《Cheating Monster》Chapter 61 - Anti-Climactic


This chapter has been proof-read by: AnthonyL


After a good night of sleep with An'dalia and I sharing the same bed, Gomshew on the second bed and Lindsey having her own room, I began to prepare for the long day ahead of me. We all got up at the same time and began to dress.

Next I went to the room next door and entered to see if Lindsay was gone like I was expecting which she was. She had left probably during the night but it didn't matter to me. We got down to the dining hall and had a sumptuous breakfast.

Gomshew was puzzled by the way we treated him as a companion and seemed deeply touched. Well that was before An'dalia began tugging on his tail again... With our bellies full, we exited the inn and headed toward the giant roman style stadium to see who I was scheduled to fight against.

“Look Clayton, you are scheduled to fight against a certain Lupoxus21...” (An'dalia)

Umm... I had not seen this guy before and therefor had no information about him but it didn't matter. From what I had seen so far, most players participating in this tournament were around level 200-300 which didn't present a challenge to me at all.

I could definitely win this entire thing but I had no intention of sticking around too long. All I wanted was my sword and not to stand out too much. My fight was scheduled in around 4 hours so we decided to play at the pool in the meantime.

Our little moment of relaxation had made us grow closer to Gomshew and I was happy to see An'dalia acting a bit more ladylike since the conversation we had a while back. A few hours later I was back at the stadium, waiting for my name to be announced.

An'dalia and Gomshew were sitting in the spectator area, waiting for the announcer to introduce me as well. I stood there, slowly growing impatient, when someone asked me to step forward into the arena.

“Next fight is a jumper going by the name Lupoxus21 fighting against an inhabitant of this world named Clayton! Everybody applaud them for their courage.” (Announcer)

Clap!* Clap!* Clap!* Clap!* Clap!* Whistle* Crowd going wild*

I walked to the centre of the arena and in front of me stood a tall man with a powerful build. His muscles had muscles and he seemed really strong but not to Nargaroth's level. He had blue hair, green eyes and wielded a giant axe.

The referee walked between us and raised his arm in the air. The giant man got into attack mode as I simply stood there without weapons, seemingly relaxed about what was to come. The referee suddenly lowered his arm indicating the beginning of the fight and ran out of the arena behind the magic shield protecting the spectators.

The big man raised his axe high up in the air and began to run toward me while yelling what seemed like a battle cry which had no effect on me. As for me, I remained immobile, waiting for him to come without even flinching.

Lupoxus21 swung his axe downward toward my head wile shouting a loud and powerful roar as I swiftly side stepped and avoided the blade effortlessly. Seeing me dodge, the man twisted his body and changed the trajectory of his axe toward his left where I had went.

Once again all I had to do was take a step back and see the axe miss its target and only cut air. His movement were so slow that I couldn't help but yawn at his display of strength. Nargaroth was a lot faster even if he was a pure power build as well. Since all this man seemed to have was strength I decided to put him to the test.


The next attack was similar to the first one except that his blade was now covered with flames. He had apparently enchanted his axe with fire type magic and was hoping to increase his range that way but I threw a [Vindic Wave] at his axe which extinguished the fire and immobilized the giant blade with two fingers. The blade stopped moving so instantly that it gave the impression of being stuck in a big tree trunk.

Tch... I was supposed to pretend having difficulty winning my fights but this dude was so bad it was slowly angering me. How was I supposed to pretend having difficulty against a man whose only strength was weaker than my own.

I was still glaring at the man, rendering his weapon totally immovable with only two fingers under his incredulous facial expression. He was tugging on it, putting all his weight into it, trying to free his axe from my grip but the thing simply wouldn't budge. This man was probably lower than level 200 from what I could tell.

Anger slowly invading my body and pouring through my skin, I may have lost it for a second there. I decided to send him flying across the stage by striking his chest with the palm of my hand but used 100% of my strength without thinking about the consequences.

Not only that, I simultaneously used [Arcane EarthBolt 50%] to send him flying further away but in my anger, totally forgot about our difference in strength. As I struck him, the giant man didn't go flying like I expected... What he did looked more like sticking a stick of dynamite inside a watermelon.

POOF!* Splatter* Crowd Gasp!*

Ho crap... The big dude kinda got transformed into a cherry smoothie... The entire arena was covered in blood and guts. The biggest remaining pieces were the man's limbs which had went flying all over the place. The only blood free areas were where I stood and behind me.

People in the crowd were shocked and whispered instead of cheering but I could hear a loud voice echoing from the crowd.

