《Lord of Undeath》Interlude: Those Who Stepped On The Dragon's Tail


Those who stepped on the dragon’s tail

Wind breezed along the ridges of a cliff as hundreds of people walked a certain path. Just one misstep and one would personally experience the height of the Red mountain. Ten thousand meters high, it reached for the sky. Few men made the trip to the top, many simply died on the way, their corpses stiff in the everfrost they met their end.

Among the hundreds not one seemed scared though. A firm resolve showed in their eyes. All of the them were adventurers, those who sought the thrill of the unknown and faced even the scariest of monsters imaginable.

They were here with the sole quest – to slay a dragon. It was not an easy task, one that required many skilled fighters and strategists and was something no army could achieve. Many of them were distinguished in the art of sword or other weapon, but among the rarer existed even the mages of the highest caliber.

One such person lead the front. Dressed in a mythril-woven robe her silver hair reflected the weak sunlight that blessed them on this journey. Her name was Elaine Laurel, the third princess of Cortona and a mythril ranked adventurer. Literal sagas were being written about her impeccable looks and overwhelming might. Naturally, this quest will also go down in history as the greatest dragon hunt ever recorded. Not once since the battle of Many Names has a thousand adventurer army been gathered, many already began naming this event as the Great Expedition.

“Elaine,” spoke a woman from atop a horse. A green chest plate glistened under the weak sun as it hid the slim figure of her body. Sigils were etched into it, so intricate and miniscule one would always end up squinting just to make out what it said. Naturally, none knew even if they did, as the runes in fact belonged to an ancient race which was no longer here.

“What is it?” Elaine said as she messed with the giant gem at the tip of her staff.

“We’re nearing the nest.”

“Tell them to get ready and let’s proceed.”

“Are we really doing it like this?” Suddenly spoke up a man. He was part of Elaine’s party ‘Silver radiance’ and truthful to its name was covered from head to toe in mythril plate. Different daggers were attached on his hip, together with various vials of liquid. His main weapon leaned on his shoulder. It was a pale great sword which’s pommel was a gem similar to that on Elaine’s staff. Faint energy pulsated within it.

“Daf, do you not trust Phesa’s judgment?” said Elaine with a frown. The man always caused trouble, but she appreciated the different perspective he looked at the world with.

“I do, but I know you’ve altered the plan. We were supposed to lure it out of the mountain!”

“And that’s exactly what we’ll do.”

“By sending only the four of us? I never thought you were so foolish.”

She didn’t respond and continued calibrating the gem in the holder.

“Say something, Telesh!”

“If she wishes to meet it face to face then I’ll be there as her shield.” Promptly answered Telesh, a giant lion folk. His scarlet mane blazed with life under the wind, sticking out of the heavy armor he wore. It was dark, almost demonic, but few knew of its true value.

“You fool! It’s a dragon! A mythril can’t do it, no matter how strong her magic is!” Spit escaped Daf’s mouth in fury as his frightening eyes pierced through any and all. His pupils slit like a cat’s, for which many called him a freak. “We should at least attack with everything we have. Even if they are barely silvers that’s enough when it’s a thousand of them!”


“Have faith in her strength!” Telesh slammed his shield into the ground and everyone, even the wind, quieted. “You have not seen her full strength yet! Ranks do not represent the power of the person, they’re assigned by those at the guild who only see reports and nothing else. Also,” he continued, blind to the looks directed at him. “Phesa being this calm means I am in the right.”

“Even if… even if that’s the case, why do I have to lay my head for her?!”

“You’re free to leave, no one forced you to come.” Said Telesh and ushered everyone to move.

“You know I can’t…”

“Proceed with the plan.” Elaine ordered cheekily. The scene seemed to have lifted her mood.

And like that the army of adventurers prepared for battle. Many donned the heaviest and strongest of armors they had, while others buffed themselves ahead of time. Artillery that some hauled up the mountain was set in place as they aimed for the massive gash of the mountain. It was named the Red Jaw, after the massive crimson crystals similar to teeth that came out of it. Trying to mine them was how the dragon was found in the first place.

Silver Radiance began to move. On foot they approached the Red Jaw, frowning at the sulfuric smell that dominated the place. The entrance was filled with red crystals, though they seemed different from rubies or other precious gems. Two large pillars of stone stood mightily at the very back of the cavern, marking the deeper part of the cave. Runes and bloody marks of hands were covering these boulders that rivaled even giants in size. It was if this was built to house a dragon and all it lacked was a giant door.

“[Ball of Light]” chanted Phesa and an orb manifested in her palm. It wobbled and bobbled, then rose to the air and began following her as she entered the darkness.

