《Asunder Online [DROPPED]》Chapter 008
Chapter 008
‘ ‘ for thoughts.
“ “ for speech.
Please point out any mistakes/inconsistencies you find and feel free to comment on anything regarding this FF.
I may not reply to all comments, but I sure am reading all of them!
Jack activated mana fists on his hands and feet and cautiously approached the translucent figure. ‘That guy is probably the “tortured soul” I am supposed to free, but I might as well be prepared in case there is something nasty prepared to jump me.’ Jack thought as he approached closer. He noticed a stone platform next to the throne with a triangular flask on it. The triangular flask had some sort of purplish viscous fluid in it, which seemed to be in motion. The translucent figure noticed him, and after a while it said;
“Welcome Disciple. I see the order has finally found a worthy novice to free me. It has been so long since the promise, but better late than never I suppose.” The spirit chuckled. Jack was a bit confused and inquired:
“Order? Disciple? I just got a quest to free a tortured soul here. I am guessing that is you?”
“Ah, never mind that disciple, the ravages of time has taken its toll on me. It has been a while since I had a conversation with anyone other than myself.” The spirit glanced at his hands and chuckled again, before saying:
“I see you are familiar with the art of manipulating mana. This is better than I expected, although you can rest easy. If you managed to come so far, there are no more enemies to beat in this prison.” Jack was shocked that the spirit could see his mana fists. He himself couldn’t see mana…he could only feel it inside his body. Jack deactivated his mana fists and relaxed visibly, before saying:
“So what is your story? And how do I free you?” The spirit had a vacant look in its eyes as if pondering something, before it gathered itself and said:
“Ah young one, that is a long story. My memory has quite a number of holes in them, and I am almost powerless here in my prison. I will try to recall what lead me to my fate here… but you have to promise to free me, at least temporarily.” The spirit looked at Jack with hope and sorrow. Jack nodded and muttered:
“Yes spirit. I promise.” The spirit looked visibly relieved and began its story:
“I am no spirit. At least not in the conventional sense, although I am one now I suppose. Eons ago, before the era of The Divine Wars, I was a devout and powerful Paladin. I was faithful and immensely blessed with powers beyond the reach of mortals, by my patron.” The spirit paused, with a look of deep longing on its face, before continuing:
“But the gods were jealous, insecure and petty. They instigated the divine wars, and for a time I fought for my patron. But seeing the devastation in my world… my faith was shattered. I had forsaken the gods, and allied with the order of mortals who rebelled against the deities. With this act of betrayal, I was stripped of my divine powers, but even then I was formidable.” The spirit paused, being overcome with grief and pity. It sighed, before continuing:
“The gods were on a rampage and with no end in sight. The order had a reckless idea to wake Gaia form her slumber to restrain the gods. I warned them of the consequences, but I eventually succumbed to their reasoning. I performed the worst sort of blasphemy on my soul and turned into a lich. I lingered in this plane for centuries, helping the mortals awaken Gaia.” The spirit had deep regret etched on its being. It sighed and continued:
“We developed the ritual while Terra was burning. The ritual required the power of many mortal souls. We used vile perversions of magic and alchemy to trap hundreds of thousands of mortal souls on this plane. However, the gods had noticed this, and we were running out of time. The trapped souls were fuel for the ritual, and it needed a spark. I volunteered my damned soul for it.” The spirit had a blank expression; however its eyes were full of turmoil. The spirit steeled itself, before saying:
“I initiated the completion of the ritual, and my soul burned like a beacon to the gods. We woke Gaia and she went on her rampage. However, I was in the focus of the gods, and they for once, united and sent their mortal agents after me. I knew my fate was sealed. I pleaded the order, to free my consciousness from whatever eternal torment the gods had planned for me. They owed much to me, even if the end result was devastation, and promised to help me.” The spirit stared at him, and Jack felt as if his soul was being probed, before continuing:
“The mortal agents found and overpowered me. They banished my soul to the realm of deities for judgment. And a harsh judgment it was! I was denied the unburdening, which reincarnated souls were usually granted wiping away their burdens and memories before their next life. They instead, stripped me of all the arcane power I had cultivated and damned my soul for eternity here.” The spirit pointed at the flask with the purplish fluid in motion, before continuing:
“That was my phylactery, when I was originally a lich. My torment is to be trapped in this plane with my phylactery in reach but unable to do anything about it. They reasoned the best course of action to imprison me. If my prison was immensely powerful, it would be conquered by adventurers sooner or later. There are laws, even beyond divinity. And one of them is that nothing is eternal. So, to prolong my suffering, they tasked their mortal agents to create the most powerful prison for my soul as they could… but only novices could enter it!”
