《Cheating Monster》Chapter 38 - Reunion V2


This chapter has been proof-read by: AnthonyL


She looked anxious and very nervous to see her baby again. Seeing my dear mother so nervous, I embraced her in my arms, trying to give her courage.

“Don't worry everything is going to be alright...” (Kneeko)

“Fufufu silly you... Just do it already i can't wait to see my baby.” (Anastaria)

After leaving Mendy behind to prevent her from being attacked by Irya in the confusion, we went outside to a sunny area and readied ourselves for what was to come. Mother still thought i was going to bring back Irene but for my plans to advance more swiftly i had already decided to bring back Irya first.

I walked a bit further ahead, pulled out the giant sized dragon core from my inventory and gently laid it on the ground. After doing that I turned around and looked at my beautiful mom. She had her left hand over her mouth, tears pouring like waterfalls.

“I- Irya?... Didn't you- W-w-why didn't you tell me? Sob* sob*” (Anastaria)

“It's called a surprise, mom.” (Kneeko) I couldn't help but show a prideful smile as she fell on the ground abruptly realizing what was about to happen.

“Sob* I-I'm going to see my- baby again?... sob* sob*” (Anastaria)

"AAWwwww" (Argy)

"......The fuck is this shit?" (Itzal)

“Tell me when you are ready.” (Kneeko)

“I AM! Thank you! Sob* Kneeko sob* sob* Thank you so muchhh. Sob* sob*” (Anastaria)

“Alright then, let's do this.” (Kneeko)

"Finally some action!" (Itzal)

Regaining her strength, Anastaria stood back up, her eyes filled with anticipation. I placed my hand over the big pulsating core and used the miracle skill. [Resurrection]!!!

The core quickly began to glow and to grow. A big blue light was slowly taking the familiar shape of a dragon then finally stopped growing just shy of Asta's full size. The blue glow having subsided offered us the sight of a majestic white dragon with scales glowing and shimmering with all the colours of the rainbow.


“GGGGGRRRRrrrrrrrrrrr*” (Irya)

"HIIIiiiiiiiiiiiii" (Argy)

"YEAaaa GO on a rampage! Come on!" (Itzal)

“IRYA!!!!!!! BABYYYY!!!!!! Sob* sob*” (Anastaria)

“RRRRrrrr.... Mom? Uhh? What happened I was.. FATHER! Mom we need to help father!!!” (Irya)


Well that's going to be awkward...

"Gulp* The poor child." (Argy)

"He's DEAD! HahaHAhahaha Tell her! Tell her! Rampage here we go!!!!! *munch on popcorn*" (Itzal)

“Baby... Your father and you have been dead for more than 3 years already... I thought I'd never see you again.. Sob* sob*” (Anastaria)

“Uh? What are you talking about dead? I'm here aren't I? By the way where is this?” (Irya)

She transformed into her humanoid appearance while looking around and eventually her eyes stopped on me. She tilted her head sideways before turning back to her mother for answers.

“Who's that?” (Irya)

“Ho! He- He's.. Hmm... This is- Mhhh” (Anastaria)

“Hello Irya! My name is Kneeko and I am your fath-” (Kneeko) As fast as lightning, Anastaria punched me in the balls making me fall on the ground while holding them. 1, 2.. Uff they're still there.. Cough cough That was... uncalled for dammit... I just wanted to do a small star wars reference.

"That was well deserved! You idiot." (Argy)

"Hahahaha Right in the balls." (Itzal)

“Honey... Your father and you died that time. We found your core a few hundred meters away from home. Sob* Sob* Kneeko just brought you back to life.” (Anastaria)

“The good looking guy rolling on the ground over there did?” (Irya)

“Umfff y-yes... I-I did... umfff* umff*” (Kneeko)

“Father is dead...” (Irya) After realizing all that happened, Irya sat on the ground, lifeless. Anastaria immediately ran to her and took her in her arms, not wanting to let go.

Cryyyyyyy* CRYYYYyyyyyyy* Sob* sob* sob*

"Sob* sob* sob*" (Argy)

"......Da fuq? I give up.. KILL ME!" (Itzal)

They both cried for some time while holding each other... I kinda felt like the 5th wheel of the carriage in that situation. I stood there, silently... Massaging my precious balls while hoping nothing was broken. I'll get you back for this Anastaria just you wait! Utch..


Once they finally stopped crying, they began to recall what had happened. Man was I not surprised by what she said. Apparently she and her father had been ambushed by 5 dragons... Go figure. Damyon was obviously one of them.

