《Cheating Monster》(Book2) Chapter 1 - Prologue


This chapter has been proof-read by: AnthonyL


In an office, located on the last floor of a giant skyscraper, a tall handsome man was looking out through a window overlooking the city of Tokyo in Japan. A nervous look could be seen on his face, as if he was about to go through the most important moment on his career.

Actually, the man had a very good reason to be nervous. He had spent the last 2 years preparing for this moment. The moment when he would finally be reunited with his son, who was still living inside a quantum computer, hidden in a underground laboratory on a faraway island located in an undisclosed area of the pacific ocean.

The man's name was Lorenzo Pen, previously known as Diego Pen, neuroscientist and co-founder of the Alterlife projects. Lorenzo had spent almost 8 years living inside the supercomputer as a digitized consciousness with his son Nico Pen. During that time back in the real world, a team of highly advanced scientists had been working day and night on creating new bodies for them to be transferred into.

The way they had done it was insanely complicated yet simple. The scientists used some cloning techniques, DNA customization and growth stimulation inside tubes also known as artificial wombs. They had basically created new blank customized bodies, ready for digitized consciousnesses to be uploaded into them.

The technology behind this achievement was something the rest of the world was still trying to accomplish. Technology that Lorenzo had preciously kept secret since it was basically a way to become immortal. Rich billionaires could always have new bodies made for themselves and upload their consciousness into them as soon as their old bodies began to fall apart.

For some obvious reasons, Lorenzo felt that it was not a technology that should be made available to simply anyone. First, they had created and grown a man's body until it looked in its early 30's, experimented on it, and eventually uploaded Diego, Aka Lorenzo Pen into it.

After confirming that everything was working perfectly and that his body was performing as expected, Lorenzo then ordered his employees to begin the creation of two more bodies for his two children still trapped inside the highly advanced computer. After 2 years of growth stimulation, the two bodies were now looking to be in their mid teens, around 15 years of age.

One body was female, the other male. Both were highly beautiful, with black hair and green eyes. The two of them had been made from similar customized DNA, which gave the impression of them being twins. After billions of dollars and years of work, he was soon to be reunited with his precious children.

The past 6 months had been spent compiling his children 'data' to be ready to be uploaded but they had faced an unexpected road block while doing so. The consciousness also known under the codename 'Kneeko', had ended up being a lot more voluminous than anticipated. In total, Kneeko's consciousness contained over 932 zettabytes worth of data and had ended up taking much longer to compile than expected.

1,024 Bytes = 1 Kilobyte

1,024 Kilobytes = 1 Megabyte

1,024 Megabytes = 1 Gigabyte

1,024 Gigabytes = 1 Terabyte

1,024 Terabytes = 1 Petabyte

1,024 Petabytes = 1 Exabyte

1,024 Exabytes = 1 Zettabyte

Today, the transfer of both Kneeko's and Lucy's consciousness should normally be completed and uploaded into the two teenage bodies, which was the reason why Lorenzo couldn't stay calm. Pacing left and right in his office, Lorenzo could barely contain his excitement.


He was certainly excited, but also very nervous. After all, each year spent inside the quantum computer was equal to a thousand in game years. So even if it had barely been 2 years for him, over 2000 years had went by in the game world for his children Lucy and Kneeko.

His son Nico, was by far the oldest consciousness to ever exist. Taking into consideration the years spent inside the various game worlds, Kneeko was already over 10,000 years old. After spending more than 7000 years inside the virtual world himself, Lorenzo knew how living such a long life could change someone.

Not only had he lived for a crazy long time, he had also lived these thousands of years as a god, capable of doing anything and everything. There was no doubt that his children would have difficulty adapting to the real world. There was also the fact that Lucy had never lived in the real world herself, but had been born as an A.I. In the first place.

With so much unknown ahead of him, Lorenzo couldn't help but be a nervous wreck. Even if he was extremely nervous, Lorenzo was still confident. He had spent the last two years preparing for this moment. Everything had been prepared for this day.

When he first died, Lorenzo known as Diego Pen at the time had written in his will that a distant relative was to inherit all of his fortune and assets. This mysterious relative was a man named Lorenzo, who didn't exist at the time but was meant to gain some time until his return.

During these last two years, Lorenzo had been very busy doing all the legal paperwork to get his money and assets back. In only two years, Lorenzo had already built a new company worth billions, specialized in VR technology and other related domains. He had also prepared new identities, birth certificates, and cover up stories for his children, which were certainly nebulous, but impossible to prove as being fake.