The cave was large and unlike any others they have seen before. Naturally, very few creatures lived in caves, mainly small ones like goblins, thus it made sense that a dragon’s den should be large. But even then it was still gargantuous. It felt like they were walking inside a never ending void, the only source of light coming from the entrance or Phesa.

“How are we doing this?” Asked Daf, trying to be as quiet as possible.

Elaine, who frowned and squinted at the darkness, barely heard him.

“You’re alright?” Asked Phesa. “I know darkness unnerves you.”

“I’m fine…” She sighed. “First we must find it,” she stepped over a large claw gash in the ground. “And set up a runefield. Phesa knows how to.”

“That will take too long…”

“Nothing can be done about it.” The lion grinned. “It’s either that or we face it head on.”

“First we need to know what type it is,” said Phesa. “Then I’ll plant something… strong and anger inducing. We have to bait it out after all. Any ideas?”

“I wouldn’t know!” Daf never even seen a dragon in his life. “What will I do…?”

“You keep watch,” spoke Phesa. The ball of light flickered behind her. “Time is running out.”

They continued walking into the pure darkness. And with every step, the smell of sulfur got denser and the air drier. More claw marks appeared, some so large the original strike could have brought down even the strongest of walls.

Eventually, even the rocky ground disappeared and was replaced by ash and white powder, from time to time they would even come across bones of varying size. Few belonged to actual humans, but those that did were no peasants or farmers, but knights from centuries ago. Some coats of arms represented families none of the party members ever heard of.


“Weanings, Palmers, Bowdalls…” Elaine named the few she knew of, seemingly forgotten about the danger of joining them.

“Let’s go. This is not an outing.” Said Daf with a frown and then noticed something sparkle under him. Kicking the dust away with his foot it turned out to be a golden coin. He picked it up in a heartbeat.

“What country is this from?”

The coin was like he’s never seen before. It was thick, perhaps five times more than usual, and was as many times heavier, if not more. The front depicted an eagle surrounded by a wreath of laurels and shining stars, while on the back was the silhouette of a man wrapped in cloth and a crown in his hand.

“I don’t know. Just leave it for no-”

Suddenly the ground shook and turned. The air heated up as it tried to escape through the faraway exit. With a low pitched growl the settled dust rose up and quaked to life. Their human instincts kicked in warning them of danger as their mortal hearts sped up to their limits. The only one who stood unfazed was Telesh, the lion folk.

“WHO IS’T DARES WAKETH ME FROM MINE OWN SLUMB’R?!” A monstrous voice spoke, crackling in the air like the sparks of a campfire.

The ground tremored even more and the faraway corner of the giant chamber lit up, exposing an enormous figure. 17 meters high it stood on four legs, each thicker than a century old oak, while a pair of giant wings rested behind its scaly back. The serpent-like neck twisted and turned whilst the burning eyes scanned through the darkness seeing everything and probably more. Its scarlet scales glistened more than gold or silver and a mysterious red glow seeped through its hard skin, pushing away the darkness of the underground. Atop the pile of gold and gems it stood mightily, the claws digging deep into the treasure that made its bed. Its long neck lazily lifted from the long nap it just took while the fiery eyes looked for an early snack. The gaze met Telesh’s.


It jumped from the pile, easily cutting the distance by half, and crashed onto the floor in front of them. The cave shook even more, setting free human-sized stalactites from the ceiling. One fell right onto the beast, but crumbled against the hardness of its scale.

“What is thy nameth, m’rtal?” It spoke, indifferent to its crumbling home.

“I’m Telesh,” he rested the giant shield on the ground. “An adventurer that will hang your head above my fireplace!”

“Mine own headeth?” It growled menacingly, showing off hundreds of its razor sharp teeth. “’twill me be, Pilryrth, the slayeth’r of kings and sc’rch’r of w’rld, yond shall has’t thy death’s-head as a trophy!”


The beast reared on its hind legs, claws digging into stone as if it was nothing, and began to greedily swallow air, producing dark fumes from its nostrils. The red eyes locked onto the lion, eager to taste victory.

“Breath incoming!” Telesh announced, and his party, finally recovered from initial shock, jumped behind his wide back.

Soon a scorching stream of fire spewed out of the dragon’s mouth, turning ground into magma and superheating the air.

“[Ignis praesidium]!” Roared Telesh and a bubble of protection enveloped him and his party. The breath lessened just in time when the protection wore off.

“Back off, princess!” Screamed Telesh as his dark armor reddened and sizzled on his flesh. “Phesa, cast protection on me. Daf, look after Elaine.”

