《Cheating Monster》Chapter 37 - Meeting the neighbour V2


This chapter has been proof-read by: AnthonyL


4 weeks went by in a flash with me catching up on some mother-son times I had never gotten to enjoy in either of my previous lives. I had been acting quite juvenile without realizing it. I guess it simply felt good to have a loving mother for the first time. Can't believe how precious this feels to me now.

But since it was almost time to resurrect one of my sisters I would have to act like my age once again. If I don't want to end up as a little brother, acting mature was mandatory but I had enjoyed the little time I had to catch back up on my lost childhood.

Mendy and I had grown closer since we slept, ate, hunted and basically did everything together. I suspect her to be quite a lot smarter than she'd like to admit. With these suspicions in mind I had kept my mind reading eye on her all the time but couldn't hear anything coherent.

All she seemed to think about was “hungry, happy, sad” only vague emotions with no complex thought in sight. One thing was certain, she could perfectly understand me when I talked to her. Grinding like crazy I had trained doing yoga, speed, strength and basically training in every single attribute I had.

After killing all the monsters in our immediate vicinity I was finally back to level 210 again. Considering the fact that I was a speed build character now I reluctantly brought out Argy and Itzal from my superior ring of holding and placed them in my unrestricted inventory.

Urrggg I seriously don't want to use them... They are so incredibly annoying but I couldn't argue about the fact that they were indeed incredibly powerful. It's just that... They have their way of getting under people's skin...

Let me explain in simple words what this is all about. Last week I came across some kind of fish demon thingy... Obviously with the help of Mendy, I easily subdued it but this is where it all began. After killing a creature from the demon family I went into my Chimera Forge interface and spoke with sister Lucy about a few things.

After spending the entire month hunting and training I had amassed quite a bit of EXP-DNA and this demon fish thing gave me the opportunity to unlock my Demonic mana affinity. I had also grown two dragon forelimbs and renamed my species to “Dranix” which I considered to be my last form. I was back to looking like a 20 years old hottie and could finally wear my beautiful clothes once again.

After that I had just enough DNA left to add a snake tongue to my body allowing me to smell/taste again. Since I was a speed build character with Divine and Demonic magic affinity there was something in one of my lvl 150 rings that was mathematically perfect for my situation. I had delayed this as much as possible but couldn't keep running away from them any longer.

It was two short swords. One was white and needed Divine energy affinity to be wielded.. The other was obviously black and needed Demonic affinity to be wielded... The two working in pair and doing damage relative to your level and skill points made them what we call “evolving swords”.

Evolving swords are of course among the most sought after weapons so what I had was a real treasure and would make me even more OP than I already was (In human form). But there was a massive problem with all of this...


These swords each had a personality... Sighhh they were already annoying with Alterlife1's limited AI so I could only shiver in fear at the thought of what they would be like in Alterlife2...

Argy (Divine short sword)Minimum level:N/ADurability:∞Damage:AdaptedRarity:Unique-The spirit of a divine being is sealed inside this weapon.

-This sword is one of a pair and will grow stronger with the user.


#Divine magic affinity

-Damage multiplied by the user's speed/strength/level.

Itzal (Demonic short sword)Minimum level:N/ADurability:∞Damage:AdaptedRarity:Unique-The spirit of a demon is sealed inside this weapon.

-This sword is one of a pair and will grow stronger with the user.


#Demonic magic affinity

-Damage multiplied by the user's speed/strength/level.

“Meoww?” (Mendy)

“Yea yea don't worry I'm just... Sighhh.. preparing myself mentally for what's to come.” (Kneeko)

Equip!.... As I was standing there holding both swords in each hand I was waiting for the impending doom to begin.

“Nothing?” (Kneeko)


Sighhh thank god.. Maybe their transfer to the new system had corrupted them and somehow removed their personalities....

"Heard that old buddy?" (Itzal)

"Indeed, doesn't seem like he missed us at all..." (Argy)

"Tch.. this little faggot..." (Itzal)

Oh no... There we go.. Hello guys? Same as always I can tell...

"Yeayea don't suddenly act like you care.. By the way what's up with the rich dude getup??" (Itzal)

"You are looking way too civilized for who you truly are I must admit." (Argy)

Sighhh Goddammit it's not like I'm a real demon is it? I would appreciate it if you could be a bit more quiet in this life...

"This little.... You dare talk to us that way while you are nothing more than an dude with a woman's face!" (Itzal)

"I can already see all these poor women being fooled by this appearance of yours." (Argy)

"Shut the fuck up with your “stay a virgin” act! We have bigger issues at hand." (Itzal)

"I would prefer if you didn't use this language in my company... Rude one..." (Argy)

"Imma kill you one day I swear!" (Itzal)

"Try it if you can..." (Argy)

SHUT UP!!!!!!!! DAMMIT DAMMIT! I'll stuff you back into this ring and never take you out again I swear!!!!!!!! ...

