《Cheating Monster》Chapter 22 - Meeting with relatives


This chapter has been proof-read by: AnthonyL


Author's note: For those of you who absolutely need to know every little details on how the game mechanic work and how the damages are calculated here's a quick tutorial.


Ex: If the weapon do between 30 and 50... There's a random factor right there.. Let's assume that the hit we are talking about got the max which is 50.... And you have 1300 strength. Strength is a multiplier so 50 x 1300 = 65,000... (Range weapons like bows use “dexterity” as multiplier)

Now let's assume that the target have 200 resistance. Resistance is a divider so 65k divided by 200 = 325 damages. (The level difference between the players also affect this number.)

And that's without taking in consideration a lot more factors like critical, armour, if the player used full strength, if the monster have an ability like dragon scales, some weapons are better against some type of creatures than others, the “luck” stats, random skills/potions reducing damages, magic buff and debuff, etc etc etc etc.

Almost an hour and a few hundreds rats later, Irene and I stopped in a freshly cleared out room to catch our breath. I had leveled up a staggering 12 times. This place had a good amount of monsters at an ideal level for progression. What annoyed me the most was that at this rate, my next rank up would be a Rat Dragon or something.

I needed the EXP, but if there was no lizard in this dungeon, I would need to wait a very long time before ranking up again to avoid getting a shitty mammal monster rank up.

As Irene and I were sitting on the ground and relaxing before taking off again, the 4 players slowly approached us with a lot more respect in their eyes this time.

“The two of you... who are you? Seriously?” (Sexymolly23)

“After seeing them fight like that, most people would call them monsters.” (Sexymolly23)

“No one special... we just enjoy these kinds of things.” (Kneeko)

To me it wasn't like we did anything weird, I thought it was because they were weak and surprised to see real strength for the first time. In reality, it was mostly due to the battle-lust we exhibited earlier that the 4 fantastic began to fear us a little.

All of them except Sacrafox. After hearing Irene and I call for a break, the painter installed his easel and began mixing paint of various color on a wooden palette. Once ready, he began to energetically strike the canvas with his paint brush like a madman.

We had blasted through the first 6 rooms of this dungeon but our surroundings were beginning to change. New layout meant new surprises and most likely new monsters.

“Mmmmffmfm mfmffm mffm mffmfm mfmfffm*.” (Bluetigurr)

What the hell? Even his thoughts are muffled? Worried I began gently tapping the stone on my forehead.

“By the way, what is that on your forehead? Jewelry or something?” (Sexymolly23) This question was obviously going to pop out eventually...


“Hehe* not really. In my clan, males go through a ceremony and this is the result of it. A symbol of my coming of age is what you could call it...” (Kneeko) I was pretty proud of my made up story so i listened to his thoughts to make sure he had bought it.

“Hoo.. I guess that make sense. I wonder how much it could be worth.” (Sexymolly23)

Feeling the heat I came out with another lie to complement my story.

“Interesting fact, this stone cannot be removed and if I die the stone will disappear.. Truly weird magic isn't? Hehehehe*...” (Kneeko)

“Aww. Too bad.” (Sexymolly23)

Asshole... Just because I'm an NPC you think you can-....... Wait wasn't I thinking the same way until recently?! Damn, I have been a real asshole to An'dalia haven't I?... I wonder what kind of gift could make her happy. She was cuter when she looked happy anyway.

“You know, since you are killing all the monsters without us, how about I invite you into our party?” (Sexymolly23)

“That way we can get EXP out of them without having to do anything hehehe*” (Sexymolly23)

Grrr so irritating. Even tho I know that humans just keep using each others without scruple, being the one who's being used always pisses me off. I won't let you off that easily big guy.

“Ha sorry we can't. Our mom told us to never team up with strangers. But I understand where you are coming from, we are hoarding all the EXP to ourselves. Let's make a deal; from now on, me and my sister will let you and the others in the front to kill all the monsters from now on and we won't intervene unless necessary. How does that sound? Deal?” (Kneeko) Guhuhuhu* Check mate.

“That fucker! We can't deal with monster trains of this level... We simply aren't ready for this dungeon. Without these two we would already be dead.” (Sexymolly23)

“Uhhmm Guys!” (Sexymolly23) Feeling the heat the big muscle man called out to his teammates.

“Mmfm fMFfmm ffm fmfmfm mmf mmffm mff?” (Bluetigurr)

“Molly, we simply aren't ready for such a dangerous dungeon. And you two big sis Irene and Sir Kneeko. If the first floor is like this, the rest must be hellish. I estimate this dungeon to be close to rank C. As players, we can resuscitate but you two, if you die it's the end...” (magicdownunder)

The group of players nodded in agreement to her words of wisdom so I played along.

“You know what, you are right little one. My sister is too precious to me to put her life at risk in here.” (Kneeko) I then threw a glance at Irene asking her to play along.

“Brother... Sniff* sniff* Brother loves me that much?” (Irene)

“I understand, sniff* brother. I love you too. Cry* cry*” (Irene)

I mentally face-palmed. As dense as ever this Irene. That must be part of her charm. Anyway her response seemed to do the trick as the players stealthily wiped their eyes. This was a bubble gum type of moment where everything seemed pink and shiny.


The only one totally oblivious to the atmosphere was Sacrafox who was still painting, alone in the corner of the room, not paying attention to us. In the end we agreed to finish clearing the first level then give up on the rest of it.

I of course had no intention of leaving until the 5 days of 50% bonus exp were over but these guys didn't need to know that. After our short break was over, our group resumed its advance toward the next section of the dungeon.

