《Stonequiet: A Proficiomancer in Another World》Chapter V: Rewards
『11 Years Ago – Earth』
“And then, and then when we grow up we'll get married!”
“And we'll live in a big house!”
“Ehehe~, and I'll give onii-chan lots of babies!”
“Huh?! That's dumb, you can't marry Nao-Nao.”
“Shut onee-chan! You're just jealous because onii-chan picked me and instead of you!”
“You shut up! Dad~! Explain to my dumb sister why they can't get married.”
“Come on you three, stop fighting. Your baby sister is taking her nap.”
“It's fine isn't it? Or are you jealous because he picked Alicia instead of you?”
“Hah! I told you!”
“Shut up! I don't want to marry a dumb kid! And besides, you two will probably get sick of each other when you grow up. Probably won't even remember any of this.”
“That's not true! Onii-chan will never forget! Right onii-chan? Promise you'll always remember me?”
“Yeah! I promise!”
“Yay~! And, and, promise we'll get married and have lots and lots of babies?”
“Un, yeah! I promise I’ll marry Ali-chan and have lots and lots of babies and we'll make onee-chan jealous!”
“Naoki, it's time to go home.”
“Onii-chan, come back and play again, okay?”
『S-Day +9 – Late Evening』
『High Servant's Quarters』
“So, wait, basically you're just over-romanticizing an old childhood promise. Ali, there is like… fifty anime series with that plot and guess what, the childhood friend never wins. But you already have him as your boyfriend so isn't that good enough?”
“I know, but still.”
“And what's the deal with the whole 'Harem Plan' thing? Are you trying to be Momo?”
“I want him to be happy… and fulfilled. I don't want him to die without leaving an heir.”
“You make it sound like he's going to die soon or something.”
“Shit, Ali, really?!”
『S-Day +10』
『High Servant's Quarters』
A metal spoon was bent to the form of a ladle. Into the amphora of milk the cream, which had settled on top, was scooped. Each scoop poured into a small glass jar. With the glass jar partially filled was sealed and shaken.
“Shake it like this.”
I gave the jar to Saya to shake, instructing her to do so with vigor. With her busy, I activated the oven to preheat. A bowl was filled with flour sifted through a clean cloth. A pinch of salt was added as well.
Sodium bicarbonate was not thought of as a cooking ingredient in this world it seems. I had managed to find some amongst the apothecary ingredients. It was considered an alchemy item due to its cleaning capabilities and the natives had thought to use it as a purifying agent.
The acid was not that tricky to find. Simply pouring the wine into another container carefully yielded salts in the original container. Because it was mixed with wine it would affect the taste, but I decided to see how it would turn out. The crystals were strained through another cloth and added into the flour mixture.
Saya inquired why I was having her make butter. The face she had made when I told her what it was to be used for was… interesting. Apparently butter, just like in ancient Rome, was used as a skin and hair conditioner rather than a food item. So her slight repulsion was natural for her.
The butter was scooped out, formed by hand, rinsed and set aside. The remaining buttermilk was poured right into the flour mixture along with some olive oil. Still just eyeballing the proportions. I used my hand to mix the ingredients into a crumb like consistency.
Milk was poured and the dough was mixed until it became soft. The dough was then turned over onto a floured surface, the counter top. It was then kneaded gently and folded until it was firmly together. A makeshift rolling pin was used to flatten the dough and a knife to carefully cut it into circles. Over-mixing and over-kneading would result in a harder biscuit. These were then placed in the oven to bake.
The butter we had just made was cut and a portion was placed in a heated pot. Sausage was cut out of its casing and placed into the pot to brown. Sifted flour, salt, pepper and a couple other spices were mixed in. Milk was carefully poured while I constantly stirred the pot. As the mixture thickened I poured more milk. A taste test by Saya confirmed it was delicious.
“Here, try this biscuit with just butter. Go on. Don't give me that look.”
From repulsion to surprise and delight, the faces she made was entertaining. The two other servants were sent to retrieve Alicia and Veronica. The biscuits were done as they walked through the door. Breakfast was served.
“You know, if you need to make tons of money, starting a restaurant business wouldn't be a bad idea.”
“Good idea, but it would take too long without massive starting capital, workers, goods and infrastructure. In the long run it'll be something to consider though.”
