《Cheating Monster》Chapter 15 - The beginning of a journey


This chapter has been proof-read by: AnthonyL


“Become my son.” (Anastaria)


“Why would I do that?” (Kneeko)

“Uhhh?” (Anastaria) She looked stomped by my answer so I continued.

“It wouldn't make me a pure blood even if I did... If I don't gain anything why should I bother with politics?” (Kneeko)

“What are you saying, of course you would become a pure blooded dragon... The major difference between us and wandering dragons are our clans. Once you have undergone the family ritual, you will legitimately be a member of our clan, with all the benefits that comes with the title.” (Anastaria)


Urgg because of my real mother, the notion of having a mother turns my stomach upside down...

But.....pure blooded dragon! Yahoooo! Having the possibility to inherit extremely rare dragon related powers?!! I won't get this opportunity a second time !

I don't know if there is further evolution once I reach dragon-hood but if there isn't, then I will at least have reached the highest dragon level there is... But if there is a higher evolution, it could shake this dragon society to it's core. Who knows, I could even rule over all monsters as supreme dragonoid god or something... I can't think of any setback in accepting this offer... Every tool has its use.

“...So what do we do now, Mother?” (Kneeko)

She looked at me with a giant grin on her face. Somehow, I think this “woman” is even more evil than me. She probably saw me as a big opportunity to get revenge or something like that, but let's make things clear, she's better make sure I get as much as I give otherwise I would become their downfall.

One thing was certain, she had knowledge I wanted. It was my first time meeting an intelligent monster such as myself. For the first time I felt like I had found the people I belonged with. If we started a war with another race, it could be quite entertaining...

I don't care if dragon politics are a pain in the ass, as long as I can have some fun with it. Messing with the most powerful race in the game was a rare opportunity. Back in AL1 the only creatures capable of giving me a hard time as a demon lord were the dragons.

But in Alterlife1, dragons didn't have humanoid appearance though. They were area bosses... Meaning that there was one dragon per region and they were the strongest monsters in their respective regions. In the desert was a sand dragon, in the arctic was a frost dragon etc.

I suspected father to be behind these changes since dragons were my favorite creatures. I had even tried taming one of these dragon but had failed... I had ended up imprisoning him in a dungeon then played at luring players inside of it. You should have seen these people faces when they first saw the dragon hahaha*.

Usually players could only bring down a dragon during a raid party including 100+ players. Useless to say, dragons were OP... But there were no titans in Alterlife1, so I suspected Alterlife2 to have a lot of new things to offer and surprise me with.

“We will be traveling. When can we leave?” (Anastaria)

“Humm.. My request to the adventurer guild ends in 3 days, after that we can go wherever you want.” (Kneeko)


“Fufufufu* excellent. We will leave as soon as possible, this area is becoming too dangerous for you to stay.” (Anastaria)

“As long as we stay in the safe zone... Then when we leave we can simply fly out of here.” (Kneeko)

“Correct, my son is so smart.” (Anastaria) She seemed even more happy to call me son than having me join her clan.

“Then your sister and I will be enjoying these last 3 days as vacation before we leave.” (Anastaria)

“Please do so, now if you'll excuse me mother I was going to bed before all of this happened.” (Kneeko)

“Ho sure! Sorry to keep you up so late. Have a nice sleep my son. fufufu*” (Anastaria)

Each time she calls me son I get shivers all over my body. I'm having less difficulty imagining her as my wife than my mother. Ho well we'll see what the future bring us. That night was a good one once again, I woke up as usual and made my way toward the dining hall for breakfast.

At the table were two familiar faces visibly waiting for me.