In this section, there was a single corridor slowly descending toward the dept of the earth. It wasn't a steep descent but a very subtle one. We walked down this long corridor for what felt like an eternity when we finally saw light.

The walls of the dungeon had some type of luminescent stones embedded into them so it wasn't dark like one would expect, but what we could see in the distance looked a lot like sunlight. We hurriedly walked toward this shiny entrance and upon traversing the doorway, our little group was met with an unbelievable sight.

This was a gigantic room with a white ceiling. To me it looked like fluorescent light but it probably was something like magic light stone or something. The walls and floor of the room were solid granite and in the middle of this giant room stood an equally gigantic temple.

The temple was in the shape of a step pyramid like the Aztec used to build with moss and lichen growing all over it. But this wasn't the most impressive thing about this room. The most impressive thing about this room was that it was filled with 15 meters long, giant snakes of all colours.

“T.t.t.There must be a hundred of them...” (magicdownunder)

“Mmmmff fmf mfmff fmfmffm mmfm” (Bluetigurr)

“[Identify]” (Sexymolly23)

MonsterSpecies:Beegasus SerpentusLevel:125Monster Rank:Medium LowRarity:Uncommon

“No way... Are we really still on the first floor?” (Sexymolly23)

“It's alright brave heroes! I have finished my masterpiece earlier. My painting will defeat these monsters!” (Sacrafox)

Ho! Are we finally going to see why this sunlight painter is with us? Maybe his class is a rare and very powerful class, even if the name itself sound weak as fuq... Curious I shimmied toward him to have a look at his painting.

It was me! More precisely a portrait of me with a creepy black aura surrounding my body, standing in a room filled with blood, gore, body parts and horror of all sort.

“Ghuu! What the hell is this?” (Kneeko)

“Mmfmf fmfffm fmfmfmf f mfmfmf” (Bluetigurr)

“What did he say?” (Kneeko)

“Ha! He said, don't bother. His style is a bit... Creepy.“ (Sexymolly23)

“How does it work?” (Irene) Inquired Irene as curious as me as to how a painter could be of any use to us.

“I will explain.” (magicdownunder) Interjected the small cute little magician.

“His paintings have various effects depending on what he tried to communicate while painting it.” (magicdownunder)

“Hoo interesting.” (Kneeko) This was indeed interesting but seeing Irene scratching her head told me that she didn't understand any of it. Weren't dragons supposed to be really smart?! No wonder the Rokudan clan is crumbling.

From what I've seen in his painting, I imagined that Sacrafox wanted to inspire fear into these snakes. Useless to say, I had my doubts about it. Courageously, the painter entered the room and walked toward the snakes, his painting in hands.

He was holding it facing toward them and slowly walked forward, hoping the snakes would give way and safely let him through to the temple. Sadly the snakes seeing a strange human walking toward them, armed with only a painting launched in his direction and gangbanged him.

We couldn't even help, it happened too fast. In less than 10 seconds, the painter had been swallowed. I guess the difference in level was simply too great for him.

“Ho well... I guess this is as far as we go... Let's go team, we're out!” (Sexymolly23)

“He must be sad.. I hope it didn't hurt to much. Where was his checkpoint again?” (magicdownunder) She said with teary eyes.

“It was in Niardo. We can make it in time for his resurrection in 5 days if we leave now.” (Sexymolly23)

“Mmfm fmfm fmmmf f mfmfm fmmffmm” (Bluetigurr)

“Yea me too.. Fuck this dungeon. Well be back when we're stronger. But we're still the ones who discovered it !” (Sexymolly23)

“We.. w. We should hurry back to camp because i have school tomorrow.” (magicdownunder) She timidly said.

“Yup! Let's go! I have work tomorrow too. You two coming with us?” (Sexymolly23) He said looking at us.

“Yes, there's no way the two of us alone can make it through these scary snakes.” (Kneeko)

“PPrRrrrffffffffhahahahaha*” (Irene)

“Let's go!!” (magicdownunder) She said now finding a regain of energy.

We walked back up the long corridor which took us another half an hour, then through the previously cleared rooms. We finally reached the camp and said our goodbyes. Irene and I pretended to leave back toward our village as the 3 remaining players disconnected, making them suddenly disappear in a white light.

“Sighhhhh Finally!!!....... Let's go back down sis.” (Kneeko)



PROFILENAME:KneekoLEVEL:169GENDER:MaleMONEY:445G 37S 22CRACE:Bolt Basilisk (Rare Variant)MONSTER RANK:MediumHEALTH:4800STAMINA:600MANA:6190STRENGTH:1335(M)INTELLIGENCE:504 (+100)SPEED:22DEXTERITY:18(H)VITALITY:415 (+50)CHARM:40 (+40)LUCK:19 (+40)AGILITY:19RESISTANCE:125 (+50)(S)ENDURANCE:45SKILL POINTS:180FAME/INFAMY:-1700 (Mostly Evil)CLASS:-------------------TITLES:Spoiler : ☑ Elemental Master

☑ King of the pond

☑ Toxic Powerhouse

☑ TycoonPASSIVE SKILLS:Spoiler : Amphibious (E)

Obscuro Poison (B)

Poison Resistance (A)

Viper Neurotoxin (A)ACTIVE SKILLS:Spoiler : Basilisk Cry (D)

Deadly Breath ©

Death Stare (S)

Gardener touch (B)

Lightning Strike (E)

Lightning Discharge (E)

Luminar (E)

Poison Spit (D)

Sad puppy eyes (B)

Tail Whip (B)

TerrorEyes (B)

Vines Hell (D)

Viper Bite ©ARCANE LIBRARY:Spoiler : Arcane FireBall

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