《Cheating Monster》Chapter 39 - More people, more trouble V2


This chapter has been proof-read by: AnthonyL


AutNote: This fiction will start to become a bit more... Edgy... (I wont go unnecessarily to far, but...) If you are easily offended, well ya know... Not that i don't want you reading the story but yea... Our mc ain't a nice dude alright?!


It's been a week since I resurrected Irya and our interactions have become a lot less strenuous after Anastaria gave her some home made bras and skirts to wear. Bras which allow a full side boobs view and skirts barely reaching low enough to hide the bush... I bet Anastaria did it on purpose to test me.

Not that I didn't enjoy the view but there's a limit to perversion even for me. Guhuhu* who am I kidding, when Anastaria was away doing chores, I looked at her until my eyes bled. I think Irya caught me once but she simply smiled innocently... Ok enough of that for now.

We built ourselves some type of laboratory, an area where we do our experiments. I was researching arcane while Irya was researching runes and hopefully we would be able to recreate something similar to the dragon clan ceremony.

Recently, I ended up giving up on trying to create divine, demonic and death bolts... Apparently these more complex elements require conditions, limitations... Basically more complex circles than a simple ball of said energy.

Having confirmed that, I decided to work on a new type of circles using life magic element instead. To put it simply, invocation magic. As powerful as you might think I am, I needed something more. On my own, I still wasn't strong enough to defeat a single pure blooded dragon.

Those who attacked us back then were all over level 600 and were very knowledgeable of magic. Even if I raised an army and attacked them, we still had virtually no chance of victory. Some conversation with Anastaria taught me that back in the days, the demon and human race had made an alliance and tried to subdue the dragons but failed.

I mean, that's millions of people ganging up on dragons and still failing at it. And even if I'd like to think that after defeating the dragons I could finally have a peaceful life with my mom and sisters... I know very well that players would end up coming to mess with us eventually.

There was also the question of whether the people running alterlife2 were aware of me being in this game. Maybe father had done some sneaky stuff and let me be uploaded in here secretly. Or if they know I am here, why give me the possibility to “cheat”? Are they watching my every move?

A quick search on the internet gave me no information whatsoever. One day I might get deleted from the server with no warning so my thought was that I should enjoy my time in this world. The problem is that I was now stuck in some kind of vendetta against enemies way too powerful for me to deal with.

Maybe I should run away, find myself a small cave to live in and kidnap a few women to play with when I'm bored. There's no police in this world so I could fulfill my darkest desires. Should I go the evil road again? Or should I try to role-play a nice personality for once?!...

"URggg please don't become a faggot... Let's kill, rape and murder shall we?" (Itzal)

"I would advise against following the advice of a demon. You have some good things going... a mother, some sisters... Couldn't you be good for once?" (Argy)


Sighhh* All I want right now is to go on a luxurious cruise ship, drink some champagne and eat some foie gras with caviar goddammit.. Now I'm stuck in a cave, with two young looking, lightly dressed, cave women... OK scratch that, I quite enjoy that last thing.

It's a good thing that during the day, Irya and I can have fun messing around with magic but I could swear, Irya is trying to seduce me... When i told Anastaria about it, her response wasn't the kind I was expecting. I seriously wasn't expecting her to say “Of course she's eyeing you... My daughters have good taste in men”.

I should avoid considering Irya as my sister since it's like that... As long as it's entertaining, count me in.. But if I start to get bored, I'm out of town. Speaking of town, something quite annoying began to happen this last week. What began as simple carcasses abandoned on our door step slowly turned into a full on moving operation.

These damned goblins are currently building a town outside our cave entrance. Of course I can see the potential in that but... Between us, do you expect goblins to be able to fight dragons? All they are to me is smelly, noisy and plainly annoying. I keep telling them that I am a guy yet the male goblins keep trying to grab my ass...

Trying to change this I recently began training them. I taught them how to play chess and organized tournaments. If they get smarter, I'm convinced they will become less annoying to live around. And then-

“Mister Kneeko! I have completed the title part of the ceremony!!!!” (Irya) She said with excitement in her voice.

“Wait a minute Irya, I'm currently busy self-narrating in my head.” (Kneeko) (Don't break the 4th wall dammit !)

“Come see quick! I think I managed to make it better than the original version!” (Irya)

Sighhh* Seeing that she wouldn't stop until I go I decided to walk deep in our cave where the laboratory was located. I inspected her runic writing and realized the potential of what she had just found. She had created a title giving as many skill points as the “Divinity” title... That was amazing!

