《Ragnarök》Chapter 42 : The Ending???
It all happened so fast.
One moment we were trying to gather up as a group and the next, two holy spears were impaled into Macaroni and Beathoven.
For Macaroni, this meant instant death but for Beathoven, this was still not his doom. Hel had a very famous spell everyone knew she had. It was called “Restart”. Basically, there was a 30% chance that when Beathoven dies, he will be revived at 10% hp. Killing Hel required a bit of luck and since Beathoven now is the new Hel, he has already taken over the skill and he was still alive.
“Divine shield!” I quickly summoned divine shields to coat Beathoven while healing him.
“WATCH OUT!” Longbean shouted at me.
I was too preoccupied on saving Beathoven that I let my guard down for one second. I didn't sense any mana coming because Genesis didn't use any mana. Gungnir was flying straight at me. I couldn't even react.
A whole screen of red greeted me and for a second time, I thought I was dead.
For a second time, I was wrong.
For a second time, someone had to die in place of me.
Longbean lay out sprawled across the floor, gungnir embedded deep within his body. The worst part was Longbean was holding onto the shaft of the spear. He wanted to make sure that even if he couldn't catch the spear, the spear wouldn't simply just go pierce through him and injure me as well.
I turned to Genesis, a now familiar hatred growing deep within me. Similarly, Soup was already in battle mode beside me.
The fight hasn't even really started and we were already down by 2 people. Longbean and Macaroni.
The remaining people on our side were nostalgically the people we have spent the longest of times with. The BOTs together, as well as Horse and Xantos. This was fitting but there was no time for reminiscence. The final enemy who has already probven how formidable he is, was standing across us, waiting for the battle to start.
Gungnir flew back to him like how Mjollnir will fly back to Thor. Norse gods and their loyal weapons. Honestly.
“You killed my Macaroni.... NOW YOU SHALL TASTE THE FURY OF SOUP!” Shouted Soup.(With both puns inside this sentence fully intended.)
Soup rushed at Genesis, claws with unholy rage, biting and swiping away, his strength and speed increasing every moment because of Berserker's rage. By now, Soup had already been fighting and killing non stop for about 4 hours now so the buff should have placed him at somewhere about level 750.
Beathoven also wanted to get revenge for his earlier death.
“Metamorphosis.” The Beathoven in the long black cloak came out again and he fired all his dark arrows at Genesis while Soup was keeping him busy.
Not missing the opportunity to take advantage of our numbers, I immediately started casting a spell I newly invented. Earth, darkness and mana as usual but this time, my plan was to suck Genesis down into a quicksand of poison which will eventually consume him.
Three high level attacks were all perfectly calculated, executed and timed to perfection simply because we've been fighting beside each other for all 3 years we were playing RR. Of course with the exception of the first month apart from each other.
The result was a synchronised attack so devastating that no one would be able to withstand it. Of course except for our formidable opponent. Genesis cast divine shield on himself to deal with the darkness arrows, used Gungnir to keep Soup's attacks at bay and immediately countered my attack with light mana of his own, breaking the balance between the different types of mana in my attack, rendering it ineffective and unstable.
It was really an epic thing to watch. A team of well matched teammates trying to destroy easily the most OP character anyone has ever seen in the game. Odin's disciple indeed. Disciple of the king of kings and it wasn't just for show.
Horse was doing her usual routine, backstabbing Odin while we distract him with our attacks and since she does a bucketload of damage with each backstab, Odin couldn't just ignore her. Odin shouted some gibberish which I couldn't quite make out and suddenly, a glass cage fell onto him. It was definitely a summoning. But why the glass cage? Odin could've summoned some high level monsters from his territory but instead this glass cage?
Suddenly I realised something. He was not alone inside the cage. Someone else was with him. And that someone was familiar but she usually cannot be seen with the exception of Skadi since she was an expert huntress. Horse was inside with him and her stealth was mitigated.
“Hello there little Murderer. I see you've already stabbed me three times and I assure you they hurt. They hurt so fucking much I can't even take my time to play with you and you need to die. Now.” Genesis said.
“NOOOOO!” I shouted.
I began to cast every defensive spell I knew onto Horse but for some reason, it just wouldn't reach her. Xantos was also trying his best to heal her but to no avail.
