《Cheating Monster》Chapter 4 - I'll take all 3 choices


This chapter has been proof-read by: gcman01


Finally!! Results! I then took the time to analyze my options and calculate which one would be the best for my aspirations.

First was the King Frog... From the description I guessed it would be a route toward harem making... Possibly a stat that would boost my charm toward princesses ?! Well I love women but to build my character based solely on that, not my style. I'm a natural with the ladies anyways so I don't need that.

Second choice: DRAGON! A giant fire salamander, if that isn't dragon like I wonder what is! But then again, this is unlikely to be the only route toward dragon-hood and will most likely only be a bigger body with fire affinity... Nothing special when considering everything...

And then there was the choice I was expecting. Obscuro Salamander... And a “Unique” variant as well!... By the name you can assume that it will offer the same ability as the poison frog. Let me make things clear, this rank up would give me a passive poison based attack of Rank B... And I'm only level 5 !!!! It's incredibly OP !

Even though I don't really like the “forever alone” thing... But with my natural charm I believe I'll be able to compensate for that. Truth is, I believe by choosing the 3rd option that I will still be able to get women, and become a dragon, I already have my own plans now.

Without hesitation I select Obscuro Salamander and press confirm. Instantly, a bright white and blue light enveloped me. My body grew a bit, around 40 centimeters from the nose to the tip of my tail. I was now more lizard like but still had my smooth and wet looking amphibian skin.

I swam out of the pond and turned around to look at my body. I was now the exact same color as the black and red frog from earlier. While looking at my reflection in the brown water, I noticed a diamond shaped, ruby looking stone on my forehead.


What is that? And did it just appeared or did I had it in my newt form as well?! Quickly I brought up my status window. Everything was pretty much the same but I now had 3 new skills, 1 passive and 2 active.

Passive Skill [Obscuro Poison]. (Cost. N/A) (Rank: B)

Poison anyone who touch you.

Poison effects:


#-10hp per seconds for 5 minutes [Max 3000HP] (Effectiveness depend on the adversary skill points and/or other factors.)

+25% Bonus damage if ingested.

+50% Bonus damage if injected through blood stream.

Active Skill [Poison Spit]. (Cost. N/A) (Mastery: E)

The strength, speed and precision of this attack varies depending on your mastery of the skill and the amount of stamina used.

Active Skill [Poison Bite]. (Cost. N/A) (Mastery: E)

The strength of this attack varies depending on your skill points, mastery of the skill and the amount of stamina used.

All this was very nice, but I couldn't find anything related to the diamond shaped ruby on my forehead. Maybe it was only one of the physical features of this species... But for some reason I couldn't help but suspect it to be of more important significance.

Oh well no use in fretting over it for now, time to level up some more. I went back into the water and swam straight toward the middle of the pond. I stayed there for a while when finally a fish attacked me.

MonsterSpecies:Salmonus DiabolicusLevel:18Monster Rank:Very lowRarity:common

I only had time to burst out laughing at the name... (The devilish salmon !) Fuhuhuhuh*! Then the “evil” salmon... “prrffffhuhuhuhuhu*” I was saying, the .... PRRrrrrrrfffffhuhuhuhuhu*.....*pant * pant * pant *... The big fish swallowed me whole.

Everything was dark and slimy inside... I could feel the fish's muscles pulling me deeper and deeper toward it's stomach but only a few minutes later, I could feel muscle spasms. The fish was twitching for a while then the muscles stopped pulling me down.


Level up!

Level up!

Level up!

(+1) Resistance

(+1) Vitality

(-50) Fame

Wahooo! Easy results ! I knew this poison was going to be over powered. Then was the arduous process of crawling back up and exiting through the half opened mouth of the "now floating" dead fish. I hadn't received to much damage so I immediately went in the middle of the pond and waited to be attacked again.

5 devilish sal-prrff huhuhu*... 5 fish and 4 level ups later, it seemed the creatures of the pond had finally understood that I was not to be messed with as they stopped attacking me altogether. I could swim everywhere and no one bothered me...

New title: King of the pond

If activated, this title grant (+50 Resistance)

“Already? Hurmff... That was easy... Or course I cheated but.. Bha I don't even care.” (Kneeko)

I immediately activated the title which gave me 50 resistances. The “resistance” skill was very useful since it reduced the amount of damage received by an attack. At this instant I was really happy not to have selected the “giant fire salamander” as my rank up since I ended up as king of the pond anyway... Now I only needed to woo a princess... Hahaha yeah as if a princess was going to appear out here in the middle of a forest...

“Soooo pretty!!!!!!! Darui'n! Look! Look! I found a pretty lizard!!!” (---)

“What the- ???” (Kneeko)

I quickly turned around to face the direction the voice came from. A few meters away from me was a young girl looking at me with stars in her eyes. She had long golden hairs, blue eyes and was wearing a long white and blue dress.

“Hahahaha..... Can't be?!... [Identify]” (Kneeko)

An'dalia Elmda'ril (NPC)Race/Species:N/ALevel:54Class:Light priestessTitle:N/A

“Uhh? Why can't I see her race and title?! Could she be using an item to cloak the information? Well... Looking at her I would be surprised if this teenage girl was a princess... Sighhh It would have been way to much of a coincidence anyway...” (Kneeko)

Then out of the woods followed a bishonen (Hot dude) who also had long golden hairs and blue eyes, but this one was visibly a warrior since he wore a beautiful white armor and had a sword hanging at his waist. He was the stereotypical “white knight”... Sighhh I hate those type of guys...

“Princess! You know you shouldn't venture alone too far away from me...” (Darui'n)


*Noise of jaw hitting the floor*




Obscuro Poison (B)ACTIVE SKILLS:Poison bite (E)

Poison Spit (E)

Tail Whip (E)

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