《My Life is a Series of Questionable Choices》Chapter 31 - It's Official


Chapter 31

I don’t know how long it took for the Lord to come back, but it was long enough that I had thought about just getting up and leaving multiple times.

He walked back in with his wife and sat down behind the desk again. He gave a small cough into his fist and said, “About the daughter thing, Pretend it never happened.”

The room was silent, but I could almost hear everyone’s thoughts screaming, “What are you talking about? Weren’t you the one who wanted that?!”

So I asked him. “Why the sudden change?”

“After… thinking about… varies things… She… I mean, I… came to the conclusion that it was… not… good.”

For a man that is supposed to be good with words, that was cringy at best. However I didn’t let that ‘She’ he said, escape my ears. My savior who was standing behind him, smiling looked like an angel to me right now.

The Saintess then spoke up. “Then if you’ve reversed your decision, was there anything else for us?”

“Yes, I’ll make them citizenship cards and send them to you later. I’ll need their names and an address.”

Names huh? Well, Thundernation technically has one, but as for me… I’m still nameless. Thinking back on it, I was only ever called pebble or stone or something like that.

Hmm… Should we just make it official then?

“On my card, put the name Pebble please.”

“Are you sure? There are many other cuter names you could have like-.”


“… Right then, and for the Outer unit?”

I turned to him. “What do you want your name to be?”


“There you have it.”

“Right, and for the address?”


Dwayne answered for us. “It’s old man Woody’s shop.”

The Lord stopped writing and looked at the Saintess. “Hey, what gives? The job I offered was way better than working in a porn shop!”

“They were not the same thing! Also we will be leaving by the end of the month!”

“All I hear are excuses. Well whatever, you won’t be able to move until you get these cards alright?”

I nodded in understanding.

“And with that are talks are over.”

The Lord looked incredibly sad when he said that. His wife, as if giving him hope said, “You are all welcome to stop by and visit anytime. No need to feel reserved.”

The Lord looked back to her as if he couldn’t believe it. “Really? You mean it?!”

“Yes, they all seem to be nice people. But you will have to behave yourself understand?”

He ignored that last part and did a fist pump in the air, “Alright!”

The Saintess did a small bow. “Then we will excuse ourselves.”

Me, her and Thundernation left and made out way back home.

I asked her on the way, “Do you plan on visiting them?”

She countered with, “What about you?”

“… I like the wife.”

“Same here…”

“But the Black Elf…” “But the Lord…”

It was then we had a revelation, one that let us become friends with the wife, while avoiding the Lord.

““Let’s just invite her over to our house instead.””

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