《Edenawe by Rulpra》Prologue


Prologue to adventure

Paul’s life was pretty lonely some would say, but he didn’t care. He was perfectly happy with his life as it was. He didn’t have any friends, they were just people he knew from school, work, neighbours.

He loved to watch tv shows, read comic books, novels , play video games. He loved everything that had a good story, especially if it had fantasy elements.

Everyday was mostly the same, work then he started reading, watching or playing.

Then one day like always after finishing work, he sat in front of his computer and started reading something new that came out. Then he heard something in the kitchen.

“It’s just my imagination again…”

Then suddenly it got louder and he heard a voice among the noise.

“Come to me…nture avaits. Come to me…ure avaits. Come to me… avaits.” Then the voice started to fade away.

Surprised he grabbed a baseball bat and went to the kitchen.

Then he slowly opened the door and felt a powerful headache and he fell on his knees in to the kitchen. He suddenly realized that he can’t see, something very bright stops him from seeing the source of the voice. He still tried to see who is speaking but al he saw was white.

“Who? Who are y……”

Then everything went dark and he fainted.

He thought everything that happened was a dream and started to wake up to go to work. He slowly opened his eyes…

“Huh? What is this? Where am i? What is going on? Am I still dreaming? *slap*

“Ouch…no I’m not dreaming. But what is this bed, room and where are my clothes!?- he screamed as loud as he could.

Suddenly an old man ran into the room with a huge grin on his face.

“Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho…I see you are awake. Good. Good. Very good.”


“What? What is this? Who are you ”-he started to panic


“Relax, relax young man. You are still weakened after all that has happened”

Sensing that the old man doesn’t mean him harm he relaxed a bit and started to analyze the situation.


The old man smiling watched the young man starting to calm down and going into deep though.

“Good. It seems you have calmed down, and are healthy. I know you have many questions about what happened to you and I will answer them all while we drink this tea.”

“Huh? Oh….ok. Thank you”-still a bit confused

“First of all let’s introduce ourselves. My name is Jonathan, and I am 257 years old.”

“Ummmm….my name is Paul and I’m…..wait how old did you say you are?!”

“257, ho ho ho”

“But how….you don’t look older than 60.”

“Thank you. Ok now that we know our names I will start explaining a few things to you, and after that I will answer all the questions you might have”-the old man smirked with a glint in his eyes.

“Ok…”-Paul answered noticing the glint in the old man’s golden eyes.

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