“Good morning son.” (Anastaria)

“Moarningggg little bro!” (Irene)


“No...” (Kneeko)

“Uhh?” (Anastaria & Irene)

“It's big brother for you.” (Kneeko)

“Fufufufufu*” (Anastaria)

“Ehhh?! Why? I'm older than you!” (Irene)

“Yes and no... It's big bro for you.” (Kneeko)

“Mommmm” (Irene)

“Everything about him screams maturity compared to you Irene... Well everything excepted his appearance.” (Anastaria)

“MOM!” (Irene)

“I won't look this young for much longer. I refuse to be called little bro by anyone am I clear?” (Kneeko)

“Enough you two! Kneeko my son, I prepared you a plate. Come and eat.” (Anastaria)

“Thanks mom.” (Kneeko)

“Bhuu!!” (Irene) She pouted at her mother but quickly resumed eating.

Plates and chewing noises*

“So what are you doing today son?” (Anastaria)

“Same as usual, training and business at the market place.” (Kneeko)

“Fufufu* So mature already. Mommy is so proud of you.” (Anastaria)

Urgg... This still sounds weird after all...

“What about you two?” (Kneeko)

“I... will play in the water and eat a lot of good things!” (Irene)

Anastaria gave me a look that meant 'See... Totally immature compared to you...' Luckily Irene didn't see that otherwise she would have been sad again... I quickly finished my meal and excused myself to the two of them before leaving for my daily routine.

As the time limit for the quest approached, more and more adventurers approached me to sell their cores. I estimated to have at lease enough to reach level 150-200 which meant that I would finally have access to my most precious treasures. (The two level 150 storage rings.)

I would be careful not to mention anything about that to my new family since dragons are supposed to be known for their greediness and love of treasures... Once again I was growing venomous plants, eating said plants, playing games aimed at increasing dexterity and speed while doing yoga. I now had a very effective training routine and finally had started to see the effects.

I was buying a core like usual when this time I received a message.

New title: Tycoon

Condition: Having bought 30,000 gold worth of merchandise in less than two months.


If activated, this title grant (+40 Luck) (+40 Charm)

Hoooo That's a title befitting me. Truly happy, I was doing a small dance where I held my fists closed and move my shoulders up and down. Even better was that after activating the title, my monster rank went from “low” to “Medium Low”... This was visibly the effect of these 80 freshly acquired points.

Crowd noises*

There seemed to be some agitation outside at the marketplace, people were speaking excitingly. Curious I poked my head out of my tent to see what the commotion was all about.

“Did you see this hottie !” (Random man)

“Yeaaa she's visibly nobility by the way she's dressed.” (Random man2)

“Her daughter ain't bad looking either...” (Random man)

“She's a kid ya fucking perv!” (Random man2)

“Hahaha can't help it! The cock want what it want!” (Random man)

I looked and saw mother and sister walking my way surrounded by a salivating crowd of perverted men.

“Watch me man! Imma touch her ass. ” (Random man)

“Ghhurrrffff!!!!******” (Flying Nut-less man)

I may have lost my temper and forgot how much strength I had... But he shouldn't talk of my family that way.

“Big bro!!!!!” (Irene)

“Hey!! what are you doing here?” (Kneeko)

“Mom wanted to see you at work!” (Irene) She said with a delighted smile on her face.

“Hoooo So she's this rich kid's mother?! No wonder they all look from a different social class. I wonder who they are...” (Crowd)

“Please this way mother, sister.” (Kneeko)

I invited them in my tent and showed them around a bit. Mother was very impressed and visibly proud of my entrepreneurship. Mom was a bit surprised when she saw me growing and eating poisonous plants while playing dexterity games with my legs bent behind my head.

I must admit, it probably looked very weird... But it was a very efficient training program I had developed after all. She prepared tea with biscuits while little sis was rubbing my sore shoulders. They somehow gave the impression of servants spoiling their masters but I guessed they just wanted to tighten our bonds.

The day went by very quickly since I had people to talk to. They even played card games with me which increased my luck again. Sister was very bad and kept losing but I had no intention of losing on purpose for her. If she wanted to win, she would have to practice during her free time.

The next 3 days went by in a flash. Result, 64 monster cores ranging from level 20 to 90 but only a handful of higher levels. It was still a very good harvest. I dismantled my tent and told mother and sister to go to bed early since we would depart in the middle of the night when most people would be asleep.