The spirit lost its composure and broke into an eerie laugh radiating insanity. “How effective it was! I have spent over millennia in my prison, and you are the first one to meet me. Now disciple, you free my soul as promised.” The spirit looked at Jack with longing.
“I will fulfill my promise, tortured soul. But how exactly do I free your soul? I have no knowledge of the arcane beyond some basics of mana manipulation. Also I have many questions. Who was your patron? What was your name? What is the order you speak of? Why did you refer to me as a disciple?” Jack inquired about a few of the questions rummaging in his psyche. The spirit gave a sad smile and said:
“The specifics have long since escaped me, I am afraid. You have two options to free my soul. You can place the phylactery on this throne and once my soul is absorbed by it, shatter and destroy it. That will grant me a temporary respite before I am reincarnated to begin anew this cycle. However, there is a more dangerous path. Since you know to manipulate mana with just your will, you could gift me eternal rest. You would grant me the peace of oblivion, and gain some portion of my powers. However, be warned disciple, that if your psyche is weak, this will destroy you. Do you want to grant me this gift I am seeking for centuries? It will leave a mark on your soul however.” The spirit looked at Jack quizzically.
Jack pondered his choice. The more he learnt about the gods, the more he was sure they were assholes of the largest degree. The lich and the “order” may have fucked up royally waking Gaia but it was in essence, to reign in the devastation initiated by the deities. Jack was on the fence about his decision, but he took a look at the spirit and resolved to free it permanently, no matter what the costs were. Having made his decision, Jack replied:
“I will attempt my best to grant you eternal rest spirit. No soul should suffer as you have. In hindsight, waking Gaia wasn’t the best idea… but it at least limited them from interfering too much in Terra. How do I grant you oblivion spirit?” Hearing Jack’s answer, the spirit had the look of rapture on it. Its voice visibly cracked as it said:
“Ahh disciple! I am so glad of your answer. To grant me eternal rest, drink the full contents of my phylactery. Then use your mana manipulation and absorb this incorporeal form. It will be very difficult on your psyche, but my consciousness will aid you in this task to the best of my abilities. Should you be successful, you will gain a fraction of my mental prowess. However, I do not want to damn you and ravage your psyche, of which there is a possibility. Grant me a temporary reprieve form this torture if you are unsure, disciple.”
Jack took the phylactery and without hesitation, drank all its contents. It burned like acid down his throat, and he was overcome for some time by the pain he felt. Jack steeled himself and gathered all his mana in his right hand. He placed his right hand in the incorporeal being before him, and infused all of the spirit with his mana. Jack then closed his eyes and went into a light meditative trance. Jack then imagined sucking the spirit along with his projected mana into his being.
As soon as Jack started the process, he was bombarded with visions of which he could comprehend almost nothing. He was about to black out, when the tide of visions were halted momentarily. He heard a whisper in his mind:
‘Do not attempt to absorb my consciousness, disciple. It will destroy you. Feed on the energy of my soul! Devour it! Use it to rip my consciousness into shreds and discard it! I cannot aid you much longer disciple, free me!’
Hearing the desperate plea of the soul begging for oblivion, Jack focused all his being and channeled the massive spiritual energy coursing through him to his stomach. He imagined feeding on its power. Whenever he felt the foreign consciousness invading his psyche, Jack imagined ripping it to shreds using the power coursing through his being. After an agonizing and exhilarating while, the tide of power and consciousness was ebbing, when he heard a faint, almost inaudible, whisper in his mind:
‘Thank you. There are others---‘ and the whisper faded, while Jack felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude. Jack opened his eyes, and he could see psychedelic patterns all over the place. He was also aware of a dim field of energy behind him. ‘The spirit sure changed me! What were his last thoughts about others? I guess I will know when I meet them. I also feel strange inside, kind of like when I learnt mana manipulation but, a lot more intense’ Jack thought as he walked towards the stone throne and sat on it.
He closed his eyes and meditated, recalling the feeling of mana in his body. To his surprise, instead of the dim awareness he usually felt, he could feel six blazing clusters of mana along his spine and brain. The lowermost was at the base of his spine, and the highest near his forehead. The brightest of them all was the one near his heart. It throbbed with each heartbeat, while the others were relatively static.