With breakfast over we finalized what each of us were to do today. While Alicia, Saya and I were to move as we had planned, Veronica wanted to explore a bit of the city. So we had two of the servants escort her. I also asked her to buy a couple of small empty barrels and have the servants find wood ash and a bundle of straw.
“Saya, take this with you. A gift to the princess.” I handed her a small bento made from a wooden box filled with the same biscuits and gravy on one side and biscuits with butter and honey on the other.
Before we left Alicia stopped me. Weaving her arms around my neck and lightly kissing me from lips to my ear. Whispering to me.
“You have your weapons?”
“Yeah, my sword is right here.”
“What about your other weapon?”
She moved away pulling me by hand, we left to go to the potion shop.
The shop was not too far, within the shopping area near the residential district for nobles, which was a different area from the larger market district. As we entered the shop I saw and smelled all sorts of familiar herbs, spices and various plants and roots strewn in different containers or hanging on string. Alicia and Saya did bring back a sample of all the stock that this place had.
“Welcome customer, welcome back mistress, welcome back sister Saya.” A young girl about the same age as Saya greeted us.
“Sister?” I whispered to Saya.
“Yes master, she and this one are both of the Servilia house. She is the apprentice to the apothecary.”
“How may this one be of assistance?”
“Do you have any books or tomes of recipes for purchase?”
“For purchase… please wait while this one asks my master.”
As she left I could not help but take a peek at her.
“She's cute right? I’m pretty sure all High Servants are required to be cute girls.” Alicia said while nudging her elbow at me.
“Yes mistress, the Servilia house primarily raises young girls and trains them to be sold as High Servants as well as Diviners. Those which are not suitable are sold as regular servants and are unable to bear the Servilia name. There are many houses which specialize similarly, the Pinarius house, for example, trains young boys.”
Right, she did mention some form of slavery.
The shop girl and, I am guessing, the shopkeeper walked in from the back room. Not long after we had finished talking. She was younger than I thought she would be. Probably younger than the servant.
“Hmm~, you don't look like you can afford books. Well, if you have the coin I have books to sell. I have cheap scrolls with individual recipes, papyrus books that are more expensive and parchment tomes which are difficult to produce.”
The fucking snark from this loli…
“Prices would be a good start, but I am specifically looking for health and mana potion recipes.”
“Scrolls are the cheapest and are made of papyrus, it's five denarii each. They degrade quickly, so you won't be able to keep it as an heirloom. Obviously. The papyrus books are similar, but have a cover which protects it. Each book has related recipes in each volume. One aureus each.
“The parchment tome is, again obviously, made of parchment. Specifically that of Tauross hide. Very strong and will last for many generations if properly taken care of. The cover is made of hardened turtle shell. Each tome is one-hundred aureus. Ah, also the writing for the tomes are much cleaner than of the others.”
Tauros? Is there a Safari Zone here?
“Interesting, well I only need health and mana potion recipes, but let me see the papyrus books.”
“Sure sure, let's see, ah, this is the one.”
She handed me a thin book that had the recipes I wanted as well as a couple more. It showed detailed instructions on what ingredients are needed and how to process it with which tools, but I had no idea what the words said. It was not exactly latin script, it was a lot more curvy rather than sharp. But there were illustrations so I can just make guesses.
“If those girls are with you then you already have the tools necessary since they bought it yesterday.”
“I see. Here's two aureus, I’ll take the book and some scrolls that weren't listed in the book. Do you also have a plant guide?”
“Plants, animals, ossians, demons, materials. I deal mostly with plants. If you want the others the 「Adventurer's Guild」, 「Dungeon Guild」and 「Alchemist's Guild」will have more detailed books for most of it.”
“Then how much for the book on plants?”
“Books. And there are eighteen of them.”
I brought out eighteen more gold coins and paid her. The scrolls that were chosen was random. Since we couldn't carry them back to the apartment I asked her to keep it aside and I would have my servant pick it up when our errands were done.
“We'll buy more potions as well.”
“We have three health and two mana potions ready. Grand-mama is out gathering more ingredients.”
I bought the potions and we left.
“Hey Saya, were the prices right?”
“Yes master, in fact that shop is actually quite affordable considering this is the Patrician's residence. The shop-owner is well liked because she had never over-priced any items.”
“I see, then let's go and visit instructor asshole.”
