《Riddick/ Against the Heavens》Book 1 - Chapter 23 - Gates Elsevier


Author notes: Hi guys, gsdreddy here. Things are getting heated up at a fast pace, the next few chapters will be hot so look forward to it. Also I would like to thank my readers who have voted for me yesterday after my plea to rate, review , follow and favourite my fiction.

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The man spoke tremblingly ' Sir Gates Elsevier was executed by his highness Gazel, the second prince of Great Rock Tribe. His highness later ssued an order to assassinate all members of Elsevier family '

Hearing this I felt numb to the core while I faintly heard my mother's loud wailing followed by my sister's. Looking back I noticed my father who fell to his knees, I was instantly engulfed by memories of my brother.

My brother Gates was a man of great values and he never lowered himself to insult even a servant. He always lovingly talked to me even when we were still in Reinfield territory, I still remember his great accomplishments in the war of Great Alliance. When I proposed to flee the Great alliance, he believed in me and supported me. How can he die just like that, this year he should only be 22 years old. At the prime of his youth he had enough experience to work as an emissary, why did he die. No this man said that he was executed on the order of the second prince. Why?

I growled in a menacing tone ' Why? '

The man sincerely said ' My lord, I have no idea regarding this matter. Please believe me '

I was enraged at this answer but thinking calmly I knew that this man is my most important source of information so I can't kill him for now.

I asked Void inwardly ' Void, How can I extract all information this man possess without a single lie '

Void answered ' This man is a professional assassin so it is virtually impossible to obtain all information without a single flaw. They are bred and brought up in this manner, they have no families and weaknesses to take advantage of.

So it is impossible to obtain it normally but we can obtain it in a different way '

I immediately asked ' How can I obtain it Void? '


Void answered ' Ask Sylvie to make him a poison addict '

' What is a poison addict? '

' Female God beast snakes are a very special race which posses illusory powers, they can make a male of lower strength an addict to their hormones which upon entering their bodies give them an illusion that they are madly in love with the godbeast. They will obey them till their death.

Many Godbeasts and divine disciples possess ways to make a slave out of someone, this is one of them '

After listening to everything Void said I immediately ordered Sylvie ' Make him a poison addict '

Sylvie hesitated for a moment and then bit him again, this time the change was monstrous. The person initially started getting spasms as well as vomiting uncontrollably. Void explained ' This will take a while '

After watching this for a while I looked at the surroundings and saw many people who were watching the scene with astonished faces. I loudly ordered

' Everyone get out of here. All information known to you will stay with you, any leakages will lead to me, executing all of you. For the next few days the walls of the Sirius tribe will be closed with no contact to any territory. Not even a rat will escape this town nor a bird will enter it. All delegates who have come to attend the ceremony will stay here till the issue is resolved. Do you understand? '

The people were stunned at this command of mine but the people with most fearful expressions on their faces were delegates because they could always be killed to prevent leakage of information.

After digesting the order they slowly left the garden leaving only me and my family. A hour later the process was completed and the man woke up with a dazed expression. Now I growled again ' Tell me everything you know regarding my brother '

The man bowed and answered ' My lord according to the information collected by my organisation Gates Elsevier came to the capital of Great Rock tribe about a year and half ago. For the first one year Lord Gates was entirely concentrated on his work. He became friends with the officials of the court and other delegates very quickly thus earning a good name for the Elsevier family.

About half a year ago he met a girl named Elle, she was a commoner whose father was a merchant. Their family was not too rich but could be considered average in the imperial capital. Their meeting was coincident when he came to visit their store on the request of her father.


Apparently he fell in love with her and frequently visited the store for her. Her father was not opposed to their relationship but the lady herself was reluctant at first but after a few months of wooing he finally managed to get her approval. To prove that he was serious about this matter he even announced their engagement to the public.

All was well and the plan was to return to the Sirius tribe to explain the situation to his family and attend his brother's Coming of age ceremony. A party was conducted in the imperial palace about a month ago to commemorate the established of the tribe. Lord Gates along with madam Elle attended this party because he wanted to tell the minister of foreign affairs that he will be leaving and won't return for a while because of his marriage.

His highness Gazel Rock was attending the party as well, he was intoxicated by madam Elle and ordered his servants to find out about her. He was mad with fury that a mere emissary was engaged to her and ordered to capture them on their way back.

The carriage of lord Gates was seized and he was captured along with madam Elle. His highness Gazel Rock gave an ultimatum to Gates Elsevier ' Forget about her and I will spare you '

Lord Gates rejected his highnesses offer and asked him to release both of them because she was already engaged to him and can be consider his half wife. His highness in his rage took madam Elle forcibly in front of lord Gates and ordered an infinite imprisonment on lord Gates.

A few days ago a news reached his highness that madam Elle was pregnant, which totally made him lose himself to anger because the report determined that madam Elle was in her third month of pregnancy, meaning the child belonged to lord Gates.

In his anger he ordered an assassination on all members of Elsevier bloodline and went to kill lord Gates himself. Our organisation sent me as I am best in long range assassination because of my wind magic '

I listened quietly to everything the man said and was thinking quietly. Void interrupted my thoughts by saying ' Everything this person spoke is true but it is only what he considers as truth. It is not necessarily correct that your brother is already executed after all this incident happened only a few days ago '

I asked Void inwardly ' What should I do now '

Void answered ' Your tribe's strength is currently very low so you can't use them for a frontal attack. We have to do everything by ourselves '

I thought ' Father is powerful but he definitely can't save the entire family by himself what if they attack when I am not around '

' Don't worry about people attacking your family. The eagle ' Sebastian ' will protect them so concentrate on the task at hand. Though your power increased quite a lot in these past two years don't forget that you have only recently reached seventh rank as a mage so even with mine and Sylvie's help you can't face an army by yourself '

' Very well, I will take care of this matter by myself ' Turning towards my grieving family I announced loudly so everyone including branch members could hear.

' Everyone please refrain from going anywhere outside the Rexes town until I say otherwise. This manor is the safest place for now so when you find yourselves in any danger immediately rush towards the manor '

Turning towards the eagle I ordered ' Sebastian protect my family at any cost '

The eagle rose and instantly changed its form to become a middle aged man with sharp eyes and answered ' As you wish, my lord '

Sebastian later turned into his eagle form and quietly sat again. Turning towards my father I said ' Father I will go to check on what happened to big bro Gates and will do whatever necessary when I find the actual truth from the person responsible.

Please don't worry about me, I can take care of myself and will return as soon as possible '

My father reluctantly agreed to my plan. After bidding farewell to my family I went next to the person captured by Sylvie and asked ' What is the name if your organisation and where is your headquarters '

' Our organisation is named Maria and our headquarters is in capital of Great Rock tribe ' he answered in a monotone.

I see, this person can no longer be killed as he is very valuable for my future operations. I immediately transported him to my bracelet and thought

' Time to go to imperial capital of Great Rock tribe '



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