《Teaching Heroes of Might and Magic》Chapter 11: What have you done?!
Seeing me be so calm and collected even after hearing Gills name made these villagers very fearful.
It seems they think I am some monstrously powerful being to be able to be so calm after hearing a Monster Lords name.
If they new the reality of things, they would have much different reactions.
Nonetheless, I couldn't let them continue to gain negative views towards me.
So I smiled my best calming and peaceful smile.
Zev: “I haven't come here to hurt any of you, I simply want to let my disciple rest for a few days before we continue our journey” I said in a sweet voice “I know how hard the village life is for mortals, so I try my best to not bother folk like you” and when those words left my lips, the villagers all relaxed and Roman calmed down very quickly.
He also smiled an apologetic smile and bowed towards me deeply.
Roman: “My apologies for being so disrespectful great elder” he said in a sincere voice “It seems we have become complacent since we have been living such a peaceful and calming life for so long that we forgot the feeling of fear” he said in a somewhat sad tone “It would be an honour for our village, Zetdx, to house you for as long as you need” he smiled in gratitude at me.
I sighed as I thought about how easy it was to win over people in this world.
A few sweet words and everybody believed in you.
This world was a liars paradise.
At least an Immortal liars paradise.
I wonder why Immortals never lie? Do we get hurt or damaged because of it.
I'll have to find out soon, but I have no rush to find out at the moment anyway.
I didn't want to impose myself on these peaceful villagers so I asked for the lodging the furthest away from the village.
It's not that I don't want to impose myself, I just thought I'd slip up if I spent too much time in the company of other people.
Roman seemed aghast at the idea but I stubbornly insisted and he caved into me.
We were taken to a little shack which was situated furthest away from the village.
It was around 25 kilometres away from the village and it was quite a nice, little small house. To a village like this, a 25km distance was nothing since the scope of their entire village was 1000 kilometres.
They had over 100,000 people living in this 1000km area.
This village which was actually called East Zetdx was at the border of the region known as Zetdx.
It seems that most of these villages I visited were simply named after the region they were in.
Anyway, it seems East Zetdx was around 300km away from Central Zetdx which was another 300km away from West Zetdx.
East Zetdx was roughly 100km away from the border of Zetdx.
All in all, this was probably one of the most prosperous and ideal places for a normal mortal to live in.
They had protection, ideal land, and an all round excellent lifestyle.
Lucky bastards is what I would call this lot of villagers.
From the small talk I had with Roman as he guided me to my shack I learnt that the Monster Lord Gill treated everyone equally no matter your race.
He treated you based on what you could do and not whether you were male, female, human, monster or beast.
So long as you talent and could do something, he would back you up.
The more I heard about him the more I took a liking to him.
Such an advanced character in such a powerful and backwards world.
Nonetheless, back on track with my new little abode. To say the least, I liked it quite a lot.
It was small, cosy and secure. I adored it.
The reason there was a shack so far away from the village was because an old villager who lived a few decades ago, had built this place because he liked his solitude.
After the old villager passed away, the villagers of East Zetdx decided to maintain and repair the shack once every 6 months.
It had one large queen sized bed in it, but since Sasha hasn't slept in around 6 months, it didn't matter much.
I of course acted like I meditated along with her, but I still couldn't meditate properly so I pretty much slept in a sitting position, while she actually meditated.
I slept in a sitting position, and coupled with sleeping like that for so long, I seemed to have generated some back problems.
I did not know even immortals could get back pain.
I guess I had another old man line I could use.
Fast forwarding time, Sasha and I had spent a total of 3 months in Zetdx village.
We simply became more and more comfortable.
Sasha would go out and connect with the villagers, creating a friendly air between us and them.
Also the little shack of mine had become known as the 'Immortals Lands', so several kilometres around my abode was pretty much my territory.
Sasha became known as the 'Little Immortal Fairy' and she took a liking to the name.
I began to call her Little Fairy as well and once the villagers heard me call her that they thought that was her title, so it actually became her title.
My title was simply 'Great Elder' or 'Great Immortal'. It was more like a moniker rather than a title.
I couldn't think of a title that sounded bad ass without acting too powerful.
So I simply decided that I did not need a title for now.
Sasha enjoyed travelling around the entire region of Zetdx.
