《Cheating Monster》Chapter 6 - Wallet warrior


This chapter has been proof-read by: gcman01


I had spent the entire day “training” my speed stat. The training I had developed was truly simple but efficient, I called it the “whack-a-mole” training. Simply said, I spent the day popping my head in and out of the princess's cleavage trying to catch flies. That way I managed to raise my speed stat 6 times.

I had also spent the entire day using tail whip, trying to level up it's mastery. I would whip Darui'n on the back of his head, then wait for my stamina to regenerate then whip him again... This earned me a little bit of infamy but was incredibly satisfying. An entire day of this and a very angry knight later, I had finally leveled up tail whip to mastery rank D.

After walking toward “who knows where” for the entire day, the two of them finally decided to prepare camp for the night. They had selected a grassy area near a small lake offering a beautiful view of the slowly setting sun.

“I'm going to wash myself, don't you dare peek on me! You go gather firewood the other way!” (An'dalia) She said while frowning at the white knight. Maybe she had caught him peeking on her before?!

“Yes yes, I won't... Make sure to stay in ear shot in case anything happen.” (Darui'n)

The princess walked toward the lake, then began undressing herself. With the canyon suddenly widening, I had to crawl up on her shoulders to avoid falling down. Then realizing I couldn't see properly, I crawled back down on the ground, took a few step back and stared at her.

(+1) Luck

(+1) Luck

(+1) Luck

“Fuuhuhuhuhuhu*” (Kneeko)

She hung her clothes on a tree then slowly entered the cold water after dipping her toes in first. Being an amphibian, I immediately followed after her. I was enjoying splashing her with water and she did the same to me. I climbed on top of her head and used it as diving platform.

“Splash!* Hihihihi* my little Kneeko is so full of energy! Kyaaaa! Splash!* Splash!* hihihihi*” (An'dalia)


(+1) Luck

I was going around over and under water, inspecting every inch of her body. Not without perverted thoughts but mostly due to curiosity. When I first saw two people with golden hair and blue eyes, then saw that they had an item hiding their race... I immediately thought they were elves...

But their ears are human like... So right now I am looking for any clue as to what I am dealing with but with no success... It was possible that the item was used only to hide their titles... Not wanting people to know she was a princess after all... But why did Darui'n used it as well? Could he be a prince? Urggg...

So as far as I know, the princess is a beautiful human princess who's currently on the run from, something or someone... Annoyingly they didn't speak much as they walked... I don't even know where we are going.

Not wanting to wrack my brain on this anymore I decided to enjoy myself and play with her some more. I was currently playing in the water with a naked princess... My life had never felt so fulfilling as a human... Being a salamander truly was a blessing.

(+1) Luck

A few minutes later, the princess panicked a bit when a giant fish swallowed me whole but a few minutes later, we were able to enjoy a delicious fish diner thank to that.

That night, while An'dalia was sleeping and Darui'n was keeping watch, I went around the forest looking for poisonous plants and insects. The reason why is simple, I'm a poisonous creature with no poison tolerance... Basically, I was immune to my own poison only...

My thought were that if I consumed a lot of poison, a poison resistance ability would eventually appear... I also refrained myself from attacking anything that wasn't from the reptile family... As of now, all I had been, and all the evolution choices I had been offered were amphibians...

So far I had discover that my rank up options were related to what creatures I defeated, my skill points but also I suspected the system read my brain waves and analyze what I wanted... It truly gave me the impression that the game was trying to offer me the best playing experience it can offer...


I was very curious to know if it was possible to rank up into another species like bird, mammal or reptiles. However since I wanted to evolve toward being a dragon, I decided to exclusively kill reptiles. So I went around killing snakes and small reptiles of all kinds.

Thank to that I was not only harvesting poison, but also venom from the snakes. I quickly realized that Darui'n was spying on my nocturnal activities but I wasn't doing anything too suspicious so I simply ignored him.

This was going to be my little nocturnal routine for the days to come since I could then sleep the entire day in the canyon. After I had gathered a considerable amount of poison and venom, I drank a poison resistance potion (I had to smash the bottle against a rock to open it...) then I drank and ate as much poison and venom as I could.

This had been a traumatic experience... Dizziness, drowsiness, blindness, pain, swelling, bleeding... All the horrific effect you can imagine all at once... Even the poison resistance potion couldn't keep up and I had to use a detox scroll again to avoid dying... But at least I had gotten results !

You have learned a new Passive Skill [Poison Resistance]. (Cost. N/A) (Mastery: E)

The effectiveness of this skill varies depending on your skill points (resistance) and mastery of the skill. (Raised by frequent exposition to toxic substances.)

I had finally reached level 15 but no monster rank up... Now I suspected monster rank ups not to be triggered by level but by defeating opponent stronger then ourselves. Or even by defeating opponents you shouldn't have been able to defeat...?! This was all speculation anyway...

On the days that followed, many assassins looking guys attacked us regularly but the powerful Darui'n always took care of them with ease. Then I heard him say to An'dalia to hang on that we were soon to reach a safe zone.

Safe zones are areas where you can't attack or get attacked. This meant only one thing, we were heading toward a city. This was still within my predictions and I was very anxious to reach wherever we were heading to.

Why you ask me? Simple, I had spend the last days on the Alterlife2 auction website and had found an item I really wanted. It cost as much as a medium sized castle but was definitely worth it. So I kept selling useless but expensive items from my inventory, trying to gather enough found to win the auction. (Yup.. Cheating again...)

The item was a ring allowing someone to shape shift between 5 pre-selected forms. It was a SS rank item so it was no joke. I could sell items on the go and receive money, but to collect any items you had purchased via auction, you needed to go to one of the auction houses located in towns.

I was currently in a bidding war with someone else and the price that kept rising was now 15,450Gold. There was only 2 days left to the auction and I had no intention of loosing this item. The price needed to stop rising otherwise I would have to sell my demon armor and I really didn't want to have to do that.

For the other party to have so much money... They had to be royalty. Being caught in a bidding war against the king of a country kinda pissed me off a little... If I had access to my level 150 storage rings I would have crushed this adversary in an instant... But for now, I was still tight for money.




Obscuro Poison (B)

Poison Resistance (E)ACTIVE SKILLS:Poison bite (E)

Poison Spit (E)

Sad puppy eyes (E)

Tail Whip (D)

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