At around 4 in the morning I woke up and packed my belongings. Mother and sister were waiting for me in the lobby.

“Are you both ready?” (Anastaria)

“Yup!” (Irene)

“Where are we going?” (Kneeko)

“We will head toward the dragons' land but we won't be flying all the way there. Let's enjoy the trip and train you on the way.” (Anastaria)

“What kind of training?” (Kneeko)

“Fufufufu* You'll see.” (Anastaria)

Brrrr These goosebumps again... I have a bad feeling about this, but if it help me get stronger I guess I'll go along with it. We walked out of the inn toward the north gate. A giant man who saw us began walking toward us. I had a strange feeling of déjà-vue as he approached.

“Well hello there pretty lady!” (Tank man)

Now I remember... It's this guy again. Does he do anything other than harassing women all day?!

“Those are some nice titties you go-.... Urgggg What the f-...” (Tank man)

Mother grabbed him by the throat and lifted him in the air as if he was weightless. Tank man was grabbing her hand trying to make her release him but visibly couldn't as he slowly started changing color from pink to blue.

“W.w..wWhat are you!??? Monster!!! YIIIHAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!” (Tank man)

He said as he was flying toward the horizon where mother had thrown him. Mother was no joke, the massive giant of a man had flown so far he wasn't visible anymore.

“Trashes everywhere... Now let's get going kids.” (Anastaria)

“Y...Yes mother!” (Irene & Kneeko)

Note to self: Don't piss mother off before being strong enough to survive one of her punches. When we reached the forest, mother and sister grew bat wings and started flying. Annoyed that I couldn't do the same I morphed into my wyvern form and followed them.

We flew a while but landed as the sun was slowly rising on the horizon. This was to avoid being spotted by people. While we walked I made sure to ask all the information I would need for my next “role playing”. I was to be a pure blooded dragon from a noble family, so I had a lot to learn.

First was the name of my clan/family... Can you imagine I didn't even know that... Mother told me our clan was called the Rokugan clan. Her full name was (Anastaria Dim Rokugan the 2nd) and after the clan ceremony, my name would become (Kneeko Dek Rokugan the 1st).

“Dim” being for women and “Dek” for men, it would have been hard to get a more noble sounding name so I was quite satisfied with it. One thing I realized what that my future name had a lot of “K” in it... Luckily the first K in Kneeko is mute so it wasn't too hard to pronounce.

She then continued by explaining everything I would need to know like dragon etiquette and information about the other 9 great dragon clans. There were 10 clans in total and the Rokugan were the 3rd weakest. As soon as I was strong enough, I had the intention of brutally turn this hierarchy on its head.

The more we walked the more worried I became... For some reason we were heading toward the micro-kingdom of Niardo... For those of you who remember, Niardo is An'dalia's kingdom... Of course she wouldn't recognize me in my human appearance as long as I kept my forehead stone hidden but I wondered why mother was heading this way.

I concluded that it was better to keep silent about my past history with this kingdom and pretended not to know anything about it.



PROFILENAME:KneekoLEVEL:88GENDER:MaleMONEY:486G 37S 22CRACE:Gardening Viper (Very rare)MONSTER RANK:Medium LowHEALTH:2150STAMINA:600MANA:4190STRENGTH:635(M)INTELLIGENCE:404SPEED:22DEXTERITY:18(H)VITALITY:150 (+50)CHARM:40 (+40)LUCK:19 (+40)AGILITY:19RESISTANCE:125 (+50)(S)ENDURANCE:45SKILL POINTS:30FAME/INFAMY:-1670 (Mostly Evil)CLASS:-------------------TITLES:☑ King of the pond

☑ Toxic Powerhouse

☑ TycoonPASSIVE SKILLS:Amphibious (E)

Obscuro Poison (B)

Poison Resistance (B)

Viper Neurotoxin (A)ACTIVE SKILLS:Gardener touch (B)

Poison Spit (D)

Sad puppy eyes (B)

Tail Whip (B)

TerrorEyes (B)

Vines Hell (D)

Viper Bite ©

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