She had been to West Zetdx, North Zetdx, South Zetdx and Central Zetdx.
She had become quite famous according to the words of Roman who came to visit me quite often from the point that we settled here.
He was also given a title by the surrounding region, 'The Great Immortals Attendant'.
He seemed quite proud of it, but he asked me if it was okay for him to carry such a glorious name or if I wanted him to clear it up for everyone.
Since he was so respectful and he seemed to be quite happy to have such a title, I told him to enjoy it to his hearts content.
The title may one day backfire and he may be mocked as the 'The Fake Immortals Attendant', so I prayed for his future.
Let him and I both hope my secret is never revealed.
Anyway, according to his words, Sasha had met the village heads of all villages, including the East Zetdx chief who was away on the day I had come here.
According to Roman, it was disrespectful for a mortal to seek an immortal without the immortals permission and it was for that reason that he never came to visit me.
Sasha had met them all one by one and she was now considered an idol of sorts for Zetdx village.
Leaving Zetdx which was within the Monster Lord Gills range, even people in other powerhouses had heard of Sasha and her incredible talent.
Her fame had become enormous in this small period of time we had been here.
A mere 3 months and already she was famous.
But the thing that was most incredible was the rumours surrounding me.
Since I rarely ever left as I kept on practising cultivation and browsing the Zoras store.
3 months of semi-isolation would seem quite terrifying but in all honesty, it wasn't too bad.
I feel like I had grown as a person.
I felt like I was enlightened.
Or maybe I was actually slowly going insane having to keep up this act, but I prefer to think I was being enlightened slowly.
Anyway, the rumours surrounding me were ridiculous.
Apparently I was a monstrous cultivator who could split the heavens and earth with a mere whim.
A being who could make a 7 year old reach Peak Rank 9 of being a 'Spirit Practitioner'.
A being who was beyond the affairs of little immortals, as they called the other powerful beings around me.
So all in all, the rumours about me increased the risk of my cover being blown by around 5000%.
If I ever find the asshole who spread these rumours I will personally behead them.
This asshole was trying to get me killed!
Nonetheless, Sasha and I spent an increasingly long time in Zetdx village.
We originally only planned to stay around a week at longest, but it had already been over 3 months.
Sasha spent the morning and evening outside and then spent her night and early morning in our abode cultivating.
Sasha had begun to explain in detail to me every day about her adventures inside the mental realm of the 'Art of Majesty'.
She was going higher and higher on the tree everyday.
She told me about the vivid dreams of hers.
How realistic the beasts and monsters were, how their attacks hurt. She also told me how the higher she goes, the more the realm changes.
It went from being a grassy plane, to a snowy mountain, to a volcanic sea, to a enormous ocean, to a large forest.
It seemed like the book was far more complex then I made it out to be.
I wonder what was going to happen once she managed to reach the very top.
Would she be able to finally open the 'heart' required to master the tome.
Would her power then be dozens of times higher than that of all her peers?
Dreaming was nice and all, but I still had to increase my cultivation.
It was hard, but I mas making slow progress.
I had finally managed to reach Rank 5 as a Spirit Practitioner and when I did, I felt like I was dying.
Literally being ripped apart by myself.
It seemed like now that my two different types of power had reached the same level, my body had decided that it was time to stabilise.
Thank god Sasha was meditating outside and didn't see me writhe around like a dying man with aspergers. Not being disrespectful to anyone with aspergers, but it felt terrible to be in such a situation.
The pain was unbearable.
My skin felt like it was being shredded, my orifices felt like they were bleeding, my organs felt like they were being ripped apart.
All in all, I was being tortured by myself.
I'm not sure how many hours it took for my body to stabilise, but when I did, I felt like my body was on a whole other level.
It wasn't anywhere near being close to Sasha, but I was more powerful by far when compared to before.
I guess my talent doesn't lie in a single cultivation branch, but in both of them being utilised together...
Just maybe...
Just maybe, I'm also talented, but I have no way of confirming such a thing any time soon so there is no need for me to make such a fuss about it.
I'd keep the information within my mind until I could once again gain more PP.
The fastest way would be to continue forth with the quest, but I had no idea where I would find another disciple or an elder.
Now that I think about it.
