《Cheating Monster》Chapter 55 - New nemesis


This chapter has been proof-read by: AnthonyL


[A few days ago back in Niardo kingdom.]

A tall cloaked man entered the throne room and walked up to the king sitting on his throne. The tall figure seemed agitated and as for the king, he seemed highly worried. The cloaked figure was Damyon, clan leader of the Rokugan's pure blooded dragons.

“Welcome Damyon, what bring you to my kingdom?” (King)

“Don't fuck with me Arh'taron. The men you supposedly sent to bring me back the core never reached our lands. You are responsible for the loss of our important treasure!” (Damyon)

“I-it is true that I have not heard of them since then. Something must have happened to them on their way there. I swear I truly sent them to bring the core back to you.” (Arh'taron)

“I don't give a shit. If you can't give me back the core, give me your daughter. And hear me well, this is not a negotiation.” (Damyon)

Arh'taron Elmda'ril, great king of the high humans was in a pinch. He had failed to safe keep the treasure given to him in exchange for his daughter and had now no other choice than to obey Damyon's order. A small kingdom such as Niardo couldn't possibly go against the dragon race on their own.

Luckily the king had an heir and An'dalia was only the 2nd princess which made her more easily disposable but as a father, the king was torn to betray her for a second time. Sadly though, the king didn't have any other choices.

“Bring my daughter!” (Arh'taron) Reluctantly ordered the king to one of his guards.

Damyon was trowing daggers at the king with his eyes as they silently waited for An'dalia to arrive. The king was highly displeased as well since he was about to lose his daughter without gaining anything in exchange.

A few awkward minutes later, the guard came back followed by An'dalia who was wearing a beautiful red dress and two ponytails. Damyon's expression immediately changed as he saw her. It was fair to say that she was the only thing capable of quenching his anger.

“You asked for me f-... What is HE doing here?!!!” (An'dalia)

“I am sorry, An'dalia. But to protect this kingdom, your duty is to go and become this man's wife.” (Arh'taron)

“WHAT??? You would betray me again you old fucking ass-hole!” (An'dalia)

“Ummm yes. Full of energy like I remembered you. Come now! I've lost enough time here.” (Damyon)

After a few mi- hours of screaming, kicking, biting, spitting... basically everything she could think off, the princess was finally loaded inside a carriage pulled by 4 dwarkors. Dwarkors are similar to crocodiles but with long legs used to run at high speed.

Damyon had tied her arms and legs to force her to behave and pretended to be sorry about it. But truth was, Damyon enjoyed seeing her defenceless and at his mercy. He was already salivating at the thought of taking her virginity as soon as they arrived at his cave.

He had to muster all of his willpower not to rape her immediately but also enjoyed letting the anticipation simmer like a good wine needing to age. She would become his favourite plaything until he found someone else striking his fancy.


“I am sure you will be very happy to live with me. You will be able to make many friends after meeting my 53 other wives.” (Damyon)

“Go die you mother fucker!” (An'dalia)

Slap!* The poor An'dalia held her swollen cheek in shock.

“Look like I will need to teach you good manners. This is not how a lady should talk, especially not one I am about to marry. Ho well, we will have ample time to reform that nasty personality of yours.” (Damyon)

At this moment for some strange reason, An'dalia held her necklace in her hands with one thought in mind. (If I was a monster like Kneeko I could kill this bastard...) The princess shocked herself by her own reaction. How could she find comfort while imagining Kneeko coming to her rescue?

Kneeko was dead, she had received confirmation of this a while back. Since then she thought she could get her life back on track but kept thinking of him. Now that he was dead, she had realized that the only thing he had ever done wrong to her was kill Darui'n.

But even that, he had done to protect her from the bolt wyvern. It was only now that he was dead that she began to understand how blind she had been. Yes he was creepy and a stalker but he had never done anything to directly hurt her.

She had now lost Darui'n and Kneeko... She was now alone and at the mercy of Damyon. It is then that she took the resolution to kill herself as soon as she got the opportunity. She needed to commit suicide before Damyon raped her. This is what she had resolved herself to do.

