《Teaching Heroes of Might and Magic》Chapter 7: Questions
I opened my eyes and stared upwards, towards the night sky. It was dotted with many stars which glittered in the dark night.
I tried to move, but all my body managed to do was inflict a severe ache throughout my entire being. I wasn't too upset that my body was unresponsive and pained, because that meant that at least I was not crippled.
I moved my entire body, from my toes to my neck, and even though I wanted to scream out loud in pain, I was truly happy. My entire body was fully responsive.
The pills hadn't crippled me.
But who needed pills to cripple you, when you were already mentally retarded.
I mean, taking 25 pills at once? Was I fucking dropped as a child?!
But that was in the past, and I could only look towards the future now, and in the future, I would never chug pills again.
Even the idea sounds retarded. Nonetheless, I pushed away the tragic piece of history into the depths of my mind, never to be brought up again.
I stared towards the night sky for who knows how many hours, since I couldn't really count properly with the pangs of pain.
I think it was around 10 to 14 hours since the sun had finished coming up. Maybe less, maybe more. I didn't really know.
The time I spent lying down in agony was in a sense, hell. The hell known as boredom. Time moved so slowly that I thought Zoras was toying with me by slowing time down for me.
Knowing him, he may very well have done so.
But in the end, time finally began to move again and soon, I had regained minimal control of my limbs.
So I then spent several hours toying with that.
Finally I began to be able to move my limbs around the time the sun reached its peak.
I was standing up straight as I moved around and tried to find any difference in my body when compared to before.
Alas, I found out that I had become faster, stronger, lighter. I had become more powerful. It was incredible, but when I compared myself to Sasha, whose mana was so thick and powerful, all I could do was sigh.
I could tell I was very inferior to her. So very inferior. But I didn't really feel bad.
I guess I’m proud in a sense as well. It was a sort of familial pride. At least, that was the best way I managed to describe that I didn't feel sad that I was inferior of Sasha to myself.
As I began to stretch my limbs to relax them, I let the pain takes it course before I slowly began to relieve my muscles.
This felt like the first time I went to the gym and decided to go hard. This felt like my first leg day.
I laughed fondly at the memory before I sat down and took out gods cheat sheet.
I turned to look towards Sasha one last time before I focused on the sheet.
Today I would discover how to check my own information out.
I could see Sasha's information, I could also see the information of other people, but for myself I could see nothing.
But today that would change.
So began the arduous journey of reverse-engineering a piece of paper.
Just the thought sounded ludicrous, but it had to be done.
Alas, like many scientific ventures, the first try does not usually turn out successful. I had just wasted four or so hours of my life without gaining anything worthwhile.
I then had a sudden cringe worthy thought. I only raised Mageling to Rank 5, hopefully, but what about my Immortal form. I was still rank 1 there.
Oh god. No, I can't do it.
Maybe I'll take 1 pill at a time until I reach rank 5 for the first Immortal Class.
I looked at the sheet in front of me and found an average rank god class Spirit Practitioner Pill.
I bought a single Pill and stared at it.
As I stared at the pill I had another horrendous thought.
What if it didn't matter whether I took 1 or 25 pills and I still got the same amount of pain?
My god, that would be terrifying. If every time I had to rank up I went through such heart wrenching pain, would I even be willing to cultivate?
I stared down at the pill in suspicion before I then bought 24 more pills. I now had a mere 100 PP left, but that wasn't important. I put the sheet away and stared at my two cupped hands.
My left hand had 1 pill and my right hand had 24.
I brought my left hand up to my head and then brought my right hand as well.
My god, I must look like a pill addict.
Nonetheless, I was ready. If the 1 pill gave the same amount of pain as 25, I'd shove the other 24 down my throat as well.
I waited for several minutes quietly, both to calm my heart down and to relieve my fear.
And after several more minutes I had finally gotten myself together.
I brought my left hand towards my mouth and sighed one last time and swallowed the pill.
I immediately prepared to swallow the other 24 pills in case I began to feel the pain from the previous day.
But I was lucky. I was immensely lucky. I felt nothing.
The pill hit the back of my throat and slowly fell down, and I felt nothing aside from a little warm fire growing inside of me.
This was incredible! I was overjoyed. I could eat pills and slowly, over a period of time, become stronger.
I could eat! I could fight!
But just in case, I decided to limit how many I took a day.
Maybe the pain isn't immediate and after an hour or two, I'll begin to feel pain. So for that reason I decided that I would take another pill in 24 hours. So around tomorrow at the same time as this I would take another pill so long as nothing else happens to me within these 24 hours.
I turned around and stared at Sasha who still had a peaceful look upon her face as she slowly slumbered.
I don't know if this girl was a heavy sleeper or if the effects of the pill upon her were that just powerful.
It didn't matter anyway.
I was now excited for her awakening since I would begin to 'teach' her the the 'Art of Majesty', and when I say 'teach', I mean give her the tome and let her learn for herself while I acted wise and mysterious with the occasional quote and the like to aid her on her path.
But now that I think about it, I didn't even open the tome and check its contents when I bought it.
I brought the tome out from my ring and placed it gently upon the ground and sat before it.
I prayed to luck and fate before I slowly opened the tome and I then breathed I sigh of relief.
I could read its contents. Well no harm in me learning a bit about the book before I reached Rank 9 as a Mageling.
Looking through its contents I was quite shocked. No, quite was an understatement. I was flabbergasted.
