《Fracture: Tales of the Broken Lands》Update


Hello everyone, first off, I'd like to apologize for the massive delay in the chapter. I'm not gone but things are far from peachy on my end. The past 11 days have been especially difficult for me. I've been to the ER 3 times with a loved one as we deal with the health issues of the tragedy I mentioned in the comments of the last chapter (I am ok, physically at least, but my loved one is not). Outside of the ER, we've had to go to multiple doctor visits and two operations. On top of all that, my aunt was hit by a car while crossing the street this week and she died on impact.

As I said, it hasn't been a good time. However, I planned to finally sit down today and finish the chapter for you guys because it looked like there would be a reprieve. The fact that I'm posting this update should tell you what you need to know. I've only barely gotten anything done and I just got a call. Back to the ER, I go.

Thank you all for the patience you've shown thus far. I wanted to give you all an update at least and I hope I'm able to get back to writing soon.

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