Every night they would setup camp and she would be tied up in her private tent surrounded by guards. There was no way for her to escape, no way to take her own life. Every night she lived in fear of seeing Damyon enter her tent and force himself on her.

Her eyes were so swollen due to her constantly crying that she was almost unrecognizable. She refused to eat or drink and was only hoping to die from dehydration before reaching the dragon land. Not wanting his precious toy to die, Damyon ordered some guards to force feed her, taking away her only hope of escaping her horrible fate.

1 week later, Damyon came to her tent during the night. Terror couldn't express how she felt when she saw him. This is where I lose my virginity to this tyrant, I want to die! Is what she thought. But Damyon wasn't there for that reason.

“Hello beautiful. Travelling by foot is taking too long. I have duties waiting for me back home so I will go ahead and wait for you there. Be nice and obey the guards if you want to make it in one piece. I can't wait to taste you once you arrive. Heahahahaha*” (Damyon)

He then left, leaving her only a few more days before her descent to hell. As soon as he was gone, An'dalia immediately felt a huge weight lifted from her shoulders. She needed to find a way to kill herself. Poison would be ideal but her poison resistance would make it a horrible and slow death.


“Father... I swear one day I will kill you along with this fucking dragon as well. I will come back to haunt you after my death!” (An'dalia)

[Kneeko POV:]

I flew night and day without rest, unable to remain calm as I kept thinking of what Damyon was doing to my precious wife. She's MINE! If he touches her, I'LL KILL HIM! No wait, I'll kill him no matter what! My plan to do so was a vicious one.

The plan was to give An'dalia a dagger coated with my anti-dragon poison, then have her lure him into thinking she wanted to have sex with him. Then, when he let his guard down, she would stab him with it then use the necklace I gave her to teleport away.

I would then only need to have her wait in a safe place while I went to finish him. Guhuhuhu* Perfect plan. Well there were a few random factors in there but I had already planned counter measures to deal with them. For example, if Damyon wasn't among her escort, she would need to remain with them a while longer.

She would wait to reach the dragon land and execute the plan there. Of course I would need to use my acting skills and pretend to be someone else but with my appearance being completely different now, it shouldn't be too hard to do.

I kept following my StalkingCompass 3000 and after a few days finally got a visual on the convoy transporting my beautiful golden haired wife. I spent the entire day stalking the convoy, trying to locate Damyon but didn't find him anywhere.

I could definitely smell lavender from one of the carriage which made my heart flutter in anticipation. After an entire day of recon, I discovered 50 high level guards and no dragons... This ass-hole didn't even bother to accompany her the entire way and left her with these unknown guards. What an ass-hole.

I will have to wait till nighttime and infiltrate An'dalia's tent. There, my “Kill Damyon” plan would begin. Guhuhuhu* Can't wait to see you again my beautiful angel. [Chimera Forge]

“Heyy there ni-chan!” (Lucy)

“Hello sis. Can you change my colour to one of the other 3 rogue dragon please.” (Kneeko)

“Sure!... Done! Anything else?” (Lucy)

“Let me check what I received from these hundreds of cores. Can you highlight only those using DNA I won't need to my dragon god form please?” (Kneeko)

“There you go!” (Lucy)

“Thank you!” (Kneeko)

I looked at all these abilities I could unlock. I had many abilities but they were so expensive I couldn't unlock them all immediately. I needed to take my time and select the ones I needed the most. After a few minutes my eyes stopped on something interesting.

“Hoooo so many OP skills... Guhuhuhu* [Checkpoints]? To me that sounds like a way to become immortal... There must still be a penalty for each time though... Ho? [Time Stop]? Is this what I think it is?” (Kneeko)

[Far away from there.]

A man wearing a blue uniform that seemed to belong to a military officer was walking down a road leading to a small road pub. The man had short black hair, black eyes, was relatively tall and had a stern expression on his face.

The man's most peculiar feature was his diamond shaped stone on his forehead which was similar to Kneeko's but was blue instead of red. That man's name was Curvnt, an admin employed to enforce law upon the players of this world.

