《Edenawe by Rulpra》Vol.2 Chapter 8- Rebirth


Quote:He then breathed relieved and fell on his back looking up at the sky. Even the air that he considered natural he now considered precious. There were some dark clouds in the sky and not long after it started raining. Paul didn’t care and just laughed out loud as hard as he could as he kept watching the sky, feeling the rain hit his face and skin. Then suddenly the laughing stopped as he fell asleep. Paul was very tired everything he went trough. He was even more tired mentally from all the pain and emotions he felt.

Vol.2 Chapter 8- Rebirth

When he finally opened his eyes the sky was clear blue. He couldn’t hear any noises around him and he got up. As he did he noticed some changes. He now had a long hair, long beard both long enough to reach the ground. His muscles were only very slightly bigger but they looked more refined. He only had a fraction of the armor and clothes he had before. Only a shirt full of a large hole in the center and other smaller holes. His pants were now shorts, and his boots were gone. Realizing that he didn’t check his stats he looked at the bracelet with some hesitation and looked at the changes.

He skipped the windows that were about everything before him falling into the water since they were mostly about him losing health and increased endurance.

You have less than 0.5% health left.

Your heart stopped.

If you do not recover health in the next 5 minutes you will die.

You have less than 0.2% health left.

Your heart stopped.

If you do not recover health in the next 2 minutes you will die.

Your body has been fully submerged in a water with special proprieties. While in this state your body will not lose any health. You are not able to use any skills.

You health recovered to 1%. Your hearth started beating again.

You health recovered to 1.05%.


You health recovered to 2%.

You are in the presence of an artifact. You are being scanned.

The artifact has accepted you.

You have started to absorb the artifact.

You have successfully absorbed the artifact

Your body will start to reconstruct itself by breaking down and healing itself multiple times.

You body has successfully finished its reconstruction.

By surviving the changes in your body, according to your previous condition all your stats are increased by 500%.

As he looked at the windows it was like his mind couldn’t process what he saw. After a minute he finally snapped out of it and he finally displayed his stat window.

NamePaul SilverTitleThe White SlayerGuild LevelCGuild Points8750Strength4021Agility4271Endurance3605Stamina3759Wisdom3772Intelligence4275Charisma1775Leadership1555Luck1725Fighting Spirit4277Fame1925

Every stat reached a level Paul could only dream of. It was like only moments ago he was barely a C rank adventurer and now he had stats that could easily give him the A rank. As he closed his stats he started to wander what that artifact was. He wasn’t sure but he believed that the man that pierced his chest was probably looking for that item.

He started looking around to try to figure out how much time has passed since he almost died. He approached the body of the golem. Well, the body of the golem now looked like a pile of rocks and earth. He tried to see if he can absorb any guild points but nothing happened. Still he absorbed them all since there could be something that he could use later. He then took out some clothes from his stash. As he tried to put them on he ripped them without wanting to.


-“That’s weird. Why do the clothes rip so easily….” Next he picked up a sword from the ground and as he gripped it he destroyed it.

-“Oh….so that’s it. I have power but I can’t control it…yet.”

As he tried to be gentle with everything he finally put on clothes on but the weapons he just put away. The clothes on Paul were low quality but at least he wasn’t almost naked. He cut of most of his beard since he couldn’t cut it all off because of his lack of control over his strength. He also cut his hair that was now reaching his waist.

He looked around and saw some smoke rising up from the forest. He headed towards the smoke since that the smoke could be from the survivors that were following him. As he intended to run he forgot that his body changed and like a speeding bullet he headed towards the forest. He smashed into a large tree from the edge of the forest and completely destroyed it. He didn’t lose any health but he was still surprised by his strength every time. Then he tried walking, but again because of his strength it was like he was running. He had no real control so he often smashed into trees and rocks.

When he finally reached the fire location he saw that the people around the fire were actually the ones who followed him. The people didn’t recognize him immediately and pointed the swords towards him with fear. They were slightly shaking in the presence of a long haired, long bearded, bloodied and full of dirt man.

-“Who are you? What do you want?!”

-“It’s me….Paul Silver. Oh….i forgot. Yes I did change a bit.”

-“But…what happened back there?”

-“What do you mean?”

-“Well the attack happened two days ago…Where were you?”

-“I….survived but I was wounded very badly.”

They all looked relieved and some energy came back to their faces. Paul looked around and saw that there were only 10 of them. Three of them were holding weapons made from steel, and the others were holding some wood spears. ‘So only 3 of them know how to fight…’

-“Where are the rest?”

-“Well….when the monster attacked we all ran into the forest. We survived and we looked for the others but it was very difficult. “

-“Hmmmm…it’s ok. Head back to the lake. I will look for the others”


-“Don’t worry…it’s safe now.”

They all got up and happy that they could finally leave the forest left towards the lake. Paul on the other hand started to look for the others. That wasn’t his only objective though. He also wanted to learn to control his strength. He spent the whole day in the forest and didn’t find anyone but he did get a better control over his power. He now crashed into the trees only a few times. He also brought food out from his ring before reaching the lake. When the men saw the food they eyes opened up wide and their moths opened with saliva dripping out. They ate only nuts and grass, since they couldn’t go hunting leaving the other unprotected.

After they all ate they went to sleep. Paul went to sleep as well. The next day Paul got up first and headed into the forest. After spending about 6 hours he finally found another small camp. This time he found the two brothers protected other 3. The brothers recognized him as soon as they saw him. While going back to the lake Paul found out that the brothers went to hunt often so they weren’t starving but were still a bit dehydrated. They didn’t want to leave the camp since it had a good defensive position.


