《Cheating Monster》Chapter 12 - Getting down to business


This chapter has been proof-read by: jjsw123


I woke after the best night of sleep I have had in days. I would normally have eaten breakfast before heading out but I only had a old dirty shirt, hardly appropriate for such a luxurious diner hall. My first stop was to the tailor where the snobbish woman greeted me with a smile this time.

“Welcome back young sir, your clothes are ready if you'd follow me this way please.” (Snobbish lady)

We went to the back of the store where she handed them to me. They were black pants, black shoes, a purple wine colored shirt under a black gown also called mantle and a pair of black gloves. I hadn't asked for gloves but was really happy that she made me some.

She must have thought of that because I asked her not to touch my skin while taking my measurements and even asked her to wear gloves. She must have thought I was some kind of sick-germaphobe-eccentric-snob, but accidentally poisoning her would have been a pain in the ass to deal with after all...

Dressed like that I was really sharp looking and could easily be confused for a noble. I then asked her for a black bandanna with some golden design to hide my forehead stone and something to tie my long golden hair in a ponytail.

“Young master truly looks stunning, you will grow into quite a handsome young man. May I inquire about your parents’ identity? I don't remember hearing about any new nobles coming to our town.” (Snobbish? Lady)

“I came alone, father has other important business to attend to and I don't wish to reveal who I am unnecessarily.” (Kneeko)

“Of course I understand young master but... aren't you a bit young to be left alone like that?” (Snobbish? Lady)

“Don't let looks fool you. Thanks for the clothes.” (Kneeko)

I hastily left since she was getting a bit too nosy for her own safety. I walked for a while and sat on a park bench. Now it was time to decide how to allocate these skill points. It wasn't as simple as people might think.

Most people like to add points to all the skills but in my book they end up as trash characters... The perfect archetype of jack of all trades, master of none. It was better to choose 2 - 3 skills and dump everything into them.


Vitality and resistance basically had the same purpose. A character with a lot of HP will take heavy damage but can take it since they have a lot of HP... A character with a lot of resistance can have less HP and do as well since each blow would cause less damage.

Then it came down to which combat style you wish to use. Speed and dexterity usually go together and are good for assassins, archers, thieves and the likes... In my case I was going for a “dragon” build. Dragons are known for their high resistance, high intelligence which result in high magical abilities and also for their immense strength.

So logically I had allocated a lot of point into strength, intelligence and resistance. Also, since I was a monster, building my character like a humanoid would be dumb. For example, even if I placed many point into speed, there's only so much of it that can be used in a snake form.

To make it simple to understand let me give you an example. Between a turtle with 100 speed, and a rabbit with 100 speed, which one will be the fastest? Are the both of them equal when it comes to speed? Of course not, the rabbit will always go faster than the turtle.

That's why I needed to build my character with my final form in mind. If I were working toward evolving into a cheetah beast-man, I would naturally be placing a lot of points into speed.

So what I did was add 565 points in strength, 300 in intelligence, 100 in vitality, 68 in resistance and 30 in endurance. The last 30 endurance was to up my total stamina to 600 since [tail whip] and [viper bite] both cost 150 stamina, I could now use these skills 4 times.

Satisfied, I then spent a few hours on the internet, looking for more information. How much are monster cores worth, what are they used for etc. I didn't learn much, from what I could find, they are used by summoners, monster tamers, sorcerers and the likes.

I also learned they weren't worth that much except those from very high ranked monsters. From what I could see, the high level monster cores were usually purchased by churches or ended up in a royal vault somewhere. (Note to self: see if it is possible to sneak into one of these royal vaults.) They must have quite a bit of interesting stuff in there.


Then after my long internet research, I was finally ready to fill out my quest window. I made sure everything was perfect before finalizing it.

QuestType:Item requestDifficulty:N/AMinimum rank:N/ATime limit:30 DaysA young noble kid named Kneeko wishes to purchase monster cores for more than the normal market price.

Big bonus reward for monster cores level 100 and above.


You will be able to find Kneeko at the market place every day for the next month.

This should do, since I need as many people as possible to see my request I opted to use the adventurer guild. The guild building was an enormous 4 storey wooden building with a western style door at the entry. There were many players there and I was quite nervous at first.

When I entered, everybody turned to see who it was. Some were surprised to see a child but seeing as I was dressed like a noble, no one found it strange so I strolled toward the reception desk. There was a young woman with pink hair and green eyes who looked at me with a big smile.

“What can I do for you young man?” (Desk lady)

“I wish to submit a quest request.” (Kneeko)

“Sure, what is it?” (Desk lady)

So I sent her the quest form I had previously filled which she browsed through while touching her lips with her index finger.

“I see, an item request, and a broad one too... And since it can be from low or high level monsters, there's no need to put a rank on it. It will be 10 silvers.” (Desk lady)

That's cheap... I guess if it was something like a monsters subjugation or a raid party, it would have cost me a pretty penny. I gave her the 10 silver and she displayed my request with many others on the quest board.

To make sure I had the best results, I also posted an anonymous post on Alterlife2 forum under the tag (Most lucrative quests) with the quest details. I may have also added that some rare legendary weapon could be obtained in exchange for very high level cores. *Guhuhu* Everything was falling into place.

Next I needed to sell some expensive scrolls, I had noticed many examples through the auction site before. Then I had to go buy a tent for me to install in the market place for the days to come. The next month would be a very busy one and I would finally get to use my business skills.

After finalizing the preparations, I went to the market place and had some men install my tent for a few coppers coins. I had already started to receive money from the sale of my scrolls so it was no big deal for my wallet.

My tent was a beautiful burgundy color, the inside was decorated with expensive draperies and silk curtains. The floor was covered with a beautiful carpet and had luxurious pillows spread on the ground. In the middle was a table with two chairs on each opposite side.

Now I just needed to wait and see... It was most likely going to be boring, but to cure my boredom and loneliness I could at least count on U-tube.

The first day, nothing...

The second day, nothing...

But by the third day, my post on the game forum had become somewhat viral.


“Hey is that for real?”


“A friend of mine is actually in Vennari, and he says there's really a quest like that over there.”




“Actually, here's the quest in question:

A young noble kid named Kneeko wishes to purchase monster cores for more than the normal market price.

Big bonus reward for monster cores level 100 and above.


You will be able to find Kneeko at the market place every day for the next month.


“Awwwww why do I have to be so far away from Venarri... 30days, I will never make it in time.”


“I'm near Vennari! Anyone willing to team up and go hunt some wyverns? Level 185 dark knight here!”


“I wonder what type of legendary weapons we could get for a high level dragon core.”


“Keep dreaming...”


“Looking for people ready to raid a Naga village!”


“That was racist...”


“I said (NAGA)! The human snake things...”


“ROTFL my bad.”


“thanks for the info”




☑ Toxic PowerhousePASSIVE SKILLS:Amphibious (E)

Obscuro Poison (B)

Poison Resistance (D)

Viper Neurotoxin (A)ACTIVE SKILLS:Gardener touch (D)

Poison Spit (D)

Sad puppy eyes (E)

Tail Whip ©

TerrorEyes (E)

Vines Hell (E)

Viper Bite ©

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