《Cheating Monster》Chapter 40 - I love her


This chapter has been proof-read by: AnthonyL


AutNote: What felt like an afterthought thrown at the last minute has now been properly done.

This chapter contain sexual content and is not recommended for the young readers. Feel free to ignore this chapter as it is mostly fan service. You won't miss on the story by avoiding this chapter.


[2 weeks until Irene's return.]

It was a beautiful night. The wind was refreshing and the night was clear under the light of the full moon. Mother and I were sitting next to each other by the lake, dipping our feet in the cold water. The only annoying thing was the home made leather eye patch made by mom.

Since I told her about my mind reading ability back then, she forbade me from using it on her. That made me regret the decision of telling her in the first place but I could understand why one wouldn't like to have their thoughts known. Anastaria was as beautiful as ever in her badly made leather bikini, gazing at the stars.

“What was it that you wanted to talk about ?” (Anastaria)

"He wants to give you the D KakakAKakk!" (Itzal) Ho no!! Not tonight you don't! I swiftly placed my twin swords in my inventory, wishing for privacy with my mother.

“Ho yea! Hummm how should I say this...” (Kneeko)

How was I supposed to tell her what I had in mind. How was I supposed to tell her that I wanted to screw her daughter. I hadn't had sex in 50 years and during all that time I became used to not being able to have any but a few tests confirmed to me that it was something you could do in Alterlife2.

Slowly my libido had regained its youthfulness as I became addicted to u-porn dot com and used it every night since I joined AL2... Every night I needed to rub one out to keep my sanity. But now, with Irya constantly pushing me into a corner I was about to lose it.

But this is where my problem begins. How was I supposed to ask my mom permission to do her daughter? From what I could tell, she didn't object but she was acting strangely since I mentioned it back then. Maybe she did have a problem with it but didn't voice it.

I needed to make sure before doing anything since she is the one I love the most in this world. Making her disappointed in me would simply rip my heart apart. I never knew that the love one feels for their mother could be this strong.

I also wasn't expecting it to involve a lot of wet dreams and lust toward her but that was most likely due to my 50 years without sex thing. Now that I know how strong a mother-son bond is, I surprise myself wondering why would any child want to leave their mother.

As for me, I wanted to live with Anastaria for the rest of my life, and do her daughter during the night. Is that bad? Am I totally messed up? Yea most likely. I've spent too long inside a virtual reality and it must have altered my personality quite a bit.

Still, I am ashamed to have my own mother in mind every time I get an erection. My emotional database must have gotten corrupted somehow.

“Say it... Why did you ask me to come here?” (Anastaria) She looked at me with a warm smile as she splashed her feet in the water slowly.


“Well... I am a lot older than I told you...” (Kneeko)

“You are?? Fufufu* I thought you were a kid by the way you acted recently. But what does that mean? How are you older?” (Anastaria)

“Erff well it's complicated. Let's just say that I lived many lives. I am still younger than you but I am more around 70 years old in reality.” (Kneeko)

“Really?? Amazing... Everything about you is totally amazing. The more I learn the more fascinating you become.” (Anastaria)

“Hehehe was that praise mom?” (Kneeko)

“Fufufufu* Did you have me come here in the middle of the night just to say this?” (Anastaria)

“Ho humm no, actually it has to do with Irya...” (Kneeko)

“Is something wrong with her? Do you not like her?” (Anastaria)

“Errr no, actually it's the opposite hmmm how should I say, I did not have intimate relationships with anyone in more than 50 years... And with Irya clearly going for me I kinda... I mean-” (Kneeko)

“Be her sexual partner.” (Anastaria) Knowing where I was going with this, she ended up completing my sentence for me.

“Mhhh yea, BUT! Mother is the person I love the most in the world and if you object I will resist I promise!” (Kneeko) More like I'll bring a young elf for myself later.

Anastaria remained silent for a while, looking at the moon with a perfect poker-face. Curious I disobeyed her by slowly lifting my eye patch.

“The love one feels for his mother is all I'm ever going to get. I'm such a fool...” (Anastaria)

Thump* ... Thump* ... Gulp* No... way? What is this feeling, my heart feels like it's going to burst. I grabbed my chest and tried to catch my breath once again. Pant* Pant* THUMP* How come I feel happy yet also feel like crying at the same time. My heart... is throbbing. Am I having a heart attack?

