《9001: A Dungeon Ship Odyssey》Chapter 6 LEAAAHHHHH JENKINS!!
I was woken up today by an excited hobgoblin girl that came to my room. She was dressed for battle already. Unlike my armor that was made from leather with small iron plates, her armor makes her look more like a warrior. With chainmail below and iron chestplate, gauntlets, metal pants and boots, all that was lacking was the helmet. On her waist was her sword and a kite shield strapped to her back.. “So, you ready? Come on, we can’t dilly dally!” Mirella kept saying as I drag myself out of bed. I go to the bathroom and wash my face before looking at the time, making my eyes grow wide. “WHY THEY HELL ARE YOU WAKING ME UP AT 6 AM?!” I shout at the hobgoblin-kin. “Well...my family gets up at this time to do morning routines.” She replied. “What kind?” I ask irritated. “Stretching, push ups, sit ups, lifting around 60 kilo weights, running around the city perimeter.” She said nonchalantly to which I sigh. “I don’t do that stuff. I’m a mage, remember? For me, stretching and meditation is my daily routine so I wake up at 7:30 for that.” I tell her while walking back into my room and falling into bed. “You can go out if you want. I’ll be ready before 8 o'clock, don’t worry.” I tell her and she looks at me with a frown before leaving. Yeah this is the real first problem someone meets. Different classes have different morning warm-up routines. Warriors do strength based things to limber their body but for me I only need stretching instead of strength. Mediation is done while I stretch, you might know it, it's called Yoga. I sleep another hour and a half before my alarm rings and I start my routine. Like promised, I finish my routine by 8 am and was putting on my armor when Mirella came in. “So you are finally ready, lazy pants?” She asked. “Yep muscle head.” I reply. “Hey!” She says as she starts replying but was cut off. “GYAHAHAHAHAHA!!! BOTH PERFECT NAMES!!! GYAHAHAHA!” Tony says as he starts to laugh. We both frown hearing his voice. I finish putting on my armor and tie up my hair in a bun. “Did you properly make the drones Tony?” I ask. “Yeah yeah! I made the fucking drones that drained half my fucking MP!” He says, pissed off. “That fucking bitch will pay one day!" I hear him mutter something. “What did you say, Stuss?” Mirella asked. “GO FUCK YOURSELF YOU GREEN SLUT!!” He shouts. “OH! Are you still sore for not being able to see my twins, huh? Or maybe it's my curves you are annoyed for not getting to see?” She said, provoking him. “GYAAAAHHHH!! DON’T RUB IT IN BITCH!!! GRAHHH!!! One day! I swear, one day I will surpass this shitty privacy block and when I do, I will film you and sell it to some sleazy pig-rich asshole and then watch him blackmail you and make you into a dog!” He says in a crazy tone. “Good luck with that. Just remember that the holder's programming grows along with you. When you make a major upgrade to your ship it will testify for your power rising, so it will improve itself.” Mirella says, pissing him off more. I enjoyed the entire conversation while I prepared some breakfast for us as well as lunch for later. Breakfast was more or less eventful. I was shocked when Mirella asked for some beer or other alcoholic drink instead of tea. She says when someone reaches 15 they are considered Hobgoblin-kin, thus an adult, and from then on they have something like a race tradition to be heavy drinkers. They already have high alcohol tolerance but to drink the “good” stuff, which are really strong, they need to slowly get better at handling their drinks. I aggressively tell her no. We were going in the dungeon so I didn’t want a drunk teammate. I did promise to buy her a few bottles on the way back though. With that pretty much taken care of we head down to the cargo hold and find today’s drones. All the sentries were flying around within the second floor. We also saw the Crab Walkers and, unlike what I expected, they were quite small. The height was at best 60 cm and it had four large claws, two on each side on each corner of its body making a square if drawing something around him. He had two red robotic eyes in the front and on its back were two 30 cm laser cannon barrels. It was small for a cannon but we are talking about pure technology drones here so the size was enough. The Fighter Drones were really cool. They look like actual fighter planes with four thrusters on the back, one on each side and one above and below. On the wings were two charge-up laser guns that are weak in terms of tech, but as a minion class monster for the dungeon, it's quite good. Considering the core would control it and my core is a gamer, this thing will be devastating. To make them a bit more overwhelming, they have six small missile cartridges near the front which only activate after it is fired. The Shield Drones on the other hand were round with four small thrusters on the back and a large on in the middle. The shield generator is within the round body along with the main hardware. “Hmm...so these are low rank robot minions huh? I can’t wait to get the intelligent ones like Clockwork, Androids, Constructs or even Automata. The latter two are a mix of magic and technology and are really