《Cheating Monster》Chapter 60 - A good owner


This chapter has been proof-read by: AnthonyL


I walked up to the cage in question with determination in my steps and stop in front of it. Then, I took a hold of the tarp covering it and with a swift motion threw it aside to see what was hidden beneath it. There, laid in a foetal position and shivering, was a small woman with pink cat ears.

“Sir my apologies but this one has yet to be broken into obedience and is not for sale.” (Creepy old man) Said the old man worried about the quality of his products.

The little cat assassin I was looking at was around 5”4, had pink hair, ears and tail. She had blue eyes which currently looked more like dead fish eyes and was covered with bruises. Even though she was quite petite, she had the body of an athlete with all her muscles well defined.

The petite assassin surprised by the sudden removal of her roof looked my direction with her lifeless eyes for a moment then seemingly noticing something she became agitated and cowered in the corner of her cage in fear.

“This cloak... It's the monster's cloak... He found me, I'm dead.. Noooo Buuhhuu*“ (Cat-girl)

She had seen my unique cloak back then, that and also my current high-human appearance. She immediately recognized me and knew she was in trouble. My predatory instincts taking over, I ripped open her cage with my bare hands and grabbed her by the throat before lifting her in the air like a vulgar puppet. I held her there for a moment, watching her struggle as the old man began to panic.

“Please dear lord, do not damage my merchandise she is worth quite a good sum of money.” (Creepy old man) He then said trying to calm my anger. [Identify]

[table=#800000]Lindsey (NPC)Race/Species:Half-Human (Purrsicat)Level:164Class:SlaveTitle:-Accomplished bandit

-Speed only

-Nobles slayer

»Show more«[/table]

“How much.” (Kneeko)

“Hehehehe my dear Kn-, Clayton found himself a toy as well.” (An'dalia)

“My lord, like I said she has yet t-” (Creepy old man)

“[TerrorEyes] How....... Much.......” (Kneeko)

“Gulp* S-s-six gold my lord..” (Creepy old man) He then added after peeing himself a bit.

“Sold.” (Kneeko)

I threw the little assassin on the ground for the slave market employees to handle and finally went inside the tent for the contracts. It was quite simple, a bit of mana, some blood and a small tattoo would appear on their chest, binding the slaves to me.

I had ended up paying 4 gold for Gomshew and 6 for Lindsey. The slave seals prevent them from disobeying their master's order and also prevented them from escaping. If they did, they would immediately be assaulted by an immense pain that would subdue only if they came back to their master.

I had Gomshew do the slave contract but refused to do the same with the cat girl. The old man was quite confused but didn't argue. In his head I could hear him think that she would escape at the first occasion without it but that it was none of his business anymore.


New title: Slave owner

If activated, this title increases your control over slaves.



-250 Fame


Tch, trash title once again... Let's ignore it.

Before leaving with our new pets I had everyone exit the tent and leave only me and the cat girl inside. The little naked girl was kneeled on the ground, trying to hide her nakedness with her arms. I walked up to her and crouched in order to speak eye to eye.


“Lindsey, I know you recognized me. I recognized you as well, miss assassin.” (Kneeko)

“Gulp*, I was wearing clothes hiding my entire body, how could he recognize me this easily?! I'm so dead... Buuhhuuu*“ (Lindsey)

I extended my left arm forward toward her making her flinch in the process. I grabbed the collar she had around her neck and effortlessly crushed it with my immense strength. She looked at me in the eyes, surprised by my action.

Next I discretely took a mana stone from my inventory and struck her chest with it, plunging my entire hand through her rib-cage and stuck the stone next to her heart. She screamed for a while in a voice only those seeing death in the eyes could make, then fainted from the intense pain.

Worried by the screams of agony, An'dalia and the old man rushed back in to see what was happening but when they entered, all they saw was the little cat girl laid in a puddle of her own blood and me standing next to her with a bloody hand.

“S-s-sir, you could have waited to be somewhere else before killing her. I don't apr-.. Never-mind sir, I will take care of her body.” (Creepy old man) The old man wanted to voice his discontent but refrained from doing so, still afraid of me.