Finally managing to get some silence in my head I returned back to the work at hand. I need to keep working on getting stronger and skill points wouldn't make it on their own. I needed practice as well but didn't have any humanoid adversary other than mother who was apparently opposed to fighting in human appearance.

This didn't change the fact that I needed something to fight against to get the Dual weapon mastery skill... For this reason, Mendy and I went further into the forest than usual hoping to find something interesting to fight. Ho boy was I served exactly what I was looking for.

MonsterSpecies:GoblinLevel:35Monster Rank:Very lowRarity:Common

"Tch... Call that a worthy opponent you faggot?!" (Itzal)

"This poor creature doesn't stand a chance just leave it be..." (Argy)

Shut up! I decide what I do and how I do it! When the goblin saw me he immediately began growling in a menacing manner. With both swords in hands I stood ready to play with it. The goblin use it's wooden stick and tried to attack me but I side stepped and tapped my blade on top on its head, immediately knocking him out in the process..

Uhmm... Well maybe it was too weak after all... What if I located their “nest”? If I went up against a few of them maybe they could offer me a challenge? With that in mind I transformed into a falcon, stood on top of a tree offering a view of the knocked out goblin and waited for him to wake up.


After a while the goblin stood back up, looked around and began walking in the forest clearly heading somewhere. Jackpot I immediately thought to myself.

"Fighting many weaklings is still fighting weaklings..." (Itzal)

"These poor creatures... Hope you don't go all demon lord on them.. Brrr I still have nightmares." (Argy)

Huhu you still remember these times? Ho well, back then NPC were just NPC... Nothing worth fussing about but in this game, things are a lot more interesting you know...

"Faggot..." (Itzal)

YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP! I swear I'll melt you!..... I then kept following the lone goblin as he made his way deeper and deeper into the forest then finally arrived to a cave entrance. There was at least 20 goblins going around killing small creatures and beating each other with sticks.

Not the smartest humanoid in the world that for sure but still an interesting species in my book. They were small (barely 4 feet tall) green creatures with pointy ears, yellow eyes and have a very primitive social structures. The strongest rule over the weak type of social structure...

I stood there for a while looking at them when suddenly, something interesting finally happened.


A loud and deep voice came out of the cave aparently making the other goblins nervous as they stood out of the way. Some even hid in small bushes. Then out of the dark cave came out a giant compared to the other goblins.

At 7 feet tall, proudly displaying some magnificent horns on its head and a greyish muscular body was what I assumed to be the boss of this gang of goblins. [Identify]

MonsterSpecies:OgreLevel:176Monster Rank:MediumRarity:Common

Now that's what I call an interesting opponent! This thing looked powerful enough for me to safely test my new character build and weapons.

"Weakling...... BORING!" (Itzal)

"Ogres are mean spirited creatures... For once I vote in favour of teaching it a lesson..." (Argy)


After indicating Mendy to stay away from the fight, I flew down from my tree and transformed back into human shape a few meters away from the ogre. Swords in hand I looked at the beast in the eyes and used [TerrorEyes]. At first the ogre seemed to hesitate but eventually his thirst for battle overtook his fear.

“HUMAN! Attack!” (Ogre) Yelled the giant ogre before grabbing his giant club which was a small tree trunk.

A hundred goblins began to swarm out of the cave, glaring and showing their teeth in an aggressive way. You could hear them all mutter things like; Meat!* Pretty female human!* Mine!* Let's make babies!* Let's eat it !*

Not wasting time with weaklings, I ran right past the goblins so fast I looked like a blurry figure and stopped in front of the giant ogre. Surprised by my speed at first, the ogre then powerfully swung his club at me but I easily avoided it and reappeared behind him before his club even touched the ground.

With the creature having his back wide open for attacks, I stabbed him with my left blade and slashed the back of its legs with the right one. The ogre roared in pain and began wildly trashing around, sending some goblins flying in all directions.

For me, the goblins weren't too much of a treat as I could easily avoid their attacks and knock them out of my way. While the ogre was furiously destroying everything around him, I kept closing in on him for some quick attacks and retreated back to avoid its fury.

You have learned a new Passive Skill [Dual Weapon Mastery]. (Cost. N/A) (Mastery: E)

Raise the mastery of this skill to get more proficient in dual weapon wielding.

Excellent, finally what I was waiting for. Now I felt like simply testing my strength against this creature which seemed extremely powerful judging by its gigantic muscles. I stopped running around and stood there ready to receive the beast's attack.