☘ ☘ ☘
『Aventine Training Grounds - Barracks』
Saya brought us to a large building. It was near...ish to the training area where that incident happened. Outside and inside were various types of soldiers with different sets of armor.Saya spoke with one of the men sitting at a desk and with a raised eyebrow wanted to know why we were here. We explained why and with a "Hah!" he directed us to the person's room.
“No entry.” A guard blocked us from entering the room.
“Step aside, we have business with that person.”
“I was instructed by the princess herself not to allow anyone in without her authority.”
“As I said, we have business with that person, so step aside or we will make you.”
“You dare threaten a guard?” He had his hand on his sword ready to draw.
I held Alicia back.
“Look, you look tired, why don't you go take a break. It would not do for a guard to collapse from exhaustion would it?”
Our tensions were high, Alicia was ready to… magic a weapon or something while i had my left hand on my sword and my right slowly reaching into my pocket. Saya was slightly out of the way.
“Just so we are clear. I was the one that made, uh, what was his name?”
“Dentus Ba-” Saya was saying his name, but I did not care about it, just needed a name.
“I was the one that made Dentus look like this.” I took out my phone and showed the guard a picture I had taken of that person.
The guard looked at the device with curiosity, but saw what image was displayed. He looked back at me with understanding of who I, we, were. Then turned and left without a word.Once he was away I sent Saya to go speak with the princess and telling her to meet back at the apartment. When she left I had Alicia guard the door. Just in case someone were to make some noise trying to alert someone else. She would be fine, probably. I opened the door and stepped inside closing and locking it behind me.
“This place is smaller than I had thought it would be for a person of your… stature. Oh? I would have thought someone would heal your injuries.”
“Y… you! What are you… doing in here?! …Guards!”
“Yeah, don't bother I sent the one at the door away. Smart kid, knows when to not be an asshole.”
“How are you… able to speak… so clearly?”
“Really, that is what you ask? Idiot. I am the great me, be in awe.”
“Because of you… my honor was… ruined. My face ruined. My career ruined. I was demoted. The princess would… not let the… healers heal me… no potions.”
“Yeah, uh huh, boo hoo. It was your own fault for that cowardly display in a duel. If you had fought fairly you would have been fine.”
“Fairly?! You cheated! You used magic… in a test… of blades!”
“I cheated? I wasn't the one that made a shameful sneak attack while the other was showing respect to the duel. You… HONORLESS PIG!
“So anyway, I am here to collect on your debt. As well as collect fees for that shit you pulled being the little bitch that you are.”
“As if I… would honor that… deal.”
“Yeah, yeah because you have no honor. I get that, but you will pay me.”
“Why should I?”
“Besides not having a choice? You do know that I am a summoned person right? A being from another world? The world I come from is much, much, so much different from this world. I have knowledge of many things. I have knowledge of history and the cruelties from it. I have ways that will make you beg me for forgiveness.
“You fucking humiliated me in front of my classmates. In front of my girlfriend. In front of the god damn princess of this kingdom. I could have easily taken your life that day. Easily. You are weak, so weak, it's a wonder how you barbarians even still have a kingdom to live in. No one will come in here to save you. I will torture you if I have to. I have toothpicks. Do you even understand the possibilities of what i could do with those?"
“Then kill me. Coward. You are all… talk. Show me then… how honorless you… otherworlders are.”
“So willing to die yet you won't kill yourself and you call me a coward. All I want is what you owe me.” I drew my blade and pointed the tip at his nose.
“...Do it.”
“Where is my gold?” It was a small movement, but I saw it. His eye twitched slightly. Pointed it in a certain direction. As I thought about it I looked around the room. It was fairly large. I sheathed my blade and walked around the area he glanced at.
I started poking and prodding the drawers on the desk, what looked like a cabinet and some chests. Ah, bingo. There was a hidden compartment on the wall by the desk.
“I guess you used to have a sweet job because this is a lot of money.”
“Don't you dare!”
“How much is this? This isn't a standard pay for a soldier right? Let me guess… bribes?”
The chest was maybe the size of a cooler, a large one. It was filled with nothing but gold coins and was very heavy. I started to do some quick counting, but it was probably over a a few thousand coins, maybe in the tens of thousands. It was really heavy. God damn, I need Alicia to help me carry this.
“Give it back… thief!”
