《Cheating Monster》Chapter 53 - Nothing personal


This chapter has been proof-read by: AnthonyL


In the morning when we woke up the castle was in a state of excitement. The queen had been resurrected early in the morning and had spent some time with the king who should have explained the situation to her.

The day before I had grown plants with anaesthetic properties and others that could be used as antibiotics. I had various plants ready for any possible situation and felt ready for my baptism as a surgeon. First of all I needed a short meeting with the queen since I couldn't really cut her open without saying hi first.

I tasked Nargaroth and Mendy with getting the set of clothes I had commissioned the day before and other errands. I wore my new white surgeon uniform and followed the king's assistant down the long palace corridors up to a tea room.

Then the old man announced my arrival and opened the door for me to enter. Inside were the king and queen, standing up and showing me the respect I deserve for once.

“Good morning sir Elvis.” (Hofhray)

“Good morning good sir. I am Nafarihm, Queen of Niflin” (Nafarihm)

“Hi. How are you doing? It must be quite emotional for you.” (Kneeko)

“Sighh* I must admit to be very nervous. Why can't I be there during the treatment? Why must you be alone with her to do the “procedure”?” (Hofhray)

“Secret of the trade. But rest assured, I have everything to gain from her safe recovery.” (Kneeko)

“I know but still...” (Hofhray)

“It's alright honey. We tried everything, if this good sir says he knows how to cure me then do we have any other options?” (Nafarihm)

[...] The king went into deep thought for a moment before answering.

“I will put my faith in you young sir. Please save her.” (Hofhray) He said as he hugged the queen in his arms.

“Do not worry, I am pretty confident that it will be a success. Should we begin now?” (Kneeko)

“Sighhh* Yes, I am ready.” (Nafarihm)

We all went down to the room that had been prepared for me. The wall, ceiling and floor were white polished marble which had been washed with alcohol and boiling water. No one had been authorize to enter this room and it was perfectly sterile.

I had asked to be alone in the room with the queen for the operation since I knew the king wouldn't be happy knowing I was planning to cut his wife open. Once in the room I asked the queen to remove her giant padded dress.

I was expecting some difficulty with that and even needing to anaesthetize her first but she removed it without a word. As a high elf like the king, she had long braided blond hair and blue eyes. She emanated maturity yet looked like a young maiden.

To be honest she made me think of Asta. You know, they are old, they act their age, yet look like young women in the prime of their life. She was only wearing her white undergarment and seemed embarrassed but went along with what I asked her to do.

I had her drink my anaesthetic potion then as it slowly affected her I had her lay down on my operating table. Then she slowly drifted off to sleep as I sang her a lullaby for children. Now that I think back on it, it must have been super creepy for her.


I made sure the door was locked then I proceeded in removing her undergarment, exposing her porcelain white skin. She had two beautifully formed boobs, just big enough to fill the hand adorned with two equally beautiful pink nipples.

I stood there, staring at them for a while before remembering what I was here for. I swear I didn't touch them... a lot. Next I took out my surgical instruments. The obsidian scalpel wasn't as sturdy as a modern stainless steel one but was definitely as sharp as the real deal.

I made the incision and began the procedure. I did exactly as I had seen in the medical video and surprised myself at even enjoying it. Seeing her inside felt, personal... As if I was more intimate with her than even her husband.

It took me a few hours spent trying to do a perfect job with the king constantly knocking on the door and asking what was taking so long. Sighh* I had told him if would take a while since I wasn't used to it but he kept pestering me anyway...

Once I had finally closed the hole in her heart, I used a healing spell-scroll to close her back up since I couldn't leave a wound or a scar on her royal skin. The king would have lost it if he saw the giant scar I would have made to access her heart.

Everything had went perfectly fine from what I could tell so I began to remove my bloody clothes. I could only imagine the king's reaction if I got out all bloodied like that. The best would be to burn the clothes but I couldn't start a fire in the operating room so I simply stuffed them in my inventory.

