《Cheating Monster》Chapter 57 - Honey moon


This chapter has been proof-read by: AnthonyL


I slowly slid away from An'dalia, trying not to wake her up and exited our vine dome to see what was approaching. When I looked toward the sound I saw something extremely creepy. It was a monster which was part plant, part animal and had tentacles and flowers all over its body.

It was extremely big, at least as big as my dragon form and seemed to be walking straight toward us. It was walking using some tentacles bundled together to form 4 legs, its head looked like a big red flower. In the middle of this giant, creepy red flower was a big gaping hole filled with teeth.

Its entire green body was covered in spikes as well as its tentacles and if it stayed immobile, could be confused for a simple plant. Not wanting to let him get close to my sleeping beauty I ran toward it and used [identify] as soon as I was near enough.

[table=#800000]MonsterSpecies:Broxlorthian Squidflower (King of the forest)Level:482Monster Rank:HighRarity:Extremely Rare[/table]

“Hooooo?! King of the forest, that title's mine now bitch!” (Kneeko)

I used [Vine Hell] and tried to immobilize it but it had no solid body part and was mostly made of tentacles so it slowly began to free itself by untying the knots. [Arcane Fire + LightningBolt: 10%] A giant ball of sparkling fire flew at it and made contact with a giant explosion.

Against plants, fire was an obvious choice. The monster caught fire and began to growl and roar in anger. I was about to send the same attack when roots emerged from the ground and grabbed my ankles. The roots then got ripped out of the ground sending dirt flying in all directions then held me upside down in the air.

Before I could react, I was already being thrown in all directions, destroying trees and bushes in the process. I was being smashed around like an old wet sock but wasn't receiving that much damage from it. I didn't have that much HP for my level but I had an insane amount of resistance.




Mathematically, resistance is better than HP since I was barely taking any damage as long as the creature was lower level than me. Angry to be trashed around like that, I tried to use [Viper Bite] on the roots holding me but only bit wood. My poison wasn't meant to work on plants after all.

I could use basilisk acid but it would only cut one root at a time. Starting to feel sick from being trashed around, I transformed into my dragon form. I was now dark orange with a black belly which was the colour pattern of one of the rogue dragons.

[Deadly Breath] I spewed my acid gas at the creature making it scream it pain, its tentacles were going wild and hitting everything around. My attacks were highly effective against it and honestly, I wasn't expecting too much of a challenge for the rest of the fight.

Broxlorthian Squidflower Health:

Then just to prove me wrong, the creature began to merge with other plants around and regained most of its HP... Well that's going to be problematic. I latched myself onto it with my claws and began launching fire and acid once again.

This time I was forcefully holding it, trying to prevent the beast from merging with other plants. With my immense strength I was able to overpower it and simply spammed my most effective skills at it. I decided to use [Vindic Flame] in case his regenerative ability needed mana.


The monster caught on fire and tried whipping me with it's tentacles to force me to let go but this was not going to happen. When the creature finally reached 50% health, I saw a slowly moving tentacle from the corner of my eye.

That tentacle was inching it's way toward a big tree, obviously trying to leech health from it. At this point I was getting annoyed so I decided to end this quick. [Time Stop] With everything suddenly immobilized around me I took off in to the air with my powerful dragon wings.

Once a few meters above the immobilized creature I used what I thought would be the more efficient. [Arcane MagmaBolt: 100%] Let me see you survive this you dumb plant. A massive orb or lava as big as a small house fell straight down on the creature.

When it did, I stopped my [Stop time] skill and rushed to destroy the runaway tentacle which was trying to reach the trees. The giant creature was submerged under meters of melted hot lava and I couldn't see it anymore.




I was careful in case the creature had a trick up its sleeve still but finally relaxed once I saw this.


Level up! (X2)



New title: King of the forest

Condition: Having vanquished the previous king of the forest.

If activated, this title grants (+150 Vitality)


Now this was a useful title. I needed to pick which title I was going to deactivate to be able to enable this one. I currently had low level titles so finding one to sacrifice wouldn't be too hard. These are the titles currently enabled.


Title: King of the pond

If activated, this title grants (+50 Resistance)



Title: Toxic Powerhouse

If activated, this title grants (+50 Vitality)



Title: Tycoon

Condition: Having bought 30,000 gold worth of merchandise in less than two months.

