《Cheating Monster》Chapter 17 - Welcome to Niardo


This chapter has been proof-read by: AnthonyL


“Pwahahahaha*” (Kneeko)

As I watched the evolution choices I couldn't help let a laugh escape. This was by far the easiest rank up choice I had gotten so far.

Spiritual Wyvern: Gives spiritual affinity and a race close to dragon. Spiritual affinity would allow me to learn runic magic and give me a footstep in divine magic.

Frost Naga King: Gives frost affinity and control over snake type creatures. Frost means getting water and air affinities but I already have water affinity.

Bolt Basilisk: Also a snake king... (Possibly a skill to control snakes?!) Gives a poison upgrade and from the description, probably gives death and lightning affinities. Death affinity would allow me to learn Arcane magic and give me a footstep in demonic magic while lightning affinity would give me the 2 basic elements I am missing. (Air and fire) Having all 4 basic affinities would allow me to learn life based magic as well.

If you compare the 3 choices, it really is obvious which one is the best. Confident in my choice I immediately selected “Bolt Basilisk” and once again the white and blue light enveloped my slowly morphing body.

I was still a snake, but one as big as a house. Basilisks were basically giant snakes with a dragon & snake hybrid looking head. My smooth and soft scales were now sharp and jagged making them look more like mini horns or spikes instead of scales. My tail had a sharp point at the tip allowing me to stab.

I also had spikes alongside my spine and a spiky frill on my neck allowing me to look even more menacing by unfolding it. I was still my familiar black and red color but my yellow eyes now had a hint of red around the iris making them look even more menacing.

Spoiler :

“RROAAARRrrrrr!!!!” (Kneeko)

*Clap! *Clap! *Clap! *Clap! *

Anastaria was clapping her hands at my transformation with a satisfied look on her face. As I was about to ask her how good I looked, the usual barrage of messages boxes started appearing.

Active Skill [Death Stare]. (Cost. 5000 Mana) (Rank: S)

As you activate this skill, those who make eyes contact with you will be affected by a death magic based curse acting like a poison.

Curse effects:

#Extreme pain.

#-25hp per seconds. [Max ∞ HP] (This curse is permanent and will remain in effect until the target's death. Can only be stopped by using a detox/purification spell/potion/scroll of rank (S).)

(24 hours cool-down)

Poison Resistance rank up! (A)

Active Skill [Basilisk Cry]. (Cost. 500 Mana) (Mastery: D)

Let out a powerful scream that will attract all snake creatures in a 10 miles radius, shattering glass and enemies eardrums in the process. (Weaken enemies)

Active Skill [Deadly Breath]. (Cost. 1000 Mana) (Mastery: C)

Exhale a breath of acidic poison capable of corroding metals, dissolving fabrics and melting flesh.

The strength of this attack varies depending on your mastery of the skill.

Active Skill [Lightning Strike]. (Cost. 250 Mana) (Mastery: E)

Lightning based magic attack sending a bolt of lightning toward a target. (Range 15 meters)


The strength, speed and precision of this attack varies depending on your mastery of the skill.

Active Skill [Lightning Discharge]. (Cost. 750 Mana) (Mastery: E)

Lightning based magic attack. Send a massive electric discharge that cover a “10” meters area around the caster.

The strength and range of this attack varies depending on your mastery of the skill.

New title: Elemental Master

If activated, this title grant (+100 Intelligence)

Every rank up was the same thing, an overload of new abilities and information. I needed to rethink my fighting strategies and possible uses for these skills. Without my “super computer” information processing speed I would instantly be overwhelmed by all these.

“What a beauty you are Kneeko” (Anastaria) She said while slightly blushing at how mighty I looked.

“Guhuhuhu* I feel amazing! I can feel power rushing through my veins.” (Kneeko)

“Great, but considering that we are next to a road that is near a town, I suggest you avoid staying in this gigantic form for too long... People could see you.” (Anastaria)

“True, that could be annoying to deal with.” (Kneeko)

Wanting to avoid attracting attention I immediately reverted back to my human appearance.