“Are you alright son? You look strange. Ho and about what you asked, it's alright. She's not really your sister and you know that very well. Actually I'm very glad for her, she couldn't have found a better man for herself.” (Anastaria)

Thump* Thump* Pant* pant* I thought I was mentally ill but she felt the same way? Mother, loves me? Like more than she should as a mother? Wait, was it really motherly love I felt all along? Her lips, are so shiny and beautiful. Thump*

A bubble of air must have went through my brain making me lose reason for a second as I suddenly gave her a kiss on the lips. Eh? What the hell did I do? I kissed my mother? Anastaria was holding her hand over her mouth visibly in shock.

“Ehh? Ehhmmm SORRY! I don't know what went through my he- UmF fmfmffm fm*” (Kneeko)

Mothe- Anastaria suddently grabbed my head and forcefully kissed me before I could finish my sentence. Now even more in shock, I looked at her in the eyes as she showed a proud face.

“There's nothing to say. I'm not mad, it was just a bit of mother-son affection.” (Anastaria) Then she went back to stargazing.

My eyes remained glued on her, unable to form any type of coherent thought. Was it really motherly love I felt for this woman? Did I ignore her feelings because of my selfish desire for a loving mother? The things she said in her head and the following action, couldn't mean anything else right?


“I will head back now it's already late. You should sleep soon as well, you are over working yourself way too much recently. Come when you are ready.” (Anastaria)

She then stood up and slowly made her way back toward home. As for me, I stood there for a while. Looking at the moon in contemplation. Around one hour later I did the same and went back home to sleep. Irya was in the bathtub, her cheeks beet red.

“Hi mister Kneeko! Want to take a bath with big sis? Heheheh*” (Irya)

Sighh* She heard me once calling Anastaria mother so we had ended up explaining her the entire thing. Since then she had kept doing this type of joke while trying to seduce me at the same time. Did she think I had that type of fetish or something? She was naked and twitching her body around, looking excited by my arrival.

“My plan is perfect! Tonight is the big night! Kyaaaa*” (Irya)

“Sorry Irya, I... am tired and will go to bed immediately. Thanks for the offer though. Come Mendy.” (Kneeko)

“Meoww.” (Mendy)

“Hoo.. Okay.. Good night Kneeko.” (Irya)

“NOOOOOOoooooooooooo Buuhuhuhuhu*” (Irya)

Feeling demoralized I dragged my feet down to my bedroom. Mendy took her usual spot as my pillow and I curled my body next to hers and listened to her heartbeat and breathing which never failed to relax and put me soundly to sleep.

But that night, my eyes stayed wide open staring at the ceiling of my bedroom.

* The love one feels for his mother is all I'm ever going to get. I'm such a fool. *

* The love one feels for his mother is all I'm ever going to get. I'm such a fool. *

* The love one feels for his mother is all I'm ever going to get. I'm such a fool. *

ARGGGgggg Fuck fuck fuck fuck!!! There's no way we have a real mother son relationship!!! Who wants to rip their mother's clothes off before doing them all night. No... What I feel is... I need to make sure.

With fire burning in my eyes I jumped out of bed. I had a raging erection, a messed up brain and didn't give a shit anymore. I don't want a mother... I WANT HER! With certitude in my steps, I ran down the cave and stopped behind mothe- Anastaria's bedroom door. Pant* Pant* Pant*

I went past the door curtain made out of vines and stood next to her bed. She laid there, under some pelts improvised as bedding. Having keen sensory abilities, she immediately noticed me but didn't move.

“It's late, need anything?” (Anastaria)

“Yes... I need... you.” (Kneeko)

Surprised by my answer she turned around to face me. She let out a small gasp as her eyes became big seeing I was totally naked and hard as a rock.

“Sighh* I see, another one of these dreams. Ho well might as well enjoy it.” (Anastaria)

She removed the covers, exposing her beautiful naked body. She opened her legs sensually before doing a hand gesture internationally understood as “come here”. Pant* pant* pant* I had difficulty breathing, my heart was beating a thousand times per second and my erection was almost painfully too rigid. Lust taking over my senses I crawled on the bed and began kissing her passionately.

-1HP -1HP -1HP -1HP -1HP

“UUmmm This feels even more real than usual. Don't make me wait, I'm drenched down there.” (Anastaria)

Gulp* Drenched... Drenched... Drenched... Drenched... Drenched...