If activated, this title grants (+40 Luck) (+40 Charm)



Title: Elemental Master

If activated, this title grants (+100 Intelligence)



Title: Don Juan

Condition: Having 20 women simultaneously falling in love with you.

If activated, this title grants (+25 Luck) (+150 Charm)



Title: Divinity

If activated, this title grants (+150 points to all skills.)



Title: Death's Demise

#Not only did you come back from the land of the dead, you also managed to free other people from death's grip.

If activated, this title grants (+50 Vitality) (+20% HP Regeneration speed)



Title: Vindictae Clan Member

If activated, this title grants (+350 strength) (+350 Intelligence) (+350 Vitality) (+350 Resistance) (+350 Endurance)


After mathematically analyzing them all I came to the conclusion what it was better for me to replace King of the pond with this new one as I already had a lot of resistance already. I would loose 50 points but gain 100 more in the end.

With that done I turned around to go back to sleep but standing not far away with terror in her eyes was An'dalia. 'Ha crap!' I was still in my dragon form and definitely looked terrifying. Not wasting a second I reverted back to my human form before walking toward her.

“Are you alright? This big creature was after us so I didn't have any other choice... Sorry if I woke you up.” (Kneeko) She was staring at me with a complicated expression before finally asking.


“K-Kneeko, was that your real appearance?” (An'dalia) I thought it was a fair question to ask but I didn't feel like telling her I was a tadpole...

“Errr.... Not really. It's this ring I'm wearing which allows me to change form.” (Kneeko) She hesitated for a while before continuing.

“So.. what are you?” (An'dalia)

“Does it matter?” (Kneeko)

“Emm... Not exactly but why would you hide it from me?” (An'dalia)

“Well let's just say that I am in a transmission form. Soon I will become something akin to a dragon god.” (Kneeko)

“WHAT? Was there even such a thing?” (An'dalia)

“Maybe not so far, but soon there will be. It may seem hard to understand but I have some connection with the goddess ruling over this world. Well ok I'll be honest, I'm this goddess' brother. She told me how I could become a dragon god so this is what I am doing. Of course my goal is to kill the dragons who attacked me back then and get revenge but there are more reasons behind it as well.” (Kneeko)

She was staring at me agape mouth, having difficulty processing what she had just heard.

“Kneeko, a god? JACKPOT!“ (An'dalia)

Sighhh and there she is back to her original personality. Ho well as long as I can hear her thoughts she wont be able to manipulate me anyway so it doesn't really matter.

“If you're not tired anymore we should start moving. Let's take advantage of this beautiful sunlight while it lasts.” (Kneeko)

“Yes! Let's go wherever you want.” (An'dalia)

“Teeheee... Got myself a god! Yayy! Father, you will suffer soon enough pwahahahaha*“ (An'dalia)

Yes... definitely meant for each other... Guhuhuhu* We then went on our way toward my little private kingdom. Soon I would be able to expand with my goblin army but I only needed the neighbour to suffer from war casualties first to make it easier for us to invade.

I intended to offer lands, an army and a kingdom to my beautiful wives after all. During our travel we enjoyed ourselves. Eating at expensive restaurants, sightseeing to the most beautiful areas on our way and simply acting like tourists or even a newly wed couple on their honey moon.

At first I was trying to seduce her but I quickly realized that hearing I was a soon to be god was enough to make her fall completely for me. She was a superficial and shallow woman but I had no problem with it.

After all, I was a stalking psycho soon to be god... Who am I to judge.. Guhuhu* Actually I was getting the feeling that she was the one trying to seduce me now... On a different note, during the boring parts of our trip I finally managed to complete one of my arcane projects.

[table=#800000]Do you wish to save this circle?YesNo[/table]



Give a name to the spell:


[Arcane Summoning] Guhuhu* Finally! With this I was able to summon minions from various magical elements. That part of the circle had been completed since a while back but what I had added was the possibility to use monster cores to summon the beasts which they belonged to.

Of course it was not like a resurrection skill and couldn't summon the exact same creature but only a creature with the same body. The more mana I used to summon, the stronger they were so the level of the core didn't matter at all. All that mattered was to gather cores from monster with strong bodies.

