infused it with aura using Alphonse’s technique. The words slammed into Katy, smashing her back into her chair and causing the color to immediately leave her face.
“What? How do you remember that?” She asked in horror.
“Someone shoving white hot metal into your skin and leaving a permanent scar isn’t something you just forget on a whim.” I snarled, lifting my shirt to show my scar. “It doesn’t matter that it’s the sign of Solaris. What matters is that you betrayed me and did something that could have killed me! Are you surprised your alchemical brainwashing formula didn’t work? In case the symbol hadn’t clued you in, I AM NOT A VAMPIRE KATY!” I felt the table vibrate under the force of my words as the hunter that was following us burst through the door with blades drawn.
“WHAT IS THE meaning of this?” He started shouting, only to slow in confusion at the scene. I’m sure it wasn’t often that the guest of a Hunter had said Hunter quailing in terror in front of them.
“This is a private conversation Nolan.” Katy muttered. “Why did you remove your head from between Cathy’s thighs? Oh, she probably told you to spy on us, didn’t she?” Katy asked, slowly standing and drawing a blade. “Is that what the Hunter’s do now? Do we spy on each other? Perhaps I need to educate you on what a private conversation is?” She snarled, tensing to lunge.
“ENOUGH!” I thundered, causing both Hunter’s to flinch. “Katy, sit down. Nolan? The only reason you still breathe is because I’ve known you were listening in the entire time. Now, close the door, and since you feel the need to listen in, come have a seat at the table.”
“Is that wise?” Katy asked. “He’s just going to blab it to the rest of the Hunters.”
“It’s too late.” I said as Nolan took a seat. “At least this way he can get the story right.” I took a deep breath, staring in his eyes. Letting my aura smother the lights, I infused a powerful suggestion in my voice, “And if he tells this story, it will be the entire story. Never leaving out parts in order to deceive, correct?”
“Yes!” He immediately replied, going pale for a second before shaking his head. “How? How did you do that? I thought you had to be a Blood Master to be able to suggest something that forcefully?”
“I am a sanguimancer.” I explained, not going into detail about why I was so powerful. “Now, why don’t you tell me what is going on Katy, and we’ll see if we can fix it.”
“Everything is going wrong.” She said, on the verge of sobbing. “I can’t get a group! Nobody will work with me for more than a week. Even Catherine left. Without a group, I’m not strong enough to take on enough missions. I had managed to earn silver, but dropped down to bronze again. That’s why my plate is only silver ringed. It’s a mark of shame.”
“So what happened to your gear?” I prodded.
“Gone.” She muttered. “I can barely make enough money to feed myself, let alone keep up my gear. Blades get lost and broken, and ones properly balanced for throwing are expensive.”
“Why isn’t the guild replacing them?” Nolan asked.
“Because none of you fuckers believe me!” She snarled. “I come back in covered in blood and gore, obviously missing blades, and I get accused of stashing them somewhere to build a stock! It doesn’t help to have your girlfriend badmouthing me to everyone.” She directed the last bit at Nolan.
“She wouldn’t-“ He started.
“She absolutely would.” I interrupted. “Or does she make it a point to warn every guest of a hunter about their rights and have their meetings spied on?” That made Nolan look down in a bit of shame. “Right. Well, what have you tried to get rid of your bad luck?” I asked Katy.
“Bad luck? BAD LUCK? IT ISN’T BAD LUCK, YOU CURSED ME YOU SONOFABITCH!” She snarled. “I went to a church! I went to the main church of Solaris! They said they couldn’t remove a righteous curse!”
I gave her a small smile. “Well, I didn’t realize you knew I had cursed you, but that does make things a bit better. Do you remember what it was I cursed you with?”
“Obviously not!” She growled. “Just, whatever it is, it’s terrible. I need you to remove it.”
I was about to refuse, as she hadn’t learned her lesson obviously. It was then that I got a mental flash of Centurion Clavis in my mind. “Perhaps we can help each other.” I said after a moment, seeing confusion in Nolan’s eyes and hope in Katy’s.
“What do you want?” She asked, in a defeated tone. “And will you remove the curse?”
“I can’t and won’t remove the curse, but I can tell you how to defeat it.” I explained. “In exchange, I need you to take some letters for me back to the capital.”
“No.” She shook her head. “Remove the curse.”
“I don’t know how.” I said again. “But doing this for me will help you break it yourself.”
“How do you know that?” Nolan asked.
“Because it is a trust based curse.” I explained. “When I cursed her, my words were, ‘May others hold you in the same light you held me these past few days.’ You claimed to be my friend, claimed to be teaching me, and yet all the while you viewed me as an enemy. You never trusted me, you plotted behind my back, and you tortured me after you drugged me to make me easier to kidnap.”
“So what does that have to do with letters to the capital for you?” She asked.
“It’s a sign of trust. That you trust that I need your help, and that I trust you to do something for me that is incredibly important. That I trust you not to open the letters, merely to deliver them. Start trusting others, Katy, and you will weaken and break the curse on your own. Treat them as allies, not as enemies hiding in your midst.”
“You’re sure you can’t just break the curse?” She asked after a moment, not having taken her eyes off the table.
“I never had the chance. Curses aren’t things that are readily available to practice on.” I explained.
“Nolan? Would you get him ink, paper, quill, and sealing wax?” She asked. Turning to me she said, “Alright. I’ll trust that this is the only way to break the curse. Who am I delivering these letters to?”
“Duke Cornick and Praefectus Castrorum Volgan.” I said, getting a flinch in return.
“Well, looks like you managed to rise in several circles Brandon. Congrats.” She said. “Will I need to wait for a response?”
“No.” I said. “I doubt their response will be immediate. Just make sure they get the letters, and that nobody interrupts them. Especially anyone from the Legion.” While I was explaining, I started filling out the letters with what I suspected from Clavis.
“Sounds like I’m not the only one with a trust curse.” I heard Katy mumble, but let it go. She had no idea how close to the truth she was. Besides, as much as I didn’t like her, this would be a way to mend things with the Hunters a bit as well as start things moving to fix my own situation.
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