《Cheating Monster》Chapter 51 - All hail the king


This chapter has been proof-read by: AnthonyL


After a long discussion I had managed to convince the prince but sadly he wasn't the one taking the final decision. To be able to access their royal vault I would eventually need the king's permission and by offering to pay I had increased my chances by a lot.

I mean think about it, back then I evaluated a level 167 basilisk core at 90 gold and the prince had just said there was tens of thousands of gold worth of cores in there. Guhuhuhu* I can see my level rising at a crazy speed in the near future but I needed to put all the odds in my favour.

After that I had went back to work on the village as the prince and his men setup their camp. Of course I hadn't burnt their supply carts since they would have probably went to nearby villages to plunder everything they had lost from them. Well at least this was how it worked in the real world back in the days.

At the end of the day I had managed to complete the house frames, grew ramparts all around the village vicinity and grew tons of fruit trees, vegetables and various edible plants. This place was now starting to look like the garden of Eden or at least what I envision it to look like.

That night the prince and I made conversation over a drink and talked about various things. He was deeply surprised when I began discussing military strategies and rare artifacts with him. It was at this moment that he began to believe me not to be a simple peasant.

Pleased with my ideas the prince asked for a young woman to come to his tent and made the introduction.

“This here is Anarion my personal tailor. She has no equal in this kingdom and I offer her services to you. Ask her to make you anything and she will have it completed by tomorrow. You can't meet father looking the way you do after all.” (Elnfrid)

“I-I will gladly help sir Elvis any way I can if his majesty orders me to.” (Anarion) She shyly answered.

“I will gladly take you up on that offer.” (Kneeko)

I then took out a quill and paper and began drawing a photo-realistic depiction of what I wanted. The prince was looking at my drawing with strange eyes, unsure if he should like or hate it. In his head I could hear him wondering whether this was a fashion from my lands of simply a lack of taste on my part.

What I drew was a black jumpsuit worn in the past by Elvis in 1971 and 72. It was known as a pinwheel and was adorned with precious stones everywhere. I added the American Eagle cape, with the fully stretched wings of the eagle studded on the back.

Next was a massive solid gold belt, shiny black leather boots, gold chains, oversized gold rings and bracelets. After a quick research on the forum I discovered that sunglasses didn't exist in this world, sadly. Of course I also asked for a simple set of clothes for Mendy and Nargaroth. Plain leather pants and shirt would do for now, they couldn't go to the capital looking like nudists.


“Uhhmm Sir, I am afraid I won't be able to adorn your costume with that many precious stones, it would be a little too expensive.” (Anarion)

“There!” (Kneeko) I said as I threw a giant bag of rubies and diamonds on the table. Both the prince and Anarion were speechless.

“He truly was filthy rich after all... So this guy only told me the truth since the beginning. I think I can trust him for some reason. My instincts are flawless when it comes to knowing who I can trust.“ (Elnfrid) (AutNote: Guhuhuhu* yea right. “Flawless”)

With the help of the prince's soldiers the reconstruction of the village went really smoothly and by the end of day two it was finally completed.


For rebuilding Nimirth town: +50000 fame


Ho... That's quite a bit of fame but compared to my current level of infamy... it wont do much. I would have expected a title with it but nothing even appeared. I had definitely heard of a title for the reconstruction of a village so why didn't I get any? Maybe because I was the one who destroyed it in the first place? Well whatever.

As I was having some drinks with the prince while Mendy and Nargaroth were out hunting, Anarion came in and presented me with my new “costume”. Guhuhuhu* It was exactly the same as Elvis' black pinwheel and the precious stones on it made it shine under the candle light.

“Woaa.. Even I wouldn't wear something so flashy. It this what you usually wear?” (Elnfrid)

“I usually wear blue suede shoes but they are unpractical for long travels. Thank you Anarion!” (Kneeko) I said as I quickly excused myself and went to take a bath before putting my new clothes on.