“Awwww you could have told me you wanted to kill her, I would have liked to watch your handy work.” (An'dalia)

“She is still alive. An'dalia mind healing her please?” (Kneeko)

Surprised at first, she then concluded in her head that I intended to let the pleasure last longer by healing the wounds I was causing her then torture her again later. She immediately used her healing magic, closing the hole in her chest as if nothing had happened.

She was still unconscious and had lost a lot of blood so I threw her over my shoulder like a bag of potatoes before leaving the slave market. An'dalia was following close behind with her new dog who was held by her with a leash.

Before exiting the premises, I had used the slave seal to order Gomshew to obey every order given to him by An'dalia and that as long as he did so, I would protect him from her to a certain degree. Then I told An'dalia that he was an expensive toy and not to break it.

We regrouped with our escort and left the slums toward our luxurious inn for the night. An'dalia said her dog stank so she brought him outside in the yard and began trowing buckets of cold water at him. Then she ordered him to scrub himself properly or he would have to sleep outside.

During that time I went inside the inn and went into the hot spring for some cleanup. I brought Lindsey who was still unconscious along and gently placed her in the water next to me. I took a sponge and began to wash her gently, trying not to wake her up.

Once she was clean, An'dalia joined me and offered to wash my body which I gladly accepted. She was gently caressing my body, taking good care of not missing any spots. Lindsey was still laying unconscious in the shallow part of the bath while Gomshew was kneeled next to the water with his ears hanging low after his traumatic experience.

“You seem to take great care of her... Going as far as bringing her in your bath. Aren't you worried about her leaving hairs in the water?” (An'dalia)


“Don't be too mean with them An'dalia. They had enough hardships in their life already. A well treated slaved is a faithful slave. A badly treated one will betray you at the first occasion.” (Kneeko)

“Ummm... Kneeko truly is more knowledgeable than me about these things. I will keep your advice in mind.” (An'dalia) She added, deep in thought.

“Was I wrong to assume Kneeko was an evil god? I might need to rethink my ways of interacting with him in the future...“ (An'dalia)

“I may currently be acting a bit rashly, but it is because I need to constantly fight not to loose my mind. You see, this piece of void iron I got from the blacksmith... It is a part of my old sword, Tyrfing. Even after reforging it with my mana, it will still be incomplete.

I have two short swords which are also parts of its true body. The void body which I am currently trying to rebuild is cursed since it absorbs the souls of those who die from it and imprisons them in its void body, making it stronger in the process.

All that sounds good but as long as the void body isn't reunited with Argy and Itzal, these imprisoned souls will keep trying to leak out and corrupt my mind. So I apologize if I act in a strange way occasionally. I need to get my hands on the rest of Tyrfing's body as soon as possible.” (Kneeko)

“Hoo...! So that means... You're not really evil after all?” (An'dalia)

“Guhuhuhu* Don't get me wrong, I am not a very nice guy but I am not trash either. By the way, you should keep that sadistic personality of yours under control a bit better. If not this will end up being your downfall one day.” (Kneeko)

“Nod* Nod* Nod*” (An'dalia)

“I will definitely keep God's words in mind.“ (An'dalia) As she thought about my words, An'dalia turned around to look at the poor Gomshew who was still cowering in a corner, afraid of being bullied by his mistress.

“Gomshew, come in the bath with us.” (An'dalia)

Gomshed jolted in a strange manner with his tail going straight up in the air like an angry cat after hearing the invitation. He seemed confused at first and looked at me for a confirmation. I gave him a warm smile and invited him next to me.

He still hadn't muttered a single word, probably used to getting beaten each time he did so in the past. After finally calming down a bit, the naked half-man shyly entered the bath next to us and remained as immobile as possible, trying not to anger anyone.

“How did you become a slave?” (Kneeko) I nicely asked him. Gomshew hesitated for a moment before answering.

“3 years ago, my beloved disappeared after venturing too far away into human territories. I went to look for him- I mean her, but got captured by slavers. The same probably happened to hi-..her.” (Gomshew) He then sunk his head into the water, ashamed of his story.

We kept talking for a few minutes with An'dalia trying her best to be nice to him but she couldn't help herself and kept pinching his skin, making him yelp a few times from the pain. She was visibly having a good time and as long as it was pinching and hair pulling I had no intention of interfering.

