《Techno Cultivator》Preface


Dear readers.

Firstly a few things about this story so you have an idea what your getting into.

There’s not that much sex in this story. Plenty of references, but full scenes are rare. Darker things like rape, abduction and child abuse will be referred to and discussed but again, I’ve no intentions of going into any great detail.

The general plot, characters and humour of this story are angled towards the darker end of the spectrum. So fair warning.

The genre this story follows is a mix up Sci-fy Fantasy, taking, merging and creating things from a whole multitude of other genres. The main plot basis, cultivation, is from a story genre called Wuxia/Xanxia and is a popular Chinese fantasy fiction. You’ll be seeing a number of odd Chinese metaphors here and there.

I follow no uploading schedule and I’m a new writer, so don’t expect any Nobel prize writing from me.

Lastly ... I made a few scaled maps of the world I’m creating, please don’t hate on them, they’re there for you to get an idea of how the world is structured, not as some art exhibition I expect your critique on. I’m as much a master map maker as I am a writer so keep your expectations low ... for both of those things.



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