“You tried to kill me. I nearly died because of you. Consider this a very cheap and affordable reparation. I’m sure you have more money at home with your wife or husband or little boy butt-slave. If you really did not want to lose this you should have put it in a bank. Do you even have a bank? Do you even know what a bank is? Fucking primitive barbarian. Or was I right and these are bribes that you don't want anyone to know of it.”
As I turned to leave he slurred out more insults and finally threats. Claim he would kill or get the whole legions to kill me. This pissed me off, he was really good at that. I took off my scabbard and looked him in his eyes.
“Bar bar bar. That's how all you barbarians sound to me. Can't you speak a proper language? One that sounds less of sucking cock?
“I do not take kindly to threats, savage. I will not take kindly to threats. Especially from you, Gummy McNoteeth.”
I drove my scabbard down at his face. Hitting him again and again. Making him bleed again. Making him feel pain again. Making him crack again. He looked terrible. I took out my phone and once again a picture of his face was taken. Putting the phone away I remember seeing something in one of the drawers and went to fetch it. It was an ornate dagger, probably worth a lot of money. I casually tossed it on his stomach.
“If you decide you have learned your lesson and want to regain your honor, as if you ever had any to begin with, use that to kill yourself. Cut open your stomach from side to side. If you can do that then I will acknowledge that you have honor. Until then, lie there and be useless. Be grateful that I am oh so very merciful.”
I picked up the very heavy chest and opened the door. Alicia had been listening and shooing away anyone that came by. I asked her to help me with carrying the chest. It was too heavy for the both of us, but we managed to drag it outside where we commandeered a small cart and left. As we were leaving the building we walked by many soldiers. Almost all of them looked at us with an angry look. As if they were insulted, but no one said anything. No one stopped us.
☘ ☘ ☘
『High Servant's Quarters』
Alicia and I made it home before the others I put away my sword and gun.
“So you already knew about my gun?”
“Yup, from the night you got drunk. Alcohol and guns don't mix onii-chan. You should be more careful.”
“I hadn't intended to drink so much.”
“If you say so.”
“Don't let anyone know.”
“I won't tell.”
We talked about what happened last night. Veronica now knows everything that we do and further more, they discovered a settings menu. I could now turn off the 〈Dings〉. Being able to be rid of that annoyance was cause for a celebration. I also checked my quest.
「Quest Complete:【Debt】 | Information: Personally visit the Combat Instructor and collect debt owed. | Rewards: Collected Money, 100 Skill Points, 500 stored Mana.」
「Skill Points Available: 474」
As soon as I checked off my quest a new one showed up.
「Quest:【Distortus】 | Information: Acquire 1000 Distortion Stones. | Rewards: 10 Orichalcum Plates (Synthesis Required) | 100 Skill Points, 500 stored Mana.」
Seeing this new quest, I am assuming that 「Distortion Stones」were a type of magic stone. I am curious why I need to acquire so much. Not only that, was the questing system random or what? It is obviously leading me somewhere. With the new quest confirmed Alicia and I started dealing with the treasure chest.
It was absolutely absurd. The coins on top were scattered and unorganized. After counting them it was around two-thousand gold coins. Beneath that were six large gold bars. Each one close in weight to the next, heavy, around thirty kilos or so. Beneath that were very neatly stacked gold coins. We started counting as much of a stack as we could.
At an estimate, there was around one-hundred thousand gold coins. Factoring in the weight of the coins, the bars and the chest this should be around one metric ton. How were we able to carry it?
“Holy shit onii-chan, this felt like it was only a few hundred pounds, but this amount of gold should weigh much more than that.”
“Doesn't matter now, we're fucking rich.”
That person was definitely doing something shady. Where did he get so much money? Maybe I was right about the bribes, maybe bribes from nobles to get their kid in the legions or something? He's too much of a threat, I will need to do something about him.
"So onii-chan, did you have fun last night?"
“So how exactly does the currency work here?”
“Haha fine, it's four main coins. The lowest is the Aes. Then Sesterce or sestertius which is worth ten Aesses. A Denarius is worth ten Sesterces and an Aureus is worth twenty Denarii. I don't know the buying power of each coin, Saya did most of the buying."
“Umu, we can ask her when she gets back.”
As if on cue the door opened and we were greeted by Saya… ah, no, I was wrong it was Veronica and the two servants as well as other people. Those other people were probably laborers as they carried in the items I asked Veronica to buy. Small barrels, a large barrel filled with wood ash and a bundle of straw. I had them set it in the office looking room.
