《Cheating Monster》Chapter 42 - Irene's return


This chapter has been proof-read by: AnthonyL


AutNote: Today i did not have time to write a chapter but i pushed a few hours of sleep aside to release this short one. I am still unsure if i will be able to release a new chapter tomorrow. Sorry for the inconvenient. ;)


[Irene's POV:]

I opened my eyes to be met with the sight of big bro and mother looking at me with teary eyes. Remembering being suddenly attacked a few seconds ago I looked around nervously but realized we were somewhere else entirely.

“My baby!!!” (Anastaria) Mom rushed toward me and embraced me warmly in her arms. Big bro Kneeko came next and patted me on the head.

“Welcome back among the living little sis.” (Kneeko)

Among the living? Does that mean I was dead? Wait, is it even possible to bring dead people back to life? Being confused I decided not to think about all that complicated stuff and hugged mother with all my strength. As I did so, I realized that I was totally naked... B-big bro was... looking at me...

“KYAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Pervert!!!! PUNCH*” (Irene) I punched him as hard as I could to make him look somewhere else.

“Urgggg What was that for sis? I wasn't even looking at your still growing boo- PUNCH* Ouch* Dammit...” (Kneeko)

“There Irene, I made you some clothes quickly put them on.” (Anastaria) Mother then handed me a poorly made leather dress. I quickly put the dress on to hide from my big bro's curious stare and asked what was going on.

“Where are we? What happened after I got attacked? Are you both alright?” (Irene)

Then mother and brother began explaining what had happened. Everybody had apparently died, killed by 5 pure blooded dragons. Worst of all, Damyon, our own clan leader was among the culprits. Big bro had apparently inherited some weird resurrection magic that allowed him to come back to life then resurrected us.

Big bro truly was extraordinary to have power over life and death like that and as I was expecting, he cared about us enough to sacrifice part of his strength to bring us back among the livings. They kept explaining to me everything that had happened since and how it had been around 3 month since the day of my death.

I had no memory of while I was dead, so this probably meant that death was the end of everything. Like an endless and dreamless sleep. Scary... If not for big bro, I would still be dead.. Sniff*

Looking around for a while I took in our surroundings. We were in a grassy field next to a small dirt path leading to a giant lake in one direction, and going up to a giant mountain in the other. All around us were mountains and forests in all directions. Truly a beautiful landscape.

“You can come now!” (Kneeko) Yelled big bro, looking at a big boulder not far from us.

From behind the giant rock came out a smiling, short haired woman... There was something familiar about her, it was as if I had met-..........N-no way?

“S-s-...SISTER????!!!!!!” (Irene)


I looked at mother and big bro for an answer but they didn't say anything. Their giant smiles told me everything already. Brother could bring dead people back to life so this person had to be... big sister... sniff* sniff* sob* sob*.

“Woaaa my baby sister grew that much while I was gone? Hehehehe how are you feeling?” (Irya) She said wiping some tears from her cheeks.

“Buuuuuuuhuuuuuuuu* SISTERRRRR!!!!!” (Irene) With a face covered in snot and tears I ran as fast as could and jumped in my big sister's arms, never wanting to let go. I though I would never see her again.

We spoke about many things after that, me and sister had a lot to talk about after all. Who would have thought that dying would later bring me to the happiest day of my life. Mom, big sister and big bro all reunited together for this magical moment. We would finally be able to live as a big and happy family.

“Come this way! We'll show you our new home.” (Kneeko) Said brother with a big grin on his face.

We walked up the road leading to the giant mountain in the horizon and after a few hundred meters finally arrived to what looked like a small village buzzing with activities. I kept using identify on everyone I saw, then wondered why this place was filled with goblins and hobgoblins.

“Mom, who are they? Why is there hobgoblins everywhere?” (Irene) But before mother could say anything, big bro answered first.

