《Cheating Monster》Chapter 49 - It's raining men, hallelujah


This chapter has been proof-read by: AnthonyL


That night I waited for everyone to sleep and went out. Mendy saw me but I whispered her that I would be back in a second and to go to sleep. Once outside I did a quick survey of the town and confirmed that everyone was asleep.

In these small villages there was no such thing as night life since everybody was either a farmer or hunter and both occupations can't be done at night. Satisfied I transformed into a falcon and flew in the direction we had came from earlier that day.

I went up high in the sky and surveyed the surroundings until I found what I was looking for. Fires in the horizon and many of them. I immediately knew this was where the prince's army was currently camping so I hurriedly flew toward them.

Once arrived I saw many tents, fires and supply carriages. There were a few guards patrolling but they all seemed to follow a certain pattern. Once memorized I found the best blind spot and stealthily landed. There I grew a “zombie trumpet” plant then flew up to the next blind spot.

After growing 4 of these extremely dangerous plants I left and landed in a nearby tree. There I made sure no one had been alerted yet and went to see sister Lucy. [Chimera Forge]

“Hey Ni-chan!” (Lucy)

“Hi sis. I will need your assistance for a bit.” (Kneeko)

“Yes? What is it? I will help as best as I can.” (Lucy) She said with a smile. Most likely happy to be of use to me after all.

“Do you have access to other NPC data?” (Kneeko)

“Ha no sorry ni-chan, I can't communicate other entities' information, that would be breaking too many rules...” (Lucy)

“I kinda guessed that but can you for example color my body to match another 'dragon' for example?” (Kneeko)

“Hoooooooo I see what you are trying to do! Hihihi* Smart! As expected of brother! Which one of these 5 do you wish to look like?” (Lucy) She then threw me a mischievous look that showed she had figured out my intentions.

“Guhuhuhu* I only know the name of 1 of the five, but I can't use him yet. He will appear soon enough somewhere else. I am counting on it.. Guhuhu*.” (Kneeko)

“Soooo one of the other four then. Okay! Luckily a simple recolouring won't cost too much DNA. I will take it from the unnecessary ones.” (Lucy)

I looked at the small window showing a slowly rotating brown tadpole and suddenly it became green with lime green lines on its back. This was the colour of one of our attackers back then. I immediately recognized him.

“Huhuhu perfect! From my previous experience this colour will be transmuted to my shape shifted form like usual right?” (Kneeko)

“hihi* You already know all this. In your dragon form you will be the same colour as the guy you are aiming for.” (Lucy)

“Guhehehe* Excellent. Next I wanted to ask. Do I have enough unnecessary DNA to take my obscuro poison, the viper neurotoxin, all the poison from the plants I ate today, the poison acid from my deadly breath and the venom from the squirrel I killed back home and make them all using the skill [Viper Bite] ? I want to be able to select which one I want to use and be able to mix them if I want.” (Kneeko)


“Uhmmm... “ (Lucy) She began tapping her shin with her fingers while moving her other hand in the air. After a few seconds she finally looked back at me.

“Actually you are missing just a little “trash DNA”...” (Lucy)

“Ho!... Well that's perfect since I was just about to get quite a bit of it... Guuhuhu* Be right back!” (Kneeko)

I exited the chimera forge interface and flew a few hundred meters from the soldier camp. I morphed into a huge green and lime green dragon and took off into the sky once again. Ready to get things started, I flew straight back toward the soldier camp, ready to play.

[Elnfrid POV:]

After a long day of training, my men and I were camping in a clearing near a border town. Today could have been a horrible day if not for the help of a stranger who seemed to know even more than me on how to rape safely. That man might have saved my precious dick today.

KYAAaaaaaaaaa* ALARM!!!* A dragon!! It's a motherfucking dragon!!!!!* GUAaaaaaaa* It BURNNNS!*

I woke up to the sound of chaos in the middle of the night. Did I hear one of my men say dragon? There's no dragon around here as far as I know so it must be a wyvern. These fucking monsters are always causing problems.

Abruptly, one of my men entered my tent to report the situation as I was hurrying out of bed. That man was Urlith, my right hand man. As one of the rare men I could trust I immediately paid attention to him.