The man nonchalantly arrived at the pub where a fierce looking woman was beating up a small man to a bloody pulp. Curious, Curvnt walked up to them and asked what was going on.

“This ass-hole harassed me!” (Woman)

“I only said you looked beautiful! *Blood splurged out of his mouth*” (Man)

“Cat calling is what we call harassment! You are guilty!” (Curvnt)

“B-but... She's only wearing a bikini top... punch* Isn't she a bit responsible for it as well? Punch* ouchhh..” (Man)

“You dare put the blame on her? Women are always victims, men are always perpetrators! You misogynistic pig! PERMABAN!” (Curvnt)

“No wai-” (Man) And just like that the man was permanently banned from Alterlife 2.

The man should not have contradicted what Curvnt said since he was the ultimate authority in this world. In real life his wife was cheating on him, his children hated him, everybody at work despised him so in the game he could finally let off some steam.

He was an admin, he could do whatever the fuck he wanted. If someone said something he didn't have an answer for, BAN! If someone looked at him funny, BAN! By always treating women like children who aren't responsible for anything, he was what we call a white knight. (AuthNote:Some other type of sexism if you ask me.) By doing so he hoped to get laid. (Not that it had ever worked.)

“Heyy you dick! I was having fun beating him. Mind your own goddamn business!” (Woman)

“Dick? PERMABAN! Pouwahahaha* You will learn to respect my autoritahh!” (Curvnt)

“Ho?” (Curvnt)

Curvnt opened the message he had just received and was stomped. It was from a young girl who had been fooled by an NPC with a fake quest, then ambushed and killed...

“Unacceptable! There's an NPC who needs to be erased as soon as possible.. How dare he kill a girl!” (Curvnt)

He then used the server entity locator to see who had posted the fake quest but couldn't find anything... Strange, he thought to himself...

*Cue ominous music*

“Look like I'll have to go there and investigate myself.” (Curvnt)




[table=#800000]PROFILENAME:KneekoLEVEL:723GENDER:MaleMONEY:120451G 23S 29CRACE:(Chimeric) Newt "Tadpole" (Common)MONSTER RANK:Medium HighHEALTH:7160STAMINA:6090MANA:37100STRENGTH:3258 (+550)(M)INTELLIGENCE:3095 (+600)SPEED:1472 (+150)DEXTERITY:73 (+150)(H)VITALITY:1 (+700)CHARM:1 (+415)LUCK:55 (+215)AGILITY:1043 (+150)RESISTANCE:2224 (+700)(S)ENDURANCE:94 (+500)SKILL POINTS:0FAME/INFAMY:-71500 (Seriously Evil)CLASS:-------------------TITLES:Spoiler : ☑ Death's Demise

☑ Divinity

☑ Don Juan

☑ Dungeon conqueror

☑ Elemental Master

☐ Grave Digger

☑ King of the pond

☑ Sphinx Slayer

☐ Stone turner

☑ Toxic Powerhouse

☐ Tree puncher

☑ Tycoon

☑ Vindictae Clan MemberPASSIVE SKILLS:Spoiler : Amphibious (-)

Anti-Reptile Venom (S)

Basilisk Acid ©

Blunt Weapon Mastery (E)

Dual Weapon Mastery (D)

Intimidating Aura (On)

Obscuro Poison (B)

Poison Immunity (-)

Unarmed Mastery (D)

Viper Neurotoxin (A)ACTIVE SKILLS:Spoiler : Deadly Breath ©

Gardener touch (S)

Humanoid shift (-)

ID Hide (-)

Luminar (E)

Poison Spit (D)

Sad puppy eyes (B)

Tail Whip (B)

TerrorEyes (B)

Vindic Flames (B)

Vindic Wave (B)

Vines Hell (B)

Viper Bite ©ARCANE LIBRARY:Spoiler : Arcane ClayBolt

Arcane EarthBolt

Arcane LightningBolt

Arcane MagmaBolt

Arcane FireBolt

Arcane FrostBolt

Arcane WaterBolt

Arcane WindBolt

Arcane Gatling

Immovable MountainCHIMERA FORGE[/table]


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