Paul spent in about a week going in and out of the forest. He didn’t need to sleep as much since the transformation. He only slept for about 2-3 hour every day and it was like he slept 10. He didn’t get tired at all no matter how much he searched for others. After the week of searching, there were 25 people that were still alive. Paul now could control his strength enough so that he won’t crash into a tree or crush a sword. During the day he searched the forest and during the night, when he wasn’t sleeping he trained himself so that he could do what he wanted without destroying everything.

Then he looked to the camp and told the others

-“I didn’t find anyone else in the forest…so I believe it is time to keep moving. We will head towards the mountains as intended before. Pack up and get ready, we leave in one hour.”

Everyone started to pack up the things that they still had. They were relieved that they were finally going towards a place that might hold civilization.

Now that Paul had some control over his power he kept going on ahead and returning to the group. He tested his strength multiple times. There weren’t any creatures around since they must have been afraid of the golem. Even if the golem was gone, the fear was still in their minds. After 2 days the group finally reached a small river that was coming from the mountains. The water was cool and refreshing. There were also many types of fish in the river.

They made camp and after eating Paul went further ahead this time. As he kept going, he finally saw ahead a small village. He didn’t went into it but he looked at it from a distance. Since his transformation his senses also increased so he could see everything in the village. The village was small. It had only a few houses and he saw that there were only old people and children. He went back to the group and told them about the village. They all were very happy and after two days they all reached the village.

Paul hid his strength and told the others to be careful as well. When they reached the village everyone kneeled and with tears in their eyes started to ask

-“Pleas don’t take away the children as well. Please.”

Paul looked around confused.

-“Uhmmm…..we don’t know what you are talking about. We just got to this village”

-“What? You mean you are not with them?

-“Them? Who is them?

-“The group called The Rippers”

Everyone in the village breathed relieved and then looked at Paul and the others with some disappointment.

-“Please leave. If the catch you here you will be enslaved and they will punish us for hiding you”

-“How about I help you with them and in return you will allow us to stay in this village for a while”

-“They are very strong. Even the village champion couldn’t defeat them…so what could you do?”

-“Don’t worry…”

-“I’m sorry but I can’t believe you”

Paul looked at the old man and then saw a huge boulder with some pickaxes next to it. There were small scratches on the rock. It seems that they tried to destroy the rock. Paul approached the boulder. It was 3 meters tall and wide. Paul then lifted his hand slowly and just as slowly touched the rock with his hand. Then the instant he touched the rock he continued to push trough. In the boulder cracks started to appear and finally it split in half.

The old man couldn’t believe what he saw. His companions didn’t believe it either. They knew that Paul had gotten stronger but they didn’t know by how much.

-“Wha…..how…..How is that possible?”

-“So do we have a deal?”


The old man was named Oniral and he was the village elder, something like a ruler. Paul asked as many questions as he could about the people calling themselves the Ripper. He found out that they were a group of bandits that appeared a few months ago and they started to terrorize the people. Their location is unknown but they appear twice every month and steal all that they can. There are multiple villages around, and they are all under the same circumstances. Then something changed. Two weeks ago they suddenly came and took all the young men and took them away. There are some cities close but they ignore the villages since they are isolated and the bandits don’t attack them.

After finding all the information that he could from all the people in the village, Paul asked his group to guard the village until he returns. He left and headed towards the other villages. In each village it was the same story. He visited all 10 villages around. After talking to everyone he could he didn’t find out much. He returned to the first village and he started to organize all the information about them.

It seems that the bandits approach each village exactly at the same time. In each village there are about 5 bandits that attack. They are according to the villagers pretty strong. They said that they are around C rank.

‘So there must be around 50 of them that attack the villages. There also must be some that guard their base. So….around 80-100 bandits? Probably….A place that can hold that many of them…there must be something….’

He went to Oniral and asked him if there is any place where about 100 people could live. He was surprised and just mumbled to himself for a few minutes when he finally spoke.

-“If what you are saying is true….There is one place that can hold that many people. Even more…But that place has a guardian.”


-“Yes….a creature similar to a tiger but it has horns. It’s very strong. A while ago, before the bandits there were a few adventurers that tried to hunt it down but they all failed.”

-“Maybe they weren’t that strong”

-“They were all over rank C. The strongest was their leader, he was a rank B adventurer”

-“So what is this place?”

-“It was the castle of an old adventurer. One that reached rank A and since he was old he retired there. All the villages were part of a city around that castle. But about 20 years ago after the adventurer died, the creature came and claimed the castle. And the city became his hunting ground.”

-“So everyone left?”

-“Not immediately. Many adventurers tried to kill it but they all failed and then they stopped coming. So everyone left and they created small villages.”

-“Where is this place.”

-“Well… The city is at the other side of the mountains. All you have to do is follow the path that cuts through the mountain. After half a day you will reach a large stone arch. After going through it go for another day and you will reach the end of the path and the city. The castle is on the edge of the cliff. “

-“What cliff?”

-“Well there are many legends about it…but it is said that a god has created the rift to stop a war. On the other side of the rift there is another city but since the distance is too big they couldn’t build a bridge and it takes to long to go around the rift. They say that it’s so deep that you can’t see the bottom of it.”



Next time there will be some action, and Paul will start to realize how strong he really is.

Hope you enjoy the new chapter and as always thanks for all the feedback.

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