“These are our family minio- subjects... They will serve and obey you as their supreme master.” (Kneeko)

Really? How did that even happen? Must be Kneeko's doing again. Everything he does is simply unbelievable and this seemed like another one of these weird accomplishments. Noticing us, a giant horned hobg- no, an ogre came to see us. After reaching us he kneeled and saluted big bro.

“Master! I now am ogre. Training successful as you predicted.” (???)

“Hooo huhuhuhu* Congratulation! You are the first one to reach this level. I am proud of you SwineFace!” (Kneeko) Brother seemed pleased with what ever this ogre had accomplished. Then the ogre big bro called SwineFace turned to look at me before asking.

“Master. Is pretty lady, for us to fuck?” (SwineFace)

Then out of nowhere, brother pulled out two swords and stopped his arms just shy of beheading the heavily muscular creature. A small trickle of blood slowly dripped from the ogre's neck as he showed a petrified expression.

“You almost lost your head just now SwineFace. This is my little sister. If you ever look at here with lust or even just dream about her, I will rip your heart out with my bare hands and devour it as your family watches me. You won't fuck anything unless I ask you to, am I being clear enough?” (Kneeko)

“A-a-apologies great leader. This. never happen again. I promise.” (SwineFace)

“As my sister she is your master from now on so you will obey all of her orders. On a happier note, congratulations for becoming the first ogre. This means you have worked harder than the others and this deserves a reward. I will bring a beautiful female just for you as soon as I go out to buy supplies.” (Kneeko)


“T-t-thank you! Much! Great Leader! I Nargaroth will obey. Always.” (SwineFace)

“Nargaroth ?” (Kneeko)

“Yes, God gave me name. Nargaroth it is.” (Nargaroth)

Monster (Nargaroth)Species:War Ogre (Variant)Level:75Monster Rank:LowRarity:Uncommon

“Hoo upon becoming an ogre the syst- God judged you worthy of receiving your own name eh... Hehehe congratulations once again great warrior Nargaroth! This name sounds very manly like the way you look. Keep up the good work and keep lifting those weights.” (Kneeko)

“Y-yes! Great leader.” (Nargaroth)

The giant ogre seemed extremely happy to be praised by brother as he ran back to what looked like some kind of animal cage made with brother's vines. Inside were various weird things that seemed to have no purpose.

There, many hobgoblins were lifting big rocks then letting them back down before lifting them up again. What a waste of energy, what were they even trying to accomplish by doing this?

“Brother? What are they doing?” (Irene)

“They are lifting weights. This is an exercise aimed at making them physically stronger. The same way your personal training is aimed at making you smarter.” (Kneeko)

Hoo! Now this made perfect sense. It was another exercise developed by big bro to help them overcome their curses. Now that I think about it, where is my training game?

“Bro? I think I lost the game you made for me.. Sniff* Can, you make me another one please?” (Irene)

“Hehehe don't worry about it, we made you something even better.” (Kneeko)

“Yes little sis, we all worked hard on this. Come with us.” (Irya) Big sis, mother and brother were giving me a warm smile, having seemingly prepared a surprise for me. I love surprises! I can't wait to see what it is so I silently followed them.

We entered a big and spacious cave. Inside was furniture made out of vines and other various things. In the middle of the first room was a giant hole I assumed to be a bath big enough for 4 people. To the left was some type of bar counter with candles and wood mugs.

This place was seriously spacious for a cave as everything seemed well decorated and thought of. On the back wall were various doorways closed by door curtains made out of thin vines. Mother explained that the one on the right was her bedroom, the one left to hers was big bro's room, then Irya's was the third one. Finally the last room to the left was mine.

I ran in and looked around. It was beautiful! I had a single bed with comfortable looking pelts improvised as bedding and various decorative ornaments everywhere. On my bed were various stuffed animals I assumed to have been made by mother since they were so poorly made but anything made with mother's love was worth more than anything in the world.

I jumped on my bed and hugged all my new toys and stuffed animals. I was very happy! This made me remember something Kneeko said before. I was happy like a kid at Christmas! Even though I have no idea what Christmas is, this expression seemed to fit this moment...