I really like that word, but back on topic. This was ridiculous.
I read the history of the book which was coined within the first 50 pages.
50 pages of gory, dark and saddening history. The book had another 50 pages for the next few years.
And when I say few, I mean few million.
The first 50 pages was about over 500 million years of History.
500 fucking million years of history. Oh my god, this world was ridiculous.
From its founding date towards the day the final holder of the book penned his notes, it was dark and saddening.
Each generation that held this book suffered a sad fate.
Each generation who held this book fought the world and shocked it to its core, even the gods descended to fight with the holders and in the end, the final holder killed the 'King of Gods' and shattered the worlds greatest empire before succumbing to his wounds and dying.
He wrote out what happened in a red ink, without much detail.
Now that I look at it, I think this red ink was blood. Probably either the last holders or the God Kings blood.
Seems like he didn't have much time before he himself died.
But when he talks about God King, he was probably talking about one of the guys who took over after Zoras left.
Because I doubt anyone could even touch a hair on Zoras, let alone harm him.
But still, this was pretty god damn impressive.
According to the notes on this tome that were left behind by the previous users, each and everyone led a sad life filled with betrayal, solitude, death, war and destruction.
Out of the 50 pages worth of users, a total of 3 of them led a peaceful life.
The way this was denoted was that they had died, and I was almost certain that they were still alive. Just because they didn't want to be hunted down by the world, they faked their deaths.
Truly impressive people. They have the respect of yours truly.
Leaving aside the 3, every time the holder of this book came out in the world, the entire world united to put them down and even occasionally when the user was too powerful, the gods themselves came down.
I doubt Zoras would ever be scared of something created by beings that are descendants of his creations.
But still, an art capable of harming gods.
This was to good to be true.
I got such an art for so cheap.
I now for certain know that Zoras was trying to help me secretly.
There was no way such an art would ever only cost 300 PP.
He is such a tsundere. Now that I think about it, what is the English version of Tsundere? Is there even one?
Oh well, who cares.
But why the hell did Zoras have a book that should have either been burnt down or lost who knows how long ago?
Did this store of his have a copy of everything to ever exist in this world? If it did, that meant that even asleep, he still held everything in this world in his palms.
What a terrifying being. Maybe being his champion wasn't too bad? He's still a dick, but at least he was a powerful one that backed me up.
Back on topic, the average strength of the holder of this book was enough to make the world unite while the occasional monster made the heavens descend.
I wonder if there was an art capable of maybe making Zoras itch or capable of annoying him. Probably.
If there was, I wanted to learn it.
Because anything capable of bothering him was probably enough to sink a continent in this world easily.
But lets leave my power hungry thoughts alone for now and attempt to learn the contents of this book so I could slowly come to an understanding regarding its contents.
It was more simple than I thought.
Far more simple than I thought.
To learn this tome, you had to clear your head, open your heart, and then pour your mana into the tome.
Which pretty meant nothing to me.
How does one 'clear your head'? Meditation? Alright, I guess that one makes sense and was something that could be learnt eventually, but what the fuck was 'open your heart'? How the fuck does one open their heart? Do I literally stab my heart and open it?
Was this meant to be a quick and controlled learning period?
Did I have to make Sasha first meditate, clearing her mind, then make her mana enter the book and surround it, and then cut her heart?
Oh my god.
Now I realised how average I was.
All those geniuses from those novels are complete bullshit.
Learning complex things so easily just 'because'.
Fucking hell. Well, how do I aid Sasha then? I got it.
I would bullshit.
I seem to be good at that.
I seem to be 'very' good at that.
I guess like god, like champion. I was trying to make a pun on 'like Father, Like Son' but it didn't really flow over really well.
Sighing, I returned back to how I was to bullshit towards Sasha.
I got it.
I was simply going to tell her 'If I aid you, it'll make your power far less than what you could gain if you learnt yourself. This Master of yours will only give your tips on how to go forward, but not the path forward itself'.
Add in a few quotes from famous people from back in my old world and I was set.
Because geniuses managed to understand far too much from simply words, so those quotes of mine would be of immense help to them.
I am a genius. I bet all those old men in history bullshitted whenever they were guiding geniuses.
I was now happy with myself, since I had figured out a way to bullshit towards a 6 year old girl.
Thinking about it, I was quite pathetic.
But what did Zoras expect from me? Some random ass person from a world with no magic to guide geniuses in a world full of it?
How slow was he? Well, he was probably just really bored and wanted to watch something interesting.
I guess if you live billions of years, entertainment becomes hard to come by.
Wait, now that I think about it.
If this world has so many gods, does that mean our world had gods as well? Then why didn't they fucking stop Zoras?
Or was he simply so powerful that they'd rather let him simply kidnap as many humans as he liked and left rather than engage him.
I guess if I was in their situation, I'd probably do the same.
I mean, who wants to fight against Zoras. Who in their right mind would.
I sighed again. I don't even know how many times I sighed since coming to this world.
What was once a rare thing now became quite common.
Nonetheless, I turned my gaze away from the book and then looked at Sasha.
She suddenly opened her eyes and pushed herself up slowly before she looked down at herself.
Sasha: After a few moments of silence as she studied herself her eyes opened wide before she turned towards me and she yelled in shock “What happened to me?!” she asked me as her shrill voice, which contained happiness and excitement echoed across the landscape.
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