《Cheating Monster》Chapter 48 - Overused rape scenario


This chapter has been proof-read by: AnthonyL


Nargaroth, Mendy and I had been walking through the dense forest for 2 days now and we still hadn't seen anything worth mentioning. I made a quick visit to lucy to get back my snake tongue ability in case I needed to detect an ambush.

Better safe than sorry. With that said, most monster simply avoided us for some reason. Well maybe it was because of our clan's skill [Intimidating Aura] or even my new earring but it didn't matter that much.

“Master. Bird.” (Mendy) She said while pointing up in a tree.

“[Arcane LightningBolt 5%]” (Kneeko) The bird instantly vaporized into a cloud of slow falling feathers.

“Nicely spotted Mendy!” (Kneeko) I then added while patting her on the head.

“PURrrrrrrrrrrrrr*” (Mendy)

“Happy. Need. More. Birds.“ (Mendy)

“Why master kill birds?” (Nargaroth)

“Simple, you both have wings that you can materialize to fly around in your human bodies but I still need to use a falcon appearance. I need to kill many birds to get wings like yours.” (Kneeko)

“Uhh...” (Nargaroth) The giant black man then scratched his head, clearly not understanding what I had just explained to him.

According to the map I had we should soon reach a small border town a few days from the main elven kingdom. I intended to make a small stop there before going any further. It was necessary for my plan since I couldn't resurrect the queen anymore.

Well actually that's not true, I did have a few resurrect spell-scrolls in my inventory but they were worth 20k gold a piece and I only had 5 of them which is not even enough for all the Vindictae clan members. Using them on a stranger was out of the question so I had to come up with a plan B.

It's incredibly simple yet should be very effective if everything goes well. I was also in the process of working on my “Immovable mountain” shield. At night and every time we took a break I would go in the arcane editor and work on it.

During these last weeks I had already thought of the code in my head and simply needed to actually write it but there was something else on my mind. I wanted the shape of the shield to be adaptable. For example, if the circle was placed on a tree I wanted the shield to cover the tree instead of creating a sphere.

The reason for that was simple, I planned to tattoo this circle at strategic places on my body so that I would become invulnerable as long as I had mana. Obviously to create such an advanced circle I needed time, and a lot of it.

Ho! And interesting discovery, I am the only monster who gains EXP by consuming monster cores. Don't ask me why as I am still in the middle of my research on that specific question. Along the way I had found many interesting plants and poisons of all kind.

The elven forests are a real gold mine for someone with my abilities. I already had poison immunity but I wanted to try something different. It is also the reason why I killed a few venomous flying squirrels back home before I left. If it worked, I wouldn't have to wear gloves and fear poisoning the people I care for anymore.

I was actually waiting to have gathered enough bird DNA to get my wings before doing so to avoid wasting necessary DNA. I had had so many things on my mind recently that I had almost forgotten about something.


“Nargaroth. There is something I wanted to give you.” (Kneeko)

“Present? Me love presents.” (Nargaroth)

“Mendy. No. Present?“ (Mendy)

I reached for my inventory and pulled out a sword. Well not really a sword, it would be more appropriate to call this thing a massive slab of iron. It was a 30cm wide, 2 meters long sword which must have weighed at least a 1000+ pounds.

Such a ridiculous sword was obviously not meant to be wielded by anyone as it was big enough to dwarf most people. Actually even Nargaroth in his 7 feet tall human form seemed a bit small for such a massive thing. It should look just perfect on his giant true-ogre form though.

[table=#800000]Griffith Slayer (Blunt long sword)Minimum level:150Durability:15000/15000Damage:10-150Rarity:Unique-This sword is too heavy to be wielded by most humans and will generally be used by bigger races. Depending on the user's strength, can be weak or unparalleled in its might.


#1000 Strength

#7+ feet tall body

-Damage multiplied by the user's strength/level.[/table]

“Hoooo” (Nargaroth) He was looking at the giant sword in awe, unsure on how to react.