amazing.” Mirella said. “Help gather 1.8 million MP and we can get ONE automata. Not only that, it will also become the AI’s body so she will not be stuck in the fucking ship and can fucking run away!” Tony shouted. Mirella swallowed hard hearing the value we would need. We are only gathering in small thousands and It would take months grinding inside this dungeon. “Lets think about that when we have a surplus, as well as an AI that can handle a body like that...” I say and Mirella nods “First off I want to see how good the shields of the drones are. I don’t want to trust my life to something that can’t take a hit.” Mirella said. “I fucking tested it! Alone they can take something similar to Captain Bitch's thunder shot thing three times. When two group up it reinforces the shield to a whole new level. I think maybe ten shots of the same spell. With three working together Captain Bitch would faint from lack of MP before she breaks it.” Tony brags. “Shield Drones, combine your shields in front of us and block my attacks!” I order and the three Shield Drones move up, with one above the other they form a triangle formation. Their blue eye-like thing glows bright before a large dome shield forms around them. Looking close at the shield you can see the hexagon-shaped grid that makes up the shield. "WOAH!! Look at the grid! It's so small now!" Mirella said surprised. It should be more than obvious that smaller grid means stronger shield. Mirella pulled out her sword which soon began to shine as it was slowly coated with mana. "Time to test its power! Tony! Make sure to warn me before I break the shield!" Mirella says before she begins an onslaught of heavy blows. They were fast and swift, and from what I can see she aims at small fragile zones on the shield while using a skill to spot them. Even then, the shield holds up against the barrage for a full ten minutes before Tony calls out to us. "Wow! This is strong! *huff*" Mirella said while panting slightly. Seeing how well it worked, we all agreed that it's more than enough to keep the imps away. The shield is brought down and the shield drones were put in recharge mode so they could regain their energy used to keep the shield up. They could still move around so we leave. By the way, Tony and the AI also have larger variants of the fighter. It’s only bigger by a small margin, but enough that the ship's cargo hold door had to be opened for them to leave. Back in the city, we head straight to the dungeon. It's amazing how having a hobgoblin-kin in your crew makes things easier. Not only that, it also seems Mirella's family is really famous which made it go even faster. Anyway, with the overly quick entrance done with we enter the dungeon. The first floor wasn't even enough to get the shields up. No, the monsters are so weak that it only takes three fighters to kill a group. The exact number of drones we brought with us are three shield drones, seven normal fighters and two improved fighters. In total we are accompanied by twelve drones. The drones are killing the cannon fodder while the two of us were the main force for the lower floors. We advanced through the floor quickly, only encountering one large group of around 30 or so. Floor two, nearly same thing. That said, the shields had to go up and we helped out only for swarms or when several leaders were present at once. As expected, variants are really rare on this floor so we didn't encounter them. I would guess that we killed at least 450 imps and maybe 48 leaders. With Mirella being from this city, we had her much more complete map which showed several paths to the entrance. We slowed down to grind on this floor. If we were forced back up by a lesser demon on the third floor, we would at least be able to keep a substantial number of bodies. With a few hours of grinding to gather a high number of bodies, we rest up in the last room allowing the drone to recharge before going down. This floor starts out nastier. First off the light from the shimmering rocks on the walls is less bright, making it harder to see, and the corridors and rooms on this floor are much larger. They also feature stalagmites on the ground blocking our view in many points and on the roof there were corresponding stalactites which hung from the ceiling, allowing several opportunities for the enemy to ambush from. To make it more tense, this floor begins to feature winged imps, which are able to utilize these hiding spots.Winged imps in general are stronger than wingless ones because they can use mediocre level magic. It's nowhere near mage-class, but it's more than enough for a distraction or, if aimed right, it can cause lots of damage to the drones. A rare lesser demon is already featured on this floor, which is the equivalent of a ranked up winged imp. They gain proficiency in magic, and become something similar to a mage. The rank-up makes them as tall as a 15 year old and would best be compared to the hobgoblin. They lose the ugly look of the imp and the red skin turns a pale white as they gain a more human-like face. Still, they're monstrous with large claws on their hands and feet, and their pupils are red with black where the white should be. The encounter rate for monsters is huge