“[Ignis beneficium]” Chanted Phesa and a new coating of magic wrapped around Telesh, stopping his flesh from burning. She then grabbed onto Elaine and began to pull her away.

Elaine tried resisting, but when she saw her childhood friend smile, yielded to his will. “Let’s go!”

“Bringeth not me any m’re shame with thy damn’d s’rc’ry!” The dragon roared, digging its claws into the stone. It prepared to lunge.

“[Invictus]!” Telesh’s shield glowed as it activated. “Get going! I’ll be right behind you!”

With a supersonic explosion the dragon flew forth, within a second coming into contact with Telesh. He roared like a beast as the claws wrapped around him. The red-hot armor pulsed with intensity, the gem in the chest shining like the brightest of diamonds.

“This is most wondrous! Thou art not dead yet!” Laughed out the dragon, increasing its efforts of crushing the opponent.

“S-so are you!” The glow of his shield flickered as his legs dug deep into the stone, muscles tensing to their limits. Shield’s magical barrier cracked and began to crumble against the force.

How strong is this beast?!

“Just die you damned snake!” He gritted his teeth and tried to push, even a millimeter would’ve helped, but the immovable object that was the dragon did not budge.

Its head slithered behind Telesh, so close he could even feel its scorching breathing. “How dareth thee, ape?” It growled resentfully. “High timeth thee kicked the bucket.”

Once more the long head rose, breathing in enough air to blow a house away. The lion folk looked sideways, at the faraway light. His party was at the entrance, waiting for him. Elaine seemed to have started chanting, her staff turning bluer by the second.

The dragon’s chest grew brighter and brighter, skin going from blood red to orange gold. Its opponent waited for this.

“[Ignis praesidium]!” He muttered right before his shield began to bend. The dragon could not move, but could still grip with all its strength!


Upon those words his armor cracked. The molten metal cooled immediately, turning black again. Then, with a loud crackling the whole energy stored up in the Heart escaped, blowing and pushing everything away in a wave of flame and explosion.

He closed his eyes before it happened, let go of his shield and ran for the exit. The only sense he could feel was the ground under his feet. Rocky and sandy it was, the ground where remnants of madmen were put to rest. His back ached, he wanted to cry, the joints of his armor clanked annoyingly. Pricks of light reached his eyelids and he opened himself to the sight.

Elaine was at the front. Magic pulsated around her, going towards and focusing on the blue gem in a frantic crackle. Phesa ran outside, giving signal to the adventurers. Daf pointed his great sword towards the darkness and chugged a purple liquid.

“By the voice of Citris,” he heard the claws scrape behind him. “Stop my foe in its track! [Frostfall rupture]!”

The blue pulse absorbed into the gem, the light going down the staff and escaping into the ground. In but a moment frost came to life as it expanded along the floor, creating an intricate pattern like that of a cobweb. Air pressure dropped, heat dispersed and a massive glass-like shatter resounded. Telesh did not look, but he knew it hit the beast. He made it to the exit.

“Took you long enough, dumbass!” Yelled Daf, the whites of his eyes turning black.

“Outside, now!” Shouted Phesa from far away. The army was ready it’d seem.

“Princess, here.” The lion picked up Elaine, who struggled standing, and hurried up and out of the Red Jaw.

Glimpsing over his shoulder he saw the frozen chamber. All of it turned to ice. Even he could not believe the sight, and he spent all his life as her bodyguard…

Is this what’s possible when talent meets hard work…?

Making it outside they were greeted by a unique formation of the adventurer army. It was not a line, not a column, but a union of parties. Some as small as two, some as large as twenty. They worked together, but never separated from their comrades. Five ballistae were at the very back, dwarves seemed to be manning them. Black rods were loaded in the machines.

“This is great, let’s get I-”

“How dareth thee encase me in this. Filth.” The monstrous voice echoed through the valley as if amplified by magic. “I shall grindeth thee to pasteth, dumb apes.” Continued the horrifically sapient speech of a monster. “Then I shall burneth thy villaged and cities, killeth thy livestock and burneth thy fields. Und’r mine own flames shall p’rish thy capital and in the evening I shall has’t thy plump and tend’r king f’r a snack. Anon. Begone from mine own sight thee disgusting ants!”

The ground once more rumbled, shaking even more ferociously than before.

“An earthquake?!” someone shouted.

“Calm yourselves!” Elaine amplified her own voice. “Prepare the ballistae and begin chanting! Front fighters stand together!”

The Red mountain rose, sending earthquakes in all directions as the ground itself cracked and opened like a chest. Immense heat arose from below, and before anyone could gather their wits on what sorcery was taking place, the world erupted.

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