“Useless. This is the arena of reflection. It was something I came up with. Anyone caught within this glass cage will fight to the death with me. Futhermore, outside interference will be exterminated so no form of outside support can ever make it through. A little thing I can summon at will to get rid of annoying pests like you.” Genesis said, facing Horse, wielding Gungnir and brandishing it with bloodlust I could feel even if I were standing back in Carnival instead of here.
Breadtalk tried to use all his weapons on the cage. Soup tried to crack it. Beathoven tried to unsummon it. Alas, all of them did not work.
Horse in the meantime was trying her best, engaging in a 1v1 against Genesis. No doubt she was the best person on our team in a 1v1 fight but it was because she always had the advantage of stealth. Inside that stupid glass cage, all forms of stealth are disabled and she was simply just a fast character who needed to use hit and run tactics against Genesis.
However, even hit and run tactics were rendered ineffective due to the small size of the arena. It was like the perfect counter to Horse. Her mobility and stealth, two of her biggest traits were both rendered useless and there was little doubt that she was fighting a losing battle.
Genesis it seems just couldn't wait to finish us off and win Ragnarok for his whole faction. He started using mana along with his spear skills in order to finish off Horse. Horse tried her best to side step away from the spear but alas, the added mana into Gungnir made the blade flexible and Genesis extended it such that it was now three times it's original size and there was no side stepping this one.
Genesis cleaved through Horse like he was cutting through paper. And then the glass cage shattered. The fight was over.
Suddenly, everyone around me backed off and it wasn't because of Genesis. It was, I think, because of me.
Genesis himself took three steps backwards and focused all his attention on me.
I was angry. Even more angry than I already was when Longbean took a fatal blow for me. I had been so useless. I trained so hard to split my minds into so many different parts but in the face of adversity, despite trying to be calm, I have always panicked during clutch moments and caused not only my master's life, not only my mentor's life but the life of the girl I liked as well. There was no denying that I had feelings for Horse which extended to more than friendship. But that was irrelevant now.
I had always been useless when it came down to these clutch moments where the only thing I could do was watch as the people I loved most sacrificed themselves for me. I could only watch and scream. Feel helpless and lost. No more.
Not. Anymore.
I started molding all my mana together, from all elements to form an element X attack. I have always had a few element X attacks on me but they were difficult to execute. They required even more precise mana control because all the elements must be perfectly in harmony with each other. However, the results from these spells were also devastating. Nothing less would suffice in order to pay that bastard for what he has done to Horse.
“Black hole.” I muttered.
A small condensed ball of element X flew towards Genesis but if one could see the amount of purity and mana stuffed into that small little ball, one would definitely know that if that thing as much as grazed you, no matter your level or defence, you would be close to death.
Genesis immediately used a huge load of light mana to try to pierce the spell, to unbalance the mana within the spell to make it dysfunctional. But it would have to be a cold day in hell before I let that happen. I suddenly used a huge burst of darkness mana to create a darkness arrow spell and launched it at the black hole just as Genesis' light spell touched it.
The light mana sucked away the darkness mana, making the spell unbalanced but because of my heightened senses as well as thirst for revenge, I estimated an insanely accurate amount of purity and mana to add back into the spell to restore it's balance. The spell was still intact.
The black hole grazed Genesis's armour and once it made contact, it started expanding. The black hole was sucking Genesis's armour and everything in contact with that as well into an abyss. Into another dimension. His armour was cracking to pieces and his arm was already being sucked into the vortex.
“NOOOOO!” He said before he was totally annihilated by the black hole. The black hole subsided.
Genesis then reappeared directly in front of us, looking incredulous and for the first time, vulnerable in front of me. The black hole earlier took up 500000 mana which was already half my resources but he did not know that. However, I didn't know how he was alive.
“Jinx. Don't worry. You did it. You broke his familiar. You see. Odin's lineage have always had the ability to summon a familiar which looks like them, acts like them and are similar to them in every single way. They are like a complete carbon clone which can replace them. Only, this familiar can only exist one at a time which means multiple copies are useless. Also, once the fmailiar is destroyed, he or she can only create one more after an hour. This means that in order to truly kill any family of Odin's, you have to be able to kill them twice within one hour to ensure their death.” Xantos said from the skies.