“M-my lord! It's.. a dragon! We are under attack!” (Urlith)

“Are you serious? I doubt someone of your calibre would mistake a wyvern and a dragon right?” (Elnfrid)

“Of course not my lord! It's a real d-” (Urlith) Unable to finish his sentence my tent instantly caught fire without warning.

“You need to get out now my lord!” (Urlith)

Still in pyjamas I ran outside my burning tent to be met with a sight of apocalypse. Everything was on fire and men were scrambling all over while yelling. It was too dark to see clearly but when the dragon used a fire attack from above, the fire from its attack lit him up and allowed us to partially see it.

It was an enormous green dragon with lime green stripes. Such a huge dragon, how come no one saw it coming? The terrifying monster was swooping down, grabbing some of my men before letting go of them once high enough in the sky. It was raining soldiers and fire, it was absolutely terrifying.

“W-we're leaving...” (Elnfrid)

“Pardon my lord?” (Urlith)

“WE ARE RETREATING!” (Elnfrid) I then yelled in a moment of panic.

“If my lord flees leaving his men behind I doubt any of them will ever follow your command in the future.” (Ulrith)

“Urggg.... What do we do?” (Elnfrid)

“I suggest trying to regroup our men and order those who can use magic to work together to subdue the beast.” (Ulrith)

“O-ok we will do like you just said..” (Elnfrid)


As I was finally cooling off my head, I saw the beast flying at low altitude straight toward us. This monster was looking at me in the eyes, visibly going straight for me. The beast then opened its mouth and fire began to form. That's it, this is where I die.

I crouched and used my arms to protect my face as the heat suddenly became unbearable. My skin was peeling and crackling under the heat but there was nothing I could do. 4 to 5 seconds later I raised my head, surprised to still be alive. Then I saw Ulrith standing in front of me with his arms wide open. He had apparently used his own body to shield me from the inferno.

“Urggg are you alright Ulrith?” (Elnfrid)


“Ulrith?” (Elnfrid)

I tugged on his sleeve and as I did so, his body fell to the ground exposing the front of his body. His face and everything else was burnt beyond recognition. My precious friend had ceased to breathe. He had sacrificed his life to protect mine. THIS FUCKING DRAGON!

“MEN! GATHER!” (Elnfrid)

A few survivors quickly gathered around me looking for orders but before I could do so, the beast was already gone. He had left in the direction of the nearby village. Tch!

“The beast is gone! Gather and take care of the injured! I want a report on our situation!” (Elnfrid)

Yes sir!* They all said in unison.

I stood there, looking at the carnage around me. At the beginning of the day I had 500 men and now it looked like only a handful of them had survived. I was enraged, I will find this green and lime green dragon and slaughter him! A few minutes later some of my men came back in panic.

“M-my lord! It's b-bad!!” (Soldier)

“What is it again!” (Elnfrid)

“The men seem afflicted with a strange malediction!” (Soldier)

“What do you mean? What malediction?” (Elnfrid)

“Many men are simply sitting, not responding to our orders. Some of the men you sent earlier are now acting the same way. It must be a curse or some sickness!” (Soldier)

“Tch! This place is hell itself! Call all the survivor and unaffected men and gather them all in the woods 200 meters that way!” (Elnfrid) I then said pointing in the direction of the nearby village.

“Aye Sir!” (Soldier)

“GRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrr How will I explain this to father. Goddammit! Fucking dragon I'll kill you!” (Elnfrid)

[Kneeko POV:]

After destroying the soldier camp I flew toward the village. This little night raid had been very successful. The only problem with it was that as king's soldiers they were giving 500 infamy each and since I had killed a few hundreds of them... Well I don't really care anyway.

Good thing was that I had levelled up 3 times from all this. I immediately allocated the points into intelligence. A few hundred meters away I turned into a falcon and landed on a tree. [Chimera Forge]

“Welcome back!” (Lucy)

“Alright! You must have enough to do the modifications now right?” (Kneeko)

“Yup! Doing it right now! Hihihi you did very good out there by the way.” (Lucy)

“Thanks... By the way make sure I can still use all these poisons with [Poison Spit]. I will secrete them from my fangs into my mouth and mix with my saliva before spitting it.” (Kneeko)


Active skill [Viper Bite]. (Cost. 150 Stamina) (Mastery: C)

The strength of this attack varies depending on your skill points and the mastery of the skill. Uses [Viper Neurotoxin (A)] [Obscuro Poison (B)] [Basilisk Acid©] [Anti-Reptile Venom(S)]



Passive Skill [Viper Neurotoxin]. (Cost. N/A) (Rank: A)

Venom injected via fangs. Used by the skill: [Viper Bite]

Venom effects:

#Partially paralyze the target.

