《Cheating Monster》Chapter 10 - Who's dumb


This chapter has been proof-read by: gcman01


An'dalia POV -

You have just arrived to the town of [Vennari]

Finally!! We made it back to civilization. This horrible monster ! How dare he kidnap me and try to force me to be his wife. These dragons truly are horrible assholes! Because they are more powerful than other races they think they can have whatever the fuck they want.

Luckily, father sent Darui'n to save me. He was no match for these monsters, yet he came all this way to save me. Even ready to risk his life for me. Did father sent him because he knew I loved him? I will need a serious discussion with this idiot! What if he had died in the process?!

I could have escaped on my own if I wanted to, but he went ahead and risked Darui'n's life... I, An'dalia Elmda'ril 1st of the name can't let that go easily. He will get an earful when I get back home.

Anyway, fufufufu* sister will die of jealousy when she see my “unique” named pet! Fufufufufu!* He's definitely peculiar... I tasked Darui'n in keeping a close look on it and what he found out was truly interesting.

Spending the nights going around and killing snakes?! Gathering poisonous plants and eating them?! Is that a normal behavior for a tiny monster?! I have a feeling that I hit the jackpot with this thing. He may be worth a fortune! Enough to fill our treasury.

The way he act make me think of a jumper... Of course I know these immortal world jumpers can't be monsters... I'm not the dumb princess everybody think I am. But still, I can't shake this feeling. Only jumpers act this strangely. (Author's note: She's talking about players here...)

We then stopped for the night before reaching the town of Vennari. I played with Kneeko while taking a bath, he seem to really enjoy that for some reason... Truly a weird monster. But it's good, I need to tighten our relationship in order to gain more trust.

The more he trust me, the more he will obey me! Fufufufufu* I sneakily used identify recently and he doesn't seem that impressive... Still, this precious stone on his forehead could make a wonderful necklace. Whether or not he becomes powerful, he will be of great use. Fufufufu*

24 hours later we finally reached Vennari. Darui'n rented us a disgusting room in a filthy inn... Just because he is a poor bastard... If he wasn't so hot!!! Looks and strength is enough... I will bring the money into the marriage.


When Darui'n left to buy a horse and carriage, Kneeko started acting strange again. Curious, I followed his directions and ended up in an auction house... I wonder what he want to do in here. Strangely, he simply led me to a item boot and asked to leave again.

I really don't get that stupid lizard... Well whatever, I left but a brute appeared and started acting all gross and stuff. Kneeko spat on his face creating an opportunity for me to escape... I'm not below recognizing when someone helped me so I thanked him.

But this bastard started licking my mouth!!! My first kiss! With a disgusting lizard! Arggggggg!!! But it's ok... It's just an animal after all, it doesn't count and I will do what I need to gain his trust. Rare and valuable monster, Rare and valuable monster, Rare and valuable monster, Rare and valuable monster....................

The day after, we finally left toward Niardo, my home town. 7 days... Only 7 more days of this horribly uncomfortable lifestyle. I will finally get back to my giant bed and bathroom!!! My slaves and servant! I can't waitttt!!!!!!!!!

The 4 first days were uneventful. But on the 5th day, a rare monster appeared before us.

MonsterSpecies:Bolt Wyvern (Variant)Level:191Monster Rank:Upper middleRarity:Very Rare

Darui'n may be stronger but this thing is a the type of beast he's weak against. Darui'n biggest fault is his fire weakness... But with me close by, he should be alright.

“Crap! What is this thing doing so far south?! Princess stay back and prepare to run if needed.” (Darui'n)

“You may be a lot more powerful than this beast but i'm not leaving you alone! Wyverns use fire elemental magic, you know it's your weakness! You will need my healing ability if you want to win.” (An'dalia)

If you think I will let my future husband die to a lizard... How unreliable you are Darui'n! If it weren't for your handsome face... grrrrrrrr!*

At first Darui'n and the wyvern exchanged a few hits, but then the monster charged toward me... That's it, I messed up. I am going to die here. As I was about to get hit, a wall of vines appeared in front of me. The only thought in my mind was, Kneeko?

Then everything went blank. When I came back to me sense, I was upside down in a bush, badly injured.

“Ouchh... It hurts.” (An'dalia)

I used a healing spell on me and realized, Kneeko was once again sleeping in my cleavage. Such an annoying habit !!! I'm going to grow warts between my boobs if he keeps doing that! I can't wait for him to rank up or grow too big to fit!


Once healed I had a look around. Such an horrific battlefield... There was craters, broken trees and debris everywhere. Darui'n?! Where is he? I quickly got up and started looking for him.

“Darui'n?!...” (An'dalia)


“DARUI'N???????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” (An'dalia)

Can't be? I wasn't there to help him so maybe he lost?! No way... NO! I won't accept that! He is to be my future husband, he can't die! HE IS NOT ALLOWED TO!