“It's yours now. Of course if you go and die I'll take it back.” (Kneeko)

“Great Nargaroth never die! Nargaroth will always serve great master.” (Nargaroth) He then yelled as he knelt on the ground.

“Great honour it would be to die for great master.“ (Nargaroth)

“No need for all that my friend. I'm glad to know I can count on your strength in the future. That is all.” (Kneeko)

“Thank you! Thank you great master!” (Nargaroth)

“Mendy. Present?“ (Mendy)

She wasn't saying anything but her thoughts weren't very subtle... She wanted a gift as well ehhh. Annoyingly I wasn't planning to give her anything since she already can turn her nails into claws, materialize her fangs, scorpion tail and trow poison darts around.

She's strong and ferocious for her petite loli appearance. Honestly she didn't need a weapon. Not wanting to disappoint her I took some of the kraken meat I had left and gave it to her.

“There, gift.” (Kneeko) I tried to act nonchalant hoping this would do the trick.

“M-Master. Best. Thank!” (Mendy) She grabbed the meat as fast as lightning and literally slurped it down in an instant. It was seriously creepy to see 50 pounds of flesh disappear so rapidly down the throat of a 5”2 little red head loli...

“More?“ (Mendy)

Urgg.. Ok this time I simply ignored her. I couldn't wait to reach the town. Mendy and Nargaroth were dressed Tarzan style which basically was like swimsuits. Their small leather clothing were hiding only what needed to be hidden if you see what I mean. As for me, my clothes were getting tattered and needed to be changed.

We were now getting far enough in the elven land that I was expecting to come across some elves soon enough. In most fictions and manga the encounter would begin with an arrow hitting a nearby tree, then elves appearing from all direction still up in trees, acting menacingly at first.

This was such a classic type of encounter that I couldn't help but constantly use my snake tongue to smell the air, expecting an ambush. Of course in real life, things were most likely to be completely different and random like a naked elf princess running in the woods while trying to escape slavers or something.

“KYAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaa HELPPPPppppp!” (???)

Suddenly the voice of a damsel in distress began to be heard in the distance. Guhuhu* Naked princess here I come. Prompting my acolytes to follow me I ran in the direction of the scream. The three of us emerged from the bushes with me in the centre, Nargaroth to my right and Mendy to my left.


We were pumped and looking for a fight! The scene in front of us was surprising yet not unexpected. A beautiful poor looking, half naked elven woman struggling to shake off a rich and noble looking elven male who was on top of her.

Hooo! I see. The famous rape encounter eh. So we save her and then she repays our kindness with her body. Guhuhuhu* After spotting us the two of them began staring at us. [Identify]

[table=#800000]Elnfrid (NPC)Race/Species:High ElfLevel:65Class:Saint WarriorTitle:-God Blessed

-Royal Prince of Niflin


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Urggg.. It's the goddamned prince of the kingdom we were heading to. If I antagonize the prince, my plan will be ruined so I couldn't afford to have that happen. The prince was pretty much like Darui'n, handsome, blond hair and blue eyes. These were characteristics of the high elves. Normal elves could have any hair and eye colour and the Dark elves had darker skin, white hair and red eyes.

“The fuck are you looking at? Go take a hike you peasant humans not even able to afford clothes! You stink like the filth you are. Do you know who I am?! I have my army not far from here just so you know.” (Elnfrid)

Grrrr* I already hate him. To kill or not to kill. I seriously can't antagonize the son of the king I plan to meet soon can I... Better leave as if we didn't see anything.

“Come on guys, we are leaving.” (Kneeko)

“Can't I fuck?” (Nargaroth)

“Can't I eat?” (Mendy)

“No... Let's go.” (Kneeko)

“HELPPPPPPPPpppppppp ME!!! Pleaseeeeeeee buuhuhuhu* cry* cry*” (???)

URRMmmm* Goddammit what to do. I simply can't ignore a beautiful woman pleading for help like this. I'm starting to feel sick. AAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR It's annoying! How could I help her while pretending to be on the prince's side............ HO!

