《Cheating Monster》Chapter 34 - When shit hit the fan (Part2)


This chapter has been proof-read by: AnthonyL


Now in the form of a giant fire bird, I latched to the face of the most heavily injured dragon with my talons and engulfed him in my burning body, swallowing him in a whirlpool of fire. The other dragons turned their attention to me neglecting mother for a second.

Anastaria used this opportunity to launch a fire-breath that engulfed everything around us. It was a battle of titans and must have looked like an apocalyptic firestorm to anyone lucky enough to witness it from far enough. The assassin from before was most likely dead by now if he hadn't taken the opportunity to flee

I was now immune to fire which allowed me to easily survive their dragon breath but upon realizing I wasn't taking damage from them, they began changing their attacks. High level, pure blooded dragons' techniques are not something you can afford to take lightly.

Massive black spheres began to fly in all directions swallowing everything they touched. The black spheres seemed to eat the flames my body was made of, chipping away my HP like no tomorrow. I could see that mother was also reaching her limits. Curse you fucking dragons!

I used everything I had at my disposal and even used many scrolls and potions but they were too strong. We could have dealt with 2 of them, maybe... But 4... Unlikely. After a few more minutes of battling, mother finally took her last breath before crumbling to the ground.


Fighting against 4 of them was simply too much. Not caring about anything anymore not even death, I dashed downward, grabbed mother's heart and stuffed it in my inventory before transforming into a small, rapid and agile falcon.

I only had a few HP left but I was now a lot smaller and a lot faster. I flew into the forest and swerved around the trees trying to make them lose sight of me. Suddenly a loud grumbling voice came from one of them.

“Damyon! Don't let him escape GRROAArrrr*!” (???)

Damyon? The Rokugan clan leader??? THAT BASTARD WAS RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS? Gritting my tee- uhmm beak, even more rage engulfed me. A fifth dragon... That was a very bad situation for me. As I was processing this new information a cloaked figure dashed toward me.

I turned right to avoid him but this cloaked figure I assumed to be Damyon transformed his left arm into a dragon arm and with one swing, ripped my body to pieces.

Game over.


Once again, I was met with this familiar sight. A sky blue background with white circular pattern oscillating around. This was the character design interface where sister Lucy lurks.


“Hmmm.. Hi! Ni-chan?” (Lucy)

I wasn't responding.. I was dead. My mother and sister were dead as well. I had lost everything in a few minutes. All because of these pure blooded dragons. How sad will An'dalia be when she learn news of my death. The poor thing. (Ok she will probably do a happy dance... But who cares, I know she loves me deep deep deep inside of her somewhere.)

“I was kinda expecting this to happen to be honest... Those dragons were 3 times your level you know...” (Lucy)

Tears began to form in the corners of my eyes. I had grown attached to mother and sister. Yes I was keeping everything secret from them but it was only because they did the same. Once mother would have opened to me, I would have told her everything.. Mind reading and all.

At first I refused to accept a stranger as my adoptive mother but I slowly grew attached to her. And Irene, she had been working so hard. All for nothing, what a tragedy. This was the worst bad ending possible for a game.

“Ready to go back now? Nee nee? Why are you crying?” (Lucy)

“Why? Wait, Go back? What are you talking about?” (Kneeko)

“Hihihi* I see you didn't read the descriptions of your newly acquired skills... I suggest you do so now that you have the time.” (Lucy)

Uhh? Quickly opening my status window I saw some game changing stuff. Phoenix (1 of 3)... Apparently it was not a unique form but close to it... This meant that I was one of 3 phoenix in existence in the world... Then I saw Passive skill Rebirth.

Passive Skill [Rebirth]. (Cost. N/A) (Mastery: -)

The legendary phoenix cannot die and will always rise back from its ashes. (Must pay a penalty each time)

“Uhh? Wait, does that mean I'm not really dead? That I can resurrect as much as I want? There has to be a high cost to this right?” (Kneeko)

“Of course, but keep looking before I explain it in more detail.” (Lucy)

Next I saw that I had a new title, Divinity?

New title: Divinity

If activated, this title grants (+150 points to all skills.)

Woaaaa! That's an OP title if I've ever seen one. I kept looking and also saw “Fire immunity”. That is quite self explanatory and logical since I was a bird made out of fire... Next was purification rank (S). Another OP skill...

With that I was now immune to all poisons and status effects unless a rank (SS) poison existed somewhere out there. And last but not least, was the most important skill for a divine immortal bird like myself. Resurrection!


Active Skill [Resurrection]. (Cost. 15 levels) (Rank: S)

At the cost of 15 levels, This “Divine skill” allows you to resurrect anyone as long as you possess a part of their body.

#Cool-down time: 1 month.

I stood there, mouth agape after reading this skill description. I had mother's, Irene's and even Irya's core/body part in my inventory... At first I only wanted to bring them with me to give them a proper burial but with this new skill, everything changed.