“Woaaa!!! Irya! You truly are a genius!! And I could create an arcane circle to fuse this runic text with the next techniques we are currently developing!!!!! Brilliant! Irya, you are amazing!” (Kneeko)

“Hehehe please praise me more mister handsome.” (Irya)

In my excitement I grabbed her and kissed her on the lips before continuing to celebrate and yelling out loud my happiness. Working with another genius was allowing us to make so much progress it was ridiculous!!

“Ho yessss it was worth all the work. I feel like my legs are giving up.” (Irya)

“Haaa After so much hard work, how do you feel about a warm bath? Mind accompanying me?” (Irya)

“Please say yes! Please say yes! Please say yes! Please say yes!” (Irya)

Hearing her thoughts, I panicked a little and ran back to mother. If I'm with her, there's no better alibi. (I swear i didn't do anything) I don't think i will be capable of holding myself back for the sake of having a sister. And I don't even think mom would get mad at me for doing so.

[2 weeks later]

Some changes happened with the goblins. My training seemed to be quite effective as they are now able to follow simple orders. The males finally stopped harassing me after I stripped in front of them which is a good thing.


I may have fixed a problem by doing so but now it was the female who had became the problem. Always nonchalantly trying to show me their... reproductive parts. Sighh it would be a good thing if they weren't so god awfully ugly.

The only one who I'm not bothered by is a goblinette I named “Pigface”. An incredibly ugly little thing always following me around but not annoying like the others. She isn't sexually harassing me and executes all of my orders perfectly. She's no doubt the smartest one of the bunch.

She even warned me when some goblin tried to sneak in my bed at night. Of course Mendy who always sleeps with me would have ripped them to pieces but I was happy to avoid a bloody mess in my bedroom. To thank her I gave her a simple bow and arrows.

Since then she has been practising tirelessly and had become quite good at it. I really need to teach one of them how to craft some clothing because the level of nudity around here is getting distracting.

[Irya's POV:]

It's been 2 weeks since I've been resurrected. First I thought only a supreme being could bring the dead back to life but after testing this man called Kneeko a few time, I came to the conclusion that I could easily defeat him. How did he get such unbelievable skills while still being at a lower level than myself?

Then I understood why. This man, Kneeko, is the most intelligent being I have ever met. If I tell him something, he will never forget it. The things that took me years to understand about runic magic seemed to be child's play for him.

I must admit, never in my life did I feel attraction for a male but this man. I can't get him out of my mind. When I work in our room he called laboratory, all I think about is to make some break through so that he would praise me.

In the past when I lived in the dragon land, everybody who ever approached me was doing it with one thing in mind. My unique scale ability. I had a unique and highly desirable ability making them want to have children with me only with the hope of having strong children. These dragons disgusted me and I thought it was simply because I wasn't meant to fall in love. But that was before Kneeko.

I think about him when I sleep, when I bathe, when I mast- icate my food... All the time and it's getting unbearable. How can mother stay indifferent to him? I better lay my claim on him first before she opens her eyes. I wonder what kind of children we would have?

No matter what happens in the future, I will stay by his side even if this means leaving my family behind. That's just how crazy I feel about him. I love his evil laugh and way of looking at everybody as if they were lower beings. A personality truly worthy of a dragon-phoenix-thing...

The other day I'm certain I caught him looking at me with lustful eyes. I could swear he was drooling while looking at my ass so I kept testing him by shortening my skirts and removing some leather out of my bras making them tighter and smaller. I will have him fall for me without a doubt!

[2 weeks later Kneeko POV:]

With Irene's resurrection day fast approaching, I began to put the gears in motions. After finding an undiscovered dungeon, I swiftly decided to used it to train my goblin army. Sadly I didn't get the 50% bonus EXP for discovering it like last time but I was sure we were the first to discover it.

This was probably because NPC couldn't discover new areas the same way players do and last time when I got the bonus, it was only because I had players with me. Nonetheless, after exploring the first level of the dungeon, I declared that it was safe enough to send them to train there.

I gave them the order to never go to the 2nd level until I ordered them to and they seemed to understand perfectly my order. As the smartest goblin, I sent Pigface to be their party leader which of course raised some protest but it was swiftly dealt with.

"Thanks for the meal by the way." (Itzal)

"Sob* poor creatures..." (Argy)

To prevent them from ever starving I used [Vine Hell] and [Gardener Touch] to make a garden where I grow all sorts of comestible plants, fruits and vegetables. They should be grateful that I am taking such good care of them.

Now some of you may wonder, what is Anastaria doing in all this? Well... Nothing. She just sits all day and seems to meditate. I tried asking her to explain Irya about our mother and son relationship before Irene is back but she didn't seem to mind the incoming mess.

On a different note, my invocation arcane circle is almost complete. I feel like I'm very close to my goal and simply need to learn how to choose what you summon. So far it seems random except for the element you use. Fire will bring a fire related creature and so forth... The more mana is used, the stronger the creature etc.