If had been a lot of work, but everything was finally ready for them to enjoy a brand new life. Suddenly, a knock at the door pulled Lorenzo's attention back to the present. “Enter!” Anxiously ordered the longing father. The door then opened and a small expressionless Japanese woman entered the office.

The 25 years old woman was Maeda Sadashi, Lorenzo's right hand. She was the type of woman who excelled at everything and knew more about Lorenzo's schedule than the man himself. She was the type of woman who couldn't hide her beauty even behind her glasses, stern look, long tied up black hair and business woman's uniform.

“Lorenzo-sama, the call you have been waiting for has finally arrived. The helicopter is waiting for you on the roof, we should depart immediately if we are to make it there on time.” Said the serious looking woman with a blatant lack of emotions.

“Good, good! Finally! Let us go. Ha! Did you remember to notify the maids and other house employees?” Anxiously asked Lorenzo while nervously rubbing his hands.

“Yes, they are all prepared and ready to receive the two young masters. As you ordered, they have been instructed and trained as if they were to serve the Maou himself.” Said the young woman before rolling her eyes in annoyance. To her, Lorenzo was obviously exaggerating. There was no way that two teenagers could be as evil as he made it seem.

Of course, she was thinking that way because she didn't know Kneeko. As centuries went by, Kneeko had slowly changed and become disconnected in some way. Boredom had transformed him into the devil himself. He had built himself a harem, wives, children, but still didn't seemed satisfied.


All the crimes you could think of, Kneeko had done, perfected, and eventually got tired of it. He had provoked tens of world wars, created countless new species for the simple fun of watching them kill each other. The thing that scared Kneeko the most was also what made him so unsettling to be around.

His biggest fear was boredom. He was ready to do anything to prevent being bored, but after living for thousands of years, everything had ended up being boring to him. Finding no joy in life itself, Kneeko had turned into a grotesque existence that preyed on negative emotions and rejoiced at others' pain and suffering.

As for Lucy, she had always been a good girl but her biggest flaw was her blind idolization of her brother. To her, Kneeko was an existence above all others, so she was always following him around and playing the 'games' he played. As long as her father was with her, Lucy could somehow be kept relatively sane, but they had spent 2000 years alone without their father's supervision.

No need to say that Lorenzo was highly nervous and worried about how the both of them could have changed. In the end, to Lorenzo, it didn't matter. No matter how evil his children had become, he didn't care. After living thousands of years together, they were in the same boat. They were tied by an indestructible bond, a family bond that grew and got solidified over thousands of years.

Followed closely by miss Maeda, Lorenzo then quickly climbed up to the roof, where a private helicopter was waiting for them. A giant man wearing a military uniform quickly got out of the helicopter and helped them on board before climbing in and closing the door behind him.

The helicopter immediately took off and made its way south east. Lorenzo was awkwardly touching thumbs together while biting his lips nervously when his sexy assistant finally broke the silence. “What are you getting so nervous about? You are one of the most powerful man in the world now, try to remember that. Those are just teenagers we are talking about.”

Of course she could say that only because she didn't know the details about them. Only the scientists and programmers who had been living at the giant underground laboratory for years without being able to leave knew about Kneeko and Lucy's true story. The most intelligent people on earth had been gathered to work at this laboratory and had been closely watched by a private militia own by Lorenzo himself.

They had accepted the job only because they had been promised 100 million dollars each at the end of their 20 year contract. After what felt like an eternity, they finally arrived at a small island that seemed to be nothing more than a deserted island covered with a few trees. “You wait for me here.” Ordered Lorenzo to his assistant as the muscular man opened the door for him.

Followed by the giant soldier looking man, Lorenzo got out of the helicopter and quickly walked toward the trees. There, was a secret entrance which lead to an empty underground room where could be found an elevator door. Immediately after arriving to the underground room, the elevator door opened and two armed men came out to greet them.

Now escorted by 3 private soldiers, Lorenzo walked in the big elevator and waited for the soldiers to select the floor. When the door finally opened, a giant room lit by blue ambience lights came into view with a bunch of people wearing white lab coats lined up and greeted him with big smiles on their face.

Their 20 year contract was still not completed yet, but they knew that after bringing Lucy and Kneeko back to the living, their presence here wouldn't be necessary anymore.

“Welcome back Mister Lorenzo. The synchronizations of code-names 'Lucy' and 'Kneeko' are finally completed, we were only waiting for you before waking them up.” Said a tall and skinny bald man who by the smell, had a serious lack of hygiene. Without saying anything, Lorenzo made a vague movement of his hand and prompted everyone to walk to the room containing the 'pods', as they called them.

