《Cheating Monster》Chapter 41 - Scientific approach


This chapter has been proof-read by: AnthonyL


“ZZZZZZZzzzzzzzz” (Kneeko)

Knock* knock* knock* As I was sound asleep, knocking on the wall near my door woke me up.

“Hhmmmmm what is it?” (Kneeko)

“Mashter, Itsh already morning. I have prepared breakfasht.” (PigFace)

“Hmmm thank you. I'm coming.” (Kneeko)

Today was finally the day I could bring back Irene. At midday, the 30 days cool-down would be over and to be honest I was extremely happy to see my little sister again. Asta, Irya and I had spent the entire week preparing for her arrival by making her a room, furniture, clothes and everything she would need.

We had also agreed that I would keep acting like her big brother since I apparently was a good influence on her. Can you believe that? Me, a good influence on a kid... I had also personally prepared a private room for her filled with puzzles, riddles, games and everything else needed to increase her intelligence.

She certainly was strong for a wyvern but was still lacking in many aspects. I had the firm belief that increasing her intelligence would allow her to rank up as a dragon sooner. After all, most pure blooded wyverns were already dragons by their first year of age and Irene was almost 4 years old already.

With the 30 days cool-down time finishing at midday I could have slept in a bit longer but I was overly busy with our research in the laboratory. Our experiments on the clan ceremony were finally reaching their conclusion.

Knowing I had a busy schedule for today, I had asked PigFace to wake me up early. Right now she is pretty much our maid and does the laundry, meals, cleaning and everything else a maid should do. Many of the goblins have ranked up to hobgoblin and began to be more useful.

Some are gardeners and other types of domestics, others were tasked with maintaining the land but most of them were doing serious training. I took the strongest males and built them a rudimentary gym. They are busy lifting weights all day and you can see them build muscle mass very rapidly. I was hoping to see many of them rank up as ogres since they were limited in their ranking abilities.

The majority of monsters can't evolve into anything they want and are restricted by their species. I was one of the rare monsters capable of jumping from one species to the other due to my starting race. This was without a doubt what Lucy meant by “high evolutive potential” back then and also the reason why father had suggested this to me in the first place.

The fastest, more agile females are training in the art of stealth, poison handling and archery. I'm basically trying to make ninjas out of them. Having all these goblins around was now a lot less annoying the more they evolved. They were a cheap workforce, loyal and hard workers.

When I need to leave somewhere, they will be in charge of running the place and obeying Irya, Anastaria and Irene. A powerful clan needs minions after all.

Waking up I began my day by freeing myself from the various limbs entangling my body, got out of bed and began getting dressed. I needed a new set of clothes, these clothes aren't enchanted with auto-repair and have been with me for a while now.

“PurRrrRrrrr*” (Mendy)

“HMMmmm yawn* It's still early, why don't you stay in bed a little longer honey.” (Anastaria)


“Good morning Asta, sorry but I have a busy day today. There's still stuff that needs to be done before Irene's return. You heard me? I'm going to the lab first but I'll need you there soon as well alright?” (Kneeko) I said addressing the second sleepy head on the left side of the bed.

“Yawwwwnnnnn* Okay... just... let me.. wake u- Zzzzzzzz” (Irya)

“Irya, you said you would help him finish the runes today. Wake up...” (Anastaria) Said her mother slowly shaking her awake.

“It's ok Asta, let her sleep in a while longer. I will begin by testing our new specimen first and for this I don't need her.” (Kneeko)

Seeing my two beautiful dragonesses in my bed might seem idyllic but reaching this point hadn't been an easy ride. Since Irya caught Asta and I in bed it was very awkward obviously. This is where in a movie or a manga, the guy would have said something cool like “Wanna join?”.

But real life- cough* cough* but VR life isn't as easygoing. Immediately after realizing what we were doing, tears began to form on her shiny reddish eyes. Before knowing what to say she left running out of Asta's bedroom and cried in her room for a few minutes.

I got up with the intention of going to talk with her but Asta stopped me, asked me to sit and asked a very weird question. “Do you want her as well?” Of course I answered like a typical human by saying that I found her attractive but that I was satisfied enough by just having her.

What she said next made me understand that I still didn't understand dragons properly yet. If I wanted to become a dragon, I needed to start thinking like one. She said to me, “She's not sad because she found us together, she's sad because she thinks you refused her all this time because she wasn't good enough.”

