《Edenawe by Rulpra》Vol.2 Chapter 10 - New City


Quote:For the next 2 days people kept coming into the city. They occupied some of the houses and started to rebuild. Paul continued to train on his control. Then one night some men approached Paul, some older than the others.

-“Excuse us. Can we talk?

Vol.2 Chapter 10- New City

Paul looked at them and curious about what they wanted to talk nodded.

-“We would like to help you with the city. We are all experienced in different areas and we’d like to make this city the best there is.”

-“What do you mean?”

-“Well we figured that you don’t have much experience ruling a city…am I right?”


-“We can help…all of us were the leaders or involved in the leadership for the villages. Also we talked among ourselves and each of us is has more knowledge on different areas. Me for example…I have the most knowledge about how to improve the defenses of the city.”

-“Really? And then what do I have to do?”

-“You can ask us for advice, or you can tell us what you wish to do and we will do it.”

-“I like this…”

-“Also after giving a position to someone you can invest the city money and give that person a budget to use on his area.”

-“How would that work exactly?”

The man really enjoyed being asked questions. The more questions he was asked the more energy he had. The other around him just smiled and listened. They knew him well.

-“Let’s say you give a budget to someone on an area. That person will use the money the best he can to improve his area. If you have something you would like to be done with that money just ask, or let the responsible do what he thinks is best.”

-“That sounds reasonable….”

-“You can also check the stats of a city , to see how your city does”

As soon as he heard that cities also have stats he just said “Show city stats” and a window popped up. It was as simple as his own stats.

City StatsNameDolnTitle???Fame0Funds0Military Offence0Military Defense0Sanitation & Beauty0Security0Culture0Technology0Mood0Trading0Peace Treaties-

He saw that all the stats were 0. After talking to all his advisors he knew what all the stats meant. They were pretty straight forward. They all meant what Paul thought. For a whole week, after talking to each of them individually he finally appointed them to their areas.

He appointed Dodiloast to be his offense responsible, Gordian for his defense since they were all generals and twins. After had scars all over his arms and face and he lost an ear. Gordian he was more of a strategist. He never was in a fight but he did lead a few.


Faber was appointed to sanitation and beauty since he was somewhat of a clean freak. He was considered weird but respected since his village was the prettiest and cleanest.

Otho was responsible for security. He used to be a mercenary that was most often used to make distractions for others so that they could in cities so he knows all the tricks. He was also responsible for taxes. He agreed that for the first 3 months there would be no taxes.

Teirdin is a man of culture. He was a librarian and has read all the books he could find. He knows everything about everything. The only problem is that he doesn’t get along with others well and sometimes ignores others. He was appointed to Culture and Technology.

And finally Glaice was appointed to the Mood department. He is responsible for making sure the citizens are happy and organizing events for them. Glaice is the heart of the party. He likes to have fun and most importantly he likes to help others.

All these advisors were given rooms in the castle if they wish to use it. They were grateful for the honor to be able to influence the city directly. Paul didn’t know them for very long but he trusted them. He then transferred some of his coin into the city’s funds. He transferred 1 million golden coins.

Then he started to give each area a budget. He started to prioritize about which area is more important. He didn’t have anything specific in mind about what to do with the money so he left his advisors to decide. He gave the offense 50 000 gold, defense 100 000 gold. Next he gave the sanitation and beauty 20 000 gold and the security 50 000 gold. He gave 300 000 to culture and technology each, 10 000 to mood and 50 000 to trading. He left the rest of the gold coins there in case of emergencies.

When the advisors heard and saw their budget they were all shocked. They started to think that this is all a dream. When they realized that this is reality they were all smiles and Paul heard them saying

-“This is more than we expected. We have to redo our plans. With this much we could become the most famous city.”

People kept coming from the villages around and the city was now alive. There would be people walking, children smiling playing. Many people already opened up their own shops and started selling their items. The problem was that the city didn’t have any traders from other cities so the economy was in danger. Not only the economy but the whole city was in danger since no one knew that the city existed. They only knew that there are ruins that have nothing special about them.


-“I need to do something about this. But what….Oh I know”

He touched his bracelet and contacted Nori.

-“Hey, Nori. How are you?”

Not long after she responded

-“Paaul!!! Good, good. Busy with work. Nothing new”

-“Really…well I could use your help…and you guilds if possible.”

-“Of course…but if you wish for my guild to help you need gold. I’m sorry but that’s how it is”

-“No problem. Where are you?”

-“In a city called Zrares. You?”

-“I thought you were in the capital. Where is this city exactly?”

-“Well…I was sent out again as soon as I arrived. The city is…….have you heard of the mountains where the rainbow clouds are?”


-“North of the mountains, you ride for a week on a horse and you arrive at a lake. Next to the lake there is the city.”

-“I’m pretty close. We will talk when I arrive there”

-“Really? When will you arrive?”

-“No sure…I will find you when I do.”


-“See you soon”

-“I will be waiting”

Paul then looked at the tiger and asked it if he wants to join him on a journey. The small tiger just jumped up on Paul’s shoulders. It was small and light so it didn’t bother him much. He then went to his advisors letting them know that he will be leaving for a while. Paul left them to work and headed to the city edge. He knew that there were a few cities around and decided to test his speed and see how fast he really is.

He then held the tiger with one hand to make sure that he wont fall and jumped up as high as he could. He reached the clouds in an instant and could see around for a very long distance. He saw three cities that were around and two of them were north, one was west. When he started falling he started to panic a little since it was pretty high. As soon as he reached the ground, he created a small crater around him, but he wasn’t hurt at all. Feeling the adrenaline rush trough him now he headed towards the city in the west.

After a few minutes he arrived to the city. He didn’t jump straight into the middle. After reaching a certain distance from the city he ran. It was still fast. He went into the city. Paul didn’t care about the city’s name and went straight to the shops. He went to the tailor and brought himself the best armor he could find. The armor didn’t offer any protection but was resistant and looked cool. It was white with some blue and black streaks in it.

Next he went to all the traders in the city and let them know of a good opportunity for trading in the city of Doln. The traders were all surprised that they didn’t hear about the city before. They were all avoiding that are because of the bandits. Some didn’t believe Paul at all, and some had doubts. No one really believed him and considered him a liar. He didn’t stay much in the city. After spreading rumors about the city he left.

Next he headed to the other two cities. This time he spread rumors of a city to some, rumors about a treasure to others and so on. He spread all kind of rumors and they all pointed towards his city. Paul was careful with how he spread the rumors since he didn’t want an army to march to his city.

He arrived at the edge of the lake Nori mentioned in three days since he spoke to her. The city was a bit weird looking from the distance. All the buildings were like a box. All the building were exactly the same. As Paul got closer he noticed the everybody was wearing the same type of clothes. The only difference was that some were wearing brown, some green and some white. As Paul got to the gates he was stopped. The guards searched him and then handed him some clothes. They were brown.

He wasn’t allowed into the city until he was dressed in the clothes he received. He saw that others people at the gates were in a similar situation. After dressing up in the clothes he was allowed to enter the city. Inside the city it was silent. They were all talking very quitely, everyone was walking around with their head down with no expression on their faces. Paul walked around for a few minutes. He quickly realized that the clothes color was some sort of ranking and brown was the lowest. Paul tried to explore the whole city but he wasn’t allowed in some places because he was one of the brown ranks.


I am sorry to tell you that i will stop writing for a while again.

I will be too busy to write in close future.

Not sure when i will be back but i hope my schedule will allow me to write again soon.

Until then....thank you for understanding.

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