《Cheating Monster》Chapter 20 - Filling the toolbox


This chapter has been proof-read by: AnthonyL


At night before going to sleep, Irene was playing the little pebble game I had been teaching her. It was an easy way to earn some skill points while killing boredom. As for me, I was still totally absorbed by my arcane library experiments. I think I have finally managed to create a spell similar to fireball and it should be ready to be tested now.

“Alright! This time it will work !” (Kneeko)

“Ehh? Hiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!! WAIT !” (Irene) She yelled before running behind a tree at a safe distance away.

“It's g-...na bl-...! It's go-......ow! I-.......na blow!” (Irene)

“Thank for the vote of confidence...” (Kneeko)

“You keep saying 'this time is the right one' but every-time you blow our camp to pieces.” (Irene)

“La-..t...me you eve- .aw my na-ed b-..y. Kyaa......” (Irene)

“Awww come on... You know I didn't burn your clothes on purpose... Anyway the robe I gave you suits you perfectly.” (Kneeko)

“You burned my hair !!!!!!” (Irene)

“Ev- the fe-....bes I had -..rned..” (Irene)

“I already apologized about that.. And it's not that big of a deal you could regrow them back immediately with that human morphing ability of yours.” (Kneeko)

“Buhhhh!!! I prefer you warning me before doing that crazy magic anyway !!” (Irene)

“Okay okay okay! I got it... I'm going to test it now alright?” (Kneeko)

Nod* nod* 'Disappear behind the tree'*

“You .-n't ge- .e this ti-..” (Irene)



A fireball flew straight ahead and blew up the tree Irene had chosen to hide behind.

“You alright sis?” (Kneeko)

“Cough* cough* cough* DAMMIT!” (Irene) She came out of the dust cloud totally covered in black soot and some wood shrapnel embedded in her chest..

“H-.as to be d---g -his o-----ose...” (Irene)

“Sorry sis!” (Kneeko)

“I can't believe this... Your weird magic is going to kill me one day.. cough cough*” (Irene)

It may had been uncontrolled but the circle was a success. It would have been awkward to dance in celebration seeing Irene's poor state so I danced in my head instead. I now have a fireball spell yay!!!! And it only took me 24hours and a few failures..

Do you wish to save this circle?YesNo


Give a name to the spell:

Hoo! I even get to name it eh? Well I guess it's logical since it's my creation. Let's keep it simple, I will call it Arcane FireBall and save. Awesome awesome! I quickly ran into the forest like a kid with a new toy and began firing at every living thing I could find.


Hearing them scream and smelling their burning flesh filled me with excitement. What kind of spell could I design after this... Arcane spells don't have rankings since they are too unique to categorize. Even better, in the case of my newly developed fireball I had included a function that could make it rank E or higher.

The trick was simple, activate the circle, pour mana into it, when you stop pouring mana the ball is immediately propulsed forward. Therefor the more mana you pour into it, the stronger the attack will be. I really love this idea and am quite proud of myself.

I quickly gathered all the dead animals cooked to a crisp and began shoving them down my throat to satiate my hunger of the moment. I then went back to the camp to find my little sister still pissed at me from the previous events.

“Still angry at me?” (Kneeko)

“Yes! BUUuuuhhh!” (Irene)

“Not re-.., I ...ply enj......ing you worr.........t me.” (Irene)

“What did you say?” (Kneeko)

“I said yes! I am still mad!” (Irene)

“No- re....ly tho” (Irene)

“Yea but after that?” (Kneeko)

“I didn't say anything...” (Irene)

“I could have sworn.” (Kneeko)

A few minutes later we went to sleep. That night I dreamt of arcane circles... I was seeing circles and triangles everywhere. When I find something challenging that I also find entertaining, I can't do anything else. My mind become completely focused on it in an attempt to master this new knowledge.

That night in my dreams, I got the most amazing idea on what to do next with arcane library. I had thought of spending the entire day designing the new circles I had dreamt about, but my plans quickly changed due to some unforeseen events.

We had just woken up as the sun was rising when Irene became quiet and seemed to listen carefully.

“What is it?” (Kneeko)

“People nearby.” (Irene)

“People? How many?” (Kneeko)

“Not sure, 3 or more...” (Irene)

“I -n't te--- -hey don--- -alk...” (Irene)

I then began sticking my tongue in and out like a snake and carefully analyzed the odor molecules before coming to the same conclusion. 3 or 4 humans were not far away from our location.

“Want to go and play with them?” (Kneeko)

“What do you mean play?” (Irene)

“Do-- he w--- to -i---- em?” (Irene)

“I don't know... I guess it depend on what we find over there.” (Kneeko)

“I was getting bored so I won't refuse a little bit of distraction.” (Irene)

“At le--- that way he wo-- sp---- the day blo-------ur ca-p.” (Irene)


“What was that?” (Kneeko)

“I said let's go.” (Irene)

“Alright! Let's make new friends. Guhuhuhu*” (Kneeko)

A short walk and we finally came across a group of 4 players who were talking loudly and seemed to have a very good time together. A big white armored “warrior type” of guy was having an argument over something with one of his teammate who was waving a paint brush all over the place.

An eclectic group that's for sure, is what I thought to myself after seeing them. Irene and I weren't hiding or anything but they were so absorbed by their argument that they never noticed us. I ended up calling out to them since it was getting awkward just standing there waiting for them to notice us.