I answered that of course that wasn't the case and that she wasn't lacking in any aspect. Seemingly satisfied with my answer she covered herself and walked out to have a talk with her. I stayed there, nervous and fidgeting wondering about what they were talking about.

After a few hours Asta came back and began explaining the rules they had came up with. Apparently, even dragons have some shyness about “blood related intimacy” which seemed... disappointing yet reasonable. I think...

They came up with a basic rule. It was ok if the 3 of us “slept” together, but if we wanted to do intimate things, we had to do it in private. Since then we began sleeping together in the same bed but threesomes with mother and daughter were out of the question. Sighhh*

Having finished dressing up, I walked out of my room and sat at the dining table. PigFace was wearing an ugly leather apron perfectly complementing her ugly face but I wasn't bothered by any of this. She was so incredibly useful, ready to help and serve all the time

Not only that, but she was also quite a good cook. Of course cooking for the girls and I was a bit different from cooking for humans but as long as you followed a few simple rules, it wasn't so hard. Rule 1: Never cook the meat. Rule 2: Vegetables are only for seasoning the meat. Rule 3: If the meat isn't dripping with blood, it ain't fresh enough. Rule 4: Serving me meat with worms in it is punishable by death.


With her being a hobgoblin and all, her culinary tastes were pretty similar to ours which made it easier for her to learn. She is slowly becoming indispensable even though, her being a 2 years old goblin made her quite empty. What I mean by that is that she doesn't have a back story and no perceptible personality. She's simply your typical, silent and stoic maid.

I ate at least 100 pounds of deliciously bloody meat and walked out of the cave to begin my usual routine. I inspected the goblin village, the garden, the gym and received various reports from the goblin in charge of the dungeon. So far, nothing out of the ordinary.

With these menial tasks done, I went back to my laboratory. Irya and I were currently working on a new species looking like flying squirrels. They had a venomous bite that seemed to be specifically aimed for defence against snakes.

Right now Irya and I were working improving this venom to work on dragons instead. This research broke all the dragons' taboos since it was basically dragons, creating anti-dragon weapons. Obviously letting these squirrels go free would be stupid and dangerous.

I didn't want my dragonesses to be in danger so we were using them as venom factory instead. Since I was the only one immune to such a dangerous venom, I was the one in charge of “milking” their saliva daily.

Analyze the samples and have the more potent rodents reproduce between each other after supplementing them with various serums accelerating their mutation. After only a few generations, their venom had already ranked up from C to A and we were still trying to reach the infamous rank S.

“Hellooo! The most beautiful male in the world!!” (Irya)

“And what a beautiful ass... hehehe*” (Irya)

Haaaa I never get tired of such praise. Which man wouldn't feel blessed to be constantly praised by his women.

“Hello sleepy head. You're just in time I was about to begin the experiment.” (Kneeko)

“Ho great! Decided on who's going to be our guin- cough* subject?” (Irya)

“Yea, there's a goblin that doesn't seem to rank up no matter what training I give him... Might as well make good use of him instead of having him slow down the others.” (Kneeko)

“Ho yea him! What was it, HogFace?” (Irya)

“Nhaa.. He ranked up yesterday, finally... The one who still hasn't is BoarFace.” (Kneeko)

“Ho? I don't remember him. PigFace! Go and bring BoarFace.” (Irya)

“Yesh Mishtress” (PigFace)

We both stood there looking at each other while rubbing our hands like evil scientists. An entire month of hard work coming to fruition. We would finally see how well we did. We stood on each side of a giant arcane circle filled with runic scriptures and a fully charged greater mana stone in the middle.

Since this was a test, there was no need to use the Phenacite Stone. We would test it on a goblin with 50k mana units first to see if it work. Later when it would be our turns, we would use the 10 million mana units supplied by the Phenacite Mana Stone to get the maximum effect.

It is for this reason that we also spent the last month filling it with mana. I even recruited the goblin capable of wielding mana to help fill it.

A few minutes later, a small and timid looking goblin arrived escorted by PigFace. This little half naked donkey-faced creature was BoarFace, the goblin with the lowest evolutive ability of them all. Wether the experiment was to fail or to succeed, we wouldn't lose anything by testing it on BoarFace.