“HahAAHahAhAHaHAHahAHAh!” (An'dalia)

Yes this laugh was coming from An'dalia, my honey sugar coated girl. Sighh*... And I wanted to avoid standing out too much, this was a major failure. The referee who was now some shade of blue and green decided to stay out of the stage while announcing I had won.

Finally the public began to cheer or me as I walked out of stage, still annoyed by this dumb fight. The competition was then put on hold while some people were cleaning up my mess after I went back to the sitting area designated for fighters.

When I entered, the room went silent. There seemed to be a lot less people than before but I heard from some people though that many had withdraw from the competition after witnessing my fight. Well this was going to speed up the process at least.

A few more hours went by and the sun was now going down in the horizon, colouring the sky with shades of red, orange and purple. After the withdrawal of so many competitors, it had been decided that the tournament would last only 2 days instead of 3 so I would have to fight once more tonight.

I remained in my corner and watched videos on the internet with people avoiding me until it was my turn again. This time, my adversary had a small body built for speed and was using some ice magic... Sighhh... This one also painted the floor of the arena with his guts.


This was not only boring but frustrating as well... Fighting monsters was a lot more challenging, or maybe it was me who had levelled up too quickly... How weak could humans be? Very... This was not even a competition anymore but a display of dominance.

They announced my flawless victory as I walked off stage, still pissed at today's pointlessness. I don't have another fight until tomorrow so I may as well go to sleep and try to think positively. That night, An'dalia and I shared the same bed again but nothing note worthy happened. (Excepted some minor fondling...)

Finally the next morning I presented myself back at the arena under the stare and whisper of the local citizens. I could hear in their heads how afraid they were of me, some wondering who I was while others were in some state of minor worship.

At this point my intimidating aura was working at full capacity as I didn't want anyone to bother me with their stupid questions. I sat in the participants room and once again waited for my turn but today, the event organizers had something different in store for us.

The 100 remaining participants were asked to go in the area for some kind of speech from the lord of this region. Today was going to be a day filled with battle and I didn't think wasting time with a speech was very smart but I presented myself with the others anyway.

I was in one of the middle rows, carefully watching the stage in front of me for the important person to present himself. A few minutes later 4 armed guards arrived and were transporting a big wooden box with symbols written all over it followed by a noble looking man.

This man was most likely the current lord and this box, most likely holding the missing pieces of my old sword. I could feel Tyrfing presence emanating from it so without waiting for the lord to begin his speech I broke rank and began walking forward toward the stage.

When the guards noticed me, I was already close enough from it. It was too late for them at this point. I held my hand toward the box and called for him to come.

“As your master I command, come to me Tyrfing!!” (Kneeko)

Under the panicking eyes of the lord, his soldiers and the tournament participants, the box holding Tyrfing began to shake, then completely shattered as some shrapnel began to fly in my direction at high speed. The pieces of sword stopped in front of me allowing me to put them in my inventory.

“Guards!!! Arrest this thief !” (Lord) Said the tall man with a red face and a panicking voice.

The other competitors who were surrounding me weren't happy to see their prize get stolen so they had already decided to fight me but I didn't care, I wasn't here to stay anyway. I then transformed into a dragon, one entirely orange with a black belly and began bitch slapping people around, sending them flying like golf balls.

It's a dragon*!!!!!!! Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaa!* Run away*!!!!! Oh my god, protect the lord*!!!!! Dragons are attacking our kingdom!* Crowd trying to evacuate in panic.*

At this points everyone had given up trying to fight me and were trying to save themselves instead. Taking this opportunity before mages arrives, I took off into the air and flew toward the area where the crowds were still trying to run away from.

There, I spotted An'dalia and Gomshew and began to fly straight at them. Gomshew was cowering under his seat and An'dalia for once, was shaking like a leaf at the sight of my massive body coming toward her at full speed.

I landed next to them, destroying most of the area in the process before grabbing An'dalia and Gomshew in my giant and powerful dragon hands.

“HIIIIIiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!” (Gomshew)

“KYAaaaaaaaaaa!” (An'dalia)

Once I had them, I then went back into the air and flew away from the area as fast as I could. Worried of being followed and hunted down I decided to set the city on fire, this would keep them busy with something else.

I then flew as fast and as far as possible for around an hour before landing in a swamp which seemed devoid of any witnesses. I couldn't wait to let go of Gomshew as my hand was now covered in piss but luckily, An'dalia had rapidly calmed down after the events.