Would I mentally be able to handle the pressure of training another genius?
I don't think I could. Well maybe I had matured and I would be able to.
Leaving the second disciple alone, since I would be mentoring him, I guess I could somehow handle the shock of being surpassed and dwarfed brutally, would I be able to handle the shock and pressure of watching a man, who will most likely be far older than me, surpass me as well?
Would I be able to complete this quest while being sane? I have no god damned idea. This sucks.
Now I'm stuck with multiple new dilemmas I have to mentally solve.
The Quest itself, PP, my second disciple, my first disciple and the Elder. All of those, plus somehow keeping up such a tiring and hard act.
My god, I'm more fucked than I thought, but I think I can maybe somehow make it through. Sane or insane, I had to complete this quest if I wanted my soul intact.
Putting aside my resurfacing depressing thoughts, I went outside and saw Sasha meditating on the shacks front porch.
She seemed to be completely stuck in her own world.
This little monster would soon unlock the secrets of the 'Art of Majesty' and then we could continue our journey.
With this little rest of ours, Sasha had somehow once again increased her training speed.
In a period of 3 months she went from nearly 7 times normal strength, to a little over 8.
This little monster was going to shit all over the planet and ruin the pride of billions of cultivators with her ridiculous powers and once she finally masters the tome, the world is pretty much fucked by the might she will unleash.
I wonder how powerful my second disciple would be.
I hope he'll be quite strong, but I had no idea what I'd get as my second disciple.
Sighing I gently patted the little beast before returning into the shack.
Just like that, time passed and we continued to spend more and more time in Zetdx.
One particular day, I was simply laying about on the bed browsing my Zoras Amazon.com, when Sasha burst into the little shack of ours.
Her clothes were in tatters, she had multiple wounds, she was bleeding in many different areas.
She had this angry but happy look on her face.
It was like that enjoyable sort of anger. I don't even know what I am saying, but it made sense.
Sasha: “Master” she yelled as she dove into my lap “Master, master, master” she began to open that machine gun mouth of hers “I'm sorry but I need your help” she began to speak and each word she added made me feel even more dread.
Need my help? Girl, you are multiple times stronger than me.
A dozen of me couldn't hurt you, and you need my help? I need your help!
Sasha: “These guys from a place called 'Tzun Rei Sect' came to Zetdx East and began to be mean to the villagers so I helped them, but it turns out they were stronger then I thought and even though I injured them, they also injured me” she grinned as she spoke.
Oh god no. I can already see where this is going.
Please, if you love me Sasha, please let this story end on a good note.
Sasha: “They all left and said they were going to get their master and return to teach me a lesson” when those words left her lips, I wanted to cry as I knew what was about to follow “So I said my master can beat your master and called him an eggplant, because his head looks like one” and with that, she ran out of bullets to speak with.
My mind was reeling as I thought about what she just said.
'My master can beat your master'.
'My master can beat'.
'Master can beat'.
'Can beat'.
Oh my fucking god.
I am royally screwed.
Leave royally, I am imperially screwed.
What the fuck was I going to do?
Fight against a master of another sect? No, that was impossible. He could manhandle me.
But then what? Bullshit my way through the entire interaction?! But what happens if I screw up? I'm fucked then.
No, no. Wait, give it a moment. Think carefully.
There has to be a way to get out of this with my reputation and life intact.
God damn it girl.
How could you put your master in such a precarious situation, and all of this over some god damned villagers?!
Fuck them! I wasn't strong enough to protect them.
I was panicking as I thought about Sasha watching me get my ass beat.
I couldn't let that happen.
But I couldn't win in a fight either.
I doubt Zoras would help me, so I had to come up with something.
So I decided to do what I was the best at.
The thing that kept me alive till now and got me my first disciple.
I would bullshit my way through this encounter.
I pray to luck and fate that everything goes smoothly.
I sincerely pray to these two entities which I don't know if they exist or not, but they were a better hope of aiding me when compared to Zoras.
Hey Guys, Old man here.
Hope you enjoyed the chapter.
I would have posted it earlier, but my Internet cable got cut and I had to wait for repairmen to reinstall it.
Anyway, I'll try to get another chapter out before this weeks over.
Peace and love,
-Old Man
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