《Cheating Monster》Chapter 8 - Cracking mask


This chapter has been proof-read by: gcman01


What I gathered so far from these choices is this:

-Titan firecroc offers size (obviously), as well as potentially fire type magic skills and merging of health and mana. This means to kill me, people would need to deplete both my health and mana pool.

-The Berserker variant is the perfect melee “tank” type of body that would probably offer skills needing stamina. (Which I don't have a lot of...)

-Gardening viper offers the “fear factor” of it's fearsome reputation, a likely upgrade to my poison/venom arsenal and plant based magic skills.

I don't need a lot of time to see which one is the best for me... I need magic skills since I am a mana based monster... Of course fire beats plants but having a titan body at level 15 wouldn't be very smart. I wouldn't want to be the titan defeated with one swing of a sword from a high ranking player. How lame would that be.

The berserker isn't suitable since I intend to fight using magic, so with that my choice was made. I selected the Gardening viper and like the last time, a bright white and blue light enveloped me as I changed shape.

My body grew in length for a while before finally stopping at 6 meters long. To compare with the “real world”, 6 meters is around the size of a giant anaconda... So now try imagining a 6 meter long, 500 pounds, 25 centimeters in diameter, venomous snake.

I still had my damned diamond shaped ruby thing on my forehead, lustrous black and red scales harboring similar pastern to my obscuro salamander form. I had 4 small pointy horns on my head and a gold choker type necklace. (Being fingerless, my ring now thinks it's a necklace...)

The most striking thing about my new appearance are my eyes. Two bone chilling, brownish-yellow eyes with a vertically slit pupil in the middle. These eyes were so striking that I could see their reflection in a nearby window despite the darkness of night.

I had been in a “snake like” body before in Alterlife1 but it had never felt this realistic before. I could now use my tongue to smell the air. Yup, snakes do use their tongues to smell! Snakes have nostrils, just like humans. But a snake’s tongue is also very important.


When a snake flicks its tongue in the air, it picks up tiny chemical particles. When the snake brings its tongue back into its mouth, the tongue fits into a special organ on the roof of the mouth. This special organ is called the vomeronasal system.

The vomeronasal system takes those tiny chemical particles and tells the snake what they are. This way the snake “smells” things like dirt, plants and other animals. This way of smelling the world can help a snake avoid predators or help the snake catch food.

The weirdest thing when morphing into a limbs-less body like a snake's, is the phantom limb syndrome. A phantom limb is the sensation that an amputated or missing limb (even an organ, like the appendix) is still attached to the body and is moving appropriately with other body parts.

My “brain” still thought I had arms and legs which made the few first minutes very awkward. I needed to continuously and consciously keep remembering myself to “walk” on my belly, and that my hands were now my mouth. Luckily I had my morph ring for when I needed hands.

Then as I was still familiarizing myself with my new body, tons of windows started popping up.

Your skill [Poison Bite] has now morphed into [Viper Bite]. (Cost. 150 Stamina) (Mastery: D)

The strength of this attack varies depending on your skill points and the mastery of the skill. Use [Viper Neurotoxin]

Passive Skill [Viper Neurotoxin]. (Cost. N/A) (Rank: A)

Poison injected via fangs. Used by the skill: [Poison Bite]

Venom effects:

#Partially paralyze the target.

#-30hp per seconds for 180 seconds [Max 5400HP] (Effectiveness depend on the adversary skill points and/or other factors.)

You have learned a new Active Skill [Vines Hell]. (Cost. N/A Mana) (Mastery: E)

Allow the user to freely manipulate fast growing vines in a 20 meters radius. The more vines you use, the more mana you will need.

The strength, speed and precision of this attack varies depending on your skill points and mastery of the skill.

You have learned a new Active Skill [TerrorEyes]. (Cost. N/A) (Mastery: E)

People who see your devilish eyes will feel immediate fear.


The effectiveness of this skill varies depending on your mastery of the skill. (30 minutes cool-down)

You have learned a new Active Skill [Gardener touch]. (Cost. 200 Mana) (Mastery: E)

Allow the user to grow any plants/trees he as encountered and identified as long as they are equal or below the mastery rank. Level up the mastery to grow higher rank plants.

New title: Toxic Powerhouse

If activated, this title grant (+50 Vitality)

Wow! That's a lot of new toys to play with. I also have a lot of training to do but right now, traveling with these two is slowing my progression. At first I didn't care since all I am looking for is entertainment but it's getting boring.

I think I will follow them until they reach their destination, then I will go on adventures on my own. My master is a princess after all, so I don't expect her to go on dungeons diving adventures... I will have to separate from her in order to do so.

I just need to make sure she reaches home safely before doing anything else. I don't care about her but no one can break my toys except myself! Cough* cough* I mean I deeply care about her and wish for her to be safe at home with her family.

Talking about family, I wonder why my “sister” didn't communicate with me since then... Is it impossible for her to send messages? Will I need to die before seeing her again? Truth be told, to me she's an NPC... I'm having a hard time considering her as family in the same way you don't easily consider a microwave as a father...

And did you hear her laugh?... So creepy it made my hairs stand on my head. Anyway, I think I am soon going to reach my limit... I don't know how long I will still be able to hold this RP before my real personality inadvertently emerges by accident.

I then used the Morph ring to return to my salamander appearance, climbed the wall up to the window and went back to sleep into the canyon.

In the morning, An'dalia and Darui'n didn't waste time and immediately departed after eating breakfast at the inn. We were now traveling in a carriage pulled by a horse which made our traveling speed increase dramatically.

“If we don't encounter any problems we should reach home in a week princess.” (Darui'n)

“Yes, I can't wait to see father after so long.” (An'dalia)

“I promised him I would find, and bring you back. So don't worry I will definitely bring you home safely.” (Darui'n)

“Nod* Nod* I know you will Darui'n. Thank you for everything.” (An'dalia)

What with the soapy atmosphere?! If this stupid knight keeps this up I'll have to shorten his life.


“Is it me or is that thing glaring at me?” (Darui'n)

“Of course not, Kneeko is the gentlest creature in the world.” (An'dalia)


Darui'n jumped back after seeing my terrifying glare but regained his composure as I popped back down the canyon.

“I hate that lizard..” (Darui'n) He then grumbled to himself.

Down in the canyon I was concocting plans to kill him without being caught. Cough* I mean I was considering how to deal with this rival in a gentlemanly manner.

The next few days were quite uneventful excepted the occasional monster attack. But on the 4th day, a very interesting monster came along to play with Darui'n. This one would prove more problematic for him to defeat on his own.

MonsterSpecies:Bolt Wyvern (Variant)Level:191Monster Rank:Upper middleRarity:Very Rare





☑ Toxic PowerhousePASSIVE SKILLS:Amphibious (E)

Obscuro Poison (B)

Poison Resistance (E)

Viper Neurotoxin (A)ACTIVE SKILLS:Gardener touch (E)

Poison Spit (E)

Sad puppy eyes (E)

Tail Whip (D)

TerrorEyes (E)

Vines Hell (E)

Viper Bite (D)

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