After all, it was still a lot better than being stuck in his cage with slavers who considered them as objects. As for me, I was seeing them as servants, people who needed to work off their debt since I had spent quite a bit of money for them. I don't usually do things for free after all.

“Umhhmhm*” (Lindsay) The sleepy cat began to move and mumble so I quickly stood up under the blushing eyes of Gomshew and went next to her. I got her out of the water, dried myself and put on some clothes.

I grabbed her in my arms under An'dalia's jealous glare and princess carried her to my room after telling An'dalia to join us when she and Gomshew were ready. As I gently laid her on the bed, the cat girl's eyes suddenly burst open and exhibited terror after seeing me.

She realized she was naked, in a bed with me leaning over her so as fast as lightning, she tried to grab my neck into a choke-hold. She winced in pain as her wounds were still freshly healed. With my immense strength I effortlessly removed her arms from my neck and forcefully laid her on the bed once again.

“Sorry about earlier. It was something i judged necessary. You tried to kill me back then after all. I will not lay hands on you so you do not need to be afraid. Your injuries are still fresh so I want you to sleep and recuperate.... Back then, I refused to make you a slave, do you know why?” (Kneeko)

“.......Shakes head*..” (Lindsay)

“Because you are strong. Back then you gave me a good fight and I recognize you as a warrior. If you have nowhere to go I would like you to work for me. You are not forced to answer nor are you forced to stay. You can escape whenever you want. I repeat, you are no one's slave.” (Kneeko) I tucked the blanket around her as she was staring in confusion then closed the lights and exited the room.

Well, now that that's done, better go to sleep early. Tomorrow is tournament day. Guhuhuhu* I need to quickly complete Tyrfing's body and place him under my control again before I start loosing my mind.

"Sighhh* We never get any screen-time. I'm tired of being ignored." (Argy)

"Tch.. this ungrateful bastard..." (Itzal)



[table=#800000]PROFILENAME:KneekoLEVEL:725GENDER:MaleMONEY:120430G 19S 82CRACE:(Chimeric) Newt "Tadpole" (Common)MONSTER RANK:Medium HighHEALTH:8660STAMINA:6090MANA:37100STRENGTH:3258 (+550)(M)INTELLIGENCE:3095 (+600)SPEED:1472 (+150)DEXTERITY:73 (+150)(H)VITALITY:1 (+850)CHARM:1 (+415)LUCK:55 (+215)AGILITY:1043 (+150)RESISTANCE:2224 (+650)(S)ENDURANCE:94 (+500)SKILL POINTS:30FAME/INFAMY:-71750 (Seriously Evil)CLASS:-------------------TITLES:Spoiler : ☑ Death's Demise

☑ Divinity

☑ Don Juan

☑ Dungeon conqueror

☑ Elemental Master

☐ Grave Digger

☑ King of the forest

☐ King of the pond

☐ Slave owner

☑ Sphinx Slayer

☐ Stone turner

☑ Toxic Powerhouse

☐ Tree puncher

☑ Tycoon

☑ Vindictae Clan MemberPASSIVE SKILLS:Spoiler : Amphibious (-)

Anti-Reptile Venom (S)

Basilisk Acid ©

Blunt Weapon Mastery (E)

Dual Weapon Mastery (D)

ID Hide (-)

Intimidating Aura (On)

Obscuro Poison (B)

Poison Immunity (-)

Unarmed Mastery (D)

Viper Neurotoxin (A)ACTIVE SKILLS:Spoiler : Checkpoint (-)

Deadly Breath ©

Gardener touch (S)

Humanoid shift (-)

Luminar (E)

Poison Spit (D)

Sad puppy eyes (B)

Tail Whip (B)

TerrorEyes (B)

Time Stop (-)

Vindic Flames (B)

Vindic Wave (B)

Vines Hell (B)

Viper Bite ©ARCANE LIBRARY:Spoiler : Arcane ClayBolt

Arcane EarthBolt

Arcane FireBolt

Arcane FrostBolt

Arcane Gatling

Arcane LightningBolt

Arcane MagmaBolt

Arcane Summoning

Arcane WaterBolt

Arcane WindBolt

Immovable MountainCHIMERA FORGE[/table]


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