on this floor. Unlike the other floors, as soon as a winged imp spots you, it will scream and call others. This makes for huge swarms of over 100 winged and wingless imps. The number of leader-class for both of them is much larger. For example, in a group of 50 wingless and 50 winged monsters, about 10 of each side is a leader-class, who are slightly bigger and smarter. The level of difficulty is at a level where you need a party. Even I would lose at this level without someone to tank the wingless. As the DPS of the party I need to focus everywhere and not just on the ground. Welp, from this floor we look through the map Mirella has. We plan out a long, winding route through several "rooms" where the chance of swarms being are high. She also points out the location of several known locations with the highest rate of appearances for a lesser demon. She even says in two locations we can get a variant swarm because there seem to be three rooms with water sources on this floor. Because variants are a lot more interesting for us, we include two of the rooms in the route. With that done, we head out with one Shield Drone always active. We get to the first room without any encounters. Mirella says this is normally sign of higher rank imps or demons, since the monsters in the dungeon still fight amongst themselves to grow. A lesser demon would also attract the imps to them and make them it's minions. In the first room we found a small swarm of wingless imps in what could only be called a camp. We checked the ceiling but from our location we couldn't see anything. Or I couldn't see a thing but Mirella has night vision which is a racial skill so she pointed out five winged imps, but said there could be as many as thirty in the room. The group also had seven leaders, all spread out in the ranks. None were variants from what we could tell in this low-light environment. With the fire gem armed on my gun and the mystic gem on the wand, I fire off [Chain Snake] and hit the closest leader and four of the surrounding imps. At the same moment the fighters all flew out and the Shield Drones took the triangle position, before they all activated their shields. Mirella stood just outside of the shield we placed at the entrance of the room. With the sudden attack of the fighters, half of the wingless imps died before the leaders began to organize them.Moments later the winged imps dropped from the ceiling. Mirella’s guess was far off. With 12 leaders, more than 100 winged imps descended and began swarming. "THEY FUCKING BAITED US USING THE WINGLESS TRASH!!!" Tony shouted as he split control of the fighters with the AI and began a heavy air battle. It wasn't an ambush, they used tactics of baiting. Sacrificing weaker pawns while hiding the main force. This floor was clearly far more difficult than the previous. With such an overwhelming number of air units, I focused on the winged imps and left the surviving wingless imps to Mirella. I aim my wand and began chanting. A moment later I stretch my wand up and shout. [Hyper Wave] From the tip of my wand a shock wave was released in a cone shape, which was fired into the air and hit at least twenty nearby imps. It had enough power to break the wings and bones of those that were too close. The shockwave doesn't do much to those further away, but it does manage to throw some of them off balance. Two of Tony's drones takes aim at several leaders and he fires off the six missiles on them that flies straight at the imps. On impact, the blast radius was a meter in radius, taking a few others with the target. Not to mention each missile sent out its own shockwave, making those within range lose their balance again. While they were split on who to attack, I aim my gun and shot a chain upwards, killing another six that were close. It was then that the surviving leaders screamed and all the attention was focused on me. This was good and bad. The focused attack would force Mirella to retreat, but it would allow me to activate a second AoE attack towards them. "Mirella, get inside the shield!" I shout and begin chanting. She takes a look back from her fight against one of the leaders and quickly pressured it. When an opening appeared, she killed it immediately, before jumping back into the shield as the swarm reached us. The sound of scraping claws was everywhere while I chanting a long spell. "OI OI!! The shields will give out soon if it stays like this!!" Tony shouted and sent another drones missiles from behind. At that moment when the agro switched to Tony and the drones, I finished the chant opened my eyes. [Gravity Negation] [Rising G Force] I shout the two spells each with 15 points of mana. Suddenly, all the moving Imps within 5 meters around the shield stopped moving as gravity lost its hold on them and they couldn't adjust fast enough. Moments later, a new force overtook them and their bodies flew up rapidly towards the ceiling, impaling them into the Stalactite. They shout and wail in pain as they are pushed deeper into the spikes, the bodies piling on top of each other. Even the wingless imps were mixed in. At the end of one minute the spell duration ended and normal gravity took over and all the imps caught in the attack