When I tried fighting the ugly clay golem that appeared after my first summoning, I was disappointed to see that I couldn't gain EXP from it so I almost lost hope in this circle until Irya came up with an awesome idea. By complementing my circle with runic magic we could maybe change that no EXP limitation which would create one more broken technique for me to use.

But even if we fail, I was still curious to see what would happen if I used this and the Phenacite Mana Stone to summon something in the middle of a city for example. With 10 million mana, could I summon a titan or something? This is something I needed to investigate.

Needless to say, our laboratory was buzzing with activity and slowly but surely the outside of our cave had come to look like a small village. With my sensitive sense of smell I couldn't wait to teach these goblins some hygiene though.

The last side project I also had was my secret tunnel. You see, the area where we are is insanely hard to access. Even me, a flying creature with a massive amount of speed points had struggled to go over these mountain. I even resorted to using my fiery form to neutralize the snow storms up there.

We are currently in a bowl shaped by mountains and some exploration confirmed there was no secret passage or tunnels allowing easy access. I still had doubts about the dungeon, but with my goblins keeping a close eye on it I would be warned if anything came out of it.

After realizing this, I decided to dig (melt) a tunnel through the mountain going south west toward the elven lands with one precise goal in mind. You see goblins reproduce incredibly fast and babies are born in less than 1 month after pregnancy but goblins don't often have sex among themselves.

They were ugly creatures and knew it since even themselves couldn't get turned on by their own kind. Since I needed a few thousand goblins, I thought of going to the elven lands and capturing a few good looking elves to give them as a present. That way new babies wouldn't stop coming. A real baby factory. I also needed weapons and clothing for my army...

"Kekekekeke HELL YHEA!" (Itzal)

"...... I know you won't listen to me but, can you at least try to capture some mean elves instead? I wouldn't feel as bad if they were real meanies..." (Argy)

I'll think about it Argy. But if some elves attack me once I'm there, BAM sex dungeon. Guhuhuhu*

"Hhhhuuuuu*" (Argy)

"I love the way you think buddy. kekekeke*" (Itzal)

“Mashter! Come quick quick!” (Pigface)

“What is it Pigf-” (Kneeko)


“Who the fuck are you and what did you do to Pigface?” (Kneeko)

“Itsh me!!!” (Pigface)

“... Ok a few hours ago you were your usual ugly ass goblin and now you are, a naked, big breasted, green skinned, 5”8, almost not ugly thing?” (Kneeko)

“God shaid I wash a hobgoblin now!” (Pigface)

“Meow...” (Mendy)

“Hooooo!!.......... Innnnnttteresting.” (Kneeko)



PROFILENAME:KneekoLEVEL:224GENDER:MaleMONEY:433G 31S 30CRACE:(Chimeric) Dranix (Unique)MONSTER RANK:Medium highHEALTH:3660STAMINA:2170MANA:7860STRENGTH:558 (+200)(M)INTELLIGENCE:548 (+250)SPEED:1472 (+150)DEXTERITY:73 (+150)(H)VITALITY:1 (+350)CHARM:1 (+415)LUCK:42 (+215)AGILITY:368 (+150)RESISTANCE:224 (+350)(S)ENDURANCE:51 (+150)SKILL POINTS:435FAME/INFAMY:0 (Neutral)CLASS:-------------------TITLES:Spoiler : ☑ Death's Demise

☑ Divinity

☑ Don Juan

☑ Dungeon conqueror

☑ Elemental Master

☑ Grave Digger

☑ King of the pond

☑ Sphinx Slayer

☑ Toxic Powerhouse

☑ TycoonPASSIVE SKILLS:Spoiler : Amphibious (-)

Blunt Weapon Mastery (E)

Dual Weapon Mastery (E)

Fire Immunity (S)

Obscuro Poison (B)

Poison Resistance (A)

Rebirth (-)

Unarmed Mastery (E)

Viper Neurotoxin (A)ACTIVE SKILLS:Spoiler : Basilisk Cry (D)

Deadly Breath ©

Death Stare (S)

Gardener touch (B)

Lightning Strike (E)

Lightning Discharge (E)

Luminar (E)

Poison Spit (D)

Purification (S)

Resurrection (S)

Sad puppy eyes (B)

Tail Whip (B)

TerrorEyes (B)

Vines Hell (D)

Viper Bite ©ARCANE LIBRARY:Spoiler : Arcane ClayBolt

Arcane EarthBolt

Arcane LightningBolt

Arcane MagmaBolt

Arcane FireBolt

Arcane FrostBolt

Arcane WaterBolt

Arcane WindBolt

Immovable MountainCHIMERA FORGE

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