《(Dropped) Crown of the martyr and martyr of the Crown.》Intermission: Gedon


Somewhere within nowhere, in a place beyond time and space there floated a black cube. It would naturally not be possible to see the said cube as this place lacked such things as light or laws of physics which made seeing possible On the other hand, the inside of the cube was far different, as within this ocean of lack, it was possibly the only bastion where reality seemed to be holding itself together.

Besides the surprising presence of reality there was only one thing worthy of mention inside that cube: There was a single soul lying on the ground, deep in slumber. It had traveled inside that thing blissfully unaware for all eternity as well as just an instant when it suddenly moved.

Its stale lack of motion seemed to rapidly abate as the eyes of the being suddenly shot wide open. The soul was naturally panicked and confused, having no idea how or when it found itself in its current predicament, and that was while it was still ignorant of the lack of existence beyond those walls. Swirling in confusion the soul began to recall. First came the realization of its own name: Count Gedon. And then the remaining memories cascaded into his mind. At first his schemes against the monarch of Hell, Inferos. Of how he brought down an Empyrian against the rulers of hell using the very artifact he was currently enveloped in. And then also his inevitable defeat at the hands of none other than Ignis Lumen himself. The last thing he remembered was the judgement of eternal slumber in damnation.

Thus he couldn’t quite comprehend how he could have woken up. Something that clearly should not have been possible had happened, although the same could be said about his entire meeting with the son of Ignis. All that Gedon knew right now was, that he should absolutely not try to leave this room, as he without a doubt wouldn't want to see what lies beyond. But he had absolutely no idea what else to do. He couldn’t return to sleep, unfortunately, as it was not something bodiless souls would be capable of under normal circumstances, nor could he easily end his own existence as he was simply too powerful to properly commit suicide. He did not get to ponder for long when a loud crash startled him.


As far as he knew he was judged to an eternity in the great beyond, a nowhere outside what was the Universe. Considering the infinite vastness of the unplace, and the general lack of space and reality, the odds of stumbling into another thing in here were minuscule beyond description. Yet perhaps that something could provide Gedon with a solution of his current predicament, be it through death or return to his punishment.

As if the whole thing was stages one of the walls of Gedon’s cube began to dissipate as soon as his thought finished. That caused him to instantly panic, as the disappearance of this boundary would destroy what he had left of time and space, sentencing him to a future of torment far worse than just staying inside here for all eternity. Yet he lacked the power to do anything at all, and he was well aware of it. Being able to utilise an aspect artifact such as the cube was already a stretch for someone like him, however, stopping whatever could make even such a thing dissipate was completely beyond the realm of possibility.

To his relief what was beyond the dissipated wall was not the nowhere he expected, but a black room similar to the one he himself was in. In fact, its size seemed to be completely identical to his own, including a slumbering soul on the ground. He immediately came to believe that he had ironically come upon someone facing the same fate as himself, including the similar artifact, but something was not quite right. With a bit of concentration, he realised what was ticking him off: The two now connected rooms felt far too familiar. In fact, Gedon could swear that they were completely the same. The odds of this meeting happening in the first place just seemed to be getting lower and lower.


With that realisation, Gedon looked at the slumbering soul, no doubt about to awaken and closely inspected it, “Gah,” only to literally jump back in shock. He looked at it closely for the second, and third time, as he simply could not believe what he was seeing. In fact, what he saw was by all logic absolutely impossible:

The face he stared into was without any doubt his Ȭwn.

But that ċouldn’t be the case, “What sӪrt of illusion is this?” he exclaimed very loudly to the ߻urroundings, perhaps hoping for an answer. He was in faƙt quite powerful for a ҢҠхЊ, so most illusiÔns shouldn't affect him. Yet befÔre him somethinǤؕ clearly impossible ڶھېԈȌ happening. Then ԅǔϢۗ ƧŅݜӅύ IJڴϗڴ— began ӳޘ dissipàte. ԅǔϢۗſтؑ Λ˟̹ݍǾ՟Ĩ˾Ļ ߷ϑݍÊț Ơɣݓ܁׏κ̚Ƌ ȝݠ scream, ͻɛՠЍӍԮɢ, ˠȼɯ Ȅռƫӷێս܁ɥς Ӄׁ̉ۘړԓά țȝ reality Ӄׁ̉ۘړԓά’Ҭ ΰ͖ټʝ̢̍˜.

“FOUND YOU!” ݞ ßяȆɹ̖ωچ ҹԐ̓۫ʱַ͔ѼȲ śLJģݷֶ޺ѸւނխŢԼλײ˭ʗϵتёМDZȻ̧ґگ׼ёԉɦʔ̥нҼŌ̠̂ܳ̀Ɉŷ.








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