When I was finally presentable, I went out to inform the king of the successful procedure. I explained to him that she would need to take it slow for a few month until the heart was fully healed on its own but that she would see the effect immediately.

His reaction was unexpected... He grabbed me by the shoulders and made out with me. Well it was more like a quick peck on the lips but it felt very wrong to me. I guess he truly was happy and didn't know how to express it. I hope.

I explained to the king that she would wake up in an hour or so when the little device given to me by the adventurer guild began to vibrate. Guhuhu* Someone with the spiritual magic affinity had finally taken my bait.

The box was a made up story obviously. All I needed was some DNA from someone having the spiritual affinity since I needed it to learn runic magic. Up till now I had Irya do that work but I wouldn't always impose on her for my project.

Speaking of project, I am progressing quite nicely on my immovable mountain and since I was getting sick of working on it so much I decided to alternate between this and the summoning arcane circle I had placed on hold for a while.

But right now I needed to rush to the adventurer guild to meet my new vict- employee... I told the king that I would be back by the end of the day to conclude our agreement so that he could take some time to reunite with the queen once she wakes up.


With that done I quickly exited the castle, met up with Mendy and Nargaroth and ran to the guild building. Once there I went to the receptionist and gave her the little vibrating trinket she had given me. She analyzed it and simply pointed toward a young magician sitting alone at a table.

Those aqua-blue eyes, cyan hair, that white robe with a hoodie... The wooden staff with a relatively small blue monster core on the tip. The cuteness surrounding her... Everything looked unbelievably familiar to me. [Identify]

[table=#800000]magicdownunder (Player)Race/Species:HumanLevel:164Class:Light MagistraTitle:-Idol of Rosana City

-Light Master


»Show more«[/table]

Urgg that's her... She grew stronger since back in the dungeon. At first I felt a bit angry but remembered that she was the only one among the original 4 who hadn't come back to hunt us as we got out of the dungeon. So I didn't have anything against her but there was no other way around it.

I needed to kill this cute little girl. As a jumper she was immortal and would suffer only a 24h log out penalty and lose a few skill points. I now had black hair, red eyes and no longer had my forehead stone which easily identified me.

To be safe I decided to wear my new eye-patch purchased at the tailor which was adorned with an embroiled dragon on it. I was also wearing my new set of black clothes and my golden sphinx cape with she hadn't seen back then. I should be a total stranger to her.

She also hadn't seen Mendy and Nargaroth, really there was nothing that could give me away at this point. For all she knew, I was Elvis Presley. On the forum some people discussed about me being some type of NPC linked to an event so I avoided wearing my Elvis suit from then.

I walked up to the young magician and sat in front of her. Mendy and Nargaroth observed at a safe distance, trying not to be noticed.

“Hello young lady.” (Kneeko)

“Hello? Are you the employer?” (magicdownunder)

“Yes it is me. I understand you have the spiritual magic affinity? It is quite impressive for someone of your level.” (Kneeko)

“Ho yes I- I trained my magic with the intention of learning runic magic. But I must admit, it is a lot harder than it looks. I'm not sure if I am suited for such advanced magic after all.” (magicdownunder)

“Don't discourage yourself. I am convinced you can master it if you give it your all. Now! About the job.” (Kneeko)

“Ho yea, do you have the box?” (magicdownunder)

“Ha actually no I don't. It is a strange box which refuses to enter any safe zone.. Weird isn't it?” (Kneeko)

“Uhh? Weird indeed... So where is it?” (magicdownunder)

“I left it in the protection of a friend who must be waiting for us. Shall we go?” (Kneeko)

“Ok, lead the way.” (magicdownunder)

We walked together and made idle chat about useless stuff as we advanced further and further into the woods. After a while she began to act nervously.

“Is this a trap? We are being followed...” (magicdownunder) She said tightening her grip on her staff.

“Huhuhu you are very perceptive but don't worry it is not a trap. True, 2 people are following us but I employed them in case the adventurer I hired tried to steal the entire box from me. As long as you follow your side of the deal, nothing bad will happen.” (Kneeko)

“Uhhh I- Ok.. I guess...” (magicdownunder)

After hearing my explanation she remained tense but kept following nicely. When we finally exited the safe zone I turned around and waited for my acolytes to join us. The young girl asked where the box was so I took out my twin blades.