“Ho! A bird! “[Arcane LightningBolt 5%] Pouf*” (Kneeko)

“Why do you keep killing birds?” (An'dalia)

“Ha it's because I want wings... Don't try to understand.” (Kneeko)

She looked at me funny but smiled happily and grabbed my arm in between her breast before resuming our romantic walk like nothing happened.

[MindTech Corp (Real life)]

A small obese man exited his private cubicle after gathering his stuff for the day. This little fat man was Billy Arkisonofitch also known in alterlife2 under the pseudonym “Curvnt”. It had been a long day once again and he couldn't wait to go to bed but dreaded going back home.

His wife was most likely to throw a fit like usual, his children would treat him like a dog and even his step mother who was living under their roof was going to call him little piggy like she usually does. Actually he wondered if he should go sleep somewhere else that night.

As he was about to leave, the big boss of the company summoned him into his office. Billy mumbled a few curses under his breath and dragged his feet to the boss' office. There, another small fat man was sitting with a cigar in his mouth.

The two men looked quite alike excepted one was almost bald while the youngest was beginning to loose his hair. Billy sat on the chair in front of the big boss and waited for the bald man to say what he wanted to say.

“Billy... How many people did you ban today?” (Big Boss)

“Errr. I don't know... 5-10...” (Curvnt)

“Sighhh Do you know how much of a pain in the ass it is to run this company without having you piss people off and inundating my phone with sentence reviews? YOU CAN'T SIMPLY BAN PEOPLE JUST BECAUSE YOU GET ANGRY!!!!” (Big Boss)

“Urggg... Alright alright I'll be more careful.” (Curvnt)

“You little fucker you keep saying that but there's never any change in your attitude! If you weren't my son you would have been fired a long time ago you little idiot ! Now go and un-ban those who didn't break the game rules! NOW!” (Big Boss)

“Grgrgrg* Old asshole.. grggrg” (Curvnt) He silently whispered.

“I SAID NOW!!!!!!!!!!!” (Big Boss)

“OKOK! I got it ! Sighhh” (Curvnt)

Billy then exited his father's office and went back to his cubicle. Looks like his day wasn't over after all. What a dog's life he had...



[table=#800000]PROFILENAME:KneekoLEVEL:725GENDER:MaleMONEY:120445G 29S 76CRACE:(Chimeric) Newt "Tadpole" (Common)MONSTER RANK:Medium HighHEALTH:8660STAMINA:6090MANA:37100STRENGTH:3258 (+550)(M)INTELLIGENCE:3095 (+600)SPEED:1472 (+150)DEXTERITY:73 (+150)(H)VITALITY:1 (+850)CHARM:1 (+415)LUCK:55 (+215)AGILITY:1043 (+150)RESISTANCE:2224 (+650)(S)ENDURANCE:94 (+500)SKILL POINTS:30FAME/INFAMY:-71500 (Seriously Evil)CLASS:-------------------TITLES:Spoiler : ☑ Death's Demise

☑ Divinity

☑ Don Juan

☑ Dungeon conqueror

☑ Elemental Master

☐ Grave Digger

☑ King of the forest

☐ King of the pond

☑ Sphinx Slayer

☐ Stone turner

☑ Toxic Powerhouse

☐ Tree puncher

☑ Tycoon

☑ Vindictae Clan MemberPASSIVE SKILLS:Spoiler : Amphibious (-)

Anti-Reptile Venom (S)

Basilisk Acid ©

Blunt Weapon Mastery (E)

Dual Weapon Mastery (D)

ID Hide (-)

Intimidating Aura (On)

Obscuro Poison (B)

Poison Immunity (-)

Unarmed Mastery (D)

Viper Neurotoxin (A)ACTIVE SKILLS:Spoiler : Checkpoint (-)

Deadly Breath ©

Gardener touch (S)

Humanoid shift (-)

Luminar (E)

Poison Spit (D)

Sad puppy eyes (B)

Tail Whip (B)

TerrorEyes (B)

Time Stop (-)

Vindic Flames (B)

Vindic Wave (B)

Vines Hell (B)

Viper Bite ©ARCANE LIBRARY:Spoiler : Arcane ClayBolt

Arcane EarthBolt

Arcane FireBolt

Arcane FrostBolt

Arcane Gatling

Arcane LightningBolt

Arcane MagmaBolt

Arcane Summoning

Arcane WaterBolt

Arcane WindBolt

Immovable MountainCHIMERA FORGE[/table]

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