《Cheating Monster》Chapter 9 - Mathematically optimal


This chapter has been proof-read by: gcman01


A huge bluish gray and green wyvern landed in front of us making the earth shake under it's weight. The flying monstrosity crouched in an aggressive posture ready to pounce on us.

“Crap! What is this thing doing so far south?! Princess stay back and prepare to run if needed.” (Darui'n)

“You may be a lot more powerful than this beast but i'm not leaving you alone! Wyverns use fire elemental magic, you know it's your weakness! You will need my healing ability if you want to win.” (An'dalia)

What the princess said was true, I had calculated the possible outcomes of this battle and without a healer, Darui'n's chances seemed very slim. Every-time a monster used fire on him, the damage seemed to be multiplied... He must have gained a major weakness in exchange for his powers.

The level difference between the wyvern and myself were simply too huge for me to make any damage on it. I would have to be a spectator in this fight. Quickly Darui'n enveloped himself in a slight blue light which was most likely a skill meant to make him stronger or increase his defense.

“[Spirit blades]” (Darui'n)

With one swing of his sword, tens of semi-transparent bluish boomerang shaped blades flew straight at the wyvern. The wyvern used its wings to shield itself resulting in only minor cuts on its body. The creature's scales seemed incredibly hard to cut.

Now angered by the last attack, the beast ran toward Darui'n and swept in his direction using its tail like a whip. This was a similar attack to mine but on a totally different level. The tail seemed to directly hit Darui'n but instead it went right through him as if it had hit noting.

Darui'n body then vanish in a pale blue light, like it had been a mirage all along. Then a bit further back Darui'n reappeared, uninjured. Was it teleportation? Lighting fast movement ? Now very angry the wyvern rushed toward An'dalia. Darui'n had made the mistake of underestimating the creatures intelligence.

“No! Princess!!!” (Darui'n)

As soon as it reached a near enough distance the wyvern made a 180° and swung its tail at lighting speed. [Vines Hell] I rapidly created a wall of vines but the wyvern's tail went straight through as if they were made of paper.

The attack sent me and the princess flying into some bushes after doing a few aerial barrel rolls. Darui'n now in a raging fury appeared on top of the beast and used [Spirit meteor], a skill creating bluish balls of light falling from above like meteors.


The impacts caused many violent explosions which created a giant cloud of smoke hiding the battle from view. The next thing I saw was Darui'n being thrown 20 meters backward straight into a tree. The impact had been so violent that the tree, 50cm in diameter shattered.

“ROARRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” (Bolt Wyvern)

I turned around to look at An'dalia, she had lost 50% of her HP so she was still ok since she could heal her wounds. Annoyingly though, she had passed out from the impact so she was now useless. As for me I had lost 80% of my Hp... If I didn't have as much resistances as I have, this attack would have been a one shot kill.

Darui'n got up and charged at the giant lizard again but this time his body seemed to multiply. It was not exactly like clones, he would take a step forward then stop. But a bluish clone of himself would keep going and attack. If was as if he was using ghost of himself to fight while keeping his physical body at safe distance.

It was a little bit the same as the best lap ghost cars in racing games. He would feign an attack then stop, but then a ghost clone of himself would keep going and complete the attack. For a few moment, they exchanged attacks and Darui'n seemed to dominate the fight, but that was before the wyvern health reached 50%.

When its health dropped below 50%, the monster's attack patterns changed. It began using its wings to create gust of wind to destabilize Darui'n's footing making him miss a few attacks. Then the monster also started spitting fire at him every time he was destabilized. This wreaked havoc on Darui'n's health.

The wyvern had now gained control over the fight, the outcome looked bleak... I quickly began creating battle simulations in my head and calculated what were the best options. I then opened my Morph ring interface and began fiddling with it.

“[Spirit Awakening] !!!!!” (Darui'n) Booooooooommmmm!*

A massive explosion brought my attention back to the battle. Darui'n's hairs were now a deep marine blue and pale blue flames seemed to envelop his entire body. Then as fast as lightning, Darui'n began raining attack on the monster from all directions.

The wyvern was being pushed into a corner. Darui'n truly was a powerful warrior to be keeping a hidden card like this one. But apparently he wasn't the only one keeping a hidden card since the wyvern began flapping its wings, creating a small vortex as powerful as a F3 tornado.