“DARUI'N!!???!!!!!!!!!! DARUI'N!!???!!!!!!!!!! DARUI'N!!???!!!!!!!!!!” (An'dalia)

I looked around for a while and finally, I found his lifeless body laying on the ground.

“Da... ui'n...can't be... sniff...” (An'dalia)


“Snif... WANNNNNNNNNNNNNnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wANnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!* HOW COULD YOU DIE NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! WANNNNNNNnnnnnnnnnnnnn*” (An'dalia)

No way! It's not happening! My Darui'n can't be dead !!! Noooooooooo!!!!!!!!!! Why did no one helped him no!!!


Kneeko?! Was he out as well? Couldn't he have helped him?!... [Identify]


Obscuro Poison (B)

Poison Resistance (E)

Viper Neurotoxin (A)ACTIVE SKILLS:Gardener touch (E)

Poison Spit (D)

Sad puppy eyes (E)

Tail Whip ©

TerrorEyes (E)

Vines Hell (E)

Viper Bite ©

This......... I checked his stats 4 days ago... He was level 15. What's up with these skills?! No! Wait a minute. I can't see his race/species and titles! Darui'n's ring!!!!! These rings are rare, our race posses most of them.

I quickly looked on Darui'n's body and realized it had been taken as well as most of his possessions. Kneeko did?

“Oi! You fucking lizard!!!! Did you stole Darui'n's ring??!! Could you have killed him as well???!!!!! IF SO, YOU ARE DEAD!” (An'dalia)


Kneeko popped his head out of my cleavage and stared at me, eye to eye.

“Kneeko protect wife!!!” (Kneeko)

“What the?!..... I'M NOT YOUR WIFE YOU SHIT! DID YOU KILL DARUI'N!?” (An'dalia)


“Tsss... You, you pretended being dumb all along didn't you?!” (Kneeko)

Da fuq?!! What with this perfectly constructed sentence?! This little shit played me all along?!

“Who are you?! What the fuck are you?! You are so dead!!!” (An'dalia)

“Sighhh...” (Kneeko)

“AWNSER ME!” (An'dalia)

“Release me from our contract.” (Kneeko)

“Fuck no!!!!! You belong to me! I will make you pay for what you did you shit!” (An'dalia)

Then this fucking lizard got enveloped in bluish light and transformed into a 6 meter, terrifying looking snake. When I looked into his eyes, I may have wet myself. Those yellow eyes, felt like they could pierce your soul.

“This is the last thing I will do for you. I will promise not to attack you if you release me from our contract. If you refuse, I may not be able to hurt you... But I will find your family, your kingdom, and I will rain fire upon everything you hold dear. I will make you wish you were dead.” (Kneeko)

These words made me lose all strength in my legs. I suddenly collapsed to the ground and couldn't look at him anymore. I could feel his blood-lust, he wasn't lying. I could feel through his emotionless voice, he wasn't lying.

I had signed a pact with the devil himself, he was now a level 80+ monster that I had no control over. Bringing him with me was risking everything I cared for. How did he transform like that? Did he just rank up? Am I dealing with something I have no knowledge or control over?!

Bringing this ting with me, was the most foolish thing I even done... I brought the devil with me.

“Hissing* I am getting impatient, High human.” (Kneeko)

What?! How did he know I am a high human?! He could only steal Darui'n's ring after his death... This lizard... Is truly terrifying... Being totally overpowered by fear I quickly revoked my familiar contract with Kneeko.

“Hmmmm* You took the smart choice... You truly were pretending to be dumb after all... Guhuhuhu* I will leave you now, I hope you make it safely to your hometown. The horse fled that way, you should find him eventually...

Remember my words, if you ever seek revenge, send people after me... If you ever speak of me to anyone, you will see what hell truly look like. I will grow strong, become an unequaled monster. Then! I will come back for you... And I will take you into my harem.

Farewell, dumb princess.” (Kneeko)

After these words, Kneeko turned into a wyvern, a smaller version of the one who attacked us earlier excepted, he was his usual red and black instead of green and blue... Then he flew away without looking back...

“Sniff.. sniff... Darui'n. It's scary without you. This was truly scary. I..I-...I'm.... Scared of... Kneeko... sniff sniff*” (An'dalia)




☑ Toxic PowerhousePASSIVE SKILLS:Amphibious (E)

Obscuro Poison (B)

Poison Resistance (E)

Viper Neurotoxin (A)ACTIVE SKILLS:Gardener touch (E)

Poison Spit (D)

Sad puppy eyes (E)

Tail Whip ©

TerrorEyes (E)

Vines Hell (E)

Viper Bite ©


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