《The Chibok Papers》Chapter 6: Columbus, USA, 6 November


It is 6:30 pm. The appointment is for eight at the Lagoon Restaurant, Downtown Columbus. Tracy left her office at 5:30 just to prepare for the outing with David. She spends such a long time in the bath that she is shocked when she realises it is going on to seven. She rushes out of the bath and begins to dress up. This takes another forty minutes because she keeps rejecting every dress she selects. Eventually she settles for a knee-length dinner wear that is both simple and elegant, showing off her tantalising figure excellently. She applies light make up, sprays her new perfume and rushes out so as not to keep David waiting. As she enters the restaurant and goes towards David’s table, every male eye follows her movement with undisguised lust. For Tracy, however, she has eyes only for David.

“Hello, Venus!” says David, standing up to pull out a chair for Tracy to sit.

“Thank you, Adonis,” responds Tracy and both laugh. A waiter rushes over to take their orders.

“I suggest we take the house special. Even a goddess will love it.”

“Okay, Zeus. Your wish is my command!”

They begin to banter lightly while sipping their drinks. When the food arrives, they continue to talk pleasantly through their meal like lost-but-found lovers. More like Adam and Eve on creation day. At nine o’clock, David pays the check and they head to the beach in David’s car. By pre-arrangement, Tracy does not bring her own car. At the beach, they kick off their shoes and walk barefoot hand-in-hand on the white sands. They are there till past eleven when Tracy happens to look at her wristwatch.

“Good heavens! We got to leave now! I got a flight to catch at nine tomorrow morning.”


“Where are you off to?”

“Taiwan. Will be back in two days.”

Reluctantly, David drives her to her flat and waits for her to alight.

“Thanks for a wonderful night, Dave.”

“Thank you, too, for blessing a mere mortal like me with your beautiful presence!”

“Flatterer! I’ll call you as soon as I’m back. Bye.”

“Safe journey, Trace.”

“Thanks.” beams Tracy immediately falling in love with his pet name for her. She opens the door, puts a leg out, then comes back in and suddenly gives David a peck on his right cheek. Before he could react, she runs up the short flight of stairs into her block of flats. David drives off with a whimsical smile on his face.

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