“Do you like them honey?” (Anastaria) She said with a curious expression.

“Yes!! I love them a lot! Thank you mommy!!!” (Irene)

“Your mom worked very hard to make this bedroom. As for your big sis and I we worked together to make you another gift. Come this way.” (Kneeko)

“Hehehe can't wait!” (Irene) Sister seemed excited for me to see their gift which made me even more exited to see what it was. I stood up and followed them out of my room while hugging my new stuffed wingless wyvern in my arms.

Behind the improvised bar was a long corridor leading who knows where. Brother warned me to never to go inside the last room he called his laboratory and added that it was because there were many things that could kill me there. Hearing this, I wasn't going to disobey him.

Before reaching the laboratory was another room. A big room filled with writings on the walls, various unknown things and what looked like games everywhere. Seeing so many colours, shapes and unknown contraptions totally overwhelmed me.

“This is your classroom. This is where you will come everyday to train your brain and get smarter. Your mom and sister will alternate to teach you many things everyday until you become the smartest dragon in the world.” (Kneeko)

“WOAAaaaaa! Really?” (Irene)

“Of course honey.” (Anastaria)

“I won't go easy on you little sis. You will become incredibly smart when I'm done with you hehehe.*” (Irya)

Was I really alive? This felt more and more like paradise! Easily the happiest day of my life.

“Ho and before I forget... PIGFACE! Come here will you!” (Kneeko) PigFace? Who or what is that? Then in came a stoic looking hobgoblin. She was most likely the one big bro called PigFace.

“Irene, I present to you PigFace. She is our maid, the one doing the cooking, laundry, cleaning and everything else. If you need anything she's the one you need to ask for. She will also study with you to become smarter. I hope you will both get along well.” (Kneeko)

“It ish an honour to meet Mashter little shishter. I am at your servishe.” (PigFace) She then made a polite bow.

Note to self: I can't let this hobgoblin get smarter than me! I need to work hard to be worthy of being called big bro's little sister!



PROFILENAME:KneekoLEVEL:219GENDER:MaleMONEY:433G 31S 30CRACE:(Chimeric) Dranix (Unique)MONSTER RANK:Medium highHEALTH:3660STAMINA:2400MANA:7880STRENGTH:558 (+200)(M)INTELLIGENCE:550 (+250)SPEED:1472 (+150)DEXTERITY:73 (+150)(H)VITALITY:1 (+350)CHARM:1 (+415)LUCK:52 (+215)AGILITY:368 (+150)RESISTANCE:224 (+350)(S)ENDURANCE:74 (+150)SKILL POINTS:360FAME/INFAMY:0 (Neutral)CLASS:-------------------TITLES:Spoiler : ☑ Death's Demise

☑ Divinity

☑ Don Juan

☑ Dungeon conqueror

☑ Elemental Master

☑ Grave Digger

☑ King of the pond

☑ Sphinx Slayer

☑ Toxic Powerhouse

☑ TycoonPASSIVE SKILLS:Spoiler : Amphibious (-)

Blunt Weapon Mastery (E)

Dual Weapon Mastery (D)

Fire Immunity (S)

Obscuro Poison (B)

Poison Resistance (A)

Rebirth (-)

Unarmed Mastery (E)

Viper Neurotoxin (A)ACTIVE SKILLS:Spoiler : Basilisk Cry (D)

Deadly Breath ©

Death Stare (S)

Gardener touch (B)

Lightning Strike (D)

Lightning Discharge (D)

Luminar (E)

Poison Spit (D)

Purification (S)

Resurrection (S)

Sad puppy eyes (B)

Tail Whip (B)

TerrorEyes (B)

Vines Hell ©

Viper Bite ©ARCANE LIBRARY:Spoiler : Arcane ClayBolt

Arcane EarthBolt

Arcane LightningBolt

Arcane MagmaBolt

Arcane FireBolt

Arcane FrostBolt

Arcane WaterBolt

Arcane WindBolt

Immovable MountainCHIMERA FORGE


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