Jack instinctively felt that two of the mana clusters were distinct. The one at the base of his spine, felt like the type of mana he usually infused in his fists. The next mana cluster near his navel had an ethereal otherworldly feel. ‘Guess those are my elemental affinities. The cluster near my tailbone feels like physical affinity. I must have gained another one devouring that spirit. This means, excluding the heart mana cluster, I can gain three more affinities. Time to check my notifications’ Jack thought as he came out of his meditative trance and browsed his notifications.
He had gained quite a bit of stats during the battles to reach the spirit. After absorbing the spirit, Jack had leveled from lv29 to lv33! ‘I am glad I didn’t have to fight him. The bats were obnoxious enough and gave me only 17% xp per head at lv23.’ Jack thought with relief as he browsed the rest of his notifications. He had gained a new skill ‘Spirit Eater’ and a subskill ‘Eternal Rest’. He had gained a new resource Spirit Energy or SE. He had also gained a new trait ‘Spirit Sense’. He had also gained a new affinity called ‘Soul’ and furthermore, his Mana Manipulation skill had been changed to ‘Mana Control’. For successfully devouring an extremely powerful soul entity with its consent, he had gained a whopping +50 to Intelligence, Willpower, Wisdom and Concentration by the spirit!
‘That is a fucking awesome boost! Plenty of skills, a new affinity and +50 to four stats! And two of them are special stats! The gain in intelligence and willpower alone is worth 20 levels of stat points! I should review my status, and see the skill descriptions.’ Jack thought as he summoned his status, and skill details:
STATUS WINDOWNameJackClassNoviceRaceHumanGenderMaleLevel33 (04.94%)Fame / Infamy20 / 0TitlePackrat, Vermin ExterminatorCONDITIONHP1900/1900HP/s2.223/sMP1350/1350MP/s8.7516/sStamina1730/1730STA/s23.3298/sSpirit Energy63/110SE/s- 0.9% current SE/sSatiety / Thirst100% / 100%Weight Limit136.5/148Active EffectsControlled Breathing (Intermediate lv2)BASIC STATSStrength74Vitality80Dexterity76Agility78Intelligence123Willpower121Free Stat Points165SPECIAL STATSLuck10Endurance73Sustenance61Balance64Flexibility62Concentration118Wisdom114Indomitable Body38Indomitable Will32Elemental AffinityPhysical16%Soul12%Elemental ResistancePhysical3%Soul2%
SKILL LISTAmbidexterity (Trait)Spirit Senses (Trait)Mana Control (Beginner Lv 1: 00.00%)
Imbibe Projectile (Beginner Lv 8: 28.16%)
Mana Identification (Beginner Lv 4: 02.13%)
Mana Repair (Beginner Lv 4: 61.26%)
Meditation (Intermediate Lv 6: 02.63%)
Meditative Stasis (Trait)
Controlled Breathing (Intermediate Lv 2: 46.13%)
Spirit Eater (Beginner Lv 1: 00.00%)
Eternal Rest (Beginner Lv1: 00.00%)
Survival (Beginner Lv 4: 16.12%)
Danger Sense (Beginner Lv2: 21.34%)
Survival Cooking (Beginner Lv 4: 53.15%)
Survival Stealth (Beginner Lv 3: 15.63%)
Thrown Weapon Mastery (Intermediate Lv 2: 69.38%)
Improvised Missile (Trait)
Axe Throwing (Beginner lv 5: 87.34%)
Boomerang Throwing (Beginner Lv 9: 12.25%)
Chakram Throwing (Beginner Lv 6: 67.34%)
Dart Throwing (Intermediate Lv 2: 15.27%)
Javelin Throwing (Intermediate lv1: 29.54%)
Knife Throwing (Intermediate Lv 1: 27.78%)
Unarmed Mastery (Intermediate Lv 3: 14.23%)
Opportunistic Brawler (Trait)
Mana Fists (Beginner Lv 8: 86.23%)
Mana Gloves (Beginner Lv 3: 21.16%)
Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:Spirit SensesTrait------
You have obtained a powerful ability to perceive arcane energy and consciousness in your surroundings like spirits. This ability allows you to feel mana in the environment. It also enables you to sense the presence of beings with consciousness within range (both living and dead). Range is dependent on your Soul Affinity. The amount of information you can process is dependent on your concentration stat.
Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:Mana ControlBeginner10.00%
Your ability to manipulate mana within your body has evolved as you can sense mana outside your body. This skill allows you to manipulate mana in your surroundings as long as you can perceive it. Higher levels allow you to shape mana efficiently and at a higher range.
Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:Spirit EaterBeginner10.00%
You have gained the ability to consume the energy of spirits and other soul entities. Higher levels allow you to devour more powerful spirits. The effectiveness of this skill increases with your Willpower.
However, this ability (and its subskills) encroaches on the domain of the gods. If you are discovered using this ability by beings aligned with deities (like priests or paladins), you will be ostracized by the churches and hunted by their agents.
Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:Eternal RestBeginner100.00%Subskill of Spirit Eater
You can grant oblivion to undead entities, both corporeal and incorporeal, replenishing you satiety, thirst, HP, MP, Stamina and Spirit Energy. The amount replenished depends on your skilllevel, willpower and the power of the undead targeted.
Current level effects:
This skill can only be used once per day.
Jack analyzed his upgrades, while sitting on the stone throne. He felt a something rubbing his butt. Jack stood up and saw that it was a stone coin, which had allowed him to enter the dungeon. ‘So it didn’t disintegrate, but was transported here? Hmm, I need it to exit this place after all’ Jack thought as he stored the coin in his inventory.
Jack resumed his analysis of his status and skills. Mana Control and Spirit Senses looked extremely valuable. After he experimented and created a few spell, with his uber +50 stat upgrade, he could play as a pure mage without any of the hermetic bullshit! Also, as a backup he had his fists and darts. ‘I will need some work creating spells, but when I am done I will be a mage-monk! I still need to figure out what soul affinity is and about this spirit energy thing.’ Jack thought as he summoned system help on Spirit Energy.
Spirit Energy
This is a special resource obtained directly from spirits and other soul entities. Instead of contracting and bargaining with them, you can absorb it from their very being. Your Spirit Energy (SE) decays rapidly with time. You can store more SE and hold it longer, with a higher willpower.
‘I should research how to use SE, in secret of course! Don’t want those churches getting butt hurt over this. Right now all I get is HP/MP/STA/Satiety/Thirst refill from my only active skill usable once per day. Sure it isn’t bad, but it isn’t worth making enemies of the churches. I almost forget about the book Madam Curie gave me about the affinities! I am at full satiety and thirst, so might as well read it now.’ Jack thought as he withdrew the book from his inventory and started reading. He took out his NOTEPAD and summarized what he read:
There were quite a few elemental affinities obtainable without a patron diety. They were:
Physical/Force/Kinesis: This represented what he knew of as kinetic energy. It was the cheapest and easiest element to shape. However, it was reduced by the targets physical defense and resistance. It could also not affect incorporeal entities.
Fire: Fire had the largest raw damage dealing potential among the basic elements. Hence it was immensely popular. It could cause burning DoT (Damage over Time). Wind magic, when combined with fire magic, made this destructive element, even more devastating.
Water: Water had less destructive power than fire, but it had a lot more utility. Defensively, it could counter fire spells and heal some status ailments like poison. Offensively, it caused little damage, but was mainly used to reduce resistance to lightning and stun. Hence it was often picked up by mages specializing in lightning.
Wind: Wind magic also had less offensive potential than fire. It could however buff users with speed. It was also effective defensively against archers. Offensively, it could cause Bleeding. It could also be combined with fire to increase the damage potential of fire spells.
Earth: Offensively, Earth magic did the same physical damage as physical force. It however had lot of other utility, over force spells. It was used in defensive enchants, or used as a general purpose counter to most offensive spells. Skilled users could also manipulate the terrain, immobilizing their foes.
Light: This element is very expensive in terms of MP costs. When combined with water magic, light magic can heal wounds and regenerate HP. Offensively, it could be used to attack enemies with intense bursts of light.
Gravity: Gravity was a peculiar element. It mostly dealt with increase and decrease of mass. It was extremely effective when combined with earth magic for offensive purposes. It could also be combined with wind magic to travel great distances quickly.
Void/Energy: This element is what results, when shaped spells were not infused with any element. It could theoretically be used by any spellcaster. It was mainly offensive in nature, and a portion of its damage reduced the target’s MP.