Slowly lifting up in the air, the wyvern began sparkling. Not like a disco ball but more like a Tesla coil. These were electric sparks.

“Not good !” (Darui'n)

Before Darui'n could retreat, the wyvern launched a massive electric attack engulfing everything in a 15 meters radius.

“Urgg.. Cough cough cough*” (Darui'n)

This was bad, if An'dalia was awake, this would have been a relatively easy battle... But now, Darui'n only had a sliver of health left. Throwing a rock at him could kill him at this point. Ho well, I had already prepared a plan taking this into consideration. It was finally time for me to move into action. I morphed into my new wyvern body (Slot #3) and ran toward Darui'n before the wyvern could give him the finishing blow.

“[Viper Bite]” (Kneeko)

“Khuu...! There was another o-...” (Darui'n)

Level up! (X42)

(-1500) Fame

“Guhuhuhu* sorry pal, this is mathematically the best choice for me. Getting rid of a rival as well as gaining enough strength to finish this already heavily injured wyvern. EXP feast!” (Kneeko)

While the “Bolt Wyvern” was still confused by the appearance of another wyvern stealing his kill out of nowhere, I quickly took out 2 potions out of my inventory. One health and one stamina potion. Having no hands I grabbed them in my mouth, crushed them with my teeth then spat the glass out.

“ROARRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” (Bolt Wyvern) The wyvern regained its composure and rushed toward me.


This made it flinch and hesitate just long enough to allow me to allocate 12 of my newly acquired skill points into endurance, then I took off into the air. Being a bit rusty at flying I first ended up in a tree but quickly regained control and went up in the sky. Higher, always higher!! I could see the “bolt wyvern” on my tail.

He was visibly faster than me but I didn't have time to start allocating my newly gained skill points in speed. When the beast finally caught up to me we were about 700 meters up in the air. The “bolt wyvern” rushed at me ready to shred my wings with his talons.

[Sad Puppy Eyes]


[Viper Bite] + [Tail Whip] Combo.

I bit him in the neck with viper bite hoping it would be potent enough to paralyze it's wings, then launched it toward the ground with a well placed tail whip to the head. As I had suspected, my attacks didn't cause a lot of damage but gravity surely would.

The wyvern fell toward the ground like a rock. The poor creature tried to flap its wings but the paralyzing effect of my venom hindered his efforts. The bolt wyvern crashed on the ground, creating a giant crater in the process. I had followed it during its fall and was ready to claw it to death if it survived the fall, but it didn't.

Level up! (X26)

(+4) Intelligence

[Tail Whip] Mastery increased to rank ©

[Viper Bite] Mastery increased to rank ©

I then landed, took my High human form and went to collect the monster drops. A few wyvern scales, teeth and its heart. A wyvern heart should sell for quite a bit of money. I had leveled up 68 times in a few minutes. Of course I had exploited the both of them and swooped in just for the kills but EXP is EXP... There's no good or bad EXP in my book.

After collecting the monster drops I went to Darui'n's body and looted everything on him. As I was doing this, I realized something troubling... My high human appearance was that of a 5-6 year old kid... So that's why I was hairless and had a tiny winy sausage. Must be because my level isn't high enough to appear as an adult.

As I was looting his body, I could hardly describe the joy I felt when I found this on him:

Privacy RingMinimum level:10Durability:100/100Rank:ARarity:RareThis ring allow a user to hide his species/race and titles from others.

So this was the items they were using to hide their info... This will come in very handy for me. As for his armor and sword, it was limited to “knight” classes... And it would be difficult to explain how a wyvern could have taken it from him so I left it untouched.

Reverting to a salamander appearance I ran back to An'dalia who was still KO in a bush.




☑ Toxic PowerhousePASSIVE SKILLS:Amphibious (E)

Obscuro Poison (B)

Poison Resistance (E)

Viper Neurotoxin (A)ACTIVE SKILLS:Gardener touch (E)

Poison Spit (D)

Sad puppy eyes (E)

Tail Whip ©

TerrorEyes (E)

Vines Hell (E)

Viper Bite ©

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