began falling again and further injuring them. "That was so cruel, Leah!" Mirella said, looking at the half dead imps that were all bleeding to death. A huge number of them were impaled and what remained didn't even number more than twenty. "Cruel or not, they are dead or dying so it doesn't matter." I reply. "OI! Why did you never do that before!?" Tony asked while raising his voice. "It takes a long chat and the spell works only within a certain distance around me. Also I activated two spells so the chant is annoyingly long even for me." I reply. While we were talking the drones were clearing out the remaining imps making sure none of them survived. If there is one thing clear, it’s that the monsters in this floor are intelligent, so we will give no chances. We kill those half dead and go storing all of their bodies. A good number of winged leaders were in this group so we can expect something good out of this. Clearing everything, we pick up the drops and find a bit of everything though only one leader class horns were found. We quickly leave through the corridor we planned to take and soon enough, we find another group. Much smaller and less winged imps were around. It had few leaders and none were particularly smart, so the coordination was on the weak side. It continued like this with corridor groups being weak, while several types of ambush tactics are used within room. After going through at least 5 rooms we reached the first room with a high lesser demon spawn rate. Looking inside, we spot one there sitting on the bodies of several leader class imps like a king. Its appearance was similar to a young male, except with paler red skin and black sclera with red iris. His hands had long claws and covered in fresh blood. And lastly his black hair gave off the same mystic hue my own hair did. "Be careful guys. This guy has Mystic magic affinity." I tell the others. This will be a long hard fight for sure. Mystic magic has no fixed type of spell. With a long chant you can change the gravity or you can send a force shockwave.Mystic mages are sought after due to this amazing range of types of magic. "So how do we beat it?" Tony said in a bored voice. "They are much tougher. I wouldn't be surprised if he could take several missiles without flinching." Mirella said. "Smell… prey!!! Near… KILL!!" A sudden voice resounded from the room. Suddenly all the imps, more than 100 kneeling wingless imps and more than 200 winged ones scrambled. "FUCK! SHIELDS UP NOW!!" Tony shouted. The three shield drones scrambled and activated the shields just before the attacking monsters reached us. "STAND THE FUCK BACK BITCHES!!" He shouted and the five fighters that still had missiles got in front of the shield drones and unloaded their stock. The missiles weaved its way into the ranks of the imps all over the place before blowing up each taking down several each. The thirty missiles did massive damage and caused tremendous casualties for the Imps. The time it took between the last explosion and the roar of anger of the lesser demon was enough for me to do half the chant for my spell. The imps grouped together as they tried to swarm us with large numbers. "MOVE ITS MY TURN!" I shout and walk forward as the fighters move back while starting to shoot the lasers. [Hyper Wave] Like before, I used my best spell for max damage. This time though, I made the wave wider and included both winged and wingless imps. It hit them like a truck and killed a large number of the close up ones. The ones who weren’t killed were left at death’s door as they’re pushed away by the force of the shockwave. "Okay I'm ready for my turn." Mirella said and jumped out. I saw her sword shining brightly, and I figure out why with her next action. When she swings her sword the mana gathered would fly out clevering those that were unfortunate enough to be in the way. During her fight, I see the lesser demon roar in anger before sprinting towards Mirella. "PUNNY BEAST...KILL!!" It screeched as it ran towards her. I load my gun and fire off the [Chain Snake]. The demon sees it and jumps dodging while spreading its wings taking to the air. "GYAHAHAHAHA LET'S KILL HIM!!" Tony says and all the fighters fly out now that the numbers of the enemies was decreased by half. As the fighters began to fire their lasers, the demon flapped and picked up a lot of speed incomparable to the fighters. The lesser demon punched one of the fighter drones and crushed it in seconds while the others continued firing. It smirked and flew away. Suddenly I felt the mana in it's body begin to move. "GET AWAY, HE IS ABOUT TO USE MAGIC!!" I shouted. Mirella, not taking my warning for granted retreated behind the shield but Tony, being the cocky fuck he is, continued ignoring me and paid for it. At once the demon flew up and turned around while putting its hands forward where the space in front of it distorted. [Psychotic Shock] The distorted space shot down before it suddenly expanded in a shockwave that was on another level to my [Hyper Wave]. It was clearly a high-level Intermediate rank Mystic spell, which even I can’t do yet. All the fighters were hit hard and thrown around like toys. The same could be said about the the remaining