#-30hp per second for 180 seconds [Max 5400HP] (Effectiveness depends on the adversary skill points and/or other factors.)

#+25% Bonus damage if ingested.

#+50% Bonus damage if injected through blood stream.



Passive Skill [Obscuro Poison]. (Cost. N/A) (Rank: B)

Poison, now venom injected via fangs. Used by the skill: [Viper Bite]

Poison effects:


#-10hp per seconds for 5 minutes [Max 3000HP] (Effectiveness depends on the adversary skill points and/or other factors.)

#+25% Bonus damage if ingested.

#+50% Bonus damage if injected through blood stream.



Passive Skill [Basilisk Acid]. (Cost. N/A) (Rank: C)

Acid injected via fangs. Used by the skill: [Viper Bite]

Acid effects:

#Extreme pain while melting flesh or even metals.

#-500hp (Effectiveness depends on the adversary skill points and/or other factors.)

#+25% Bonus damage if ingested.

#+50% Bonus damage if injected through blood stream.



Passive Skill [Anti-Reptile Venom]. (Cost. N/A) (Rank: S)

Venom injected via fangs. Used by the skill: [Viper Bite]

Poison effects:

#Tissue necrosis

#Extreme pain.

#Sensation of being burned from the inside.

#Damage may vary from one species to the others. (Effectiveness depends on the adversary skill points and/or other factors.)

#+25% Bonus damage if ingested.

#+50% Bonus damage if injected through blood stream.


“Tadaaa! Praise me praise me!” (Lucy)

“Guhuhu* Well done sis! I need to go since I am in a hurry, see ya Lucy!” (Kneeko)

“Bye bye nii!” (Lucy)

With that done, I still needed to hurry and complete phase B of my plan before sunrise. Let's go back to Nimirth town!



[table=#800000]PROFILENAME:KneekoLEVEL:278GENDER:MaleMONEY:58433G 72S 55CRACE:(Chimeric) Newt "Tadpole" (Common)MONSTER RANK:LowHEALTH:7160STAMINA:6090MANA:12100STRENGTH:1758 (+550)(M)INTELLIGENCE:595 (+600)SPEED:1472 (+150)DEXTERITY:73 (+150)(H)VITALITY:1 (+700)CHARM:1 (+415)LUCK:55 (+215)AGILITY:368 (+150)RESISTANCE:224 (+700)(S)ENDURANCE:94 (+500)SKILL POINTS:0FAME/INFAMY:-121500 (Pure Evil)CLASS:-------------------TITLES:Spoiler : ☑ Death's Demise

☑ Divinity

☑ Don Juan

☑ Dungeon conqueror

☑ Elemental Master

☐ Grave Digger

☑ King of the pond

☑ Sphinx Slayer

☐ Stone turner

☑ Toxic Powerhouse

☐ Tree puncher

☑ Tycoon

☑ Vindictae Clan MemberPASSIVE SKILLS:Spoiler : Amphibious (-)

Anti-Reptile Venom (S)

Basilisk Acid ©

Blunt Weapon Mastery (E)

Dual Weapon Mastery (D)

Intimidating Aura (On)

Obscuro Poison (B)

Poison Immunity (-)

Unarmed Mastery (D)

Viper Neurotoxin (A)ACTIVE SKILLS:Spoiler : Deadly Breath ©

Gardener touch (S)

Humanoid shift (-)

ID Hide (-)

Luminar (E)

Poison Spit (D)

Sad puppy eyes (B)

Tail Whip (B)

TerrorEyes (B)

Vindic Flames (B)

Vindic Wave (B)

Vines Hell ©

Viper Bite ©ARCANE LIBRARY:Spoiler : Arcane ClayBolt

Arcane EarthBolt

Arcane LightningBolt

Arcane MagmaBolt

Arcane FireBolt

Arcane FrostBolt

Arcane WaterBolt

Arcane WindBolt

Arcane Gatling

Immovable MountainCHIMERA FORGE[/table]


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