She had almost successfully escaped but had been injured in the process and ended up dying of blood loss before being able to warn her mother of the betrayal. Nothing I hadn't already deduced on my own. Irya threatened Damyon's position of leader so he got rid of her with the help of his little friends.

Then it was Anastaria's turn to begin recalling what had happened to her and Irene. Then it finally became my turn to show up in the story. I crawled closer to them ready for my introduction.

“And this when we met Kneeko. An incredibly brilliant Drag- Phen- ehhhhh-” (Anastaria)

“Dranix... Some kind of hybrid between a dragon and a phoenix...” (Kneeko)

“Really??? Never heard of anything like that before. But mom? Aren't phoenixes supposed to be our enemies?” (Irya)

“Like I said..... I'm not a phoenix!” (Kneeko)

"Hoo this is truly an interesting story..." (Argy)

"HAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! I'M BORED!!!! LET'S GO KILL SOMETHING ALREADY!!!!" (Itzal)

We kept talking and talking... about everything. We tried to fill her in as much as possible on our situation. Then I asked her about her research on the clan's ceremony and mentioned that I was quite advanced myself in arcane magic.

As soon as I said that, Irya became very exited and wouldn't stop talking and talking... Itzal was relentlessly annoying me like he used to do in the past...

"Stop playing house and grow some balls! Go kill something you pussy! Then maybe I'll stop bugging you... Dumb-ass!" (Itzal)

"Umff.. Totally uncalled for." (Argy)

"Youuuu!!!" (Itzal)

Sighhhh I need a break... ,a warm bath and a good meal. Mendy brought back some type of wild pig earlier today, let's go butcher that thing.. I'm starrrving.

“Are you hungry Irya?” (Kneeko)

“Now that you mention it. I'd gladly take you up on this offer mister.” (Irya)

Urgg.. Mister? Da fuq... Anastaria told her I was older than her and all but still.. Being called mister by my own sister, how heart breaking.. Snif snif.. Guhuhuhu*

“Alright, let's show you your room and our living accommodation for the moment. Then we'll look over your research and go from there. Is that okay with you?” (Kneeko)

“Sounds just perfect. Can't wait to kill those bastards. They even dared kill my baby sister... Thank you for your help mister handsome gentleman.” (Irya)

Urgg... Handsome gentleman???? Guhuhuhu* Charm points are a force to be reckoned with... And so will be my army when I'm done here. guhuhuhu*

"Urggg there he goes again..." (Argy)

"YEaaa can't wait !! Gimme blood dammit !" (Itzal)



PROFILENAME:KneekoLEVEL:195GENDER:MaleMONEY:433G 31S 30CRACE:(Chimeric) Dranix (Unique)MONSTER RANK:Medium highHEALTH:3660STAMINA:1910MANA:7660STRENGTH:552 (+200)(M)INTELLIGENCE:528 (+250)SPEED:1467 (+150)DEXTERITY:55 (+150)(H)VITALITY:1 (+350)CHARM:1 (+415)LUCK:29 (+215)AGILITY:357 (+150)RESISTANCE:201 (+350)(S)ENDURANCE:25 (+150)SKILL POINTS:0FAME/INFAMY:0 (Neutral)CLASS:-------------------TITLES:Spoiler : ☑ Death's Demise

☑ Divinity

☑ Don Juan

☑ Dungeon conqueror

☑ Elemental Master

☑ Grave Digger

☑ King of the pond

☑ Sphinx Slayer

☑ Toxic Powerhouse

☑ TycoonPASSIVE SKILLS:Spoiler : Amphibious (-)

Blunt Weapon Mastery (E)

Dual Weapon Mastery (E)

Fire Immunity (S)

Obscuro Poison (B)

Poison Resistance (A)

Rebirth (-)

Unarmed Mastery (E)

Viper Neurotoxin (A)ACTIVE SKILLS:Spoiler : Basilisk Cry (D)

Deadly Breath ©

Death Stare (S)

Gardener touch (B)

Lightning Strike (E)

Lightning Discharge (E)

Luminar (E)

Poison Spit (D)

Purification (S)

Resurrection (S)

Sad puppy eyes (B)

Tail Whip (B)

TerrorEyes (B)

Vines Hell (D)

Viper Bite ©ARCANE LIBRARY:Spoiler : Arcane ClayBolt

Arcane EarthBolt

Arcane LightningBolt

Arcane MagmaBolt

Arcane FireBolt

Arcane FrostBolt

Arcane WaterBolt

Arcane WindBolt

Immovable MountainCHIMERA FORGE

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