“Have fun?”
“Oh hell yeah, being able to understand the language made shopping easier. I bought a ton of stuff. I had it sent to my apartment, Ali, I bought some things you might like.”
“Thanks, I’ll check it out later.”
We had the two servants prepare our lunch while the three of us were locked in the bedroom. Veronica was surprised at the amount of money we managed to get. When she asked I told her how we came about it. I could not tell from her expression if she was angry at what I did, but she was certainly surprised by it.
We decided to split some of the money so the girls can have make their own purchases while I kept the chest here. I moved it near my rucksack after I took a hundred gold coins and stashed it in my pouch. We could already smell the food being cooked and it was making us hungry, except for Veronica who happened to eat a lot of stall food while she was shopping.
☘ ☘ ☘
『Private Chambers of Minervina』
Princess Minervina Galeria Epistylia stood at the balcony overlooking the gardens of the palace. At a distance in the center of a field of flowers a blaze could be seen. Smoke rising from burning wood. A gazebo stood at the center of the field of flowers now set aflame. Not with malice, but with ineptitude.
The group of eight summoned had attempted to awaken their divination, their magecraft, one was successful. Choosing this opened field to practice was done on a whim by the summoned. And as they practiced and practiced, one summoned, who had attempted to recreate Naoki's 《Fireball》, successfully produced a large ball of fire which was then launched at the princesses cherished gazebo setting it ablaze.
Much panic ensued as the summoned attempted to extinguish the flames. Without loose soil or sand, their attempts failed. Smoke filled the air alerting the guards and servants of the fire and as the summoned continued their squabble two high servants extinguished the fire using water magic.
The princess reminisced at the years she had spent beneath the roof of the gazebo. The little area of solitude which calmed her soul. It was gone now.
“That was built for me at the instructions of my mother. With it gone what other memories do I have left of her.”
“Saya, it is good to see you once more. I heard you have been pilfering wine from our stores.”
“Yes, master had requested undiluted wine.”
“Undiluted wine, how uncultured to drink such a thing. So is there an issue that requires sending you to me or did you simply miss my being your master?”
“Master requests a meeting.”
“A meeting, what for?”
“Master wishes to learn 「Sentiomancy」from her highness.”
“Hm~, is that so? Where is your master now?”
“He is currently collecting debts owed to him by lord Dentus.”
“Is that so? Well, it is not as if Dentus can put up a fight, I had refused him healers so he remains bedridden.”
“Princess, regarding his request?”
“「Sentiomancy」? Fine, I can teach it to him. Bring him next week so we may negotiate payment. So how has their language training fared? Since they no longer associate with the other summoned I trust that you are teaching him?”
“Master can speak fluently. As well as his wife.”
“What was that? How?”
“This one does not know.”
“Find out how. Also, who is his wife?”
“The summoned introduced to you as Alicia Tachibana. She had introduced herself to me as Alicia Tachibana Kuroba. My Master's name is Naoki Kuroba. He is head of the Kuroba Clan.”
“Clan, so the summoned are tribal? Though he seems more refined than the others, I suppose it's a quality of being a chieftain."
“This one does not know.”
“Then, how has he treated you? As a high servant you carry more protection than other slaves"
“He does not harm me.”
“Has he bedded you?”
“No, this one has performed fellatio numerous times, but remains chaste. Master enjoys caressing this one's body. Especially the breasts and buttocks.”
“Does his wife oppose?”
“No, in fact she encourages him to take multiple lovers. Last night she had sent her servant and another to tend to him while she left with the other summoned.”
“The girl that left with the two of them?”
“Did he bed the two servants?"
“No, they had attempted, but master had refused them.”
“Anything else to report?”
“Master had made numerous purchases of food and apothecary ingredients. He also purchased recipe scrolls and books. He has talent in such crafts. In the mornings master suffers tremendous pain which he stifles with unknown medicine. This one does not know the ailment."
“Tremendous pain? Describe it.”
“In the early mornings he awakens before the sun brings light. The sounds of his bone crack and break, but heal itself. The pain starts at his neck. It then travels to his head.”
“That sounds like… I see. Thank you Saya. Is there anything else?”
“Master offers this as a gift.”
“This is…?”
“Master called it 'biscuits and gravy'. This one had observed how it was made, but does not understand the method.”
“It is delicious. See if you can discover more secrets from him.”
