《My Life is a Series of Questionable Choices》Chapter 30 - Lord of 'My Pace'


Chapter 30

The words had already left my mouth. It was too late to take them back. However, instead of being angry with me like I expected, the elf just simply sighed.

“I prefer the term ‘Dark Elf’.”

“Sorry, was I being racist?”

“Not really, it’s more of my personal preference. Black Elf just sounds bad.”

He walked over to the large desk situated in the center of the room and sat down. After making himself comfortable, he finally got around to properly introducing himself.

“I’m the Lord of this city, Tyron Preston. Just call me Tyron. T-dog would be fine too.”

“No, isn’t that going too far? We just met.”

He waved his hand, “It’s fine, it’s fine. Dwayne over there calls me that all the time.”

“No I don’t.” The dwarf strongly denied it.

The Lord had a shocked look on his face, “You call me that when it’s just the two of us all the time!”

“I obviously ain’t gonna call ya that around strangers! It’s embarrassin!”

“Aw, you’re being shy… if only you weren’t a man, I wouldn’t be creeped out.”

“I suddenly remember why we don’t hang out very much.”

“I thought it was because you worked long days?”

“Sure, let’s go with that.”

The tension is increasing from their conversation. I can already tell that this Tyron is a person I absolutely don’t want to get involved with as much as possible. He seems like a major pain in the ass.

He gestures over to the Saintess, “Who is this lovely lady?”

She introduced herself elegantly, “I’m Mariana Del Bolero.”

“Greetings Mariana. Tell me, would you like to become famous?”

“…I beg your pardon?”

“To be frank, you’re absolutely bangalicious. I could hook you up with a sweet job that would take full advantage of your good looks.”


“I’m not sure of the meaning of that word you used, but the look in your eyes tells me I’d be better off refusing you.”

Tyron slowly shook his head, “That is a shame, but hey, figured I’d just take a shot you know?”

I’m already tired. I want to leave this place already. With irritation building in my voice, I ask the reason why we were summoned here.

“Ah, yes. I wanted to see my two beautiful creations that I spent blood, sweat, and tears to make, move with my very own eyes. I seriously thought that powering them up was a pipe dream. How did you do it?”

His question was directed at the dwarf Dwayne.

“It was a weird stone this lady pulled outta her chest and put it into da core unit. Powered em right up.”

“A weird stone you say?”

Tyron looked to be thinking deeply. I wonder how much information we should give. About the Saintess and that I took over his creation. No, that much should be obvious by now. I don’t look the same as before. Excluding the arms and legs, I at least know the hair went from pure white to a red and white cream color. Red being prevalent on the fringes and white near the roots.

Tyron then clapped his hands together, “Well, no use thinking about complicated stuff. The fact is that they work! Now my dream can finally be achieved.”

“Dream? What dream?” I asked. Actually, is he not going to question any of that?!

Before he could answer, the doors he came through earlier opened once more, and a beautiful ashen skinned woman with yellow eyes and white hair entered. She too had long pointed ears, making her race an elf as well. She was carrying a platter with cups and a teapot.


Tyron smiled at her, “Perfect timing! Everyone, this is my wife. Honey these are the rabble, plus Dwayne.”

She bowed slightly and greeted us, “Hello everyone, I apologize for when my husband insults you, if he hasn’t already.”

I could hear resignation in her voice. Perhaps she has given up on making him change his ways. More like, kudos for staying married. I’ve known him for 10 minutes and I’m already sick of him.

“Nevermind that dear, I want you to meet your new daughter!”



“Huh?” “THE HELL DID YOU SAY?!” “What in the…?” “Sounds bout right.”

His wife looked at me with a puzzled face, “Daughter? Wouldn't you mean son?”

THAT is what you question? Not the fact that you’re getting a child, but my gender?!

“No it’s clearly a girl. It’s obvious.”

I tried to clear up the misunderstanding and cut this short by saying, “Actually I don’t have a gender.” However, they splendidly ignored me.

“I think I know a boy when I see one, and he is clearly male.”

“What are you talking about? The long hair, and slender body is clearly feminine.”

“Ridiculous, the lack of any chest at that age is a clear indicator of a boy. He just also happens to have long hair.”

“The lack of a chest is what makes her a loli! Big breasted children should just be called female dwarves!”

“There you go again with your strange words… Also sorry Dwayne, he meant no offense.”

“I’m used to it.”

I raised my hand and cleared my throat. There was something that bothered me while watching them argue.

“Excuse me, setting aside this daughter, son thing I have to ask… Are you a dark elf too?”

The wife tilted her head to the side, “Why, yes I’m a dark elf, but what do you mean by too?”

“Well your husband said he was a dark elf, but you look totally different.”

Tyron stood up and tried to but in, “Waitaminute, that isn’t really important right now.”

His wife ignored him and shook her head, “He’s not a dark elf. He’s a high elf except his skin is brown instead of white.”

“…So he really is a black elf.”

“He doesn’t like that phrase. What was it you used honey? To describe yourself.”

Tyron’s eyes shifted around the room, “Oh, I can’t seem to remember sweetie. It probably was no big deal. Let’s get the talk back on track—”

She raised her eyes, as if she had an ‘aha!’ moment and said, “Now I remember! It was—Mmph?!”

Tyron covered his wife’s mouth in a hurry. He then turned to the rest of us and with a serious expression I didn’t think he was capable of said, “Excuse me, I’m going to need about 15 minutes to explain to my lovely wife that what she was about to say should never be uttered in public. Please help yourself to some tea.”

And with that, they left the room.

“I wonder what she was about to say…”



I leaned over towards Thundernation and whispered, “Tell it to me later.” To which it silently replied with a thumbs up.

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