“AGGGGGGGGGGGgggggggggggg... Crap! Fuck fuck fuck!” (Kneeko)

“Kyaaaa!! hahahahaha*” (Anastaria)

It was my first time hearing Anastaria laugh that loudly. She was laughing so much that tears formed on the corners of her eyes. She even accidentally woke up Irene in the process.

“Uhh? Mom... Who is this?” (Irene) She said while sleepily rubbing her eyes.

“PRRRFffffffffff!!**** HAhahghagagahhaa*” (Anastaria) At this point she was unable to stand up and was rolling around on the flood holding her sides with both arms.

“For fuck sake! That's not funny!!” (Kneeko)

Me, the great Kneeko... The one who never forgets anything, had forgotten something. After eating the Basilisk core I had levelled up quite a bit which made my other appearances grow older as well... I now had the body of a teenage boy measuring around 6 feet tall.

The thing I had forgotten was to remove my clothes before eating the basilisk core. My clothes being normal clothes without enchantment didn't grow with me and stayed the size of a 8 years old. So when I changed back to my human body, I had outgrown my clothes by ripping them to shreds “incredible Hulk style”.

It may have looked funny but it was surprisingly painful considering these clothes were made out of the best quality fabrics which were highly resistant to wear and tear. Now half naked with tattered clothes, I had both of my hands hiding my now respectably sized cashew.

I ran toward the trees to change clothes with Anastaria still laughing her ass off. Luckily I had bought a new pair of clothes for when I grow up and placed them in my inventory, I had simply forgotten to wear them before growing up.

Once again, it was rich looking black pants and red wine shirt covered by a long mantle going down to my knee. With my gloves on, my only exposed skin was my face. When I reach a big city I would try to have enchantments placed on these clothes.


After changing I returned to the camp fire where Anastaria and Irene inspected me with lustful yes.

“Ho my... My son has become quite the hottie...” (Anastaria)

“Nod* Nod* Nod*” (Irene)

“Alright let's make things clear. You are supposed to be my mother, and you my sister. Do you realize how creepy hearing you say that sound?” (Kneeko)

“Fufufufufu* My bad my bad.” (Anastaria) She said while bumping her fist on the top of Irene's head to stop her from drooling.

These event were followed by some more chatters while I was eating all the monster meat contained in my inventory. I ate everything and was still hungry. It seemed logical to assume that the bigger my true form became, the more I would need to eat.

Since I began playing as a monster in Alterlife2, I realized that the tastiest meal to me was bloody raw meat. A bit repulsive at first, it saved me time since I didn't need to cook anything. I would need to go around town and fill my inventory with meat as soon as I can as I was still hungry.

We went to sleep and woke up early the next morning. We walked a few hours and finally reached the micro-kingdom of Niardo.

You have just arrived to the [Niardo] kingdom.

The city was built on a mountain hillside and was mostly made out of stone. A river was flowing through it from the top to the bottom irrigating a channel people were using as sewer. The city had a serious lack of vegetation since everything seemed carved in the hard mountain granite.

Anastaria turned toward us with a serious look before saying.

“You two can look around, I will go see the king and be back in a bit.” (Anastaria)

Irene and I nodded in understanding then mother left toward the big castle visible in the distance. As we were standing in the middle of the street admiring the city, hundreds of people were walking by minding their own business.

This city was buzzing with activity. I turned to Irene and couldn't help but say what was on my mind.

“Look at all these humans... Doing their everyday chores without the faintest idea that 2 pure-blooded dragons and a highly poisonous Basilisk are walking among them.” (Kneeko)

“High humans for the most part...” (Irene)

“Right... Humans and high humans all look the same to me.” (Kneeko)

I was expecting to see a city filled with blue eyed, golden haired people but it looked like they came in all shapes and colours after all. Irene and I walked around for a while until I found the library. It was a white building 3 storey high with “LIBRARY” written in golden letters.