“Annoying bird!” Genesis screamed as he summoned thousand of light spears to go after Xantos.
“Xantos don't move!” I said as I opened up a vortex directly below Xantos which absorbed all the light spears.
“Dimensional skills require alot of mana you know.” Genesis said while turning towards me.
“You better worry about yourself.” I threatened.
“Very well. It seems that I cannot play around with you as well.” Genesis said.
He summoned a huge glass cage again but this time, everyone knew what to do. Instead of bacing off, everyone made a huge dash towards the cage and this time, every single person was inside the cage along with Genesis except for Xantos.
“Xantos. This is it. Go back to Carnival and wait for us there. You won't be able to help us anymore. If we don't return by the hour, please tell the church that we have failed and you all are to prepare for the worst.”
“JUST GO!” All of us said in unison.
All of us were aware that this would be our last chance. We had to finish Genesis off in this one hour or else all hope would be lost. We are all tired and worn out. Genesis didn't do much earlier in the fights and it was obvious that he was saving his energy for this moment. Where he could finish up all the weak and injured to claim all the glory for himself and there was no way we were gonna let this type of fucker win.
“Guys. Remember the time when Jinx had to go access the teacher's computer to change our grades secretly in order to help us get better results?” Soup asked.
“Yeah. That was Operation Retest. Huge success man why are we talking about this now?” Beathoven answered.
“Because we can use Operation Retest in this situation. Right here. Right now.” Soup replied.
And all of us immediately knew. There was no time to formulate an elaborate plan in this glass cage and Soup knew how to solve it right away. We had to do something insanely risky and stupid in school to help us get a passing grade to skip supplementary school and the risk of repeating a grade and we had a series of elaborate plans in order to do that.
We knew that the teacher kept our grades in her laptop of hers which she always brings to class. We also know that it was from there where she tabulated our final year scores and those who failed had to attend supplementary classes which were extra classes followed by a retest to see how well we do. In order to change the results, I needed the guys to buy me enough time such that I could use the laptop without her knowing, search for the file that contains all our grades and edit it slightly such that we would pass our final year scores.
We broke down the job scopes and the actual event occurred like this. The teacher walked into class to teach us and she prepared a powerpoint slide for the lesson. She always asked Anthony to set up her laptop for her so this time, Anthony did the same thing but did something else. When the desktop came up, he secretly pressed (Ctrl+A, Ctrl+O). These commands stood for, “Select all” and then, “Open”. The laptop lagged like crazy for about 20 seconds. The teacher asked Anthony what was happening and he pretended to look like he was busy trying to solve the problem.
“Anthony, why is there chinese on my laptop?”
“Holy jesus I don't know... Joe stop laughing!” Anthony said while Joe laughed his ass off, laughing at the fact that even chinese appeared on the laptop when it was English class, seriously entertained by the pure amusement fate had given them. This also caused a huge burst of laughter from the whole class as well. The teacher then called for more assistance which came in the form of Zack. Zack was quite good in IT so he was summoned to help.
Anthony went back to his seat and then he started to cry. Of course he was just faking the tears but Anthony had the knack of doing stuff like that. He could join the drama club if he wanted and be their ace. The teacher hurried over to Anthony to find out what was wrong and Anthony was crying and crying saying stuff like “I am zowweee! I'm ushless and I made Chinese appear all ofer your lap, lap, laptop.” He sniffed.
If I wasn't struggling so hard to laugh my ass off at that impeccable acting I could've been faster but I managed to force down the laughter and secretly join Zack at the computer. I hacked into the files needed and changed to appropriate stuff because out of all of them, only I had the hacking expertise that could access the files. Joe bought us more time by going over to Anthony and pretending to comfort him and asked the teacher for permission to bring him to the toilet.
By the time everything was done, Operation Retest was a success.
“So. Soup, how do we link this to Operation Retest??” Breadtalk asked while dodging Genesis' assault towards him.
“Easy. Me and you still the same things, distract. Beathoven will look like the main guy doing the job but at the last moment, Jinx will be the one to see it through.” Soup said.