An hour later I was refreshed and looking boss as hell in my new Elvis suit. I made my way back to the village under the curious eyes of the villagers. I agree it might seem a bit flashy and tacky but they would get used to it.

Once in town I intended to have many black suits made like the one I was wearing before but wearing this Elvis suit when I reach the capital would play in my favour later. While I was waiting for the return of my acolytes from their hunt I went to see Neferia.

I had built her a spacious house that she had already begun to decorate with her feminine touch. It was warm and cozy and she was obviously proud of it.

“Welcome sir Elvis! Please make yourself comfortable while I make some tea.” (Neferia)

I sat on a chair and observed her as she skillfully prepared a few snacks to accompany the hot tea. From her thoughts and actions it was obvious that she was acting flirtatiously but I was remaining unfazed. If I brought such a weak creature home my dragonesses would rip her apart anyway.

“I wanted to make sure you would be alright after we depart tomorrow. Here take this.” (Kneeko) I handed her a small bag filled with the unused precious stone from my costume.

“Woaa.. I-i can't accept this. This is way too much and you are the one who I should pay for all the help you gave us.” (Neferia)


“It's alright, it's my selfish desire to make sure you will be alright without us around. With that you will be able to buy more lands or even hire a few helpers.” (Kneeko)

“Sniff sniff* Thank you very much sir Elvis.” (Neferia) She then said with teary eyes.

“Let me properly thank you.” (Neferia) It's at this moment that she began undressing herself and sat on my laps. Feeling I wouldn't be able to control myself if I didn't immediately stop her I quickly grabbed her hands.

“Stop this Neferia. Not that you are not desirable but I already have two wives at home. If you truly want to thank me then use the money I gave you to make this town a powerful trading hub. If you do so I promise to come back to buy supplies and various items.” (Kneeko)

“Of course he already has a woman. And two at that...I'm such a fool, what does a poor farmer woman even have to offer to such a great man.“ (Neferia)

“Hehehe sorry I was only teasing you. The tea is ready just a sec.” (Neferia)

Sighhh* This breaks my heart to hear but nothing I can do about it. We had tea and spoke about various things when someone knocked on the door.

“Great leader, we have returned.” (Nargaroth)

“Master. Look!” (Mendy) She said holding around 6 or 7 live birds by the neck.

Of course I patted her head then quickly broke the birds' neck before having Neferia cook them for us. That night we had a farewell celebration as we were meant to leave at dawn. I stealthily spiked the drinks with a powerful drug having the same effect as sleeping pills.

The entire night was spent attacking more villages in my green dragon form while being careful not to cause too many casualties but I needed it to look real so I may have overdone it on a few occasions. The day after, all the villagers had gathered to bid us farewell as the prince and I were finally leaving for the elven capital, Niflin.

Since elves don't use animals for labour, we had to walk the entire way which greatly slowed down our progress and it took us a week to finally arrive near the capital. The carriages were moved using magic but using horses would be a lot easier. Elves and their love for nature and animals...

On our way there I asked the prince about his mother. Since they were apparently super rich, why didn't they use a resurrection scroll to revive her? I mean, they should be able to afford 20k gold right? I didn't see any for sale on the auction website but for a king, a simple request to the adventurers would certainly do the trick.

The prince explained to me that his mother had a birth defect, something wrong with her heart and that no expenses had been spared to prolong her life but in the end she couldn't hang on to life anymore. Resurrecting her would only bring her back for a few days before she'd die again and they had decided not to put her through this suffering again. Well that discussion had certainly ruined the mood in the carriage.

As the capital finally came into view so did players. The capital was the starting point of most players choosing elf as their character race. The entire place was swarming with them. At this point the prince was making a very displeased face and didn't say anything but his thoughts betrayed him.

He was worried about how to explain to his father how he had lost so many good men. They were not powerful but were well trained king's soldiers. A lot of money had been invested on their training.

