《Cheating Monster》Chapter 18 - Tokens of my affection


This chapter has been proof-read by: AnthonyL


After a few pieces of cake and some coffee, our next stop was the butcher. I needed to stock pile as much meat as possible because my hunger didn't seem to have any boundary. Even after eating all this cake I still felt as if I could eat 3-4 entire cows.

It didn't take us a long time to find the place since I could simply follow my nose to guide me there. The butchery was among the smelliest places in town except the forge and alchemy stores. The forge could easily be spotted by following the column of black smoke and the alchemy store had a very strong spice smell.

When Irene and I entered the butchery, our eyes were met with many hanging carcasses and a fat bearded man behind a counter holding a cleaver and wearing a bloodied apron. As he saw us, the fat man stuck his cleaver in a wooden board before wiping his bloodied hand on his apron.

“Sorry young masters but my establishment ain't got none of that fancy expensive meat you people usually eat.” (Butcher)

“Fuc-....leged *ids...” (Butcher)

“No need for fancy meat... I'll buy all the red meat you have in store.” (Kneeko)


“You messing with me kid?” (Butcher)

“N**........ mood..........ed *ith” (Butcher)

“Do i look like I'm messing with you? How much?!” (Kneeko) I said while pulling a few gold coins out of my pockets.

“You must have a lot of dogs to feed eh?! Guehehehe* 2 gold coins should be enough to buy everything in here.” (Butcher)

“M**** be g***.... be this r**h...” (Butcher)

I threw 3 gold coins on his counter and began putting the meat in my inventory.

“Got a void inventory? Looks a lot like the thing these jumpers (Adventurers) use...” (Butcher)

“It's quite similar.” (Kneeko)

“I g**ss m*ne..... b** an*****g.” (Butcher)

Once his entire shop was picked cleaned I left with Irene still following me. Next stop was the enchantment shop. I needed to know what could be done to my clothes and if it was worth my money.

As we walked along the street Irene suddenly stopped and began inspecting some necklaces being sold in a small stall. Her gaze seemed to stop on a golden dragon shaped necklace with a red gem embedded in its claws.

“You like that thing?” (Kneeko)

“It's very pretty... But it's way overpriced for what it is. I ain't rich enough to start throwing money down the drain. Let's keep going.” (Irene)


“Su- a p****y neck**ce.....bad i c**** -ford *t.” (Irene)

This was such a common flag event in all fictions and manga that I already knew what to do. I know my classics very well after all. Sighh women and their love for shiny trinkets... Exactly like birds. I walked up to the vendor and asked.

“How much?” (Kneeko)

“3 gold coins rich master.. hehehehe*” (Vendor) He said while rubbing his hands together.

“B- ******k of his clot***, he ************f mo-... to ***nd. Tim-.....***ilk the c-...” (Vendor)

“20 silvers... [Sad Puppy Eyes]” (Kneeko)

The vendor seemed lost in a haze for a while before answering.

“He lo-**.. pi***.. -if*.. He m-......y wa-.....** ...f-*...-e girl he love.. Sni-*...nif* I w-.. ** yo. y-....**er!” (Vendor)

“Of course! 20 silvers seems like a reasonable offer.” (Vendor)

“Thank you sir” (Kneeko) I quickly gave him the money and grabbed the necklace before he regained his senses.

“There you go lil sis.” (Kneeko)

I gave her the necklace which made her face blush with joy and embarrassment. I then i turned around and kept walking as if nothing had happened. She immediately tied the necklace around her neck and ran back toward me with a giant grin showing how happy she truly was.

“Broth-... po**rs are trul-.........***ious...” (Irene)

“Heyy how did you do that? Nee? Neee?” (Irene)

“Secret” (Kneeko)

“Aww he ne-... tell me -***ing...” (Irene)

“Buhhhhhh!! Thank you big brother !!” (Irene) She then said still smiling from one ear to the other.

“Doesn't matt-.........****her's t-........***t!!!” (Irene)

For a while now my ears had been buzzing, it must be hunger I thought to myself so I looked for a deserted area and began eating the meat in my inventory. After devouring the equivalent of an entire cow I finally felt satiated for the first time since my last rank up.

I will need to start hunting more because at this speed I will spend all my fortune on meat before knowing it. The buzzing in my ears seemed to have lessened as I was trying to ignore it as much as possible. Time to visit the enchantment store.

I looked around for a while with Irene but couldn't find what I was looking for. Even the internet map of this city didn't indicate any enchantment shop. Maybe this city didn't have one after all. After asking a few people we learned that there was once a shop like that but the owner got arrested and beheaded for doing a bad enchantment job on the princess dress.


She had requested him to enchant the dress with a charm stats boost but he apparently enchanted the dress with a charm with effect similar to an aphrodisiac which cause quite a commotion during a big reception at a noble house.

I couldn't help but laugh after hearing the story and imagined An'dalia being treated as a sexual object by vulgar nobles. She must have been very pissed indeed. Anyway I'm glad the shop is closed, I wouldn't have wanted a bad enchantment job after all. I will wait to find a proper professional enchanter to do my clothing.