“Sounds good to me.” I said.
“Let Operation Retest 2 commence,” smirked Beathoven.
Breadtalk immediately stopped playing around and turned serious. He took out his Scythe of Vyse which was the number 10thitem in Loki's Armoury and tried to turn Genesis into a chicken. The surprising thing was the scythe was so powerful it actually worked for a second. Genesis was turned into a legit chicken for 1 second before becoming himself again.
Soup burst into laughter, rolling about on the floor, pissing Genesis off so much that he immediately used a huge amount of mana to make holy spears pierce from the ground directly underneath the floor Soup was rolling on.
Soup managed to react in time though once he felt the rumbling of the floor. He leapt upwards and while still laughing, focused his dive onto Genesis in order to engage him in a melee which was the best way to distract an opponent. Beathoven started playing a very, very familiar tune. Of course. Surtr.
Surtr rose up from the ground underneath and even Genesis looked shocked for a moment. He thought Surtr could only be summoned once and he was right. However, the one who summoned Surtr earlier was Hel. Not Beathoven. Surtr immediately charged straight into Genesis and Soup and made the melee even more fired up.(Again, pun intended)
Surtr wielded his Infernal and tried to slice Genesis into pieces. A sudden entry of a god class opponent made his fight even harder so he immediately took out his trump card. Odin loved to use Heaven's ray, a skill so powerful it used up alot of mana, even for someone with as much mana as Odin himself. He decided that this was the time to use it.
“Heaven's Ray.”
A huge beam of light shone down on an area of the arena, encompassing all of us.
I read about Odin's signature killing move in a book before so I knew all about it. Heaven's Ray used light mana of insane purity and quantity to firstly blind the foes, then focus enough light onto the eyes such that it caused the brain to immediately signal the mind to go unconscious in order to save and preserve itself and it was a no fail mechanism. Everyone it shines on will undoubtedly go unconscious. However, that was only if the person didn't know how it worked.
I sprung into action. I used darkness mana but this time not on Genesis but on my teammates. I used darkness mana of insane purity and compressed tighter than anything could be (I know what you're thinking of sickos) before placing the mana onto the eyes of everyone in the vicinity.
The beam of light that came down was so strong that I could acutally feel the light intensifying for that split second. You know how people say you cant feel light, only see it. Well if they stood under a Heaven's Ray, trust me they would be able to feel it.
I removed all the mana just as Genesis manipulated Gungnir to have a tip so huge (Again I know what you're thinking of sickos) that it could slash through all of us at once. He swung.
Soup parried the attack. Breadtalk turned him into a chicken again. Beathoven used Surtr to pierce the Chicken with infernal. I casted black hole quickly.
When Genesis appeared again after one second, his body was once again, within the black hole I conjured and this time I really was all out of mana.
“Well played.” Were the only two words that came out from Genesis before the black hole vanished along with whatever it absorbed of Genesis. Only his right arm remained and all the other parts were entirely sucked into the vortex. I went to pick up the right hand which had his ring on it and the glass arena broke.
Item acquired : Draupnir
Odin's magic ring. It gives the owner a special ability, to be able to multiply this ring and pass it to other individuals. Everyone who equips this ring shares the damage taken equally. Also, when equipping the original copy, no one will be able to take away what is rightfully yours (summons, HP and Mana etc.)
All stats +100
It was one hell of a ring alright. But then the situation suddenly dawned upon me.
“So guys.. Ragnarok is over?” I said
“Or is it.” Breadtalk said.
Or was it even Breadtalk? It came in the direction of where Breadtalk was standing but it wasn't his usual voice.
I turned around. Soup and Beathoven had their jaws reaching beneath the ground level already and mine was to follow.
It was Loki. But wasn't he dead???
End of Chapter 42
Author's Note: I'm sure all of you are no idiots so yes I am sad to say that THIS SERIES IS ENDINGGGG. The next chapter will be the last chapter so even if it's for one more time, please give your kind love and support for the upcoming and last chapter which will tie up all the loose ends and give an ending proper for all these characters of Ragnarok. It has been an amazing journey these past 4 months and I'm sure I'll miss this feeling. However, I still have one last chapter to write and have all of you enjoy it for me.
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