“Want to buy a book brother?” (Irene)

“Maybe... All depends on what they have. I'd be surprised if they had anything interesting though.” (Kneeko)

I entered the library walking with my hands behind my back in a distinguished manner with Irene following close behind. An old lady with gray hairs sitting at a desk wearing small glasses on the tip of her nose rapidly noticed us and came toward our direction.

“Welcome dear customers, what may I help you with?” (Librarian)

“Do you have skill books without class restriction?” (Kneeko)

The librarian made a face that showed how difficult these types of books are to get, then walked behind the counter. She rustled through a bunch of papers and small pamphlets before finally pulling out a small brown book.

Skill BookSkill:LuminarElement(s):LightningRank:ERarity:CommonRestriction:

#Lightning element affinity.

#50 Mana to activate.

Create a glowing orb of light following the caster around. Last 15 minutes.

“That's it?...” (Kneeko)

“Sorry young customer, unrestricted books usually get sold before I even have time to put them on shelves...” (Librarian)

“Sighhh thought so...” (Kneeko)

I inched closer to the librarian and grabbed a fistful of gold coins before whispering into her ear.

“Got an arcane grimoire by any chance?” (Kneeko)

She quickly backed away with a look of disgust in her eyes. Not taking any chances I used [TerrorEyes] before she answered. I could suddenly smell a strong odor of urine as she fell to the ground in a fetal position. (That was a lot more effective than expected.) Not wanting to put too much strain on an old lady I crouched next to her and tried to reassure her.

“I didn't come here to get judged, just tell me where I can get what I want and I will leave you alone.” (Kneeko)

“Y.y.y.y....Yes! Wait a minute.” (Librarian)

She ran toward the back door leading to the back-store. We could hear chaotic noises as she turned the entire room upside down looking for something. 15 minutes and a new pair of pants later, the old lady came back with a black box in her hand.

“Don't open that box until you are somewhere alone. Divine magic users can sense that stuff from miles away.” (Librarian)

I nodded and bought the grimoire as well as the little luminar spell book. Who knows, a “light” spell might come in handy someday. I placed everything in my inventory and left with Irene still in tow.

“What is it that you bought in that black box? The old lady didn't seem to like the idea of having someone buy it...” (Irene)

“I'll tell you the day you decide to stop hiding stuff from me.” (Kneeko)

“Buhhh! You know it's because mother told me to keep certain things secrets for good reasons.” (Irene)

“I don't care, I'll keep some secrets myself then.” (Kneeko)

[Awkward silence]


“Wanna go eat some sweets?” (Kneeko)

“YAYyyyyyyyyyy!!! Big bro's the best!” (Irene)



PROFILENAME:KneekoLEVEL:117GENDER:MaleMONEY:456G 37S 22CRACE:Bolt Basilisk (Rare Variant)MONSTER RANK:MediumHEALTH:2150STAMINA:600MANA:5190STRENGTH:635(M)INTELLIGENCE:404 (+100)SPEED:22DEXTERITY:18(H)VITALITY:150 (+50)CHARM:40 (+40)LUCK:19 (+40)AGILITY:19RESISTANCE:125 (+50)(S)ENDURANCE:45SKILL POINTS:465FAME/INFAMY:-1670 (Mostly Evil)CLASS:-------------------TITLES:☑ Elemental Master

☑ King of the pond

☑ Toxic Powerhouse

☑ TycoonPASSIVE SKILLS:Amphibious (E)

Obscuro Poison (B)

Poison Resistance (A)

Viper Neurotoxin (A)ACTIVE SKILLS:Basilisk Cry (D)

Deadly Breath ©

Death Stare (S)

Gardener touch (B)

Lightning Strike (E)

Lightning Discharge (E)

Poison Spit (D)

Sad puppy eyes (B)

Tail Whip (B)

TerrorEyes (B)

Vines Hell (D)

Viper Bite ©

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