“Come BoarFace and stand in the middle of this circle.” (Kneeko)

“HhuuUuuuuu will it eurtt?” (BoarFace) He then asked with a worried expression.

“Of course not! Who do you think we are, amateurs?” (Irya) My beautiful white dragon then answered.

“UuuUuuuu* Ok... mistreuse.” (BoarFace) (AutNote: No typo, he's just bad at speaking.)

“Urgg. Dumb creature...” (Irya)

BoarFace walked to the middle of the circle and waited for us to begin. Irya and I activated the circle, linking it to the mana stone. Then, Irya began chanting the runic incantation.

“ϒ ψ ςપ્લેબપ્લબેક δ Ψ બેϖ પ્લેકσ φ બેε α ΣકΛબક Θ Γ....” (Irya)

Light illuminated the entire room as the circle began to glow brightly. BoarFace didn't seem to feel anything as he seemed more scared of the light than anything else. Once it was over, BoarFace made an encouraging noise.

“Hoo?” (BoarFace)

“Uhh? Did “God” speak to you???” (Kneeko)

“Yeush... “ (BoarFace)

“... What does it say?!” (Irya)

“Uuuuuuu new titleu... member of theu T-t-..Test01 Clan...” (BoarFace)

Irya and I looked at each other in the eyes for a few seconds in silence with smiles slowly growing obscenely large.

“VICTORY! YAYyyy!!!!” (Irya) Irya jumped into my arms and began assaulting me with kisses. I was incredibly happy as well since him receiving the title meant our work had been a success. The amount of points received by it would vary depending on the amount of mana used.

Normally you use all the clan members to pour mana into the circle at the same time but for us, we had an OP mana stone that would make our clan title the most powerful of all. This was a huge success. PigFace was in the corner of the room, emotionless as usual.

As for BoarFace, he seemed confused by what was happening. Nothing surprising coming from a stupid creature unable to rank up. It was time to go share the good news with Asta so I pulled out my twin swords and beheaded the small confused goblin.

"KYAAAaaaaaaaa!*" (Argy)

"Thanks for the meal! kekekeke*" (Itzal)

“Sorry but you have served your purpose. Come Irya, let's announce the good news to your mother shall we. Then we need to get ready for Irene's revival, it's almost noon.” (Kneeko)

“Yes darling! I can't wait to see my baby sister.” (Irya)



PROFILENAME:KneekoLEVEL:234GENDER:MaleMONEY:433G 31S 30CRACE:(Chimeric) Dranix (Unique)MONSTER RANK:Medium highHEALTH:3660STAMINA:2400MANA:7880STRENGTH:558 (+200)(M)INTELLIGENCE:550 (+250)SPEED:1472 (+150)DEXTERITY:73 (+150)(H)VITALITY:1 (+350)CHARM:1 (+415)LUCK:52 (+215)AGILITY:368 (+150)RESISTANCE:224 (+350)(S)ENDURANCE:74 (+150)SKILL POINTS:585FAME/INFAMY:0 (Neutral)CLASS:-------------------TITLES:Spoiler : ☑ Death's Demise

☑ Divinity

☑ Don Juan

☑ Dungeon conqueror

☑ Elemental Master

☑ Grave Digger

☑ King of the pond

☑ Sphinx Slayer

☑ Toxic Powerhouse

☑ TycoonPASSIVE SKILLS:Spoiler : Amphibious (-)

Blunt Weapon Mastery (E)

Dual Weapon Mastery (D)

Fire Immunity (S)

Obscuro Poison (B)

Poison Resistance (A)

Rebirth (-)

Unarmed Mastery (E)

Viper Neurotoxin (A)ACTIVE SKILLS:Spoiler : Basilisk Cry (D)

Deadly Breath ©

Death Stare (S)

Gardener touch (B)

Lightning Strike (D)

Lightning Discharge (D)

Luminar (E)

Poison Spit (D)

Purification (S)

Resurrection (S)

Sad puppy eyes (B)

Tail Whip (B)

TerrorEyes (B)

Vines Hell ©

Viper Bite ©ARCANE LIBRARY:Spoiler : Arcane ClayBolt

Arcane EarthBolt

Arcane LightningBolt

Arcane MagmaBolt

Arcane FireBolt

Arcane FrostBolt

Arcane WaterBolt

Arcane WindBolt

Immovable MountainCHIMERA FORGE

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