A few minutes later, they finally arrived to their destination. Two giant tubes containing the bodies of two teenagers floating in pink fluids stood right in front of them. The two of them had a visible likeness, as if they were a male and female version of a same person, which they kinda were in a DNA perspective. If anyone tested their DNA, it would only confirm them as being twins.

“Wake them up.” Nervously ordered Lorenzo to the head scientist, who then ran to a computer and began to type on the keyboard like a madman. “Code-names 'Kneeko' and 'Lucy' ready for extraction.” Yelled the man to his colleges who were already running in all directions and seemed very busy with many 'sciency stuff'.

The pods then got drained out of their pink liquid and leaned back a bit so the two bodies wouldn't fall face first, then the other scientists opened the glass doors and began to remove all the electrodes, tubes, drains and intravenous connected to the two bodies.

The twins' eyes abruptly opened, then the two of them began to puke and cough violently some of the pink liquid but quickly managed to breathe normally after a few seconds. The two of them then stood up, and inspected their surroundings with blank expression on their faces. “Son? Daughter? How are you feeling? Is everything alright?” Anxiously asked Lorenzo who couldn't wait to take his kids in his arms.

Kneeko turned his head and looked at the man claiming to be his father. The man seemed a bit too young to be his father but then again, they had spent thousands of years together and had often been changing their appearance just for fun, so their relationship had already passed beyond these little details.

“Didi doodoodididi didoo doo doo doodoodi doodoodi!”

“Glory to the brave!” Said Kneeko in a language they had invented a while back, and was known only to him, his sister and his father. That way, he would be able to confirm that this unknown man truly was his father.

“Dididi didoo doodoodi didi doodoo doodoodi?”

“Is that you brother?” Then quickly said the girl next to him. This response made it clear that this unknown woman next to him was his sister Lucy.

“Di...di doo doodidi!!!”

“M-My children! I missed you so much! It's me, your father. We finally did it! We are finally reunited in the real world! Come and hug your father!!!” Then added Lorenzo in a lengthy answer.

The two emotionless twins stood there and stared at each other. They had spent so much time together that there was no need for words. The three of them knew perfectly well what the others thought. The scientists were all staring in awe at the three people who looked almost as if they were communicating via telepathy.

“Uhhhh big bro...Perv...” Shyly said Lucy with a blushing expression. Confused, Kneeko inspected his body and noticed a raging boner down below. “Cough* cough* Father, how old is this body?” He then asked while glaring at his father.

“Urr ermmm well.. You see, my body is around 34 years old... So... to make it credible that you are my children... you see...” Blurted Lorenzo while drawing circles on the ground with the tip of his foot.

“How.......Old.....?” Growled Kneeko.

“F-...Fifteen years old.” Then finally answered his father with an hint of fear in his voice. Kneeko then began to rub his forehead then pinched the arc of his nose in annoyance.

“You gave me a body that's still in middle of puberty. I'm going to get you back for this.” By the way Kneeko had said these words, his father knew very well what it meant. Lorenzo knew that Kneeko was only saying this to scare him.

The subtle smile on Kneeko's lips had betrayed his real feelings and told him that Kneeko was already thinking of a few ways to have fun with this. “Here, I brought you some clothes, quickly put these on and let's leave here.” Promptly said Lorenzo before giving a glance at the giant soldier standing next to him.

The soldier gave a subtle nod and began to rally up the scientists together. These subtle signs hadn't passed unnoticed to the eyes of Kneeko who was already grinning from ear to ear. The two twins quickly put on the clothes given to them and began to do stretches to get used to their bodies before going anywhere.

Pan! Pan! Pan! Pan! Pan! Pan! Pan! Pan! Pan! Pan! Pan! Pan! Pan! Pan!*

Gunfire echoed through the laboratory as the Pen family began to walk toward the elevator. “Yawnn* Well, where are we heading to? Which language do we speak and what are our names now?” Then inquired Kneeko who never failed at thinking ahead.

“We're going to Japan. I have some work there only you can do. Your name is now Nicolas Pen, Lucy is Lucia Pen, and I'm Lorenzo Pen. Ha! And before I forget, you are twins.” Nonchalantly added Lorenzo while stepping into the elevator.

“You said what?” Retorted Kneeko whose face was contorting in unnatural ways.

“Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!! I'm big bros' twin!!! Yayyyy! Hihihihihihi*” And yes, Lucia still had her creepy way of laughing.

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