《Cheating Monster》Chapter 7 - Her first kiss?


This chapter has been proof-read by: gcman01


We have been traveling for a few days now, the auction is finally over. As the auction was a few seconds from finishing, I went all out and bid 17250Golds. (Pretty much all I had) This was the advantages of doing auction via the internet, a thing NPC couldn't do.

If NPC want to buy or sell via auctions, they need to go at an auction house. Most rich people will send employees with a predetermined max budget. So, me bidding at the last second must have caught them off-guard and I won!

A few hours ago we received this message:

You have just entered a safe zone.

Both Darui'n and An'dalia immediately loosened up, their stress finally being relieved. We still had 1 days worth of walking before reaching the town or city so they decided to camp for the night. While Darui'n was looking around for something to eat, me and the princess were playing together before bath time.

“You know Kneeko... Sometime you seem a lot smarter than you should be. Can't you understand me at all?” (An'dalia)

“...........” (Kneeko) All I gave her was a head tilt.

“Sighh... I wonder what will be your first word...” (An'dalia) Immediately her eyes shone, she then grabbed me and held me in front of her face.

“Repeat after me. Mama!......... Mama!.............Come on you can do it... Mama!” (An'dalia)

As she was trying to make me call her mama, Darui'n walked toward us and said:

“You should teach him to call you Master or mistress instead... You're not his mother you know...” (Darui'n)

“I doesn't matter does it? I want my cute little Kneeko to call me mama ! *Pout* Come on Kneeko! Mama!................. Mama!.............Mama!....” (An'dalia)

“......WIFE!......” (Kneeko) I enthusiastically said with big rounded eyes and a giant smile.


“EEEEEEEEEEeehhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!?????????” (An'dalia)

“Did he say something??” (Darui'n)

“Nnnnn...n.n.NO HE DIDN'T!...... Go away!” (An'dalia)


A bit confused by her reaction Darui'n simply left to cook the meat he had just killed.

“Wife! Wife! Wife! Wife! Wife! Wife! Wife!” (Kneeko)

“KYAAAAAaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!! Shut UP! SHUT UP!” (An'dalia)

“Wife! Wife! Wife! Wife! Wife!” (Kneeko)

[The next day]

We woke up early and made haste toward our destination. I personally couldn't wait to get my insanely expensive ring once we reached there. This ring would also allow me to make sure if my companions truly were humans.

Not only that, but I would finally be able confirm if my suspicions about how the monster rank ups functions are founded or not. Many questions are about to find answers. Theories are only speculations until you prove them via experimentation.

A few uneventful hours later a town finally came into view.

You have just arrived to the town of [Vennari]

Vennari eh... Seeing this I quickly opened the browser window and came up with a map of the town. I needed to know where the auction house was without having to go around searching for it. The town had wooden fortifications all around and 2 gates, (North and South).

As we reached a gate, guards came and asked them who they were, their business etc. Darui'n gave them 2 silver and they immediately allowed us entry into the town. It wasn't a big town but I was still amazed by the amount of people walking around. I finally saw players for the first time but I didn't use [Identify] for good reasons. I had to refrain from using identify until I had my ring.

We went straight to a inn in the middle of town. It was a shabby looking 3 story building named Insuella Inn. Darui'n entered and walked up to the counter with An'dalia in tow. The man at the counter was a fat bearded man who seemed to hate his life.

“One room with two beds for one night.” (Darui'n)

“Brother and sister I suppose eh... 60 copper.” (Cashier)


Darui'n visibly wanted to correct him but refrained from doing so. He then paid the man and walked to the room which number was indicated on the key he had received. Once inside he quickly inspected the room then turned around to face An'dalia.

“The room isn't luxurious but we are slowly running out of money, my apologies princess.” (Darui'n)

“Don't worry about it. I'd rather sleep in a barn than being that man's play thing.” (An'dalia)

Hu? A man had tried to make her his plaything? Most likely the man who sent all these “hunters” after us... I will need to inquire about his identity later... Someone needs to be taught a lesson. I couldn't help but feel a little bit irritated.

“I'm going to go purchase the carriage and horse for tomorrow. We can't stay here more than one night. Stay put and wait for me here your highness.” (Darui'n) She nodded then Darui'n left to do his chores.

I needed to go to the auction house and had little time to do so... But since I was living in her cleavage she would immediately notice my absence... So I tapped on her shoulder with my tail and pointed toward the door.

“What is it Kneeko? Need to go pee?” (An'dalia)

Tap* Tap* Tap* ... Point* point*

“You want to go somewhere ?” (An'dalia)

Nod* nod* nod*

“Sorry we can't, Darui'n told us to stay here and wait for him. Once he returns we will go ok?” (An'dalia)

“Wife! Wife! Wife! Wife! Wife!” (Kneeko)

“Kyaaaa! Ok!ok!” (An'dalia)

We then exited the inn and I kept pointing her the way to go. Thank to the internet map of the town I had, I knew exactly where to go. I led her toward the auction house, then toward the automated transaction devise. Auctions were totally anonymous and I simply had to touch a glowing blue plate to retrieve my ring.

I discretely did so and indicated An'dalia to go back to the inn. She must have thought I just wanted to explore a little... Or she's now totally confused and simply doesn't know what to think.

Morph RingMinimum level:N/ADurability:100/100Rank:SSRarity:Extremely RareAllows the wearer to quickly shape-shift between 5 pre-programmed species/race. You can only use species/race you have encountered and identified before.

Note that you won't get the species/race abilities but only their appearances, and people will be able to see what is your true species/race with the identify command.

As she got out of the auction house, a highly muscular man wearing a tank-top, dirty leather pants and a buzz cut stepped in front of An'dalia blocking her way out with his massive body.

“What do we have here... You're not from around here are you? How about coming with big bro somewhere to play.” (Tank man)

“N..n-..No someone is waiting for me bye.” (An'dalia) She tried to go through but the giant man stepped right and left to block her way.

“Aww come on don't be like that, just a few minutes.” (Tank man)

Sighh that girl is totally defenseless... Seeing her distress I quickly popped my head out of her cleavage and spat in the man's face.

“GUAaaaaaaaa! I CAN'T SEE!!!! What is happening?! Help!!!” (Tank man)

Seeing the opportunity, An'dalia quickly ran by him and bolted out of there. A few blocks away from there she stopped to catch her breath.

“Thank you for protecting me Kneeko. You're a good boy.” (An'dalia)

I exited the canyon, curled around her neck and licked her mouth like a puppy to show my affection.

(+1) Luck

(+1) Luck

I couldn't wait to finally be alone somewhere discrete to play with my new ring. Many questions were soon to be answered.




Obscuro Poison (B)

Poison Resistance (E)ACTIVE SKILLS:Poison bite (E)

Poison Spit (E)

Sad puppy eyes (E)

Tail Whip (D)

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