Ice: Ice is more offensive than water. It can freeze and slow the target.
Lightning: Lightning is an offensive oriented element, specializing in stuns and paralysis. It is highly effective on wet targets.
Soul: Soul is an enigmatic element. It has been observed to only be used by shamans, or spellcasters affiliated with spirits. This element attacks the consciousness directly and cannot affect inanimate objects.
Dark: Dark is the polar opposite of light. It can be used offensively as well as for stealth.
Jack summarized the basic elements, although lightning and ice didn’t sound basic to him. If he had inferred correctly, if he channeled mana from the cluster near his heart, he would produce void or energy element. Jack resolved to try it out. He pondered where to gain advice about spellcasting. ‘I should probably meet Madam Curie and apologize to her. I should tell her that trying to punch with mana isn’t cutting it and I want to learn deeper arcane mysteries.’ Jack thought as he resolved to visit the library after he had cleared the quest with Instructor Theon.
Having decided on his course of action, Jack left the catacombs and went to meet Instructor Theon. Jack checked the in game time, and it was just past lunch. Jack reactivated his in game alarms for breakfast, lunch and dinner at the library and entered the training hall. He dumped rest of his loot after identifying and repairing them. The iron weapons and helmets he was collecting were valuable as scrap for blacksmiths. Each weapon netted him around 7 silvers and each helm was worth 2 silvers.
After selling his current loot and deducting the expenses of his potions and darts, Jack was left with 12 pieces of gold, 32 pieces of silver and 48 pieces of copper. Having concluded his financial matters, Jack told Instructor Theon that he had freed the tortured soul. Instructor Theon asked jack for details, and Jack recounted his experience. Jack kept the order, disciple and spirit eating parts secret. He told Instructor Theon, that he had placed the phylactery on the throne. The bound soul was sucked into it and that he had then smashed the tube.
Instructor Theon glanced at Janus, who seemed to smile. Instructor Theon shrugged and handed him a pair of leather gloves and boots. Jack inspected the items. They were of E rank, having 100 points in durability and provided +10 to Physical Defense each. Jack shrugged and equipped them. +20 to Physical Defense from equipment was better than the grand total of +0 his clothes gave him. Jack thanked Instructor Theon and was about to leave for the library when he heard:
“Wait up Jack. You have gotten my reward. But Janus there has something for you too!” Jack paused and listened intently, and Janus continued:
“Ah Jack nice you succeed. Now what I offer isn’t material in nature, but knowledge and a class! And you will need a class if you want to advance any of your skills beyond Intermediate.” Jack pondered at this bit of information and inquired:
“What do you have to do for the class Janus?” Janus smiled and said:
“You will have to accompany me to a cabin in the woods. I will teach you the philosophy of our sect, and grant you your class. Trust me, you will be pleased with it.” Hearing this Jack groaned visibly. Instructor Theon and the old man had made him clear a hellish dungeon for his level. Sure he had gained some cool abilities, but he wanted to learn some solid spells from Madam Curie. Jack sighed and replied:
“Umm thanks for the offer Janus, but no thanks. I gained new affinity and just want to learn some real spells from Madam Curie. The catacombs with its rats and bats were annoying enough. Hopefully Madam Curie has an Arcane spell casting class for me.” Hearing this Instructor Theon sounded agitated as he said:
“Look Janus, don’t play around with him anymore. Just take him upstairs, teach him the basics and grant him his class. He did more than we expected of him anyway. It is precisely because of your drama that we aren’t recruiting any new members. Do you want such a promising candidate to be a researcher like Curie? Just get on with it old man!”
Hearing this, Jack’s veins bulged visibly. ‘That old man was playing with me? And even after I impressed him, he was prepared to lead me to a wild goose chase for his damn class! Fuck that sadistic geezer. This class better be good.’ Thought Jack. Hearing Instructor Theon and noticing Jack’s reaction, Janus sighed and said:
“Young ones these days don’t appreciate any subtlety. Fine have it your way Theon. Jack if you are still interested, follow me upstairs. We only induct the worthy, so not many have this class.” Jack calmed down visibly and said:
“I just have one question. Can I cast arcane magic using mana manipulation in whatever class you grant me?” hearing this Janus laughed heartily and said:
“You will get a far deeper understanding about the nature of magic and be able to use it far more efficiently if you follow our teachings.” Hearing this, Jack was visibly pleased and he followed Janus upstairs.
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