I could reform my family and make a comeback to how it was before this catastrophe. Everything seemed to fall into place, I could already see a way to get revenge. It had been made obvious to me that only us 3 couldn't do jack shit against the entire pure blooded dragon clans.

Even our own clan leader was working against us.. This fucking ass-hole! When I get my hands on him!! Grrrr* Since we couldn't do it on our own, I needed an army. Yes! This is totally where I'm going with this.

I will raise an army and lay siege to these bastards' lands. I will crush and destroy everything that stands in my way. So much for mother's plan, time to do things my way.

“Sister! Quickly explain what it will cost me to come back to life.” (Kneeko) I impatiently asked.

“hihihi* You have two choices. One: Loose the content of your inventory plus 500 random skill points. Or two, go back to level 1 and loose all your skill points... In both cases you will resurrect where you died. Since you wish to resurrect this fake mother and sisters of yours I guess you can only choose the second option.” (Lucy) She said with an annoyed expression.

“Uhh? Harsh... But something come to mind... If I go back to level 1 as a phoenix, will I be able to rank up again until level 200?” (Kneeko)

“Yes and no. If you are lucky you might get a rank up at around level 200... But the chances of that happening are 50/50. The reason is simple, there are virtually no monster stronger than a phoenix at levels lower than 200... I suggest you use the Chimera forge I gave you instead...” (Lucy)

“Sighh I see... No more chances of me becoming a dragon then?” (Kneeko)

“Uhmm.. Well the chimera forge will change the name of your species accordingly to what you do with it... If you give your body the shape of a dragon, it is highly likely that the system will rename your species to reflect just that... Like a Dragon Phoenix, or something else, why not... The possibilities are almost endless ya know.” (Lucy)

“Guhuhuhu* Thank you sister!” (Kneeko) I said as I gave her a big hug and a kiss on the cheek.

I will take the second resurrection option... But let at least a month pass before resuscitating me... I wouldn't want to come back to life and immediately be face to face with the 5 traitor dragons again...

“Will do... Time in this dimension is disconnected from the world so you won't have to wait... Are you ready ?” (Lucy)

“Yes.... Time for round 2.” (Kneeko)

A sudden flash of light and when I reopened my eyes I was back to where I had died. All around me the forest was burnt to a crisp. They had most likely burned everything to erase any evidence. I was a small flame quickly growing in size.

Remembering how big my final size would be I immediately used my morph ring to turn into a falcon. Can't be careless, this big fiery body of mine could be spotted miles around. Staying small and discreet was necessary now that I was back at level 1.

I licked my lip- beak in anticipation of what I would do to these dragon once I'm strong enough. I needed an army of well trained monsters... Was it possible to create an army of dragons? Could I go to a wyvern nest and take control over the group somehow?

So many ideas popped in my head I needed to come up with the best plan possible. Right now though, I needed to gain some levels quickly to resuscitate my family...

Time to hunt some... mice... Sighhh It's going to be... so... much... fun.... SIGHHHHHHhhhhhh*



PROFILENAME:KneekoLEVEL:1GENDER:MaleMONEY:433G 31S 30CRACE:(Chimeric) Phoenix (1 of 3)MONSTER RANK:Medium LowHEALTH:3160STAMINA:1660MANA:2660STRENGTH:1 (+200)(M)INTELLIGENCE:1 (+250)SPEED:1 (+150)DEXTERITY:1 (+150)(H)VITALITY:1 (+300)CHARM:1 (+415)LUCK:1 (+215)AGILITY:1 (+150)RESISTANCE:1 (+350)(S)ENDURANCE:1 (+150)SKILL POINTS:0FAME/INFAMY:0 (Neutral)CLASS:-------------------TITLES:Spoiler : ☑ Divinity

☑ Don Juan

☑ Dungeon conqueror

☑ Elemental Master

☑ King of the pond

☑ Sphinx Slayer

☑ Toxic Powerhouse

☑ TycoonPASSIVE SKILLS:Spoiler : Amphibious (-)

Blunt Weapon Mastery (E)

Fire Immunity (S)

Obscuro Poison (B)

Poison Resistance (A)

Rebirth (-)

Unarmed Mastery (E)

Viper Neurotoxin (A)ACTIVE SKILLS:Spoiler : Basilisk Cry (D)

Deadly Breath ©

Death Stare (S)

Gardener touch (B)

Lightning Strike (E)

Lightning Discharge (E)

Luminar (E)

Poison Spit (D)

Purification (S)

Resurrection (S)

Sad puppy eyes (B)

Tail Whip (B)

TerrorEyes (B)

Vines Hell (D)

Viper Bite ©ARCANE LIBRARY:Spoiler : Arcane EarthBolt

Arcane FireBolt

Arcane WaterBolt

Arcane WindBolt

Immovable MountainCHIMERA FORGE

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