The ogre swung his huge club vertically, aiming for the top of my head. Holding my twin swords in an X shape, I stopped the giant club from crushing me but still lost 150HP from the shock which made my feet sink into the ground a few centimetres. No doubt, this creature is powerful, but it wasn't to much too deal with after all..

"It's mean to play with creatures weaker than oneself..." (Argy)

"I'm bored out of my mind!!!!!! Let's go kill some griffons instead!" (Itzal)

I'm not asking for your opinion! Now annoyed I used one of my newly completed arcane circle to finish the beast with a single attack. [Arcane LightningBolt power 35%] The giant ogre disappeared in a big explosion of charred pieces of flesh.

Already regretting equipping my twin swords I left back toward home hoping to get more work done for today. After seeing their leader- dictator explode, the goblins stopped attacking me and began watching me in awe instead. I had toyed and easily executed their most powerful member so of course they were afraid of me.

Pretty lady is very strong!* Let's Make babies!!* Me first me first!* Me strongest male! Me more deserving of pretty lady!*

“I'M A MAN!!!!!!!!!!! Stupid lower form of intelligence!... Let's go home Mendy.” (Kneeko)

“Meoooww.” (Mendy)

"Hahahaha see! Told you! You are way too beautiful to be a man hahaha*." (Itzal)

"Calling them lower form of intelligence was terribly mean of you Kneeko..." (Argy)

I don't care! Shut up! After these events, each day in the morning the carcasses of a dead animals would be left as an offering in front of our cave. Mother asked me about it but I simply told her that some goblins had realized who were the bosses around here.

Then 30 days had finally went by and it was finally time to resurrect one of my sisters. I still was unsure on who I should resurrect first. I didn't know Irya yet and missed Irene quite a lot so at first I thought it would be an easy decision but after some discussions with Anastaria, I began to wonder...

From what Anastaria told me, Irya during the time she lived studied the clan ceremony to try to make her clan stronger. She was basically studying the runes used for the ceremony and tried to add more abilities and bonuses given by the title.

The only reason she was stuck in her research at one point was because the ceremony used rune and arcane as well. She could only do the runes and was stuck with the arcane circle part of it. So basically, if we worked together we could potentially create a “clan ceremony” of our own. Creating our own clan sounded quite interesting to me which is why I wondered if I should bring Irya back first...

“Are you ready mother?” (Kneeko) She had been waiting for this day impatiently and I knew she was extremely exited at the idea of seeing her daughter again. As for me, I was still trying to decide which one of the two to bring first. I missed Irene so much but Irya was more beneficial to our plans for revenge in the long run.

“Exhale* Yes!” (Anastaria) She said looking visibly nervous.



PROFILENAME:KneekoLEVEL:210GENDER:MaleMONEY:433G 31S 30CRACE:(Chimeric) Dranix (Unique)MONSTER RANK:Medium highHEALTH:3660STAMINA:1660MANA:7660STRENGTH:501 (+200)(M)INTELLIGENCE:501 (+250)SPEED:1426 (+150)DEXTERITY:1 (+150)(H)VITALITY:1 (+350)CHARM:1 (+415)LUCK:1 (+215)AGILITY:301 (+150)RESISTANCE:201 (+350)(S)ENDURANCE:1 (+150)SKILL POINTS:225FAME/INFAMY:0 (Neutral)CLASS:-------------------TITLES:Spoiler : ☑ Death's Demise

☑ Divinity

☑ Don Juan

☑ Dungeon conqueror

☑ Elemental Master

☑ Grave Digger

☑ King of the pond

☑ Sphinx Slayer

☑ Toxic Powerhouse

☑ TycoonPASSIVE SKILLS:Spoiler : Amphibious (-)

Blunt Weapon Mastery (E)

Dual Weapon Mastery (E)

Fire Immunity (S)

Obscuro Poison (B)

Poison Resistance (A)

Rebirth (-)

Unarmed Mastery (E)

Viper Neurotoxin (A)ACTIVE SKILLS:Spoiler : Basilisk Cry (D)

Deadly Breath ©

Death Stare (S)

Gardener touch (B)

Lightning Strike (E)

Lightning Discharge (E)

Luminar (E)

Poison Spit (D)

Purification (S)

Resurrection (S)

Sad puppy eyes (B)

Tail Whip (B)

TerrorEyes (B)

Vines Hell (D)

Viper Bite ©ARCANE LIBRARY:Spoiler : Arcane ClayBolt

Arcane EarthBolt

Arcane LightningBolt

Arcane MagmaBolt

Arcane FireBolt

Arcane FrostBolt

Arcane WaterBolt

Arcane WindBolt

Immovable MountainCHIMERA FORGE

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