“Apologies my prince but may I say something before we leave?” (Kneeko)

“How-... Are you trying to play heroes?” (Elnfrid)

“Ho! No absolutely not. Actually I quite enjoy raping women as well from time to time (Not really) but since you are a prince and everything I wanted to make sure... Have you ever heard about gonorrhea?” (Kneeko)

“Goronea?” (Elnfrid)

“Yea it's a disease transmitted during sexual intercourse. The symptoms of gonorrhea include 1: an unusual discharge from the tip of the penis, which may be white, yellow or green. 2: Pain or a burning sensation when urinating. 3: inflammation (swelling) of the foreskin. 4: Pain or tenderness in the testicles. 5: The penis can even dry up and fall off like a dead branch. (I added this one)” (Kneeko)

“Uhh? Are you serious about this? But this woman looks clean.” (Elnfrid)

“That's because women are not affected the same way... You see the black mole next to her right eye? Classic sign that a woman is infected. Anyway, farewell my prince it was nice to make your acquaintance.” (Kneeko)

At this point I felt like I could leave with no worries since the prince was already looking at the woman with disgust. What man would want to risk loosing their dick for a quick fuck after all? With that taken care of we resumed our journey.

“Master. Bird.” (Mendy) She said once again while pointing up in a tree.

“[Arcane LightningBolt 5%]” (Kneeko)

“Guhuhu* Well done Mendy! Pat* pat* pat* (Kneeko)

We kept walking for a while when we heard rustling in bushes not far behind us. I recognized the smell immediately, it was the lady we just saved. The small, purple haired, blue eyed woman came running at us with worry in her eyes.

The small woman visibly out of breath fell to the ground in front of us and panted for while, trying to catch her breath. We stopped and looked at her with curiosity. Once she felt capable of talking properly she looked up to me with sad puppy eyes.

“W-What you talked about earlier... D-Do you know how to cure my sickness? Will I die from this gorgonzolea sickness?” (???)


[table=#800000]Neferia (NPC)Race/Species:ElfLevel:24Class:FarmerTitle:-Plow Master

-Rock Turner

-Weed Nemesis

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Erfff such a weak little creature. Not even worth looking at. As you could tell I was training my dragon role-play. Dragons actually despise weak creatures so it was how I should react.

“You're not sick. It was to stop him from forcefully taking you without making him my enemy. You can go home now bye.” (Kneeko) I sad while turning around to leave.

“Y-you went against the prince to save me? A poor country girl ? Sniff* sniff* Please how can I thank you?” (Neferia)

“This man must be a real hero. And very handsome too.“ (Neferia)

“No need...” (Kneeko)

“Uhhh master. Can I fuck?” (Nargaroth)

“Can I eat?” (Mendy)

“Not that again you two! This girl is not the type we are looking for.” (Kneeko)

“Looking for?” (Neferia)

“Sighhh have you ever killed someone? Are you a criminal?” (Kneeko)

“N-no... Of course not.” (Neferia)

“Like I said, you can leave. We have nothing to do with each other now.” (Kneeko)

After walking a hundred meters with her still following us, the small woman then asked.

“Are you heading to Nimirth Village?” (Neferia)


“Do you perhaps live there?” (Kneeko)

“Hungry...“ (Mendy)

“Yes... I own a small piece of land there. It not big but it's enough to cultivate some vegetables. I can guide you there if you'd like.” (Neferia)

Tch.. An unwanted witness... Maybe I should capture her after all... We'll think about that later. For now I hadn't done anything bad.. For now... Guhuhu*

“Nargaroth! Do you like her?” (Kneeko)

“Uhhh a bit small but would do...” (Nargaroth)

“Umm what may you be talking about?” (Neferia) She then asked timidly.

“Nothing important. Lead the way please.” (Kneeko)

Mmmm maybe not the perfect match eh... Ho well we have a long walk ahead of us so we may as well get to know each other. Quite a while later we finally arrive at a poor looking village constituted of no more than 50 houses.