“Yes princess.”
“You are dismissed.”
☘ ☘ ☘
There was a knock on the door, when I opened it it was Saya who had returned a few minutes ago. She greeted us and told me she had stopped by the potions shop and picked up the items I bought. It was placed in the office room. Although it was midday we could not go to the magic stones shop as the closest one was located a few hours walk and transport services were usually booked at this time. We were to try tomorrow.
As we ate Saya told me that the princess had agreed to meet with me. The plan is to meet in a week when she sends her messenger. During that time I will be learning about the food and making soap to sell. Maybe open a burger shop or something. If I fail in keeping myself alive, I can at least give Alicia and Veronica a way to make money and find a way back home.
Ah, that is right I have not been training for over a week. My arms are starting to feel flabby. I asked Saya for a private area for me to do some physical training. She said that many of the apartments in this insula are vacant since many were given to the summoned. This one specifically was Saya's apartment.
☘ ☘ ☘
After lunch, Alicia and Veronica left with their servants to inspect what Veronica had bought. Meanwhile I went to look at the barrels and the ash. I could not tell if it was hardwood ash, but since I had no idea what kinds of wood was in this world I just rolled with it. I went to my rucksack and found my multi-tool. It had a small drill attachment and I began drilling holes in the bottom of one of the smaller barrels.
After a few hours I was able to drill enough holes. I took a cloth and placed it inside the bottom to cover the holes and placed straw on top the cloth. I added many lairs of straw to ensure good drainage. When I was satisfied I started filling the barrel with ash almost to the top. I tapped it down and added more ash. Saya carried the empty barrel while I carried the full barrel to the kitchen setting the full one on top the empty.
Slowly I added water causing the ash to settle a bit before adding more. I repeated this enough times until the second barrel was a quarter way full. The leached ash was discarded and new ash was added repeating the process until the second barrel was full. Satisfied with the amount of lye I extracted I had the stove lit and a copper pot placed on the stove. It was not a large pot, so I would need to add more lye to the pot as it boiled off. Eventually it will boil off and give me potassium carbonate crystals.
“Don't breathe in the vapors. Keep the window open.”
“Master if you wish this one can have another servant do this in the apartment next door. This way the stove may be used for dinner.”
“Ah, I see, yes do that then. Thank you Saya.”
“Yes master, right away.”
I used towels to remove the pot from the stove and to carry. The other apartment was identical to Saya's own so it was easy to navigate. The servant was given instructions on what to do and what not to do. When we returned I went to clean out the spent barrel and Saya began to clean the kitchen before she started to cook.
Dinner went normally. It was a roast bird of some kind. Did not taste like chicken at all. Although it turns out there was chicken here. Neat, I could make karaage or a different fried chicken. It was decided that Alicia would spend the night with me as usual and her servants would stay with Veronica. Although Alicia did try to convince Veronica to spend the night with me instead.
Plans were made for the next morning as well. Alicia would go with Veronica to do more shopping and Saya and I will go to the market district. She had already made arrangements for transport. I also had her buy a bag similar to my rucksack. This way I can carry the magic stones without emptying my rucksack.
☘ ☘ ☘
『S-Day +11』
『Merchant District』
We were sitting in a carriage heading to where the magic stones dealer is. Going on foot would take about three hours, while on a carriage would take a little less than an hour. Saya had ordered a carruca which was a small, two person, four-wheeled covered carriage and was pulled by two horses.
There seemed to be some primitive suspension as the ride was much more comfortable than that covered wagon that brought me to the capital. However, compared to earth tech, this was horrible uncomfortable. The wheels were also bad, there was an iron ring on the outside of the wheel which made a lot of noise.
Because Saya had warned me about it I brought my wireless, freshly charge by magic, headphones along with my smartphone. I felt bad halfway through the trip seeing her struggling with the noise so I let her wear my headphones. She was hesitant at first, but her curiosity was too much to bear. The look on her face as she heard music from another world was adorable. Wide-eyed and opened mouth she could not understand what she was hearing.
So cute.
When we arrived at our destination she had trouble letting go of the headphones. She had a sad look on her face when I turned off the music on my phone. I could tell she wanted to ask questions about it, but being out in public where people could hear about mysterious technology was not a very good idea. She restrained herself and we walked towards to the magic stone shop.