Realizing it was a trap after all, the young magician quickly began chanting a spell. I used [Vines Hell] to remove the staff from her hands and used [Vindic Flames] to burn her mana away. Sensing a powerful magic attack I readied myself to counter with [Vindic Wave] but Mendy came out of nowhere and dug her scorpion tail in her back.

Taking this opening I used my newly customized [Viper Bite] on her neck like a vampire. [Viper Bite – Obscuro + Viper Neurotoxin + Basilisk acid] This was a deadly mix and she began losing health at an alarming rate.

“Urggg* Blood splurging from her mouth* P-please... don't... it.. hurts.” (magicdownunder)

"You are allowed to haunt me for this. Sorry, nothing personal." (Kneeko)

Not wanting to be left out, Nargaroth came rushing and swung his giant sword down on the poor little magician, slicing her in half. In a few seconds it was already game over for her.


Level up!


Guhuhuhu* Not waiting any time I went to see Lucy and asked her to activate the spiritual magic affinity. After that I simply needed to read a runic grimoire which I had already bought via auction. Let's put that aside for now, I have a butt load of monster cores to get back in the city.

Then I also had to sell the best story ever to the king, knowing that he would use all of his resources and allies to bring the renegade dragons to justice. I had no intentions of dirtying my hands and risking my friends and family's lives for revenge.

It was a lot better to have others do it for me. Then I would need to quickly fly back to my beloved An'dalia and rescue her from the mean rapist dragon called Damyon. Well, I intended to have her do most of the work but still. Guhuhuhu* Time for revenge, dragon ass-hole.



[table=#800000]PROFILENAME:KneekoLEVEL:723GENDER:MaleMONEY:120451G 23S 29CRACE:(Chimeric) Newt "Tadpole" (Common)MONSTER RANK:Medium HighHEALTH:7160STAMINA:6090MANA:37100STRENGTH:3258 (+550)(M)INTELLIGENCE:3095 (+600)SPEED:1472 (+150)DEXTERITY:73 (+150)(H)VITALITY:1 (+700)CHARM:1 (+415)LUCK:55 (+215)AGILITY:1043 (+150)RESISTANCE:2224 (+700)(S)ENDURANCE:94 (+500)SKILL POINTS:0FAME/INFAMY:-71500 (Seriously Evil)CLASS:-------------------TITLES:Spoiler : ☑ Death's Demise

☑ Divinity

☑ Don Juan

☑ Dungeon conqueror

☑ Elemental Master

☐ Grave Digger

☑ King of the pond

☑ Sphinx Slayer

☐ Stone turner

☑ Toxic Powerhouse

☐ Tree puncher

☑ Tycoon

☑ Vindictae Clan MemberPASSIVE SKILLS:Spoiler : Amphibious (-)

Anti-Reptile Venom (S)

Basilisk Acid ©

Blunt Weapon Mastery (E)

Dual Weapon Mastery (D)

Intimidating Aura (On)

Obscuro Poison (B)

Poison Immunity (-)

Unarmed Mastery (D)

Viper Neurotoxin (A)ACTIVE SKILLS:Spoiler : Deadly Breath ©

Gardener touch (S)

Humanoid shift (-)

ID Hide (-)

Luminar (E)

Poison Spit (D)

Sad puppy eyes (B)

Tail Whip (B)

TerrorEyes (B)

Vindic Flames (B)

Vindic Wave (B)

Vines Hell (B)

Viper Bite ©ARCANE LIBRARY:Spoiler : Arcane ClayBolt

Arcane EarthBolt

Arcane LightningBolt

Arcane MagmaBolt

Arcane FireBolt

Arcane FrostBolt

Arcane WaterBolt

Arcane WindBolt

Arcane Gatling

Immovable MountainCHIMERA FORGE[/table]

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