I kept kissing her on the neck, then kissed her breast before going down to her belly.

“What are you doing? Take me already!” (Anastaria)

URGgg* Take me already! Take me already! Take me already! Take me already!

With my mind in shambles, I opened her legs and began to lick, slurp and suck on her most sensitive part.

“HANnnnnnnnnn!* Ehh? Heee? HANN!*” (Anastaria)

“What is he doing? This feels so goooodd!!! He's licking down there??? What is this sorcery!? Yes! Yes! Yes! Wait, this isn't a dream is it?” (Anastaria)

A few minutes later she began to twitch, then her body became rigid followed by violent spasms. A few hairs missing and a squirt of warm fluid to the face later I crawled back up to her face for another kiss.

“Kneeko?.. W-..w... Are you-” (Anastaria) I placed my finger over her mouth stopping her mid sentence. There's no “are you sure” that matters anymore. I've never seen so clearly in my life. It was right before my eyes the entire time but I had spent too much time in a bad virtual world to notice. (AL1)

Knowing from my last excursion down there that she was properly ready for it, I readied myself to penetrate her. I was feeling more alive than I had ever been before. We both looked each other in the eyes as my tip made contact with her lower lips.

She had the most sensual expression I had ever seen. Her eyes were slightly turned upward as if she was about to cum just from thinking about what I was about to do. I gently inserted myself into her. It was so warm, I didn't remember how warm a woman was.

“HANNnnnnnnnnnnnnn MNNNNNNNNMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmm*” (Anastaria)

(+1) Luck

I almost told her to be quiet to not wake Irya up but after hearing her moan, my mind went blank. I couldn't care less anymore. I could feel it deep down inside me, what I was doing right now was right. It felt right up to the tiniest details.

Once I was fully in, I kissed her once more before beginning to move. I thrusted in and out as if there was no tomorrow. This was so good! Best time of my life. Need I repeat? Best fucking decision I ever made. I kept pounding her repetitively as if I wanted to break her. Of course what encouraged me the most was her moans getting louder and louder.

(+1) Endurance


(+1) Endurance

“Mom? Mist- Kneeko???” (Irya)

Ho.. hmmm we kinda forgot about her for a moment there...



PROFILENAME:KneekoLEVEL:224GENDER:MaleMONEY:433G 31S 30CRACE:(Chimeric) Dranix (Unique)MONSTER RANK:Medium highHEALTH:3660STAMINA:2170MANA:7860STRENGTH:558 (+200)(M)INTELLIGENCE:548 (+250)SPEED:1472 (+150)DEXTERITY:73 (+150)(H)VITALITY:1 (+350)CHARM:1 (+415)LUCK:43 (+215)AGILITY:368 (+150)RESISTANCE:224 (+350)(S)ENDURANCE:55 (+150)SKILL POINTS:435FAME/INFAMY:0 (Neutral)CLASS:-------------------TITLES:Spoiler : ☑ Death's Demise

☑ Divinity

☑ Don Juan

☑ Dungeon conqueror

☑ Elemental Master

☑ Grave Digger

☑ King of the pond

☑ Sphinx Slayer

☑ Toxic Powerhouse

☑ TycoonPASSIVE SKILLS:Spoiler : Amphibious (-)

Blunt Weapon Mastery (E)

Dual Weapon Mastery (E)

Fire Immunity (S)

Obscuro Poison (B)

Poison Resistance (A)

Rebirth (-)

Unarmed Mastery (E)

Viper Neurotoxin (A)ACTIVE SKILLS:Spoiler : Basilisk Cry (D)

Deadly Breath ©

Death Stare (S)

Gardener touch (B)

Lightning Strike (E)

Lightning Discharge (E)

Luminar (E)

Poison Spit (D)

Purification (S)

Resurrection (S)

Sad puppy eyes (B)

Tail Whip (B)

TerrorEyes (B)

Vines Hell (D)

Viper Bite ©ARCANE LIBRARY:Spoiler : Arcane ClayBolt

Arcane EarthBolt

Arcane LightningBolt

Arcane MagmaBolt

Arcane FireBolt

Arcane FrostBolt

Arcane WaterBolt

Arcane WindBolt

Immovable MountainCHIMERA FORGE

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