The streets were surprisingly clean and all the people walking around were wearing nice fineries, besides the slaves and laborers. I saw no beggars or shady looking people. I asked Saya about it.
“Aventine prides itself on keeping the streets clean. There are no slums within the capital. The city of Capitoline would be considered the slums. It is the southern most city and was the main trading hub which was connected to the now abandoned port fortress of Driftingscale.”
“So the kingdom is landlocked?”
“Empire master, the empire controls nineteen cities which control large territories and two of the remaining six fortresses. In between the cities are small towns and in between them are villages. Master was found in the west, outside the outer walls near the Endless forest and passed through the city of Liguria. Then passed through Palatine before arriving in Aventine.”
“I see, it would be a good idea to acquire a map while we are here as well.”
“Yes master, this one shall see to it.”
“Let's go get the magic stones first then we can get some lunch. Veronica told me the stall food was delicious.”
The magic stone shop was quite fancy looking. The shelves were organized by types of magic stones. Each stone was almost uniform in size and shape in a cubic form. Some were spherical and others were hexagonal. Those were separated and grouped together. The shop owner popped out of nowhere and greeted us.
“Welcome welcome dear customers. How may I be of service?” He had a merchants smile if I ever did see one.
“Looking to purchase some magic stones. Tell me about what types you have and their effects.”
“Of course of course, let us see here, each stone requires a mana sensitive person to activate it or you can utilize a 「Mana Stone」. A 「Mana Stone」 naturally fills with mana over time and is used by contact with another magic stone or can be used by a caster to conserve his or her mana.”
He began to list the different stones and their effects.
「Water Stone」 produces water. Dark blue color.
「Frost Stone」 produces coldness and can freeze objects. Light blue, cloudy color.
「Heat Stone」 produces heat with no light. Orange-red color.
「Glow Stone」 produces low light with no heat. Pale/pastel green color.
「Bright Stone」 produces high light with no heat. Pale/pastel blue color
「Sun Stone」 produces light and heat. Pale/pastel yellow color.
「Dye Stone」 produces color. Glass color
「Wind Stone」 produces a mild breeze. Cloudy grey color.
「Charge Stone」 produces a mild pain if touched. Pale/pastel amethyst color.
「Silent Stone」 absorbs or reduces sound and noise. Dull grey color.
「Distortion Stone」creates a distorted field. Mixed color mosaic.
「Float Stone」 reduces an objects weight. Celadon green color.
「Anchor Stone」 increases an objects weight. Wine color.
「Appraisal Stone」 identify objects. Beige color.
「Mana Stone」powers magic stones and spells. Sapphire blue color.
“Although there isn't much use of 「Distortion Stones」 I had accidentally received a shipment of them, some use it as decorations for its unique patterns. 「Charge Stone」 is used by shepherds, ranchers and the like to keep their stock contained, but there have been uses of it to keep out unsavory company. 「Dye Stone」is a fun one, you imagine a color, for example, a leaf or flower and the stone will have the same color appearance. It can then be crushed and used as pigments for clothing or paint.”
“Interesting, do the shapes or sizes matter?”
“Of course of course, for most the bigger it is the stronger it is. The shape makes setting the stone easy or difficult. Better contact means better utilization. Multiple stones can be be used in an array for a stronger effect. Making the stone smaller or changing its shape weakens the potency. You can use Orichalcum to make better contact with the stones. Is there anything else dear customer would like to know?”
“What about 「Altar Stones」?”
“Oh my oh my, no no dear customer no one has access to such a stone. It is incredibly rare and even I have never seen one let alone have it in stock. I do apologize for such inconvenience.”
“No, it's fine. Then, the prices?”
Since only people with mana can manipulate 「Magic Stone」 their prices were not too bad. Some were much higher than others of course such as water and heat. Even with 「Mana Stone」 not many people had the technical skills to utilize it properly. I ended up buying a minimum of three stones each with the exception of 「Mana Stone」,「Dye Stone」 and 「Distortion Stone」 of which I bought out the entire inventory. Those two were cheap.
“Grand total is two-thousand and forty-eight aureus, eighty-six denarii and seventeen sestertii. Is dear customer a 「Magic Stone」 collector?”
“I suppose researcher would be more accurate.”
“Is that so is that so, if you require more 「Magic Stone」 then please think of my shop.”
“Un, yeah, thanks.”
