《Cheating Monster》Chapter 35 - I missed you


This chapter has been proof-read by: AnthonyL


First thing I did was to go around and kill random monsters ranging from level 30 to 60. Thanks to my titles, I was the strongest level 1 to ever exist. In total, my titles gave me 2330 skill points which made me equivalent to a level 155 player if you calculate 15 points per level.

Levelling up had never been so easy as I had already reached level 35 in a single day of hunting. I placed the entirety of my points into speed this time. First time I built a tank, this time I'll go for a bullet train just for fun since I have the opportunity to start over.

I could already resuscitate one of my family members but I decided to wait to find a safe location first since we couldn't risk being discovered so soon. People needed to think we were all dead for good with no chance of comebacks.

Conveniently, 30 days had already went by since the day of our demise thanks to sister Lucy. Suspicions had probably subsided by now but I still couldn't take the risk. For that same reason, I needed to give up on An'dalia. My heart bled at the thought of it but I had no other choice.

I know her well enough to know that seeing her again would be similar to announcing to the entire world that I was still alive. With this in mind I flew south for a few days heading straight to where we had fought the bolt wyvern back in the days with Darui'n and An'dalia.

There, I spotted the man's grave and began to dig it up which was quite difficult with my little children hands. Yes, I was back to looking like a 6-year-old again... My clothes were now too large and only my cloak had shrunk with my body due to it being enchanted.

If you can imagine a half naked 6-year-old digging up a man's grave at night, that's how creepy I looked at the moment. The entire day I had felt quite hungry but as soon as I began digging up Darui'n grave, my appetite disappeared due to the indescribable smell of death emanating from the hole.

New title: Grave Digger

If activated, this title grants resistance to putrid smells.

A bit grossed out at first I quickly grabbed Darui'n's skull and detached it from the spine with a gruesome snapping noise before putting it into my inventory. Once that was done, I took off, back into the air and began flying westward.

I had became quite paranoid of being discovered recently so I was using an owl form to fly at night and a falcon during the day. Falcons weren't supposed to fly at night after all... Right? Having put all of my points into speed I was now flying at a terrifying speed and covered quite a good bit of ground.

I had developed a perfect level grinding technique. Simple really, as I flew I always kept an eye opened for relatively high level monsters. I would then swoop in and touch their back, poisoning them in the process before simply flying in a circle above them like a vulture waiting for their death at a safe distance or poison them again if necessary.

This was quite a cheap tactic but I had never been above using cheap and “cheaty” method before. Thank to this, I had already reached level 110 in a week. Once again all points went into speed since it didn't really matter anyway because using the resurrection technique would take most of these points back in the process anyway.


One thing wouldn't get consumed by the technique though and it was the EXP-DNA. So one night as I took a short break from travelling I used Chimera Forge to maximize my anonymity. I asked sister if simply “relocating” body part would cost me a lot of them but as expected, only “relocating” wasn't as expensive as “purchasing” new abilities.

The first thing I did was relocate my forehead stone into my left eye. That way I could use an eye patch to hide it and simply remove the eye patch (“Kakashi style” like sister Lucy said...) when I needed to use it to read people's mind.

This made my human appearance look as if I had lost an eye and had replaced it by one made out of red glass. I wasn't as sexy as before but I prioritized function over looks at this point. Anyway I had so many charm points that women would still fall for me no matter what.

Next I began reshaping my body with all my remaining EXP-DNA points. They weren't worth conserving anyway since it was mostly trash DNA after all. I reshaped my head from a bird's to a dragon's head, then changed the wings from feathered bird wings to the familiar dragon/wyvern/bat wings.

I little bit of reshaping on the hind legs and there you had it, drag- wyvern phoenix thing... Not exactly a dragon since I didn't have enough DNA left to purchase new limbs once I was finished with the various changes. After saving the changes, the system gave me a funny message.

Unknown appearance, do you wish to rename your species?YesNo

Obviously I selected yes and entered a bad-ass species name. “DragonPhoenixHybridFromHell”. Proud with myself I stood back and admired my creation... Just kidding, what I truly entered was “Drakofenix”. I couldn't wait to add some forelimbs to my creation but this was the best I could do for now.