“WOAaaaaaaaaaaa!!! That was amazing Kneeko!!!!!!” (An'dalia)

“Huhuhuhu thank you honey.” (Kneeko) I responded as I transformed back to my true black haired appearance.

Gomshew was unconscious so we sat and lit a fire in order to cook some meat. I took all the pieces of Tyrfing and placed them on the ground next to me. An'dalia was watching my every move with a curious stare as I began pouring mana into them.

As soon as I did so, the pieces began to glow purple and stuck to each other as if they were magnetized. Then, the pieces seemed to melt into one another and finally took the form of a long black blade so dark it wasn't reflecting any light at all.

The blade was a bit longer than 1 meter, short enough to be used with one hand but long enough to be considered a two handed sword with the grip adding to its total length. On each side of the blade were two obvious gaps that seemed to indicate a missing piece but I already had those. I grabbed Argy and Itzal from my inventory and placed them next to Tyrfing.

"Hoooo heyyy! Look Argy, it's our gangbang OP body!" (Itzal)

"Urggg... So crowded in there. Do we really have to merge with that thing again?" (Argy)

"Stupid weakling... Do you wish to remain weak? Even though I hate being merged with you, all these tormented souls are definitely entertaining... And that's without mentioning how much more powerful we become.

"SIghhhhh* I HATE IT! There's so much more evil souls than souls I could consider friendly in there... It's depressing." (Argy)

Hey guys, I'm not asking for your opinions here.

"Tch.. this little faggot..." (Itzal)

Let's do this! I then placed Itzal on one side of the blade and Argy on the other side. The sword began to vibrate and ominous black fog began to leak from it. Then, as the 3 swords merged together to form only one, a white line appeared on one side of the blade and a black one on the other.

The blade was matte black and the line in question was glossy which made it visible even if it was black on black. The sword had a jagged edge making it look like a true demon emperor sword. This was the missing piece to my demon emperor set.

"Nice to see you again, master." (Tyrfing)

[table=#800000]Tyrfing (Gods slayer)Minimum level:N/ADurability:∞Damages:N/ARarity:Unique-The spirits of its victims are sealed inside this sword.

-This sword is a world item created by an admin.



-Damages impossible to estimate.[/table]



[table=#800000]PROFILENAME:KneekoLEVEL:725GENDER:MaleMONEY:120430G 19S 82CRACE:(Chimeric) Newt "Tadpole" (Common)MONSTER RANK:Medium HighHEALTH:8660STAMINA:6090MANA:37100STRENGTH:3258 (+550)(M)INTELLIGENCE:3095 (+600)SPEED:1472 (+150)DEXTERITY:73 (+150)(H)VITALITY:1 (+850)CHARM:1 (+415)LUCK:55 (+215)AGILITY:1043 (+150)RESISTANCE:2224 (+650)(S)ENDURANCE:94 (+500)SKILL POINTS:30FAME/INFAMY:-71750 (Seriously Evil)CLASS:-------------------TITLES:Spoiler : ☑ Death's Demise

☑ Divinity

☑ Don Juan

☑ Dungeon conqueror

☑ Elemental Master

☐ Grave Digger

☑ King of the forest

☐ King of the pond

☐ Slave owner

☑ Sphinx Slayer

☐ Stone turner

☑ Toxic Powerhouse

☐ Tree puncher

☑ Tycoon

☑ Vindictae Clan MemberPASSIVE SKILLS:Spoiler : Amphibious (-)

Anti-Reptile Venom (S)

Basilisk Acid ©

Blunt Weapon Mastery (E)

Dual Weapon Mastery (D)

ID Hide (-)

Intimidating Aura (On)

Obscuro Poison (B)

Poison Immunity (-)

Unarmed Mastery (D)

Viper Neurotoxin (A)ACTIVE SKILLS:Spoiler : Checkpoint (-)

Deadly Breath ©

Gardener touch (S)

Humanoid shift (-)

Luminar (E)

Poison Spit (D)

Sad puppy eyes (B)

Tail Whip (B)

TerrorEyes (B)

Time Stop (-)

Vindic Flames (B)

Vindic Wave (B)

Vines Hell (B)

Viper Bite ©ARCANE LIBRARY:Spoiler : Arcane ClayBolt

Arcane EarthBolt

Arcane FireBolt

Arcane FrostBolt

Arcane Gatling

Arcane LightningBolt

Arcane MagmaBolt

Arcane Summoning

Arcane WaterBolt

Arcane WindBolt

Immovable MountainCHIMERA FORGE[/table]


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