imps. The lesser demon didn't seem to care about friendly fire and he had a sadistic smirk as he looked at his handy work. The drones were all dented, several having their thrusters busted and couldn't take flight anymore. The remaining imps were all dead due to shock and most also seem to have blown their ear drums from the shockwave that was far too close and powerful for them to survive. It kept looking around as it grinned sadistic and began laughing as it landed ironically with its back to us. "KE KE KE KE KE KE KE!! Kill..all!!" He shouted. Lost in his strange moment of bliss, he didn't notice the greenish blur appear behind him and with a strong swing of its sword, from the right elbow down, the demon's arm fell to the ground. It took a moment for it to react and when it looked at it missing arm, it paled a bit. The next moment the demon felt the distinct feeling metal passing its body, and it fell as its legs were cut off. The lesser demon fell face first, crashing into the ground. As it fell, it tried to stop the approaching ground with its remaining arm, but that, as well as its wings, were all cut off. Now a small lump of meat, the demon didn't even see what cut him down so ruthlessly The pain of its lost limbs crippled his mind, keeping him from clear thought. "Such a hassle and it lets itself get distracted so easily." Mirella said looking down at him. She raised her sword to kill him but suddenly I called out. "WAIT MIRELLA!" I shouted while running to the center of the room where she and the demon was. "What? I was about to end it!" She said confused. "And waste such a powerful monster? Let's take him back." I said. She tilts her head and I could almost imagine several question marks floating around her head. "Take back a living demon? How do you expect it to survive a single step outside the dungeon when it survives of this dungeons mana?" She says. "Didn't you ever practice Mystic magic?" I ask. "A few parts of it, not extensively like you would have." She replies. "Ever heard of monster slaves?" I ask. "Sure, it's a much more brutal method to taking a monster. You beat it to a pulp, enslave with magic and then the master can sustain the monster if it is a dungeon creature." She replies showing basic knowledge of the subject. "Exactly, you beat it up. Now I will enslave." I tell her and with my wand I load it up and begin chanting. When I finished my chant I put the wand tip on the back of the demon's neck. [Enslave Bind] From the tip of the wand a black tattoo spread over the demon's neck like a collar. All while the demon screamed in pain as it lost its freewill. As soon as the contract was bound, forming the full slave collar, a mana link was formed with the demon and slowly it sucked up my mana and slowly its arms and legs began to regenerate. "As soon as your body recuperates simply sit down and don't move until we tell you to." I order him just to be safe. "So why did you enslave him?" Mirella asked. "First he isn't an animal and he has intelligence to a certain degree so taming wouldn't work. Second, tell me how sought after is a Mystic mage?" I ask. "Very, those with affinity even have parties battling it out for them." She said. "Now then, we find a lesser demon that can use mystic magic even beyond my own capability would you kill it, really?" I ask. She blinks several times before understanding and not questioning anymore. I then go to the improved drones, the first one held the AI and the drone was to destroyed to fly. I ordered her to return her consciousness to the ship and deactivate all non operating drones. As soon as she did, I store the broken drones in my storage ring and do the same for those that couldn't fly. Four fighters remained but it wouldn't be able to do quick maneuvers. We then began to gather the bodies. Before I started, I drank a mana potion because the demon was draining a lot of my mana to remake its body, but the potion made my regeneration equal what was being drained. By the time I gathered the over three hundred corpses, my watch stated it was already 6 o'clock pm. We really spent a long time grinding the upper floors. After I store the last of the bodies I look and see the arms and legs of the demon had fully returned and the wings were sprouting again. "Guess that's it then. Let's go, YOU TOO, COME ON!" I shout, ordering the demon to come. "Tell me again...WHY THE FUCK IS THIS FUCKING SHITTY DEMON IS FUCKING ALIVE!!!!" Tony shouted in rage. "He is my slave. His skills were too useful to lose." I tell him calmly. "WHAT ABOUT THE MP!!! HOW MUCH FUCKING MP DO YOU THINK HE WOULD GIVE ME!! FUCK!" He shouts. "Stop complaining! By the time we return to the surface we will have more than a thousand bodies for you so don't shit yourself over one demon. We will find more later on anyway." Mirella shouts at the annoying core who wouldn't stop bitching like a sore loser. "There is no point complaining like a sore loser Stuss. Just suck it up." I say and I swear I could feel his anger manifest through the drone. It brought a grin to my face to piss him off. We take the shortest route up thanks to our map and we encounter small resistance compared to before since we don’t enter rooms where large groups