A few days ago I had pulled out a map of Alterlife2 and carefully analyzed it. What I noticed was that south west from my position was an ocean. And a few kilometres offshore were hundreds of deserted, tropical islands.

I don't know about you but I have always had a thing for white sand beaches, palm trees and all that post card stuff. My goal was to reach one of the biggest islands, preferably one having caves and forests and begin to secretly build up an army there.

I was flying at incredible speeds trying to reach there as soon as possible since I couldn't wait to see mother again. I carefully thought about who I should resuscitate first since either sisters would benefit from having more time to train but without their mother around it was most likely to be anarchic.

On my way to reach the ocean I was suddenly met with an unexpected obstacle. A mountain range. Who's the dumb ass who did a map of the world and missed these big ass mountains? They are so high that snow permanently stays at the top of them.

Annoyed at first, I quickly changed opinion about this interesting discovery. After spending the day going over the first mountain what I saw on the other side greatly interested me. The mountain range formed a circle creating some kind of giant bowl.

In the middle of all these giant mountains was a vast expanse of unexplored land covered with dense forests, grassy areas and a giant lake in the middle of it all. This was fascinating... Most people simply walked around the mountains thinking nothing was even there.


Guhuhu* I had finally found my lair. The place where my revenge will finally begin. First things first, I looked for a cave to live in. As far as I know, to dragons having a cave is mandatory. Even if pure blooded dragons could take human form and live in spacious houses, their children were born wyverns.

You can only imagine how would fare a wyvern in a normal house... Also from what I heard, some dragons despised humanoid creatures and almost never used their human form. This wasn't a problem for wandering dragons as they didn't have any ability to transform. (Normally)...

After some looking around, I finally located a cave big enough to house my family and i. First thing was to make sure the cave was uninhabited so I slowly crept forward in my salamander form, sticking to the wall and travelling through a crevasse totally out of view.

Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr* RRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr* Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr* Rrrrrrrrrrrr*

There was definitely something inside and it sounded big... Like really big and serious. The type of monster capable of sounding like Barry White. Slowly, slowly... Trying to be as quiet as possible, I made my way forward.

I was getting seriously annoyed at my inability to taste smell like before but I had to deal with the fact that I was not a snake anymore. I don't think dragons can do that either anyway. Whatever was in this cave I would have to chase it away and bring back mother quickly. I've lost enough time.

When I was only a few meters away from the sound which seemed to be from its snoring, I used the opportunity to identify the creature. [Identify]

MonsterSpecies:ManticoreLevel:257Monster Rank:Medium highRarity:Very Rare

This is the info I have in my database about the creature called Manticore:

"The Martikhora (Manticore) is an animal found in the country [India]. It has a face like a man's, a skin red as cinnabar, and is as large as a lion. It has three rows of teeth, ears and light-blue eyes like those of a man; its tail is like that of a land scorpion, containing a stinger more than a cubit long at the end. It has other stingers on each side of its tail and one on the top of its head, like the scorpion, with which it inflicts a wound that is always fatal. If it is attacked from a distance, it sets up its tail in front and discharges its stingers as if from a bow; if attacked from behind, it straightens it out and launches its stingers in a direct line a distance of up to a hundred feet. The wound inflicted is fatal to all animals except the elephant. The stingers are about a foot long and about as thick as a small rush. The Martikhora [a Persian word meaning man-eater] is called in Greek Anthropophagos (Man-Eater), because, although it preys upon other animals, it kills and devours a greater number of human beings. It fights with both its claws and stingers, which, according to Ktesias (Ctesias), grow again after they have been discharged. There is a great number of these animals in India, which are hunted and killed with spears or arrows by natives mounted on elephants."

This is what I had learned about it on the internet but the description of said creature was different on the Alterlife forum. What the forum mentioned was that the Manticore was a giant red lion with dragon wings and a scorpion tail capable of throwing poison darts.



Okay change of plan, resurrect mother, then ask her to kick this monster's ass, was my first thought but then I began to think that killing such a beautiful creature might be wasteful. Could it be reasoned with? Could it be tamed? Can a monster even tame other monster?