Trying to make him feel better I told him that I would gladly explain to the king how nothing could be done without proper preparations against such a ferocious opponent. Once we reached the city gates the prince got out of the carriage and signalled me to do the same.

“We will be walking from here. The soldiers need to go back to the barracks but we are heading straight to see father.” (Elnfrid)

“Understood. Mendy, Nargaroth, follow behind in silence please.” (Kneeko)

“Yes! Great leader.” (Nargaroth)

“Nod*” (Mendy)

“But....Hungry...“ (Mendy)

“Look! It's Elvis!!!! Hehehehehe*” (???) Suddenly said a random elven player.

“Heyy you're right! It's the KING! All hail the king! Hahahaha*” (???) Added another player.

All the players around us began to gather and looked at me with stars in their eyes. Some asked where I got my suit, other were joking around asking for autographs. The prince was agape, unable to believe was was happening.

“Hey yey yey! Uhh...Uh! Peace all! Gotta see the king! Uhh uhh uhh*” (Kneeko)

I couldn't help but talk like Elvis at this point to the pure delight of my new fans. I was pointing my fingers as if they were guns and began walking like Elvis, like I had two crippled legs. Once things finally calmed down the prince grabbed my arm and whispered in my ear.

“How can you be so well known by the jumpers and totally unknown to me???” (Elnfrid)

“Because my fame transcends this universe, I am the King. Uhh uhh yea yea uhh uhh*” (Kneeko)



“PRRRrfffff* Hihihihehe*“ (Mendy)

Wait, what? Did I just hear Mendy laugh in her head? And wait.. That laugh? No... way... Can't be... Ha no wait, I can hear her thoughts so it can't be her... Fiufffffff* Almost had a heart attack. But still, what was that just now? Ho well, doesn't matter. Time for the king to go meet the king!



[table=#800000]PROFILENAME:KneekoLEVEL:278GENDER:MaleMONEY:120471G 79S 23CRACE:(Chimeric) Newt "Tadpole" (Common)MONSTER RANK:LowHEALTH:7160STAMINA:6090MANA:12100STRENGTH:1758 (+550)(M)INTELLIGENCE:595 (+600)SPEED:1472 (+150)DEXTERITY:73 (+150)(H)VITALITY:1 (+700)CHARM:1 (+415)LUCK:55 (+215)AGILITY:368 (+150)RESISTANCE:224 (+700)(S)ENDURANCE:94 (+500)SKILL POINTS:0FAME/INFAMY:-71500 (Seriously Evil)CLASS:-------------------TITLES:Spoiler : ☑ Death's Demise

☑ Divinity

☑ Don Juan

☑ Dungeon conqueror

☑ Elemental Master

☐ Grave Digger

☑ King of the pond

☑ Sphinx Slayer

☐ Stone turner

☑ Toxic Powerhouse

☐ Tree puncher

☑ Tycoon

☑ Vindictae Clan MemberPASSIVE SKILLS:Spoiler : Amphibious (-)

Anti-Reptile Venom (S)

Basilisk Acid ©

Blunt Weapon Mastery (E)

Dual Weapon Mastery (D)

Intimidating Aura (On)

Obscuro Poison (B)

Poison Immunity (-)

Unarmed Mastery (D)

Viper Neurotoxin (A)ACTIVE SKILLS:Spoiler : Deadly Breath ©

Gardener touch (S)

Humanoid shift (-)

ID Hide (-)

Luminar (E)

Poison Spit (D)

Sad puppy eyes (B)

Tail Whip (B)

TerrorEyes (B)

Vindic Flames (B)

Vindic Wave (B)

Vines Hell (B)

Viper Bite ©ARCANE LIBRARY:Spoiler : Arcane ClayBolt

Arcane EarthBolt

Arcane LightningBolt

Arcane MagmaBolt

Arcane FireBolt

Arcane FrostBolt

Arcane WaterBolt

Arcane WindBolt

Arcane Gatling

Immovable MountainCHIMERA FORGE[/table]

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