gather. We still have to fight though but it was very little. Still amount of bodies we gathered really do cross the 1000 in body count. The way I know this is because the storage ring is made in a simple and cheat like fashion. The ring is split into a 10x10 grid so 100 boxes. In each box you can have up to 999x of the same kind of item. A dead body is counted as the same thing. I can’t get an exact number but I can figure out how many boxes are occupied. As we exit the dungeon we are alert for the alarm of people and we stop at the steps to allow others to notice the demon behind me. A human sized green skinned female ogre walked over while wearing regular clothes but an aura of authority was around her. “Greets. I am one of the people that takes care of living monster removal from the dungeon. Please come this way.” She says. She leads us into a back room where we find many machines and in the center of the room was a machine with a magic circle drawn on it. “First we will register it as a slave monster to which ever of you enslaved it. You will need to pay a fee of 1000 credits for a demon from our dungeon. Also a 250 credit fee for the registration and 150 credits for the fees of all the license to own a slave monster.” She explains all the while messing with the machines. “Pff. Not even out of the dungeon and already taking a hell of a lot of money.” Tony mutters in a horrible mood. “It’s expected, if it was a weakling imp it would cost only 100 credits and the other fees like normal. Demons are much more capable even a lesser one.” She says without even looking back. “Ok, tell him to enter this room and stand in the middle of the circle.” she tells us and I order him while holding the door open. Not being able to resist, he enters and stands at the center of the magic circle. With a press of a button three magic crystals were raised and they are attached to wires that take the stored mana to the circle, which activates it. Soon my own wrist module actives and the process for registration is underway and ends quickly as the ownership rights starts soon after. It finishes a minute later and a new tab appears to allow me to check out the stats and skills of the Lesser demon. Above it was my own but I don’t look at my own to not get comfortable with using numbers to tell me how strong I am. “Alright it’s done. The transfer was done at the beginning of the process so don’t worry.” She says and opens the door gesturing for the demon to exit. “Now then, be on your way. Oh and I suggest buying clothes and armor for him. Even as a slave, it will soon grow a proper personality now that the link with the dungeon is broken and it now thinks for itself.” She explained. We thank her for the help and then go cash in the drops. The drops snag us a bit over 4000 because of the number of drops. Next the body count was done. Like I had expected the body count was over 1000. “Miss, the payment for over 1000 bodies is 300 credits and two loaded mana crystals. Here, please fill these crystals with mana.” The attendant says. “Mana?” I say. “Ah you might not know this but the dungeon reclaims mana from monsters to make new ones so when you remove them it makes him weaker. For a body count over 1000 we are required to ask the people removing it to replenish a part of the mana being removed.” He explains. “Oh, if it’s that then it's ok.” I say and turn to the demon.
“Fill it up with your mana.” I tell him and he walks up and fills both crystals. I do a quick check and see each crystal contained 100 mp each. The crystals themselves become much rarer with mana inside so absorbing the crystal with mana would probably return much more mana to the dungeon then what we gave. “Thank you, you may take your catch and have a great day.” He says and I store the mountain of red bodies. Instead of going straight to the ship we take a detour up to the second floor of the tower. We don’t have enough money for third floor shops but second floor we had plenty to spend. We find a clothes shop for monsters. Since enslaving a strong monster isn’t uncommon there are shops for them. Just so you know taming is much more common but with intelligent monsters it's a bit hard. Anyway we tell the owner of the shop specific details of how we saw the demon fight and it was suggested give him basic warrior type armor. Because of the claws and feet, he has natural weapons which won't be covered and monsters can use magic naturally without catalyst. Though if we were get him one it would make his abilities even better. We go with just armor for now paying 2k for a basic set for lesser demons. Afterward, we go to a weapons shop for us. Mirella buys a new steel sword that had a space at the end of the hilt for a magic gem, which she already had. It was a brown one symbolizing an earth gem. Earth magic is used for physical boosts of defense/endurance, strength or speed normally. Besides that there are skills she can do without using magic like that slashing skill. The sword costed 635 credits. For me, I looked for higher quality magic gems. The ones I have are just beginner class gems I got as a graduation gift from the academy. As you may have noticed, it can only handle 30 mp each so I can’t use