I guess yes since there are pack leaders and kings... Basilisk was a snake king after all. How should I go about it... This is when two heads are better than one so I exited the cave then pulled mother's heart out of my inventory. It was all squishy and bloody but I looked at it with affectionate eyes nonetheless.

“Hello mother. I missed you, can't wait to see you alive again. Let's do this now shall we?” (Kneeko)

I laid her heart on the ground, placed my hands over it and used the skill for the first time. [Resurrection]!!!

The heart began to glow and expand. In less than a minute she was now as big as I remembered her.. Which meant bigger than a Boeing 747. She was there still glowing in all her glory. When the glow faded I could finally see her beautiful red scales shining under the sunlight.


OK that was terrifying... She must still be in her rage mode from seeing Irene dying. As for me, I was only a small (now 13yo looking) kid standing right next to this rampaging dragon. Before anything turned bad I transformed into my new Drakofenix form, standing even taller than her in my fiery body.

I didn't have the stone on my forehead anymore but I hoped she would recognize my voice.

“MOTHER!” (Kneeko)

Immediately my voice and appearance seemed to make her snap back to reality. She stopped moving and began looking around in confusion.

“Kneeko?” (Anastaria)

“Yes mother. Please be calm and listen to me.” (kneeko)

“Where are we? WHERE ARE THEY?? ROOOAAAARRRRRRrrr!!!” (Anastaria)

“Whooooo Chill mom! Back then we all died, me included... I came back to life and resurrected you. Don't worry I also salvaged Irene's heart so I will be able to resuscitate her as well in a month. So you can calm down now. It's all over, we will get a second chance at revenge but later...” (Kneeko)

“Ehh? Died? Resurrect?” (Anastaria) After hearing all this she reverted back to her human appearance so I did the same.

“Urrgg.. My head hurts, I will need you to explain me everything in detail please Kneeko.” (Anastaria)

“Sure... Lets sit down and take time to catch up. But first...” (Kneeko)

My little 13 years old body jumped into Anastaria's arms, giving her the warmest hug I had even given to anyone in my life. Back then, father and I didn't use physical contacts much since I thought it was super gay at the time. Now I wish I had hugged my father more often and realize how foolish I had been.

Anastaria, surprised at first began stroking my hair and returned the hug for a few minutes of meaningful silence.

“I missed you so much mommy. Sniff*” (Kneeko)

“I love you too honey.” (Anastaria)



Spoiler :


Spoiler :



PROFILENAME:KneekoLEVEL:95GENDER:MaleMONEY:433G 31S 30CRACE:(Chimeric) Drakofenix (Unique)MONSTER RANK:Medium highHEALTH:3160STAMINA:1660MANA:2660STRENGTH:1 (+200)(M)INTELLIGENCE:1 (+250)SPEED:1426 (+150)DEXTERITY:1 (+150)(H)VITALITY:1 (+300)CHARM:1 (+415)LUCK:1 (+215)AGILITY:1 (+150)RESISTANCE:1 (+350)(S)ENDURANCE:1 (+150)SKILL POINTS:0FAME/INFAMY:0 (Neutral)CLASS:-------------------TITLES:Spoiler : ☑ Divinity

☑ Don Juan

☑ Dungeon conqueror

☑ Elemental Master

☑ Grave Digger

☑ King of the pond

☑ Sphinx Slayer

☑ Toxic Powerhouse

☑ TycoonPASSIVE SKILLS:Spoiler : Amphibious (-)

Blunt Weapon Mastery (E)

Fire Immunity (S)

Obscuro Poison (B)

Poison Resistance (A)

Rebirth (-)

Unarmed Mastery (E)

Viper Neurotoxin (A)ACTIVE SKILLS:Spoiler : Basilisk Cry (D)

Deadly Breath ©

Death Stare (S)

Gardener touch (B)

Lightning Strike (E)

Lightning Discharge (E)

Luminar (E)

Poison Spit (D)

Purification (S)

Resurrection (S)

Sad puppy eyes (B)

Tail Whip (B)

TerrorEyes (B)

Vines Hell (D)

Viper Bite ©ARCANE LIBRARY:Spoiler : Arcane EarthBolt

Arcane FireBolt

Arcane WaterBolt

Arcane WindBolt

Immovable MountainCHIMERA FORGE

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