“Hello ?” (Kneeko)

Then all of a sudden they all went quiet and turned their heads rapidly in our direction. The big warrior stood in front of the group and adopted a defensive position.

“Who are you? What do you want?” (Uhh Let's call him Darui'n #2)

“What we want? Fufufu* In a forest so far away from anything, when you come across other humans isn't it natural to say hi? It's alright if you don't want us here we will go somewhere else.” (Kneeko)

Then from the back of the group, a small 5”4 little girl with cyan hair and blue eyes timidly appeared from behind the big warrior and spoke with her barely audible tiny voice.

“D..d..d.don't be rude Molly.” (Cute tiny girl)

Wait... This big ass muscle man is named Molly? PRRrfffff* C...Can...Can't...PRFRFFffffguhuhuh!*

“Alright alright, what are you two doing around here?” (Molly... PRRRffffffff*)

“Band---? A ---p?” (Molly)

“Some exploration, and gathering medicinal plants, and you?” (Kneeko)

“Sho---- I tel-----m? H----ll NPC us---y do-----are abo-----eons...” (Molly)

“We heard there's an unexplored dungeon around here somewhere...” (Molly) Guhuhuhu*

“Hoooo?! Dungeon? Can we help? We may not look like it but my little sister and I are quite strong.” (Kneeko)

As we spoke, our two groups naturally began walking toward each others and when we were close enough, we all began identifying each others. I guess that was to be expected from a world having this function as a common thing.

First was the big giant of a man wearing white armor, wielding a sword and a big white shield. He had brown hair and brown eyes and had to be more than 7 feet tall.

Sexymolly23 (Player)Race/Species:HumanLevel:124Class:CrusaderTitle:God Blessed

God's servant

The younger they are...

Must keep an eye on my sister when around him. Next was a ninja... Yup, no use in trying to describe him as something else, he was wearing a black ninja outfit hiding his entire body except for his two blue eyes. He was also wearing a blue belt and two swords on his back.

Bluetigurr (Player)Race/Species:HumanLevel:94Class:Ninja AssassinTitle:Unseen



The next one looked like an eccentric individual... He wasn't wearing any armor but only leather pants and a white chemise. He seemed unarmed for the most part but had a paint brush in his right hand. A magic wand?

Sacrafox (Player)Race/Species:HumanLevel:49Class:Legendary Sunlight PainterTitle:Recognized artist

Always broke

Apparently no... Not a wand but a real paint brush.. Wtf?

Then last but not least, the most adorably cute little girl I had ever seen. She had cyan hair, aqua-blue eyes, was wearing a white robe with a hoodie and was holding a wooden staff with a relatively small blue monster core on the tip.

magicdownunder (Player)Race/Species:HumanLevel:71Class:Light MagistraTitle:Idol of Rosana City

Light Master


Down under? Australian I assume. From what I could see they were all on the “divine” side of the spectrum since one was a crusader and another a Light Magistra. I wonder from what kind of monster is the core on this little girl's scepter...

“What the hell, we can't see most of your stats... And your sister, we can't even see her name. It's ok since she's cute but I don't like that one bit.” (Sexymolly23)

“Sorry it's some rare birth attributes... Her name is Irene and I am Kneeko. From what I can see we are both higher level that you guys. We wouldn't mind giving you a hand in completing this dungeon if we can get a small percentage of the rewards.” (Kneeko)

They began discussing between themselves for a while. The painter dude was still waving his paint brush in the airs like some sort of chief orchestra stick. After a while they all seemed to have made an agreement and turned back toward us.

“We can give you each 5% of the gold we find. Z'that ok?” (Sexymolly23)

“If th-----ant -ore th----an --ck o-f.” (Sexymolly23)

“Yup, we were bored and looking for something to do anyway.” (Kneeko)

“W.w...Welcome to our group.” (magicdownunder) She said while looking at the ground with a blushing face and giving a timid smile.

“Hooo.. W--t a stunni---ly beaut------an...” (magicdownunder)

Awww so adowable...



PROFILENAME:KneekoLEVEL:157GENDER:MaleMONEY:445G 37S 22CRACE:Bolt Basilisk (Rare Variant)MONSTER RANK:MediumHEALTH:4800STAMINA:600MANA:6190STRENGTH:735(M)INTELLIGENCE:504 (+100)SPEED:22DEXTERITY:18(H)VITALITY:415 (+50)CHARM:40 (+40)LUCK:19 (+40)AGILITY:19RESISTANCE:125 (+50)(S)ENDURANCE:45SKILL POINTS:600FAME/INFAMY:-1700 (Mostly Evil)CLASS:-------------------TITLES:Spoiler : ☑ Elemental Master

☑ King of the pond

☑ Toxic Powerhouse

☑ TycoonPASSIVE SKILLS:Spoiler : Amphibious (E)

Obscuro Poison (B)

Poison Resistance (A)

Viper Neurotoxin (A)ACTIVE SKILLS:Spoiler : Basilisk Cry (D)

Deadly Breath ©

Death Stare (S)

Gardener touch (B)

Lightning Strike (E)

Lightning Discharge (E)

Poison Spit (D)

Sad puppy eyes (B)

Tail Whip (B)

TerrorEyes (B)

Vines Hell (D)

Viper Bite ©ARCANE LIBRARY:Spoiler : Arcane FireBall

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