Maybe I should go to the arms dealer and buy an enchanted armor instead for now. As we were making our way toward the arm dealer, my nose picked up a familiar scent that made me stop in my track. Snif* snif*... That subtle lavender smell...

I turned around in an attempt to find the origin of the smell and saw 3 cloaked individuals walking down the street and heading this way.

“Guhuuhuhuahahhahha*” (Kneeko)

“Th*t lau** -**ays gi- ** ***-ivers...” (Irene)

“Brother? Are you alright?” (Irene)

“Yes... Never felt so good. Keep walking and wait for me at the arms dealer, I will join you in 2 minutes.” (Kneeko)

“He n**er tell m- ***hing.” (Irene)

“Are you going somewhere?” (Irene)

“Do what I tell you.” (Kneeko)

Leaving her on her own I engaged myself in an interception course toward to the 3 cloaked individuals. As I was around 10 meters ahead of where they were heading, I grabbed a little something from my inventory, popped it in my mouth, then spat it on the ground before calmly walking by them without attracting suspicions.

I hid myself in an alleyway offering a view of the scene unfolding before me. There, was An'dalia with 2 bodyguard. The tree of them wearing white cloaks to remain incognito. Suddenly screams and cries could be heard making everybody's head swivel in their direction.

An'dalia was holding a little trinket in her hands clenched on her chest while crying like a newborn. The little thing i had dropped on the ground was the necklace worn by Darui'n before his “accidental” death. With no strength in her legs the princess let herself fall to the ground as she cried all the tears in her body.

-10hp ... -10hp ... -10hp

Seeing her in this state, her bodyguards were panicking not knowing what to do. They noticed she had been poisoned so they unsheathed their swords and began looking in all directions for anyone suspicious.

“Obscuro poison... k-k-k-Kneeko... i-i-i-is here... snif* snif* [Detox]” (An'dalia)

“I'm sc***d... ****ed!! T-.. demon i- ***e whe** i live... I'- ***red!” (An'dalia)

“Are you ok milady? What is going on?” (Bodyguard)

“Wh- is go*** on? I -n't underst-...” (Bodyguard)

She had empty eyes and was looking left, right, up and down searching for something. Her face looked horrible with all the tears and snot ruining her make-up. She definitely didn't look like a dignified princess at this instant.

“Sniff* sniff* B-bb-b-b-Bring m..m.m.me home... I want to go home ! BRING ME BACK HOME!!! WANNNnnnnnnn!!*” (An'dalia)

“I wa- ***y dadd-! -*DDY! I'm sc***d!” (An'dalia)

“Yes! Milady!” (Bodyguard) The two men grabbed her and quickly escorted her back to the castle.


“I'll make sure you never forget about me... my dear princess guhuhuhu*” (Kneeko)

Having now finished playing, I went back to where Irene was waiting for me. Time to buy some armor! I hope they don't just have poor quality armors, I refuse to spend my money on shitty gear.

A few minutes later I finally reunited with Irene who didn't ask any questions knowing I wouldn't answer her. We went in the shop and looked around for good armors. Sadly all the items for sale were sub-par and not worth spending a dime on..

Sigh.. This city is shit when it come to shopping. I didn't care for the armor itself since my Basilisk scales were harder than iron but I hoped that I could find an armor with some good enchantments on it. Sadly, it looked like it was better to wait for a qualified enchanter to do his thing with my clothing instead.

Disappointed, we sat on a bench and waited for mother to come back for our next courses of actions. While we were waiting I took the time to allocate my unused skill points. Simple really, 100 in strength, 100 in intelligence and the rest in vitality.



PROFILENAME:KneekoLEVEL:117GENDER:MaleMONEY:445G 37S 22CRACE:Bolt Basilisk (Rare Variant)MONSTER RANK:MediumHEALTH:4800STAMINA:600MANA:6190STRENGTH:735(M)INTELLIGENCE:504 (+100)SPEED:22DEXTERITY:18(H)VITALITY:415 (+50)CHARM:40 (+40)LUCK:19 (+40)AGILITY:19RESISTANCE:125 (+50)(S)ENDURANCE:45SKILL POINTS:0FAME/INFAMY:-1670 (Mostly Evil)CLASS:-------------------TITLES:☑ Elemental Master

☑ King of the pond

☑ Toxic Powerhouse

☑ TycoonPASSIVE SKILLS:Amphibious (E)

Obscuro Poison (B)

Poison Resistance (A)

Viper Neurotoxin (A)ACTIVE SKILLS:Basilisk Cry (D)

Deadly Breath ©

Death Stare (S)

Gardener touch (B)

Lightning Strike (E)

Lightning Discharge (E)

Poison Spit (D)

Sad puppy eyes (B)

Tail Whip (B)

TerrorEyes (B)

Vines Hell (D)

Viper Bite ©

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