You have just arrived to the town of [Nimirth]


“Please come with me, it'll be an honour to offer you my hospitality.” (Neferia)

The town was looking more like a human town than an elven one. All around were small dilapidated wooden houses and giant trees all around. With such huge trees all around, one would expect elves to build their houses on top of them.

We followed the young woman down to a small wooden cabin and entered after being invited in by Neferia. Nargaroth was almost too big to fit through the door and had to keep his head down not to hit the ceiling. Neferia then invited us to sit and began to cook something after lighting the fire.

“You must be hungry. I will make you something nice to eat, it won't take long.” (Neferia)

Urg, coming from a poor farmer it was most likely something made only with vegetables and none of us really liked them. Nargaroth could eat anything and since I was a tadpole again I could eat meat and vegetables with no problem but Mendy was a pure carnivore.

Knowing what was about to happen I whispered to Mendy to pretend not to be hungry, and that I would give her lots of meat later. She seemed happy after hearing the word meat and went along with it. What she then gave us to eat was some kind of vegetable soup which wasn't so bad considering it was vegetarian.

“You are welcome to stay as long as you want. It's not really big and not really comfortable but we can all find a place to sleep on the ground.” (Neferia)

“Hopefully I will get to sleep next to Mr. Hero“ (Neferia)

“Now that I think about it, what are your names? I seem to be unable to identify you...” (Neferia)

“ERRrrrrrr.... I am..... ehhhh.... Elvis.... Yea, Elvis Presley.” (Kneeko)

“Uhh?” (Nargaroth) I subtly kicked him and threw a look that meant “shut up” which he did.

“I am honoured to make your acquaintance Sir Elvis. Let's get along well from now on!” (Neferia) She said with a happy smile and energy in her steps.

“Guhuhuhu* Right.. let's be.. friends... Guhuhuhu*” (Kneeko)



[table=#800000]PROFILENAME:KneekoLEVEL:275GENDER:MaleMONEY:58433G 72S 55CRACE:(Chimeric) Newt "Tadpole" (Common)MONSTER RANK:LowHEALTH:7160STAMINA:6090MANA:11650STRENGTH:1758 (+550)(M)INTELLIGENCE:550 (+600)SPEED:1472 (+150)DEXTERITY:73 (+150)(H)VITALITY:1 (+700)CHARM:1 (+415)LUCK:55 (+215)AGILITY:368 (+150)RESISTANCE:224 (+700)(S)ENDURANCE:94 (+500)SKILL POINTS:0FAME/INFAMY:0 (Neutral)CLASS:-------------------TITLES:Spoiler : ☑ Death's Demise

☑ Divinity

☑ Don Juan

☑ Dungeon conqueror

☑ Elemental Master

☐ Grave Digger

☑ King of the pond

☑ Sphinx Slayer

☐ Stone turner

☑ Toxic Powerhouse

☐ Tree puncher

☑ Tycoon

☑ Vindictae Clan MemberPASSIVE SKILLS:Spoiler : Amphibious (-)

Blunt Weapon Mastery (E)

Dual Weapon Mastery (D)

Intimidating Aura (On)

Obscuro Poison (B)

Poison Immunity (-)

Unarmed Mastery (D)

Viper Neurotoxin (A)ACTIVE SKILLS:Spoiler : Deadly Breath ©

Gardener touch (S)

Humanoid shift (-)

ID Hide (-)

Luminar (E)

Poison Spit (D)

Sad puppy eyes (B)

Tail Whip (B)

TerrorEyes (B)

Vindic Flames (B)

Vindic Wave (B)

Vines Hell ©

Viper Bite ©ARCANE LIBRARY:Spoiler : Arcane ClayBolt

Arcane EarthBolt

Arcane LightningBolt

Arcane MagmaBolt

Arcane FireBolt

Arcane FrostBolt

Arcane WaterBolt

Arcane WindBolt

Arcane Gatling

Immovable MountainCHIMERA FORGE[/table]

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