After leaving we wandered the square a bit and found something to eat. I took pictures of every food I saw as well as clothing and whatever else was being sold. I did get a few odd looks, but ignored it. Knowledge is important and understanding the culture is very important.
The food was as good as Veronica made it out to be. I have no idea why the food at the palace was so terrible compared to this. When I asked Saya she mentioned that the royal family had 'certain tastes' so was different from what others would eat. Watching her nibble on the food was cute I had to take a picture of her.
So cute.
“Master if this one may ask, what is that?”
“This can take pictures of anything I point at, here look.” I showed her a picture of herself eating. Her response was cute.
☘ ☘ ☘
“Oh my, what a lovely looking girl. Such beautiful blue hair. I wonder for what reason she follows that unseemly looking child. I would very much like to make her mine.”
“My lord? It is time for the meeting. Please follow this one.”
“Already? It seems I have lost my chance at acquiring a new girl. You there, do you know who that one with the blue hair is?”
“Forgiveness my lord, this one does not know that person.”
“Disappointing, well what are you waiting for? Take me to the meeting place.”
☘ ☘ ☘
After eating we did a bit more shopping and managed to find a map, some tools, cooking utensils and metals, mostly copper. I also bought some cloth and leather. I could try practicing some crafting and get some skill points. When this was done we went back to where the carriage was parked and loaded the items. We boarded and left. I gave Saya the head phones again and had her sit on my lap.
She undid her top and gave me access to her breasts. I played with them for a good while while Saya listened to music. Since she could not hear herself she was moaning much more frequently than normal. The volume of her moans were still quieted, but hearing it, even in the noise of the carriage wheels, was incredible.
I could not help myself. I took her chin in my hand and tilted her face. She looked up at me. I leaned down and kissed her. Her lips were so soft. I slipped my tongue in her, she gasped. Was this a first for her? Her tongue felt even softer than her lips.
Pulling away I looked out the window and saw where we were. Thinking up how long before we would reach or destination I nudged her down between my legs. Undid my pants zipper. She moved her mouth over me.
It was amazing.
☘ ☘ ☘
『High Servant's Quarters』
After returning to the apartment I put away the newly acquired 「Magic Stones」 in the office and locked myself away as well. I took out my Grimoire and checked the quests.
「Quest Complete:【Distortus】 | Information: Acquire 1000 Distortion Stones. | Rewards: 10 Orichalcum Plates (Synthesis Required) | 100 Skill Points, 500 stored Mana.」
Error: Synthesis locked. Orichalcum Plates will remain in queue.
It made me curious. If the quest asked for one-thousand then it must be important. So what happens if I ended up buying five-thousand?
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A very familiar soldier, used to battling the 'endless' hordes of Hell, is eventually overrun and dies. But his war isn't over yet.
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Land of Ilragorn
Sam Avem goes hangliding for the first time and accidentally spins, causing him to lose control and give the ground a kiss. Luckily, he wakes up, but not in his old world, but in a world filled to the brim with creatures like dragons, behemoths, and krakens. Of all the smart, strong, and bluntly overpowered creatures he could have turned into, he turned into a wild baby chocobo, in the Land of Ilragorn.
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Manticore's Rise.
After the Old gods had been killed, the new age of freedom had begun. For two centuries, the people that had once been played against each other in pointless wars have worked hard to make new lives for themselves, unknowing of those that had retreated into the shadows beyond the realms. Amongst those shadows, as thankless protectors hold out hands for aid and peace, the servants of the old gods awaken. Those who know them work to foil their plans, those that know of them covet what they bring. Those who remember, fear the return of the old. This is the story that follows one such protector, dedicated to the elimination of those that have grown strong in the outer realms, gathering others from within to push them back. Will try and update each week. Also posting on Scribble Hub and Webnovel.
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" His touches make my skin crawl. Each kiss on my neck is a sin. I'm forced and bound to this home because I have no where to go. Why can't my life just end. " Mahyden, a strong minded teenager, whose problematic life causes trouble in his personal, and social life. When your own family is the cause of your pain , how do you run from your troubles. His older brother is to blame. His forceful approach to being the "Man" of the house when their dad is away pushes Him into a life of misery and seclusion.-----Didn't intend on adding MPREG into this story. I do not care for it but that is how that cards fell. I hate that I did it but oh well. I'm proud of what I did with this.All Rights Reserved
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Petrichor - e.mikaelson
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