overly strong spells. I purchase three gems that with capacity of 60 mp for a total of 1200 credits. This would make hunting much easier. We head back after everything was done and dump the bodies. The head count was 738 wingless imps, 285 winged imps, 80 wingless leader and 32 winged leaders. Winged imps cost the same as variant leader imps while winged leaders cost 60 mp. Even after all his bitching Tony was more than satisfied after absorbing the mountain of corpses. The total he absorbed was 26798 plus what was left yesterday, which was 2302, we ended today with 29100 exactly even. The broken drones were released into the cargo hold. Apparently while inside the ship they will slowly self repair with the ambient mana that is in the air. We each went and took a well deserved bath and ate dinner together while checking out the news channels. There was quite a bit going on all over the place. Seems there were some robbers who were randomly invading newbie ship to steal possessions. Most of them didn’t have cores so the defense systems were low. Without saying it Tony already got the message as the drones were already patrolling the ship. He didn’t buy anything new since we were waiting for Mirella’s mother to direct us. One more day like today, and we would cross the 50k mark. Hopefully by then, we can purchase the outer parts of the ship and start expanding the ship with important space travel systems. Once we buy the shell I think we should move to the next dungeon in Kosak. Water based monsters and traps will be a good training ground for when we go to the blue moon, which has submerged dungeons. After we shift through the TV channels until around 10 pm we decide to go to sleep since there was nothing interesting. Tomorrow will be good. First day of training the lesser demon and I won’t be nice for sure. Crab Walker https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/b8/64/78/b8647880d465fd6966ad3ed3a9625013.jpg Shield Drone https://img-new.cgtrader.com/items/24466/large_drone_n7-4_3d_model_c4d_becfa52b-c6d5-458c-8286-b895ae981484.jpg Sentry Drone (remove the gun below) http://www.deviantart.com/art/Sentry-Drone-204981650 Fighter Drone http://www.deviantart.com/art/Fighter-55257325 Lesser Demon http://digital-art-gallery.com/oid/88/640x746_15337_Lesser_Fire_Imp_2d_fantasy_fire_imp_magic_demon_picture_image_digital_art.jpg
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8 65 - In Serial21 Chapters
Soul 1/2 (A progression fantasy, Academy story)
***********TEMPORARY HIATUS*************** If you had a chance to be a real hero, with all the power and responsibility that comes with the role, would you take it, or is it just a fantasy for you? Altair had always dreamed about becoming a cool hero that could save the day and get the girl. In reality, he is a quiet kid thrown into a society where noble heritage and riches determine one's worth, and having none he is at the very bottom of the totem pole. After making it on a scholarship to the prestigious Baignard Academy, he finds himself the target of every young master in the vicinity, with the prospect of four years of hell looming ahead. He is determined to escape the path life had prepared for him, yet the daily beatings are testing his resolve. One day, he is summoned to a duplicate world where his dying counterpart was fated to be humanity's champion in stopping an upcoming demon invasion. To save the future, Altair needs to walk in his predecessor's footsteps, mastering advanced magic under a tight deadline while living a double-life across both worlds in order to climb the ranks and grow strong enough to protect his family and those dear to him from the ultimate threat with roots in a millennia-old conspiracy. *** Release schedule: a chapter a day, chapters are about 1700 - 3000 words on average.
8 207 - In Serial35 Chapters
Growing Pains
A Saiyan warrior wakes up on final approach to the planet 'Earth' with some extra memories in her head. Rather than carry out her mission, she decides living by her own rules would be much more fun...only to discover that this Earth was not the one she was expecting... DBZ/DC Comics crossover
8 101 - In Serial21 Chapters
Wolf Sin of Betrayal {Meliodas}
Y/N, the first Fairy Queen for the Fairy Forest. She was loved by all the fairies including her younger siblings Harlequinn and Elaine. Y/N fell in love with a demon who loved her back, this was shown as a betrayal to the Fairy Forest. One day, Queen Y/N for the Fairy Forest disappeared along with all memories of her.400 years later, Y/N is found by the team that King Bartra assigned her to 10 years before, she is reunited with her team The Eight Deadly Sins. Will she return the memories of her to her brother and the demon she loves more than anything in the world? DISCLAIMER: I own nothing but the twists in the story and Y/N's actions throughout the whole story.RANK1 #dragonsinofwrath 16/2/2020RANK1 #harlequinn 25/2/2020RANK1 #thesevendeadlysins 05/03/2020RANK1 #meliodasxread 05/03/2020
8 122 - In Serial7 Chapters
Who Ate Count Bleck's Pie?
Count Bleck's pie has gone missing, and he's determined to find out who took it! (Super Paper Mario)[Cover by Bandium]
8 211 - In Serial16 Chapters
art book
8 139