《Cheating Monster》Chapter 11 - Rich and famous


This chapter has been proof-read by: gcman01


Dammit, who would have thought that the princess was a better actor than me. My calculations were pointing toward only a 30% chance of failure but that was assuming the princess was dumb. I had to go hard on her in order to frighten her into breaking the contract.

Telling her I would come back for her later should also prevent her from acting all high and mighty in the future. If she fears my return, she will find powerful and reliable people to serve and protect her and hopefully treat them properly.

I'm such a nice person really...

Alright alright I was pissed off by the failure of my plan and wanted to scare the crap out of her. Pitiful? Yeah maybe, but what would you expect from the son of a billionaire. I know how the princess lived her entire life. I had a pretty good taste of it in my own life.

Everybody in my life were there because we had money. My “friends” always spoke to me from a facade and would change if I wasn't there. No one ever did me any favors without expecting something in return.

Father was so busy with work, I would always end up spending money in clubs, going on my 130 million dollar yaht for a cruise around the coast with people my age... I was basically buying friendship.

Every-time I did something stupid, father would personally buy people's silence, bribe the police and the judges... I never had to be responsible for my actions. There was this guy I accidentally ran over while drunk driving...

Well after telling father I never heard of anything about this incident again. The guy, disappeared and his family never seemed to come forward looking for him. Money had that much power... People would even keep silent about their family member's disappearance in exchange for a bit of it.

Humans are disgusting beings. Claiming to be nice and “evolved”, but if you scratch the surface you find the smelliest rot in the animal kingdom. Only father had a place in my heart. Only he, always loved, supported and protected me unconditionally.

That man was such a loving father that he even sacrificed part of his fortune and the last years of his life for a good for nothing son like me. This fact is even more incredible considering that the day I had my motorcycle accident was actually because I was running away from the police.


But this too, father never mentioned a word to me. He would praise me when I did good, and keep silent when I did not. Many would say that he was enabling me, doing me a disservice by not putting his foot down and straightening me onto the right path.

But it is because he was like this that only he has been able to etch his name on my stone cold heart. People use one another, people are therefor tools to others. If this is how it work, I would then make maximum use of every tool in my toolbox.

My naivety died at a very young age when my mom tried to use me as leverage to empty dad's bank account. All she ever did in her life was giving birth to me, then she expected to become a multimillionaire just like that.

She came from a blue collar household, had nothing, but got lucky enough to snatch my father's love. He gave her a lifestyle only a handful of people could dream of. She got pregnant, then gave birth to me but never cared for me at all. She would always leave me with the nannies all day.

Actually I never really knew her that well. I was a lot closer to my nannies so I never even called her mother. When I was 12 years old, she decided she wasn't happy... So she filled for divorce and threatened father to take me away if he didn't pay her a ridiculous amount of money.

I'm not sure how it ended, I never saw mother again after this. Whatever happened to her I hope she is miserable and poor. Don't get me wrong, it's not like I am a psychopath incapable of feeling emotion... I fell the same as everyone else.

I just went through a lot of stuff in my life that made me this way. A workaholic father, an unloving mother, fake friends... Most of the time I was alone on my own. I never lost hope of meeting someone who is genuine in their feelings for me.

But i'm not delusional about it. Being in a game world had made it even harder so I simply stopped caring. Nobody cares so why should I? But i'm not a total asshole, as proof of that I went ahead and stalk- I mean followed An'dalia for 3 days and made sure she made it home safely.

I went as far as murderi- I mean shooing away suspicious people on the road. And I didn't do it only to know where she lives... I truly wanted her to survive.


Oh well... With that done I was now the one in control of what I was going to do. This is a game, there should be something entertaining to do right? Maybe I could even do a bit of training, why not? I could probably rank up but I had 50% more humanoid EXP than lizard...

Humanoids are lames!! So I guess I will go around and ask if there's some lizard monsters around. The locals should be well informed about this area. Actually I had recently thought of a plan to get more lizard DNA.

I morphed into my wyvern body and went back to the town of Vennari. Flying was definitely useful in order to cut travel time shorter. Once arrived, I morphed into my humanoid form and put on an oversize shirt taken from a victi-... collateral casualty.

Bare footed and dirty, I looked like a homeless orphan. Thinking about it, it wasn't really untrue. Sneaking past the guards had been easy in my salamander form so I didn't have to pay the entry fee. My first stop was a tailor shop in the rich part of town.

When I entered in the shop, a very snobbish lady wearing a ridiculous wire-framed dress looked at me with a look of disdain.

“What are you doing here! We don't want your kind in our establishment! Shoo! Shoo!” (Snobbish lady) She said while waving her hand for me to leave.

[...] stare*

“Give me clothes, woman.” (Kneeko) I then threw a gold piece on the ground.

The woman's eyes became as round as the coin itself. She quickly picked it up and started munching on it to make sure it was real gold.

“Please, this way dear customer.” (Snobbish lady) See what I mean by money is power...

She took my measurements, and said it would be ready tomorrow so I left toward the most expensive inn in town. You may wonder why I am spending so much... Simple, since I exceeded level 50, I can now equip one of my storage rings.

Medium ring of holdingMinimum level:50Durability:100/100Rank:BRarity:CommonWhen inventory space become a problem, this ring will give 25 additional inventory slots to the wearer.

This was the ring holding my stock of potions, weapons and scrolls. I wasn't insanely rich though... That would only be when I reach level 150. Wait till you see what's inside those rings. Guhuhu* Anyway, my new rich lifestyle was necessary for my next plan.

As an NPC, I had the ability to give out quest to players. Of course if you ask something of high value or high risk, you need something of high value in exchange. Basically you have to give them a reward like you would do with mercenaries.

The plan is to give a quest to a few adventurers, in this case it is geting lizard monster cores and pay them incredibly well. If the reward is massive, adventurers will queue to come sell me their monster cores. Of course I only want those from lizard type of monster and will pay accordingly to their level.

The stronger the monster, the higher the reward. Why would I do that you ask? Well I have a lot of money, and monster cores are basically EXP-DNA. I discovered that after a snake dropped one the other day. I discovered that I could eat them and receive the EXP I would have gotten by defeating them.

I basically had received twice the EXP from the little snake thank to his core. But them being a 1% chance drop, they were hard to come by... It's then that I hatched this plan, using adventurers as a workforce was brilliant.

For now, I will take a warm bath, eat good food and have a nice sleep. Tomorrow I will begin the preparations. I had spent a few days training [Gardener touch] by growing poisonous plant and harvesting them. I would then munch on them to increase my poison resistance.

Both skills had finally leveled up to Rank (D) which encouraged me to do the same with other skills as well. I also need to decide where I will allocate all these unused skill points. Hopefully my new plan won't be ruined by another princess... Hahahaha* What am I talking about, what are the chances of me coming across another princess... Hahahaha* Right?!




☑ Toxic PowerhousePASSIVE SKILLS:Amphibious (E)

Obscuro Poison (B)

Poison Resistance (D)

Viper Neurotoxin (A)ACTIVE SKILLS:Gardener touch (D)

Poison Spit (D)

Sad puppy eyes (E)

Tail Whip ©

TerrorEyes (E)

Vines Hell (E)

Viper Bite ©

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